Jane Merrow Poems and Stories

THE OPEN WINDOW by H.H. Munro ( Saki). read by Jane Merrow


In these days of soundbites and the  briefest of  sentences, the use of descriptive words seems to be dying away.  Soon we will be totally monosyllabic and will only use shorthand like LOL, OMG, BTW and LMK.  What a pity, takes much of the fun out of communication.

This charming little story by HH Munro, uses plenty of words - adjectives and imagery to get the story across.   It is about a man,  overwhelmed by his own mental miseries, looking for a rest cure, who meets a young lady with an overactive imagination!  Not a good combination!

Often known as Saki, HH Munro was a wonderful writer of stories in the Edwardian Age ( about 1900).  This is what Wikipedia says about him.

"Hector Hugh Munro, better known by the pen name Saki and also frequently as H. H. Munro, was a British writer whose witty, mischievous and sometimes macabre stories satirize Edwardian society and culture". Wikipedia

Jane Merrow is a nominated actress...known for " The Lion In Winter", " The System", and other films. TV includes " The Prisoner, " 1984", " Six Million Dollar Man", " The Incredible Hulk", " Lorna Doone" etc.