Speaking of Writing

Meet N.C. Matheny, author

September 20, 2022 Rose Cushing

NC Matheny author of A Hard Way to Go, The Horse of a Lifetime. 
NC Matheny was raised in the Ohio  Valley, where he still resides. Horses have always been his passion.  Casey, NC's Tennessee Walking Horse, was his loyal companion for over 22  years. Through trials and tribulations, God has seen all of NC's dreams to fruition, including life with Casey. When Casey came to live with  NC, the colt hovered between life and death. Through NC's unwavering love and patience, Casey lived a full life. Besides being an entrepreneur of several businesses, NC is past president of the Ohio  Horse Council, Athens County Chapter, and the proprietor of his non-profit Wreath Adventures LLC, honoring fallen American Veterans. NC  is a member of the local Wesleyan Church.