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“Turkey for me, turkey for you. Let’s eat the turkey in my big brown shoe"

November 21, 2023 Pete and Chris Season 2 Episode 24
“Turkey for me, turkey for you. Let’s eat the turkey in my big brown shoe"
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“Turkey for me, turkey for you. Let’s eat the turkey in my big brown shoe"
Nov 21, 2023 Season 2 Episode 24
Pete and Chris

We want to hear from you!

It's that time of year again. Thanksgiving. Chris and I talk about the holiday our plans, memories from past Thanksgivings. How the holiday is celebrated in our households. We talk about our favorite sides and who cooks the bird. We also have some chat about colonoscopies, new music out this week and TV shows we are watching. We hope you all have a terrific turkey day! 

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Show Notes Transcript

We want to hear from you!

It's that time of year again. Thanksgiving. Chris and I talk about the holiday our plans, memories from past Thanksgivings. How the holiday is celebrated in our households. We talk about our favorite sides and who cooks the bird. We also have some chat about colonoscopies, new music out this week and TV shows we are watching. We hope you all have a terrific turkey day! 

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Pete (00:01.127)
Welcome back guys. It is the week before Thanksgiving for us right now. It's actually, it's like a week, exactly a week before black Friday. Remember when that was like a thing? It seemed like that is kind of chilled out.

Chris O'Neil (00:06.986)
the week before Thanksgiving. Yes.

Chris O'Neil (00:15.672)

Well, only because well, not in the diehard still go. But ever since everything became, you know, cyber, like when cyber Monday was created, I think Black Friday became more cyber as well. So it's like far fewer people go to the, you know, like psychotic rushing around the store. But I think enough people still go. I don't know, I honestly, I'd have to look that up, but.

There's still videos of it every year that come out of people trampling each other, because, you know, yay Christmas.

Pete (00:52.591)
I don't know, it doesn't seem like it has the same flair that it used to. I mean, I remember there would always be news stories. And yeah, I guess you're right, part of that whole online thing, COVID really fucked everything up. The world as we knew it changed. People didn't want to wear masks and fight everybody. Speaking of COVID, I'm all vaccinated up. I got my flu shot, my COVID shot.

Chris O'Neil (00:58.154)
Well, it certainly doesn't have that.

Chris O'Neil (01:09.131)
Yeah, yeah, that too.

Faux show.

Chris O'Neil (01:15.83)

Chris O'Neil (01:19.469)

As did I.

Pete (01:22.319)
Yep. I feel like a car. I feel like we're like cars. We have to go in for our general maintenance. Oh, you got to check and see. Make sure you got your vaccinations. I am overdue on my tetanus shot, and I don't want to get that, because I know that one kind of hurts, because it gets you right in the muscle for that one. And I'm also 45, so you know what that means. I have to.

Chris O'Neil (01:31.062)

Chris O'Neil (01:50.318)

Pete (01:54.799)
Yeah, so when my nurse was like my doctor's lead nurse she was like So, uh, do you want to get your tetanus shot? I'm like no And then she was like you also have to schedule your colonoscopy I'm like you have a better chance of me getting that fucking shot than you do a Jam and something up my ass and I know I need to do it guys It's an important thing and I know this and I will get it done by

Chris O'Neil (01:55.904)

Chris O'Neil (02:16.878)
Of course, it is.

Pete (02:23.479)
I need to deal with it my own way. Slowly.

Chris O'Neil (02:26.302)
And honestly, you don't have to wait until you're 45, not like everyone's chomping at the bit to get this done, but like 45 is like, not necessarily the cutoff, but it's like, okay, you gotta do it now. Like you do it sooner, just so you know, if you wanna get it out of the way. Between 42 or 43 and 45, it's still applicable.

Pete (02:52.231)
All right, so I'm just going to get this out of the way. So when I was younger, I dated a girl who said that guys like to have a finger in there when the girl's going down. I'm like, I don't think that's a real thing. No. So I'm very hesitant and stuff. And one night, I had a little bit to drink. So I figured, well.

Chris O'Neil (03:05.434)
Yeah. You're not guys.

Chris O'Neil (03:12.546)
Ha ha ha!

Chris O'Neil (03:21.399)
As you need to, usually.

Pete (03:22.747)
You know, if there was a time to try that, it would be as I'm relatively morally loose, as it were. Yeah, so come to find out, it totally, it took down the flagpole, like instantly. Everything was gone. It's like, all right, so let's go get pancakes. Oh yeah. As soon as she went near there, I was like, well, we're done. It's like, just, yeah, don't even look at me in the eye.

Chris O'Neil (03:31.018)
Yeah. In- inebriated, yes.

Chris O'Neil (03:38.774)
Wow, really?

Chris O'Neil (03:42.979)
Wow, okay.

Chris O'Neil (03:47.65)
See, and hey, in all seriousness, there is absolutely nothing wrong with liking what you like. It doesn't matter what part of your body you like it from, it doesn't make you anything other than who you are. That said, some people, some guys love it, some guys don't. And it just is what it is.

Pete (03:58.361)
Oh yeah.

Pete (04:04.346)

Pete (04:11.983)
But yet, and that makes me leery about the whole colonoscopy thing. Like, am I just going to try to walk away? Yeah, I don't. Like, everything just shut down. Like, no, no.

Chris O'Neil (04:17.386)
Ah, yeah. No, I get that.

Chris O'Neil (04:23.294)
See, see now, now I can't now fellas, like anyone, please, for the love of God, go onto the Facebook page. And like, I will, I will put this out there as a reminder. But tell me, since we're on this topic, if any of you remember that scene from road trip with Sean Michael Scott, where he

Pete (04:48.899)
Oh yeah. Yeah. See, I'm more of the Steve Martin in father of the bride too, where they mistake him and they think he's getting the colonoscopy and he's like, do I know you that's me.

Chris O'Neil (04:57.29)
You okay? Yep. Yep, yep, yep.

Chris O'Neil (05:06.858)
Uh, yeah, I think I'm, I think I'm just going to post that scene from road trip on the Facebook page and see, see if we can get some comments on it. Uh, I'm not even going to elaborate on it, but

Pete (05:15.491)
Yeah, we've totally gone down a dark path with this man for sure. But yeah, yeah. Yeah. But like just for reference, like, I mean, in, in a, even in an intimate setting, I was uncomfortable with it. And I'm almost certain that in a medical setting, I'm not going to be okay with it either, especially since it's a garden hose with a camera on it. I mean, it might be like a fact finding mission.

Chris O'Neil (05:19.878)
Yeah, literally a dark tunneling path.

Chris O'Neil (05:32.24)
And hey!

Chris O'Neil (05:36.647)
Totally get that.

Chris O'Neil (05:42.026)
Yeah, Jesus.

Pete (05:45.359)
You know, whatever. And I know it's gotta get done. I know it's an important thing, especially because apparently my grandfather on my mother's side had colon cancer. Didn't know it. Thought he died of a heart attack. Yeah, right? Yeah, well, I mean, yeah, dude. I've lived like a whole, my whole life has been a lie. Because the guy died when I was like eight. I thought he died of a heart attack.

Chris O'Neil (05:50.07)

Chris O'Neil (05:59.262)
Oh shit. Yeah, that's no joke. Oh really? Oh wow.

Chris O'Neil (06:16.872)

Pete (06:17.139)
So yeah, to get away from the whole talk of my ass, there was also New Music Week. I was a little excited to listen to Andrei 3000's new album. Guy's been away from the scene for a while. He apparently took some ayahuasca and thought it would be a good idea to do a musical album. No lyrics. It's all like flute. I don't get it.

Chris O'Neil (06:23.263)
Alright, yep.

Chris O'Neil (06:43.97)
Well, and this, and this you just told me before we started.

Pete (06:45.455)
and I'm sure it's good on some level.

Chris O'Neil (06:49.538)
But hey, well, and let's fully acknowledge the fact that clearly this is out of his normal genre, right? That's why it's weird. So.

Pete (06:50.156)
Yeah, sorry.

Pete (06:56.791)
Oh yeah, oh yeah. I mean, and I knew, I knew getting into it, like that it was gonna be instrumental and I knew something, it had something to do with flute. And I was kind of like thinking maybe Jethro Tull type thing, you know? But no, no. I mean, I'd probably have to get on some strong psychedelics for it to be really, really good. Maybe.

Chris O'Neil (07:20.49)
Well, and maybe that's the way you need to listen to it.

Pete (07:24.175)
Maybe. I'm, I'm down to try. Uh, the next one I moved on to because. Oh yeah. Uh, it was the Dolly Parton's new album rockstar, right? So on this album, dude, she's like, um, 80 or something. And, uh, she does duets. Uh, with all these people. Um, one of them, she does like, uh,

Chris O'Neil (07:28.741)
that I knew you would be.

Chris O'Neil (07:36.883)
Mmm, yeah.

Chris O'Neil (07:42.454)
That she is. Or something.


Pete (07:52.303)
Open Arms, you know that song by Journey? And now I run to you. So she has Steve Perry on there. And now you know, famously he left, you know, doing music and stuff. He had fallen in love, then the girl that he loved died, and depression and stuff. And he hasn't really got out there. And he's starting to get back out and sing and all this stuff. And his voice still sounds really good.

Chris O'Neil (07:54.486)
Oh yeah.

to you with open eyes.

Chris O'Neil (08:12.608)
Oh damn, yeah.

Pete (08:21.135)
on a duet with Dolly, pretty decent. It also has a duet she does with Anne Wilson, John Fogerty, Kid Rock, which, fuck him. I mean, let's be honest. Yeah, I'm not a fan. I don't even know how we ended up on this album. She must have just been like, fuck, I've run out of room. I need to add somebody stupid.

Chris O'Neil (08:34.163)
Kid Rock, really?

Pete (08:46.811)
She does a duet of Wrecking Ball with Miley Cyrus, and it's fantastic. Miley really accompanies Dolly's voice really well. The other thing too is I know that she's older, so she's at that point where she probably has dentures. But you can tell. I don't know if that makes any sense. You know how people talk different when they've had their teeth done? Like there's like that rattle.

Chris O'Neil (08:50.834)
Wow. Okay.

Chris O'Neil (09:06.666)
that she sings differently. Oh, yeah. The one that big one comes to mind is Danny Glover. Danny Glover talks very differently. Now that he has dentures.

Pete (09:19.367)
from Lethal Weapon.

Chris O'Neil (09:21.11)
Yeah. Among other things. Lethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon, Danny Glover, yeah.

Pete (09:23.087)
Lethal weapon dandy lever? Alright, just checking. Well, you know, the one that I noticed it the most in was J. Muse.

Chris O'Neil (09:29.87)
What did I say? Nifa weapon Lenny Bubber. Sorry, I just, I butchered his name five seconds ago. Oh yeah, well, cause he had his entire face like reconstructed because of all the heroin he did.

Pete (09:35.335)
J. Muse was very different when he started talking. That's all right, dude. But.

Pete (09:46.187)
Yeah, yeah, I know, but I'm just saying so Yeah, oh, yeah. No, dude and kevin smith paid for it. I know I oh dude. I am a kevin smith fan. You know this uh All right. So one of the more surprising duets on this album Is a song that she does is called bygones and she duets it with fucking rob halford And if you don't know who rob halford is he was or is the lead singer of judas priest?

Chris O'Neil (09:46.39)
You know that, right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Chris O'Neil (09:52.299)

Chris O'Neil (09:56.108)
I know you are.

Chris O'Neil (10:09.921)

Chris O'Neil (10:14.248)
Oh, okay. Got it.

Pete (10:14.631)
breaking the law, breaking the law, right? Oh my God, I have now heard everything possible that one could hear in their lifetime. What I heard, and you know what though? The fucking thing is, is at first I was like, are you fucking kidding me? It's fantastic. It is the best song on the album, I shit you not. I was shocked to shit. Because Rob Halford, he is like a...

Chris O'Neil (10:20.514)
Ha ha!

Good to know.

Chris O'Neil (10:35.3)
Wow, okay.

Pete (10:43.683)
An imposing kind of figure. He is, you know, a metal guy, shaved head, always in leather, quite gay, which for that whole genre is a little weird because most of those guys are against that sort of thing, or at least their fans are very... Yeah, so it's kind of weird, but whatever. I'll take it. It was fantastic song. If you get a chance, listen to it. It is fucking great.

Chris O'Neil (10:45.783)

Chris O'Neil (10:52.341)
as they do.

Chris O'Neil (10:59.874)
Like psychotically masculine? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Pete (11:15.179)
And then my last album was Another surprise. I had no idea that he had a new album coming out is Matt Berry if any of you guys out there in Podcast land have listened to I mean what have watched like the toast of London The IT crowd or even the TV show what we do in the shadows He plays laszlo on what we do in the shadows and he is just

Chris O'Neil (11:39.767)

Pete (11:43.911)
Fantastic. He is a brilliant, brilliant guy. He's got a beautiful voice. Very deep, like just a speaking voice. Singing, you wouldn't even know it was him. It's weird. Uh, but he plays a, the piano.

Chris O'Neil (11:52.639)

Chris O'Neil (11:56.426)
It is weird when that, yeah, that happens. Oh, this is interesting. Okay.

Pete (12:02.443)
Yeah, and this one is a, it's an instrumental album as well. Uh, so again, weird week, two instrumental albums. Don't know if how I can handle that. Um, but it's very funky and it's nice. It's like, you know, it's the kind of music that you put on it. It's like kind of gets you moving. You know, your head stats bopping. Next thing you know, you're up cleaning. You know, well, I don't know about cleaning, but you're up doing something. Yeah. These days it's cleaning laundry, folding laundry, bopping your head.

Chris O'Neil (12:20.139)

Right, as it does.

Chris O'Neil (12:31.551)

Pete (12:32.519)
Folding fitted sheets, hating life, especially fucking folding fitted sheets.

Chris O'Neil (12:33.826)
Remember, remember when we're remember when cool music was like, we would go do fun stuff. And now we listen to cool music and do household chores.

Pete (12:47.603)
fold laundry. Yeah, you know what's funny though is I, one of my favorite things to do is like I get songs stuck in my head from like way back and they pop like in for no reason. Lately one of them has been the song Human Touch by Bruce Springsteen. It was like during his solo break from the E Street Band back in like the 80s 90s and

Chris O'Neil (12:49.007)
It's just the time in our lives, dude.

Chris O'Neil (13:05.964)

Chris O'Neil (13:09.698)

Pete (13:14.831)
I just remember it, my dad bought the two albums, it was, Human Touch was one album, the other one was like, Tunnel of Love or some shit, I don't know. And I just remember he would play it, and that one song, Human Touch, it's like so ingrained in my head that it popped into my head one day, and I put it on, and I knew all the fucking lyrics. Like, I had just heard it yesterday, but I probably hadn't heard it since I was like 15.

Chris O'Neil (13:32.214)

Pete (13:43.779)
laying on the living room floor, reading my Sunday funnies when my mom is cleaning madly with Lemon Pledge and my dad's blasting music out the ass.

Chris O'Neil (13:52.898)
See, I absolutely love the fact this is what's interesting is, and I know we've mentioned this before, but I know you've always given me shit about the fact that I never remember. Excuse me. That I never remember names of bands names of songs, you know, anything, but I'm also very versed in the music. And it's very nostalgic. And it always brings me back to certain experiences.

And the fact that

Pete (14:24.339)

Chris O'Neil (14:28.03)
you could you can listen to something that far back in your experience. And you may not be able to hear it for 20 years. And then it starts to play and you're like, boom, you just remember because and this is why just that aspect of human psychology just fascinates me. That's why jingles work. Right? Because rhythm and rhyme just lands a certain way.

Pete (14:40.185)

Chris O'Neil (14:56.234)
in our brains. And it's something that it's one of the biggest enjoyments that I have about music. Because, and I think that's why I think that's why I didn't ever really need like I was just thinking of this as you were talking. One of my all time favorite bands is Guster. And if you don't know, they're a band from Somerville, Massachusetts, they've been around for easily 20 plus years. And

Pete (14:58.003)

Pete (15:06.661)
Right, right, right.

Chris O'Neil (15:25.522)
I still to this day, like Alice in Chains is another one of my favorite bands, still to this day, I can't tell you the names of so many of their songs, Guster or Alice in Chains, or even the lyrics to all the, but I can sing along at least with the melody, if not the lyrics to almost every song. And that's the thing, it's the enjoyment of the experience versus the knowledge of it. I kind of equate it to

baseball like how so many people like oh who played third base for you know Boston in 1932 I don't fucking know but I love going to a baseball game. I Equate it to the same thing like I don't have to know the name of the song or all the lyrics to enjoy the music And I guess that's just how I've always viewed it Why do you look at me like that? What's wrong?

Pete (16:19.731)
Because I can. Because I actually ate a gummy earlier. And it took a, yeah. No, I'm not. I'm not, though, because it was a one to one. So it was THC and CBD. So it's actually medicinal. So yeah, I can look at you skeptically.

Chris O'Neil (16:21.985)
fucker ah so you're stoned you shit

Chris O'Neil (16:32.214)
And... alright.

So you're just fluttery.

Pete (16:41.667)
I can peer into your soul. The other thing this week, I finished Castle. I think I've moved on from Nathan Fillion.

Chris O'Neil (16:42.912)

Chris O'Neil (16:48.71)
Oh yeah, alright, you're Nathan Fillion, Binge. Between Castle and the Rookie and... Yeah, no, go ahead. Yeah.

Pete (16:55.215)
Well, I wanted to...

Pete (16:59.075)
Dude, but the rookie starts back up soon. I'm so excited about that show at season 6, man

Chris O'Neil (17:02.655)
I'm still only on season 4, so...

Pete (17:07.023)
You know, it's pretty sad. I've already watched it through twice during this strike. And then the whole fucking eight seasons of Castle. Um, I got really hooked on Castle. It was weird. I think I like Nathan Fillion. You know, the thing I liked best about, and I was even, uh, cause my girlfriend, she thought Castle was bullshit. I liked a lot of the banter between, um, the two side cops, uh, Ryan and Esposito.

Chris O'Neil (17:10.153)
I know!

Pete (17:37.167)
They were fun and I definitely liked... Oh, you haven't seen the show? They were great. I also liked the, uh, the Emmy. She was this beautiful lady, but she was saucy, very saucy lady. And, um, she had shit to say that was great. There was also another Emmy that was in eighties movies. And I know like when you see him, you're like, son of a bitch, but I can't fucking tell you his name to save your s-

Chris O'Neil (17:37.926)
I haven't seen the show yet, so.

Chris O'Neil (17:51.459)

Chris O'Neil (18:01.622)
He was like that guy in those movies.

Pete (18:05.259)
Yeah, it was like in everything. It was like, fuck, I know him from somewhere. But he gives, yeah, he gives Castle so much shit. But a lot of the storylines are like the kind of things that guys like, like that action mystery kind of shit, you know? Same thing now. I just started and I'm on my second season of Chuck. So I get why.

Chris O'Neil (18:06.886)
Yeah, yeah, but you don't know his name. Yeah, yeah, total character actor. Yeah.

Chris O'Neil (18:20.142)
Okay. Yeah.

Chris O'Neil (18:29.378)
I liked Chuck back in the day. I saw the whole series, yeah.

Pete (18:33.215)
I liked, I liked Chuck. I'm on the second season. I love it. And you know, I'd say, I was telling my girlfriend, again, same thing with Castle. It was like this whole childhood fantasy kind of thing. Like, and I even told her, I'm like, when I would be in church, this is how far back it goes, sitting there bored off my tits, listening to some old bastard drone on about an invisible dude, right?

Chris O'Neil (18:45.238)

Chris O'Neil (18:51.031)
Yep, yep.

Chris O'Neil (18:56.278)
talking about

Pete (19:00.235)
In like summer heat with no air condition they had these big ass fans So you couldn't even hear the old dude talk about his bullshit You know Oh they didn't But I don't even think the ones in my church oscillated they just hope that maybe Yeah, no So but they would yeah Oh it sucked so a lot of my time like I spent like daydreaming you know like

Chris O'Neil (19:03.694)
Oh, yeah. The oscillating fans. Oh my god, the oscillating fans in church. That's a thing for sure.

Chris O'Neil (19:13.67)
Oh, they didn't oscillate? Yeah. Oh, yeah. You would hope that a breeze would hit you? Yeah.

Pete (19:28.379)
there would be like a raid on the church and like these guys fucking repelled in through and broke through the fucking stained glass window and I was the only one that could save their asses. You know? Or like there was one time we were attacked we were attacked in church by like monsters like fucking werewolves and vampires and shit. I mean, it was a lot better than listening to that preachy bullshit they got going on, you know? But, and it appeals to that cause like

Chris O'Neil (19:37.667)
Goddamn right you are!

Chris O'Neil (19:48.878)

Pete (19:55.959)
I remember back to like wanting to be like a spy or you know, I'm solving all these mysteries detective and also in the castle things like there were things that guys like, you know, like there was a Bigfoot one, there was a time travel one where they had a DeLorean and everything and he makes a lot of references to the shit. Oh yeah, dude, it was great. There were, there's a lot of references to things that guys appreciate, you know, it's totally built in that.

Chris O'Neil (20:03.651)

Chris O'Neil (20:12.845)

Chris O'Neil (20:23.02)

Pete (20:25.199)
that way. You know, not like a masculine way, but like a very relatable, like, cause all guys, you know, whether they're masculine or not, they've all had that kind of, yeah, nerdy way. Yeah. So it's great. And like, and Chuck is the same way, you know? I mean, you balance that boring life, but he gets to have the, instead of it just being a fucking daydream, he's doing it.

Chris O'Neil (20:32.47)
a dude nerd type of way?

Chris O'Neil (20:37.579)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Chris O'Neil (20:43.278)

Chris O'Neil (20:50.73)
It is totally the fantasy. Yeah, yeah. And total side note, little bit of trivia from Chuck, the blonde female co-lead, if you will, Yvonne Strahovski.

Pete (21:06.308)
Yeah. Yep.

Chris O'Neil (21:07.55)
Yeah, uh, she's married to my friend. Yeah, no shit. Uh, yeah. Uh, uh, buddy of mine who I, I knew for years, we worked at a restaurant together, uh, in Manhattan beach. Um, and I befriended him and I'm still friends with him to this day. His brother is Yvonne's husband. And I I've known those guys for years, uh, three brothers and, uh, I got to.

Pete (21:09.489)

Pete (21:14.418)
Oh really?

Chris O'Neil (21:36.59)
to meet Yvonne before she got super famous and, you know, super nice woman and really chill. And I just, I thought it was cool that, you know, I saw the show and she, I met her after I saw the show. So she, you know, was on her way up, but she hadn't hit the stardom that she has now. And cause she was on the, the Handmaid's Tale.

and a couple big movies like she was Jason Satham's love interest in one movie like she's doing really well um but it's interesting because I love that little bit of connection that I was able to have because I enjoyed that show and then holy shit dude you're dating the lead from that show that was so cool and then you know we got to hang out and it was and actually um a screenplay that I wrote

Pete (22:21.444)

Chris O'Neil (22:32.854)
back in 2011 when I first started writing. Again, before she got big, I actually wrote a part for her and had wanted to share the screenplay and that whole thing. But then, you know, she ended up getting too big and, and it is what it is now. So we'll see maybe, maybe at some future point, I'll still be able to, to share the project with her and maybe the part will be too small for her now. Who knows?

Anyway, fun little connection I have to Chuck.

Pete (23:02.11)

Pete (23:07.259)
The other thing that I have about Chuck is that and I know I know that they would talk back in the day But Zachary Levi, I think would have made a terrific fucking Clark Kent Kal-El. I mean right now, like I said, I'm only my second season in but he definitely plays that bumbling kind of goofy likeable person that is Clark Kent caring sensible and there have been flashes of

Chris O'Neil (23:18.194)
Yeah, that's right. Yeah, you had mentioned this to me.

Pete (23:36.475)
Where he plays his secret alter ego spy Carmichael or some shit like that. I can't remember the fucking... the name. But uh...

Chris O'Neil (23:45.574)
Yeah, that's right. Holy shit. I forgot. Yeah. Well, because the abilities that he has because they've been embedded in his brain allows him a certain level of confidence. Yeah.

Pete (23:55.931)
But yeah, when he like exudes that confidence and it's like, damn, like he could totally, I think he could totally do it. I mean, I know that his physique isn't like crazy, but again, I mean, neither was fucking Christopher Reeve. And he because he was like good in both, you know, I mean, he was believable both sides. And that is the fucking thing. It's like.

Chris O'Neil (24:03.708)
That could be Superman.

Chris O'Neil (24:09.922)

Chris O'Neil (24:13.407)
At the time, yeah, you're right.

Yeah, god damn he was he was so good.

Pete (24:24.907)
Henry Cavill, I didn't really believe it. I mean, he was good. But having that split, I didn't buy it. At all.

Chris O'Neil (24:32.446)
Well, he and he didn't have a split. He was basically Superman in glasses, you know, like, you know, so the thing that made Christopher Reeve Superman amazing, and the reality of the potential of people not recognizing him, was that he was a very different person as each character. And that made it believable. It's like, how could anyone like it's just a pair of glasses? How could someone not understand it's this guy?

Pete (24:36.774)


Pete (24:50.063)

Pete (24:55.417)

Chris O'Neil (25:02.57)
Well, Christopher Hughes performance proved that, okay, well, this is why. So I'm totally with you on that. If he if he had that

Pete (25:09.215)
Yeah, well, because he did a lot more than just, it was like the posture, the way that the hair was combed, the attitude, the lack of confidence.

Chris O'Neil (25:14.966)
Oh, yeah. The hair, the posture, his voice, his they are it was so many things. So it was very easy to understand. Yeah.

Pete (25:22.295)
Like, I even think that Tyler Hodgkin's there, the new guy on Superman and Lois, which is ending, I think he does a good job of both as well. But he wouldn't be my first choice for a movie. Yeah, but he definitely, there was definitely a personality about him.

Chris O'Neil (25:28.374)

Chris O'Neil (25:35.047)
even though he is less bumbling

yeah uh, but, yeah

Chris O'Neil (25:44.206)
Yes, and it was, as I said, he was less bumbling, but he was still different. There was a more there was a confidence in Superman that he didn't have as Clark on purpose, obviously. So even though it wasn't as drastic a difference as the Christopher Reeve version, it's still certainly better than Henry Cavill.

Pete (25:59.44)

Pete (26:07.087)
You know, the other thing too is I think the difference with the Christopher Reeve version as well is back then it was still not concrete that Lois and Clark end up together. That didn't become a thing until we were old, you know, until we were kind of more on as kids. They never, the, they didn't get married or anything like that until like later in the 80s. Like he had just always kind of dated. Yeah. But like she didn't know his secret for a long fucking time.

Chris O'Neil (26:28.17)
Oh, you mean in the comics?

Chris O'Neil (26:32.576)
Oh, okay, yeah, yeah.

Chris O'Neil (26:36.394)
Well, yeah, and they played that out in Lewis and Clark in the 90s. Yeah, yeah, true.

Pete (26:37.199)
And now that that's more of an open thing. Mm-hmm. Now that they don't have to have such a sec- You know, because the one person that's closest to him obviously knows. But when she didn't, that's when he really had to, like, sell that shit. You know? But, whatever.

Chris O'Neil (26:55.378)
Yeah. Well, and an interesting that you say like going back to Zachary Levi, because I remember having like, because I obviously I got my Superman posters behind me here, but I had these in the office as well. And this just this version of Superman, the earth one story, I thought what like, I could see Zachary Levi as this version of Superman for sure. Because he is seemingly a little younger.

Pete (27:16.519)

Pete (27:23.377)

Chris O'Neil (27:24.446)
a little thinner. He's not the jacked like Henry Cavill version of Superman. Um, and so that iteration, I could totally see him as.

Pete (27:31.191)
I could see the way I would have seen it going was him picking up as the Superman taking after where Welling left off on TV. Because seamlessly, age-wise, they could still carry on that same thing. Very similar in build and look.

and I think they could have easily pulled that off into the film. Like, they already created all that backstory, you know? I would have loved to have seen something like that come to fruition. I know you would have too.

Chris O'Neil (28:11.978)
would have been interesting for sure. I don't feel like Levi and welling are all that same build wise though I feel like welling is a bit bigger

Pete (28:24.218)
I don't know.

Chris O'Neil (28:26.125)
That's just me.

Pete (28:28.427)
I will have to go back and look will uh... can pay a note yeah we'll look at pictures and then people will be like what the fuck and then we'll die and then they'll see our internet search history and be like oh my god

Chris O'Neil (28:30.562)
and out.

Yeah, yeah, that's what we'll do.

Chris O'Neil (28:44.346)
I was worried we were gonna find a bunch of porn. Nope, just Superman searches. Ha ha ha!

Pete (28:45.051)
Dolly Parton, Zachary Levi.

Chris O'Neil (28:56.47)
So anyway, our topic for this week, unless you had something else. Yes, cause.

Pete (28:56.624)
Ugh, so anyway.

Next week is a bye week because... No, I was gonna say next week is a bye week because of Thanksgiving, bitches.

Chris O'Neil (29:06.946)
thanksgiving! yep bitches

Pete (29:11.687)
So not only is it a time to eat a lot of food, but it's time to deal with family, extended or otherwise. So it'll be a good thing to put into practice some of those boundaries that we talked about early on, how to deal with grandparents and that sort of thing.

Chris O'Neil (29:25.814)
Goddamn right. Emotional regulation, fucking A. And at the lovely holiday of Thanksgiving, the only time that it is not only expected, but encouraged, you eat until you pass out. That's, it's amazing that there's a holiday that exists. That is just the expectation.

Pete (29:32.435)

Chris O'Neil (29:54.614)
that we're just gonna eat and eat and eat. And then we're gonna nap, and then we're gonna watch football, and then we're gonna drink, then we're gonna nap. Then we're gonna go to the movies and sneak into an extra movie. Remember those days?

Pete (30:03.88)
I don't watch football.

Pete (30:11.619)
Yeah, I, that was Christmas though for my family. Cause usually my dad would give us all gift cards and we would go, yeah, I remember like, and that was like the one time that my mother would participate in like our movie madness bullshit. Which is good and bad. Cause we'd have to see movies that she'd wanna watch.

Chris O'Neil (30:16.359)
Oh really?

Chris O'Neil (30:40.306)
Okay, I don't know if I've lost Pete or if he's lost me, but he's frozen and I can only hear myself. So I'm just going to keep talking and hope that things come back.

Pete (30:40.731)
Did you freeze?

Pete (30:45.635)
Everything froze.

Pete (30:52.478)
just happened.

Chris O'Neil (31:04.078)
because this is weird.

Pete was just talking about.

Pete (31:09.232)

Chris O'Neil (31:11.158)
The movies with Ma and where his mother would participate.

Chris O'Neil (31:17.95)
Wow, I kind of kind of don't know what to do right now. Because you know, he could be talking on the other side of things. He could actually hear me. And I have no idea what's happening. Because how we deal with things on dads unfiltered is just to go with the flow. Right? We don't edit. We just allow to be what is

Pete (32:06.889)
What happened?

Chris O'Neil (32:09.392)
I don't know, you froze and I kept talking.

Pete (32:13.615)
I kept talking to, to no one.

Chris O'Neil (32:19.048)
Well this is...

Pete (32:20.604)
I had pulled up my web browser and everything got really quiet and I was like reading something and saying something and then I'm like, are you there? And you're just sitting there with this shit eating grit on your face. You were frozen like this.

Chris O'Neil (32:29.672)
Well, and here's what's gonna be interesting, because I...

Chris O'Neil (32:36.544)
Oh, nice. Nice. See, that's the thing. I don't know if I froze and you still kept recording or you froze and I still kept recording. I just kept talking because I was like, I don't know what happened here. So I'm going to keep talking. So

Pete (32:37.992)
Yeah, like...

Pete (32:52.695)
Yeah, well, looks like I'll have to edit this episode, that's for certain.

Chris O'Neil (32:55.548)
uh the yeah god damn right i was you know what's funny too as i said here at dazz unfiltered we don't edit we just keep talking i will have to say the counter the timer has just gone back to zero and we're at one minute now so i wonder i wonder what happened i don't know that was a total

Pete (33:13.288)
Yeah, I know.

Pete (33:17.905)
I think it recorded.

Chris O'Neil (33:20.232)
technical difficulty there. So but I think we're back on track. The the last thing I remember you saying was your mother participated. And then you froze.

Pete (33:30.719)
Oh yeah it was um...

Chris O'Neil (33:37.364)
with the movies and your dad.

Pete (33:37.839)
Yeah, my mother... Yeah. I'm sorry, I was just looking to see if I can see if it recorded. Yeah, no, we would go, but we'd have to... pick a movie that she wanted to see, you know? Like, in order to get... everyone happy. So, I mean, yeah, we saw some good movies, but there were some shitty ones too. But... it was a fun little thing to do, you know, with the gift cards. I guess.

Chris O'Neil (33:49.51)

Chris O'Neil (33:57.209)
Oh, of course, I'm sure there were.

Pete (34:04.859)
Sure I could go with my friends. I know I'll hang out with you guys instead.

Chris O'Neil (34:09.388)
What is it's foot? Yeah, I'm sure that was shitty, especially as a teenager. But I, yeah, Thanksgiving was always a movie day for me growing up because it was, we'd always eat in early afternoon, you know, like one or 2 p.m. So then everyone is kind of just in a food coma and all the kids, the adults would stay home and drink and chill and talk. And the kids would wanna go do stuff. And I kid, by kids, I mean like, you know, teenagers. So we'd all.

Pete (34:23.516)

Chris O'Neil (34:38.076)
we'd all go to the movies. So that was a very big movie day for me growing up.

Pete (34:41.037)

Yeah, no, I had to stay home and deal with my cousins. I wasn't a fan of my cousins.

Chris O'Neil (34:54.592)
None. None of them.

Pete (34:55.711)
So anyway, Turkey Day. Family, friends. What do you do out there? You don't have family. You said that your wife's family is out there now? Pre-Turkey Day?

Chris O'Neil (35:08.056)
I well her parents are visiting for the week. No they're leaving on Sunday so. But it was interestingly enough my mother was out here for about 10 days a couple weeks ago. And then my wife's parents came to visit. So it was just you know that it had been a while since we had seen them and we mostly go to them. I think the last time her mother was here was when

Pete (35:33.18)

Chris O'Neil (35:36.616)
when Charlie was born. So my first daughter. Yeah, so they just came out and truth be told, there was a there was a death in the family recently, one of Asia's aunts who she was very close to, and I had gotten to know very well. And, and yeah, we were it was a it was a big loss for sure. She was one of those like the glue that held the whole family together type person. And, you know,

Pete (35:39.38)
Oh wow.

Pete (36:06.332)

Chris O'Neil (36:06.576)
so many people are distraught with her gone now and. But anyway, it was her parents came out to say hi to us, but we're also going to go visit them actually tomorrow and reconnect with that part of the family. So that's nice. But yeah, as far as out here, you know, I've been I've been out here for upwards of 17 years now. And ever since I got out here, it had always kind of been like a.

a friends giving or a misfit, you know, Thanksgiving where I would just get together with friends that I have that didn't leave to go spend Thanksgiving with their family and we just kind of make do out here. And, you know, over the years it developed and evolved and we have what my wife and I call our West Coast family, you know, the friends that we've established out here that we tend to do most holiday stuff with.

Pete (36:49.319)

Chris O'Neil (37:04.728)
So for the vast majority of the time that she and I have been together, we've spent Christmas and Thanksgiving, those types of holidays with them. So it's nice.

Pete (37:17.691)
Yeah, I used to do this stuff with my family. Then COVID hit and I had an excuse. So I ran. And I never looked back.

Chris O'Neil (37:24.821)
Ha ha!

Chris O'Neil (37:28.203)
Oh goody.

Pete (37:30.595)
I love them and stuff but honestly it's just such a pain in the ass. You know? It really is. Family? Like, not so much family but like, getting together and then you got all the kids and then there's all that chaos and then kids make messes and then no fucking body wants to clean shit up.

Chris O'Neil (37:31.177)
You know what?

Chris O'Neil (37:36.468)
What's pain in the ass?

Chris O'Neil (37:41.421)

Pete (37:58.355)
You don't want to clean up, you just want to leave because you want to go home because you've eaten to the point where everything doesn't feel right, you know, clothes don't fit correctly.

Chris O'Neil (37:58.941)

Chris O'Neil (38:03.516)
Well, yeah, there is that.

Chris O'Neil (38:07.524)
Well, and I have to say, this was kind of like part of what I wanted to talk about with Thanksgiving today anyway was like the juxtaposition of experiencing Thanksgiving as a kid. And now as an adult, even if you're not hosting, but like it's just, it's such a different experience. You know, and you and I obviously came from a similar thing.

Pete (38:28.904)

Pete (38:32.891)
I had the same thing as a kid. I didn't like going to other people's houses. I'd rather it be at my, my own house. Um, he's usually like home field advantage motherfucker for one. I don't gotta go anywhere. I don't get a car ride.

Chris O'Neil (38:40.884)

Chris O'Neil (38:47.356)
No, I won't deny that. Yeah, sure. But there's more to clean up, like you were saying.

Pete (38:53.771)
true, but-

Chris O'Neil (38:53.788)
because you're at the home base, but.

Pete (38:57.875)
That's true, that's true. But, we didn't have a lot of shit to play with at my house. My mom didn't like a lot of bullshit. So there wasn't like, the toys were kept, we were literally in the basement kind of deal. So it was just a dump into a giant toy box once we were done. It wasn't a big hassle, you know? So that was a lot better than going to somebody else's house.

Chris O'Neil (39:05.833)

Chris O'Neil (39:15.656)

Chris O'Neil (39:21.056)
Mm-hmm. Okay.

Pete (39:28.563)
Cause then, even if you didn't fuck shit up, you were still responsible to clean. Like, no, I didn't partake in that. I sat on the couch and sat by myself cause you guys all suck. I used to actually play board games with the adults. That was what I used to like to do. Trivia Pursuit, I'm still a big trivia fan, but I used to sit and play and participate. Pictionary.

Chris O'Neil (39:28.879)
Oh, interesting.

Chris O'Neil (39:34.164)

Chris O'Neil (39:43.743)
Well, I certainly remember that. Yeah.

Chris O'Neil (39:51.085)
Oh, Trivial Pursuit. God damn, yeah, that was a big one.

Pete (39:57.583)
I never understood any of the dirty jokes. A lot of the board games at my family, like the family, it was like going to see like the Muppets. Like there was so many, like it was entertaining for children, but there was so many jokes that went over your head, but you're still laughing because the adults are laughing. So it must be funny, you know? Like my uncle, I remember one time, he had said that, he goes, my pencil was dulling. He,

Chris O'Neil (39:58.276)
Yep. Hahaha.

Chris O'Neil (40:13.412)
Right, right, right. Yep.

Well, and what's funny too is I-

Pete (40:23.259)
Like told my mom to bend over or something and I never got that as a kid, but everybody was laughing because he was drunk Right. Yeah, you know, it was one of those things and then like years later. I'm like That's what he meant. You know like I It happened to pop into my head and I did a Google search. No my son of a bitch But yeah, I mean whatever it is what it is. But yeah, that's basically how it was No

Chris O'Neil (40:27.712)
Jesus, yeah, right.

Chris O'Neil (40:38.078)

Chris O'Neil (40:46.044)
Had to do a Google search for that?

Chris O'Neil (40:50.756)

Yeah, no, and I get that I get that. Well, and that's the thing is, is I, I always kind of relished that group experience. And I, I think the reason why is because

Chris O'Neil (41:13.576)
basically on most holidays, right? Because being the oldest in my family, I didn't have an older sibling to say, Oh, you know, you don't have to worry about that. Don't freak out about that. It's fine. So I was that child that always like, acquiesce to authority because I was, you know, scared of their wrath, the emotions, you know, it was like, Oh, I have to be a good boy. So I don't get in trouble. And that was just

Pete (41:34.841)

Chris O'Neil (41:42.564)
a lot of what I had dealt with. And I think because holidays, people were more relaxed, they were obviously drinking, there was, you know, less inhibitions, there was less scolding, there was you didn't really get in trouble as much if even if you did something wrong, they were like, get the hell out of here, you know, go clean that up or go upstairs or don't bother me. There was, there was less

Pete (42:09.743)
I'm tying one on.

Chris O'Neil (42:11.876)
Yeah, yeah, honestly, because it was like, all right, all the adults are more chill because they're off from work. So they're not stressed out about work. They get to drink. They get you know, everyone kind of all the cousins and aunts and uncles are in the same house. Oftentimes, we were in my grandparents house, which was huge because they raised 13 kids. So

Pete (42:14.079)
Go out in the yard.

Pete (42:24.239)

Chris O'Neil (42:40.748)
everyone could kind of crash if they wanted to so there's no reason to drive so everyone could get hammered. So, as a kid it was a safer place to be in an authoritarian upbringing because I didn't get in trouble all that much and it was much more relaxed and easy going. So I think that's why I enjoyed it so much and I got to see cousins and members of my family that I didn't see all the time. So it was kind of a bonus that way. And so I kind of equated

holidays with that experience, which is why I enjoy holidays now.

Pete (43:13.971)
You're making it sound like when prisoners are allowed to like go out and enjoy the yard for like that 45 minutes in the day. I got to see other- I got to see other people, they didn't yell at me so bad.

Chris O'Neil (43:21.787)
I got to go outside!

Pete (43:29.291)
There's no time in the hole.

Chris O'Neil (43:29.858)
Yeah, kinda. God damn right, that hole, man. That's some bullshit.

Pete (43:33.483)
Oh fuck. I liked it a lot when my grandmother was alive. She made it oyster stuffing. That was like my favorite little treat that she did. It was like oysters and breadcrumbs and Ritz crackers. Oh my god. And like a fuck ton of butter. Probably not the healthiest dish, but something about it. Something about it, you know?

Chris O'Neil (43:41.798)

Chris O'Neil (43:54.468)
always a fuck ton of butter. Yeah. Yep.

Pete (44:00.231)
That, I think, is my one signature go-to thing that I like to have. And she made it worthwhile. We always got together because of her. And then it fractioned off into not so much them anymore, my mother's side anymore. It was just my family, my mom, my dad, maybe his sister, because she was a widow.

Chris O'Neil (44:06.655)

Chris O'Neil (44:16.969)

Chris O'Neil (44:30.793)

Pete (44:31.434)
So, you know, that kind of stuff. So, and I mean, it was always lax. I mean, it was never.

It was never that sense that you said of like, you know, getting in less trouble, but certainly it was more avoidable. You know, there was definitely like go outside, you know, get fucking lost. Even as I got older as a teenager, it was easier to go out and get high and then come back because they would be drunk and they wouldn't be looking for that sort of thing.

Chris O'Neil (44:50.419)

Chris O'Neil (44:55.436)
Oh yeah. Well, and yeah, as I got older, it was a very different thing. I'm totally with you on that. Cause it, yeah, cause we go to the movies like as a teenager, that's the thing. That's part of the reason for going to the movies was just to get stoned and go see a movie when all the adults are at home drinking and not caring what you're doing honestly. And that was back in the day that you could do that. And you know, I don't care where you go, just get the fuck out of here. You know, yeah, for sure.

Pete (45:12.299)

Pete (45:23.623)
Right. Yeah. And and we grew up where they had the first fucking Thanksgiving, according to whatever history books we're reading today. You know, no turkey, though, no turkey, seafood, eel, lobster.

Chris O'Neil (45:34.336)
It's true. New England. The place of... No, no, no. Well, yeah, I mean, New England. Come on, dude.

Pete (45:44.18)
Yeah, eel though. Fuck that. I'm thankful for nothing. I'm going to my TP.

Chris O'Neil (45:44.232)

Chris O'Neil (45:47.504)
I like eel, actually freshwater eel. I like freshwater eel. Unagi as they say. It's delicious.

Pete (45:53.191)
No, thank you. Yeah, oh, no, thank you is what I say. Lobster I could get behind, but I don't like the smell of it cooking, neither does the lady. Last time we got lobster, I cooked it in the house. She couldn't eat it because of the smell it made when it cooked. And I get that, because the other day, I was making fish tacos. And halfway through cooking the fish for the fish tacos, I had to exit the room, and then I threw up everywhere.

Chris O'Neil (45:58.496)

Chris O'Neil (46:10.792)
Really? That's interesting.

Chris O'Neil (46:16.33)

Pete (46:23.035)
It was quite bizarre. And I love my recipe. I love those tacos. And it's

Chris O'Neil (46:23.168)
Jesus, really? Well, that's the thing if does

Cause it was the lobster smelling fishy. Cause if that's the case, it was bad lobster. It shouldn't smell like that.

Pete (46:35.691)
No, just when it cooks though, it has like that when you boil a lobster, it has that smell. It's not fishy. It just smells like death and water. And that was what set her off. And I get that. You ever see Jaws? It smells like that. But yeah, no, I get that. And um...

Chris O'Neil (46:39.622)

Chris O'Neil (46:46.067)

Chris O'Neil (46:51.284)
Smells like death in water. All right. Ha ha ha. Nice.

Smells like that. Yeah.

Pete (47:04.007)
Yeah, the same thing the other day when I was cooking the fucking I was cooking tilapia and then like just that odor of Like the seasoning and fish because I mean fish does have a smell good or bad You know and it just hit me and then blue. I don't know. I was just having a weird day anyway, but yeah, it's fucked up So I wouldn't I wouldn't do any

Chris O'Neil (47:13.652)


Chris O'Neil (47:22.144)
Yeah, well, that sucks. Either way. Well, and honestly, back in the day lobster was the poor man's food. Like if there were if there were lobster shells outside of your front door, because you just throw them out on the street. People knew you were poor, which is so funny now because it's a luxury now and if you have lobster, you're rich, or at least not poor. Funny how things change.

Pete (47:29.268)
Fuckin' A.

Pete (47:47.831)
I saved all of my lunch money to have this today. So Chris, I know you were looking up some Thanksgiving trivia. Do you know on average how many calories are consumed per person at Thanksgiving dinner?

Chris O'Neil (47:55.711)

Chris O'Neil (47:59.538)
I was.

Chris O'Neil (48:05.517)
Oh geez, I'd say probably like 4,000.

Pete (48:09.787)
Ooh, damn, 4,500. You believe that shit?

Chris O'Neil (48:13.437)

Pete (48:17.487)
You were close. It's funny, the stuff that I learned about Thanksgiving, like the truth, really, I learned about it from watching Good Eats from Alton Brown. He did this big history lesson on his Thanksgiving episode. And then he had that food anthropologist there that comes on and talks about everything. And yeah, it's crazy. It's so bonkers. Like.

Chris O'Neil (48:18.042)

Chris O'Neil (48:28.115)

Oh yeah? Yeah.

Chris O'Neil (48:38.429)

Pete (48:44.167)
It's like basically the way that we see Thanksgiving today is based on that fucking Norman Rockwell picture That was on the Saturday Evening Post with that big turkey

Chris O'Neil (48:50.96)
Oh, god, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, and rightly so, though, I mean, because I and here's what else because I know we're going to get into it a little bit. But the acknowledgement of how shitty like certain holidays and traditions that exist very, very differently now than they did in the past and what the origin of them were.

Pete (48:56.448)
And it's bizarre.

Chris O'Neil (49:17.376)
uh... and honestly i don't think there's anything wrong with acknowledging the shittiness of where some of the stuff came from while also acknowledging that it's not that way now like i think there's a little bit illegitimate benefit to having a holiday where you can stop all the craziness sit down at a table with your family and be grateful for what you have that's a very good thing regardless of the fact it started from a tradition of uh... you know

Pete (49:17.724)

Pete (49:41.513)

Chris O'Neil (49:45.936)
religious elitism and massacre. Cause it did.

Pete (49:50.235)
Yeah, well.

Yeah, I mean, because that's how every good story starts. Um, but. You know, it's funny. It's, uh, cause I remember in school, uh, did you, did you go to a Catholic elementary school, did you go to public?

Chris O'Neil (49:55.944)
Yeah, pretty much, pretty much.

Chris O'Neil (50:06.832)
I did. Now Catholic. Well, for some part of it, I did, I kind of switched back and forth. I went to a I went to both, honestly, it was part of my grammar school was a Catholic school. And then the other part was a public school. So

Pete (50:14.431)
You're both in.

Pete (50:24.915)
Okay. Because I remember like when I was a kid, like we, uh, around Thanksgiving time we did like, uh, I mean a play, pageant, whatever the fuck you want to call it. Like we, uh, we did like, uh, we made Indian headdresses, uh, out of construction paper as well as the pilgrim hats. Yep, yep, yep.

Chris O'Neil (50:24.925)
And then I went to a Catholic high school.

Chris O'Neil (50:34.633)
Oh yeah.

Chris O'Neil (50:40.752)
Yep. Out of construction paper. Yep. It had the feathers in it and everything. And then we did the pilgrim. Yeah. Oh my god. Yes.

Pete (50:49.031)
Yeah, and never thought about it, because they always made it, and truthfully they watered it down because we were young. It was always a peaceful thing, you know? They sat down and held hands. Yeah, yeah. But you know, that was never like what we talked about at home, you know? It was the way that my parents always explained it. When I was a kid, it was about being thankful for the bounty, for the harvest. It was a celebration for

Chris O'Neil (50:56.996)
Sad history cosplay. Yeah, it was horrible. Yeah.

Chris O'Neil (51:08.585)
Yeah, no.

Chris O'Neil (51:15.1)

Pete (51:18.423)
what was given to us from the earth. A party for Jesus. Another one the son of a bitch gets to go to and doesn't show.

Chris O'Neil (51:29.768)
Well, yeah, and I don't think I don't think the, again, the acknowledgement of gratefulness for bounty. Never a bad thing. Of course. It was just the the, you know, acquiring that celebration from the indigenous people and calling it ours when it wasn't like I think that's the that's the big crux of the bullshit. But

Pete (51:39.173)

Pete (51:55.698)

Chris O'Neil (51:58.484)

Pete (51:59.987)
No, I'm just saying that was how we looked at it at home. It was never, we never talked about, I mean, and we're from Massachusetts. Fuck, I mean, we even went down, I think, like Thanksgiving week down to fucking Plymouth plantation and fucking Plymouth pebble, you know? Yeah, I'm fucking 1692, carved on a fucking rock no bigger than my goddamn coffee mug. I can rip off.

Chris O'Neil (52:14.326)
Oh yeah, I remember those field trips. Yeah.

Chris O'Neil (52:27.453)

Pete (52:28.011)
And right next to Plymouth Plantation where we watch a recreation of Thanksgiving is the Ocean Spray Factory where we watch them turn those lovely disgusting little fucking berries, cranberries into a Yeah, well into a cranberry sauce and the cure for UTI cranberry juice

Chris O'Neil (52:35.347)

in a cranberry sauce. Yep.

Chris O'Neil (52:48.54)
uh... speaking of which do you know there's a little uh... fun trivia about uh... where they how they harvest cranberries they flood the field right which is why that you always see like in the ocean spray commercials back in the day they'd be wearing those like waste hot or like chest high galoshes uh... so they don't get wet and they're just waiting in and then they scoop out the bog yeah they scoop out the cranberries apparently

Pete (52:59.881)

Pete (53:09.479)
Mm-hmm. It's called a bog.


Chris O'Neil (53:18.956)
a certain type of spider will nest in the field and when they flood it they actually come out of the water and climb on all of the farmers to get out of the water as they're harvesting the cranberries so if you are afraid of spiders you cannot be a cranberry harvester because that happens every time

Pete (53:43.703)
Well, they don't do it by hand anymore man. They got machines They get some insane machines that go they've like float and they pick it all up Hands man who does shit by hand these days? Nowadays everybody's like Elijah would all you use your hands for this. That's a baby's toy Everyone's Elijah would from back to the future to man fucking a So yeah, I mean

Chris O'Neil (53:47.924)
Yeah, well.

Chris O'Neil (53:52.808)
Well shit, there you go.

I don't know.

Chris O'Neil (54:01.353)
Back to the future too reference!

Chris O'Neil (54:06.629)
And who knew? Who knew he was even in that movie?

Pete (54:12.823)
I did, clearly. So let's see what else we got.

Chris O'Neil (54:14.396)
No, I did too, I'm just saying, you know, most people didn't.

Pete (54:19.119)
Which president, Chris, tried to make Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November to help boost the economy for the holiday season?

Chris O'Neil (54:29.148)
Well, I know Lincoln was the first one to acknowledge Thanksgiving as a holiday, but I'm going to guess that it wasn't him that did that. Was it him that did that?

Pete (54:39.275)
No. So this president tried and failed to make Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November to help boost the economy and that president was FDR.

Chris O'Neil (54:48.576)
Truman? Oh, FDR. Okay.

Pete (54:51.803)
Yeah. Now, which president made it official that Thanksgiving would be the fourth Thursday of every November?

Chris O'Neil (55:01.02)
Was that Truman? Oh. Lincoln? Oh, fuck!

Pete (55:01.361)
Trick question, dude.

It was FDR. Because everybody got pissed off at him, so he put it back.

Chris O'Neil (55:11.746)
What was the reason for that? Fourth instead of, or third instead of fourth. What was the point?

Pete (55:16.959)
He wanted to move it so there would be more time to shop for Christmas. To give a boost for the holidays. And people got pissed off at him, so he moved it back. I found that one to be quite fun.

Chris O'Neil (55:22.377)
Oh, got it. Got it, got it, got it.

Chris O'Neil (55:30.627)
Hmm. All right.

Yeah, that's a good bit of trivia for sure.

Pete (55:34.851)

Pete (55:40.193)
Yeah, it's funny, and again, it revolves around that lovely capitalism. Why eat when you can, you know, shop?

Chris O'Neil (55:46.362)
Of course, of course.

Right, right.

Pete (55:53.811)
How many Americans prefer Thanksgiving leftovers to Thanksgiving dinner crisps?

Chris O'Neil (55:54.301)
Well, I mean.

Chris O'Neil (55:59.504)
Ooh, I would say more. I don't know how many, but I would say more than the people that prefer the dinner.

Pete (56:02.036)
That's a good one.

Pete (56:10.215)
You don't have a percentage? You don't want to throw it?

Chris O'Neil (56:13.155)
um 60 percent

Pete (56:19.075)
80% prefer leftovers to fucking the actual dinner. And I gotta be honest with you, which is weird, because once it's, once turkey is cooked and then refrigerated, it smells like fart.

Chris O'Neil (56:21.672)
Wow. Okay. I knew it was more.

Pete (56:35.579)
You can't deny it, man. Come on.

Chris O'Neil (56:36.642)
What type of turkey are you getting, man?

Pete (56:40.263)
You've never, you don't get that weird turkey smell, that cold turkey smell. You don't, it smells like fart, dude. Oh, it smells like stale cold fart. You've never farted in a car on a New England night in the freezing fucking cold and then woke up the next day, got into the same fucking car and had that stale cold fart hit you. You've never had that happen. Smells like turkey.

Chris O'Neil (56:45.044)
I mean, yeah, I wouldn't call it fart smell. No, no, that's just me.

Chris O'Neil (57:02.56)
uh... maybe i've been in l a for seventeen years man it's been a long time since i i've had a new england cold fart in my car

Pete (57:12.687)
Well, we'll get back over here. I got some special shit to whip up for you. It'll be a good time.

Chris O'Neil (57:16.821)
Ha ha!

Chris O'Neil (57:22.157)
Ah, Jesus.

Pete (57:22.587)
And then you turn on the heater and it reanimates it and it just makes it even worse. It's like cooking. It's like reheating leftover fish in a microwave. It's like you're a bastard if you do that.

Chris O'Neil (57:26.453)
UGH! Yeah, well, don't do that. Shit.

Chris O'Neil (57:33.948)
Don't. No. So gross.

Pete (57:39.263)
So what's your favorite fucking Thanksgiving pie?

Chris O'Neil (57:43.856)
Ooh. Well, I don't know if it would be officially Thanksgiving pie because, you know, everyone has their own traditions. But I have one pie that I really enjoy. And then one pie that I actually created, and that I really enjoy. So the first one is banana cream pie. I've always enjoyed banana cream pie. I don't know if that's a specifically a Thanksgiving pie, but I never liked pumpkin pie. It was never a thing. But

Pete (58:02.673)

Chris O'Neil (58:13.736)
if I'm going to go more traditional, it would be blueberry, blueberry pie. But I did come up with a pie that I really enjoy making actually. It's chocolate peanut butter banana pie with a graham cracker crust. I quite enjoy that pie. And you don't. I can tell by the disgust on your face. Oh.

Pete (58:35.419)
Okay. Fair enough. Fair enough. I don't like bananas. It's banana.

Chris O'Neil (58:43.112)
How did I not know this about you? Really? And yet you love the Savannah bananas. Interesting.

Pete (58:47.324)

Pete (58:50.971)
Yeah, it's weird, huh? I just don't like the taste of banana, dude. Um, it's there's something about the taste and texture. I'll eat banana bread. Uh, I actually, I adore that. Um, and I use it in smoothies when I make smoothies. Uh, but it's also becomes quite overpowering. But for some reason eating a banana itself or like even in slices. Oh, thank you.

Chris O'Neil (58:55.048)
Hmm. In any iteration?

Chris O'Neil (59:01.736)

Chris O'Neil (59:08.412)
Sure, it's a good bass.

Pete (59:19.899)
And I've gone and I've made, um, I made a Banoffee pie, which is an Irish dessert. It's a toffee bananas. No, it's, it's toffee. Yeah. Just, they call it Banoffee. It's a bitch. It was, uh, it's not easy to make, um, but it involves bananas. I made it. I took me a few hours to do it and I didn't eat it. Didn't touch it. It's like, enjoy it. I hope you like it.

Chris O'Neil (59:19.92)

Chris O'Neil (59:27.496)
Banana coffee? Oh, toffee bananas. Got it.

Chris O'Neil (59:46.857)

Pete (59:49.407)
Not for me. I, on the other hand though, I like pumpkin pie. It's one of my favorites. Pumpkin is totally one of my favorites. But apple, and truthfully, my mother used to make apple pie. That was like her thing. And she would stack it high. It would always be like big apple pie. She ended up tweaking some of her recipe a little bit and getting it better and better over time. But then a couple years, I took over.

Chris O'Neil (59:50.197)
Alright, well... Yeah, what are yours? Okay.

Chris O'Neil (01:00:03.356)

Chris O'Neil (01:00:14.356)

Pete (01:00:17.231)
And I use Alton Brown's apple pie recipe, which uses this spice that you use for brewing beer in the pie. And it makes all the difference. And I can't remember the name of the spice. Grains of Paradise. Thank you.

Chris O'Neil (01:00:21.073)
Oh, that's right, you told me this.

Chris O'Neil (01:00:27.113)

Chris O'Neil (01:00:34.164)
Hmm. I would have no idea. Oh, OK.

Pete (01:00:38.171)
Yeah, it's called Grains of Paradise. That's what it is. And, uh, it, it's out of control. Like, and the, the apples, like everything about it is just. It's so good. Uh, and my mom was like, told me that I have to make the pie from now on. And then COVID hit and now I make it just for myself.

Chris O'Neil (01:00:40.896)
Good luck.

Chris O'Neil (01:00:49.908)

Chris O'Neil (01:00:55.156)
Oh, well, there you go. You as does son of a bitch. I will throw in. All right, this is more of a Thanksgiving pie pecan pie. I really enjoy pecan pie. So there's one. And in fact, like they're kind of like mini pecan pies, but it's basically butter tarts. They're basically like mini pecan pies. I've made those for the holiday before and those are really good.

Pete (01:01:07.07)

Fair enough. That's all right.

Pete (01:01:18.921)

Oh yeah.

Pete (01:01:25.268)

Chris O'Neil (01:01:25.506)
Other than pies, though, what's your favorite, like modern traditional Thanksgiving dish?

Chris O'Neil (01:01:37.724)
Gotta think about it, because I have mine.

Pete (01:01:38.727)
Like, a side?

Chris O'Neil (01:01:42.032)
I suppose well, because yeah, either you haven't because yeah, traditionally turkey, but some people have ham on Thanksgiving or some people do other stuff. But I'm a dark meat guy. And green bean casserole is my favorite go to side. I've always loved it. And it's one of my favorite to make to

Pete (01:01:48.841)

Chris O'Neil (01:02:04.982)
You you are really disgusted by a lot of my preferences. It's fucking delicious.

Pete (01:02:05.791)
What the fuck? Why do people like that?

Green bean, no, even my girlfriend likes green bean casserole. Nope. You know, I gotta be honest with you. My favorite side at Thanksgiving has always been stuffing. I mean, judging by the size of me, bread and carbs have always been a weakness.

Chris O'Neil (01:02:22.548)

Alright, see I am... I... HAHAHAHA

Chris O'Neil (01:02:32.22)
I never liked stuffing as a kid. I enjoy it as an adult, but that was one of the things I hated at Thanksgiving, honestly.

Pete (01:02:39.531)
My dad makes the stuff. Well, he used to, yeah, he would make the stuffing with the turkey giblets. Uh, so he would boil them and cut them up and put them in and yeah, never, I never knew. And then once I found out that then I started to eat around that, but the flavor in it is great, but once I came across any like

Chris O'Neil (01:02:46.899)
Oh, yeah.

Pete (01:03:01.407)
turkey insides, I'd just like put them off to the side, feed them to the dog, avoid them at all costs.

Chris O'Neil (01:03:04.565)

Yeah, I get that. Sheep balls! The secret is you cut them way up high.

Pete (01:03:14.199)
Yeah. Now, do you cook the turkey, or do you leave that to someone else's capable hands?

Chris O'Neil (01:03:21.98)
Um, I have there have been a number of times that I have cooked the turkey. But honestly, the last number of years, we have either gone somewhere else, or my wife has cooked the turkey because she actually that's something that she has taken on and she enjoys. So I'll do like my green bean casserole or a pie or something like that, that I'll default to cooking. Yeah, shut up. I love green bean casserole. Let it go.

Pete (01:03:48.143)
Yeah, I like to cook puke in a jar. Rarrr!

Chris O'Neil (01:03:51.018)

Thou God. But yeah, we've had like a couple different iterations over the years of, you know, my family's Thanksgiving. We haven't done a turducken or anything like that, or like a deep fried turkey. But we have done different versions where, like instead of just the traditional in the oven will do. Like there was where you cook it in inside the oven safe bag.

Pete (01:04:11.995)

Chris O'Neil (01:04:23.784)
to maintain the moisture content. We've done that a couple different ways. Yeah, and I've tried fried turkey at other gatherings, but I've never done it myself.

Pete (01:04:40.487)
Yeah, I've tried it myself, but never done it myself. So I've tried it, but... I've always had a fear of deep-frying stuff, and I'm very timid about doing it a lot of the time. And something like that, it just seems too easy to fuck up and kill everything around you.

Chris O'Neil (01:04:46.953)

Chris O'Neil (01:05:03.148)
Well, and it is, it's like psychotically dangerous to do it if you don't do it right, for sure. So yeah, there's a there's a lot of potential downsides, unfortunately, but

Pete (01:05:08.456)

Pete (01:05:14.715)
I've never used an oven bag to cook my turkey No I've done like Different methods people have told Brine it you'll be fine. You know I don't I've never I've done brining a few times I did a bacon weave on top. I've like literally made

Chris O'Neil (01:05:18.612)
Okay. Yeah, I've definitely done that. And it does make it more moist for sure.

Chris O'Neil (01:05:28.744)
in my experience well there is that we've we did bryant one year

Pete (01:05:43.823)
a weave of bacon and wrapped the turkey in it like a present. Like a bacon wrapped present. Yeah. And that came out pretty good. That came out pretty good. I mean it was a tedious pain in the ass, but it was good. And then I like to smoke the bird as well. That's always a good thing. Right now I got the turkey already. It's thawing in the...

Chris O'Neil (01:05:48.964)
Wow, that's extensive.

Chris O'Neil (01:06:03.496)

Pete (01:06:09.263)
the fridge and I'm just debating on what wood I want to use on the turkey. It's either going to be hickory or cherry. Cherry adds a nice little sweet kind of taste to it but um

Chris O'Neil (01:06:18.078)

Chris O'Neil (01:06:24.316)
Well, I will say, are you doing everything at home this year?

Pete (01:06:28.583)
Yeah, yeah, we don't go anywhere. Fuck that. With Zach, honestly, it's just a pain in the ass. It's me, me and Jana, the kids, and Jana's mom. My parents don't come by. Sean stays with, I think, his wife's family. The only holiday we get together, yeah, or Melvin, whatever you wanna call him.

Chris O'Neil (01:06:31.729)
Do you invite people over is it always just you? No, I get that

Chris O'Neil (01:06:42.697)
Oh, all right.

Chris O'Neil (01:06:51.26)
Sean is his brother.

Chris O'Neil (01:06:57.445)
I forgot about that. Nickname was Melvin. Where did that come from originally?

Pete (01:07:00.228)
We typically get together. Boy Scouts, actually. He, my dad was like a troop leader, and my brother was a younger kid. And we, when I first started in Boy Scouts, there was a group of older kids that were a few years older than us. I'd say them by name, but anyway.

Chris O'Neil (01:07:05.041)
Ah, okay. Story.

Chris O'Neil (01:07:27.18)
Yeah, no worries.

Pete (01:07:29.008)
I still keep in touch with them all, so. Um, but yeah, it's.

Part of it comes from the front wedge. You know, like, yeah. Yeah. It comes part of it from that. Yeah. But, um, it just, there was something about it that stuck that they just kept calling him that at summer camp. He was like, he was, he's like three years younger than me. So I mean, he was.

Chris O'Neil (01:07:39.676)
Oh, that's right. Yeah, a Melvin. Yeah, Mel, like an atomic wedgie, basically.

Pete (01:08:01.407)
How do you start in Boy Scouts? Like nine, 10? So he was still like six, seven, eight, somewhere around there, nine, I don't know. I'm gonna count. I can count to 10. Yeah, so if I was 10, he was seven, yeah. So yeah, they had a good time with him and he would stay up late and like go out and do pranks with them at night. Yeah, I know, I'm doing the math in my head. And yeah, it just stuck, it's weird. And it's carried through and his wife has...

Chris O'Neil (01:08:09.507)
when you started.



Chris O'Neil (01:08:28.144)
All right then.

Pete (01:08:32.063)
nickname we've always called her Rosie and I've heard a few different reasons as to why people call her that

Chris O'Neil (01:08:35.516)
Oh, that's right. Yeah.

Chris O'Neil (01:08:40.708)
Alright. What's-isn't her real name Megan or something like that?

Pete (01:08:42.267)
I don't know why and I'm not gonna... No, it's Jen. You're piss poor, she was your neighbor for years. She lived across the street from you for like, the better part of a decade.

Chris O'Neil (01:08:48.125)
Oh, Jen, that's right.

Chris O'Neil (01:08:57.213)

Pete (01:08:57.903)
And you, yeah, the, they, they lived across this when you lived on bait street, they lived on the second floor of a house, like directly across the street from you. I'd say their names out on the radio. I mean, on the radio on the, yeah, they did.

Chris O'Neil (01:09:00.126)

Chris O'Neil (01:09:12.489)
No, I know. And I remember it starts with TH, right?

Pete (01:09:16.731)
Yeah. I mean not directly, but they were like a couple of houses across the street.

Chris O'Neil (01:09:18.352)
Yeah. Well, I will acknowledge that they were on my street. Yes. And now that you say that I do remember, but dude, it's been fucking 30 years since I lived in that neighborhood. Yeah, well, I don't remember those things. Yeah, back to Thanksgiving.

Pete (01:09:29.547)
Steel trap bitch, I don't wanna hear excuses. Everybody remembers things, man. Anyway, you've been taking ginkgo biloba, work on your memory, motherfucker. Yeah, so I'm smoking the bird this year. Zach is, it's not so much that Zach is a pain to take anywhere, cause he's really not, it's just that he fucks with people's shit. And that people shouldn't have to deal with.

Chris O'Neil (01:09:55.232)

Pete (01:09:59.739)
There's a fan in my parents house that they have three switches for. One's in the basement because it turns on a light and then they have like a control switch on the landing by the front door, which I don't know why it's there. And then up by the kitchen is another fucking switch and Zachary will go on the landing and screw with the master fucking switch and then nothing works right. Takes my parents like six months to get it working again. And then Zach comes over and fucks it all up again.

Chris O'Neil (01:10:06.122)

Pete (01:10:28.139)
and then I have to listen to my parents on the phone. Or over my brother's house at Christmas, you like take all your DVDs out and, yeah, dude. Oh my God.

Chris O'Neil (01:10:29.1)
Ah, yeah, yeah. Meow meow fan, meow fan.

Oh yeah, yeah.

Pete (01:10:40.04)
And yeah, it's not worth it.

Chris O'Neil (01:10:40.596)
I get that, I get that. It's just, it's something else to deal with. It's not the end of the world, it's just, ah, shit.

Pete (01:10:46.915)
Yeah. And, uh, I mean, honestly, it saves a lot of headache. I love my family, but...

I don't need to get together with them all the time because we argue a lot.

Chris O'Neil (01:11:02.66)
Yeah. Well, you know, and I, yeah, there you go. That's all you need. The gratefulness is what's important. No, no. Yeah, I, I think, I honestly think that I the nostalgia that I have for the family gatherings growing up. And of course, as a child, you're so distant from the reality of the quote unquote celebration.

Pete (01:11:03.547)
I see them enough. I'm thankful for them.

Pete (01:11:13.521)

Chris O'Neil (01:11:31.576)
from the adult perspective. And I think even growing up, you know, this, oh, we're all getting together. So it's going to be like this. And regardless of whether it wasn't the ideal hope was that it would be that way. And I don't want to say like, I've been chasing that experience my whole life, because I don't think it's exactly that. But there's certainly a desire to recreate that feeling of enjoyment that I got as a kid.

Pete (01:11:48.313)

Chris O'Neil (01:12:00.904)
going to Thanksgiving dinners and things like that. Which of course, now I realized doesn't exist. I mean, it did then but it only exists in my mind now. And so I appreciate the fact that we have come up with our own traditions. And, you know, we're doing a very simple, just us family Thanksgiving on the day. And then we have some friends that we're doing a more expansive dinner on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. So

Pete (01:12:33.127)
Yeah, I get that. Yeah, we're doing it on Thursday, then the lady's going Friday to spend some time with her friend who's recovering from having breast cancer surgery. And so that's a nice thing. Yeah, yeah, she seems to be doing all right. She's in good spirits. And that's the best part about it, you know? That definitely helps with the healing, for sure, having that positive mental attitude. And now...

Chris O'Neil (01:12:44.09)
Oh shit.

Chris O'Neil (01:12:50.196)
That's good.

Chris O'Neil (01:12:57.288)
Yeah, goddamn right. The connection and acknowledgement and you know.

Pete (01:13:02.659)
She's making extra strong brownies for her friend to help with the healing process. Yeah.

Chris O'Neil (01:13:08.664)
Yeah, and I'm sure it will. I'm sure it will. You know, and I will say just kind of like to round it all out from an adult perspective, because I remember growing up and, and all of the stress involved in like, oh, well, it has to be this way, and we got to get this done and you know, blah, blah. And it's not to say that there isn't a little bit of that here and there like, oh, well, we got to time things out and oh, I want to make sure that this, you know,

Pete (01:13:13.227)
Oh, oh yeah.

Chris O'Neil (01:13:36.392)
looks good or tastes good or whatever. But it's a far cry from that, like, oh, my relatives expect this. So I'm going to freak out until I get it that way. And I'm not going to feel comfortable because they're going to judge me for the meal that I put out like, go fuck yourself. Like I had no interest in perpetuating that aspect of any of the holidays growing up.

Pete (01:13:48.827)

Chris O'Neil (01:14:01.628)
like where I had to maintain some level of standard for everyone else instead of doing it the way I wanted to and my family wanted to and so we could legitimately be grateful for what we have instead of you know spending our days trying to make it perfect for somebody else who's never satisfied. Fuck that. So yeah, I'm yeah, exactly, exactly. So I appreciate the nostalgia from growing up.

Pete (01:14:02.659)

Pete (01:14:07.627)
I'm going to go ahead and turn it off.


Pete (01:14:23.763)
Here's your Norman Rockwell painting.

Chris O'Neil (01:14:31.684)
I did enjoy it at the time, but I also really enjoy the fact that I have no interest in carrying on the bullshit. And it's just a solidly enjoyable holiday that we can actually be grateful. So that's how I handle it as an adult.

Pete (01:14:48.095)
Yeah. And, uh, I mean, for me, uh, now that I'm free of getting together with my family, I like the fact that we have our own way of doing it, you know, because I like to be able to cook the turkey. Um, I think I dare say I, I do a better job than my dad did. I, you know, I make sure that I'm trying to add a little bit of flair and flavor. Um, and yeah, I mean.

Chris O'Neil (01:14:57.99)

Chris O'Neil (01:15:07.436)
There you go.

Chris O'Neil (01:15:14.417)

Pete (01:15:18.343)
That whole aspect of having to get together and show face and all that is just not my thing. Never has been. I would put up a fight every fucking holiday and I'd get dragged along and have to go. And I'd be miserable. And then I remember, I'll tell you off camera because it's a good story but I don't want it to be on record.

Chris O'Neil (01:15:27.228)
Yeah, yeah. I'm with you.

Chris O'Neil (01:15:42.768)
okay fair enough what i think i think there is something to be said about

Pete (01:15:48.223)
But yeah.

Chris O'Neil (01:15:56.044)
I appreciate the desire of previous generations to say, hey, you know what, let's forget about the bullshit and just enjoy a holiday together. And even if that was the intention, oftentimes it was like, oh, well, we're all gonna silently judge everyone anyway, and we're gonna talk behind their back, or we're gonna have animosity towards people and just smile and clink each other's glasses, but really...

Pete (01:16:09.907)

Pete (01:16:16.235)

Chris O'Neil (01:16:23.356)
you know i fucking hate you and like that aspect of it all you know best laid plans with regard to uh... let's just get together as a family deal with your fucking shit and then get together as a family that'll be much better so i i'm grateful for the fact that me and mine deal with our shit before we get together on the holidays

Pete (01:16:38.399)

Pete (01:16:41.712)
I wasn't.

Pete (01:16:47.267)
I wasn't a fan of my cousins on my mother's side and I had found out one Thanksgiving that they were coming over for Thanksgiving dinner and this was after I had turned 21 I got shit-faced oh and I just I went and I passed out on the couch downstairs after I drank too much too much like fruity wine it's fucking gross but yeah

Chris O'Neil (01:16:56.136)

Chris O'Neil (01:17:00.864)

Chris O'Neil (01:17:06.909)

Chris O'Neil (01:17:11.872)
pretty wine.

Pete (01:17:15.611)
So now I do it on my own. Fuck everybody else. But on that note.

Chris O'Neil (01:17:20.19)
Yes, on that note.

Pete (01:17:22.655)
We've gone 45 minutes on the second recording if that first one exists But uh you guys have a happy Yeah, yeah, you are you're gonna be picking up midway and be like what the fuck but Anyway, I hope you guys all have a happy safe Enjoyable Thanksgiving If you want which we hope you do want go ahead and

Chris O'Neil (01:17:27.684)
Yeah. You guys are gonna get a patchy episode otherwise.

Chris O'Neil (01:17:36.82)
You're like, what the fuck are they talking about?

Chris O'Neil (01:17:46.634)

Pete (01:17:52.935)
Make a post on our Facebook page. Dad's unfiltered. Tell us what your favorite thing to do is on Thanksgiving. Whether it be cooking, hiding in a fucking cave, away from everybody you know, whatever. Share it, let us know. We're even on TikTok. We're not very good about putting videos up there, but.

Chris O'Neil (01:17:56.072)
Do it. Do it!

Chris O'Neil (01:18:06.88)
Yeah, share your favorite dish. Share your favorite recipes, that could be cool too. Like is there a recipe that you like and you want the fellas to be able to have it? Go for it. I'll share my green bean casserole recipe and watch Pete gag.

Pete (01:18:16.414)

Pete (01:18:21.69)
Oh, you know what's funny is that.

Pete (01:18:27.627)
Uh, you know, it's funny is I actually was reading an article about Tom Hanks's wife, Rita Wilson. Yeah. And she was saying one of her favorite dishes to make on Thanksgiving is this, uh, orange sweet potato casserole type thing that she got from Nora Efron. And, uh, I looked up the recipe. It's actually pretty good. Uh, at some point we're going to try it. She says it's a delightful change from that traditional, um, yams with the.

brown sugar and marshmallow.

Chris O'Neil (01:18:57.748)
With the, yeah, and the marshmallows, yeah. I was never a fan of that anyway.

Pete (01:19:01.071)
Yeah, she says it's... yeah, me neither. I mean, you're too sweet. But I'm interested in this orange one. I'll have to let y'all know how that goes. And thank Nora Ephron.

Chris O'Neil (01:19:08.324)
Alright. Yeah, do it. Do it.

Pete (01:19:14.547)
Well guys, safe, happy holiday. If you're traveling, I hope you fucking avoid traffic. And you travel safe.

Chris O'Neil (01:19:23.16)
Please, for the love of God. Yes, and let's do all our best to maintain our own emotional stability so we don't bring bullshit into whatever family event you're going to. And if you need some help with that, please feel free to reach out because we have tools for that.

Pete (01:19:46.187)
Hmm. I'm a tool for that.

Chris O'Neil (01:19:49.549)

Pete (01:19:50.589)

See you guys after the holiday.

Chris O'Neil (01:19:56.114)