Jane Merrow Poems and Stories

To His Not So Coy Mistress by Wynford Vaughan-Thomas

December 15, 2022 Jane

Lewis John Wynford Vaughan-Thomas ( Thomas) CBE (15 August 1908 – 4 February 1987) was a Welsh newspaper journalist and radio and television broadcaster. In later life he took the name Vaughan-Thomas after his father( wikipedia)

This Welsh journalist/ poet had so many names, I just went with his last names!   I think this poem is written in tribute or acknowledgement of Andrew Marvell's more famous poem...
"To his Coy Mistress".  

Jane Merrow is a nominated actress...known for " The Lion In Winter", " The System", and other films. TV includes " The Prisoner, " 1984", " Six Million Dollar Man", " The Incredible Hulk", " Lorna Doone" etc.