Navigating The Workplace in the 21st Century

Advantages to having Independence at the Workplace vs. Working in a Team Environment

Jack Gourdji

Are we better off in a job where we work closely with our boss and our peers, or are we better off in a job where we have a tremendous amount of independence and very little interaction with our boss or peers? Our guest today Or Mossaiov, discusses why he fell in love with his job and his independence at the job... and how it made him rethink his career path.

Thank you for listening to our podcast. You can also come see me at where I do consulting/job coaching on various workplace/career issues.
I also have two other podcasts, "When Life Gives you Lemons Make Lemonade", where individuals and families discuss significant challenges they face. Also, "A Touch of Judaism" where we discuss intriguing topics surrounding Judaism.