Consider the Wildflowers

020. Casey Norfolk: Raising your Prices without Fear

Casey Norfolk

Whether it’s fear of rejection, not booking the client, or mental barriers to know your worth; as business owners it can be hard to charge others for the work you provide. But as a single mom of three, today’s guest had a lot riding on each client and every paycheck. For years she would take on more work without ever raising her rates out of the fear of losing a client.

Casey Norfolk runs a bookkeeping practice serving small business owners. She has a passion for helping business owners succeed and loves unlocking the power that knowing the numbers in your business provides. Today’s episode is for anyone who has ever struggled to know the value of the work they provide and battled to overcome the fear of raising your prices.


Casey Norfolk (00:00):

My greatest fear was I'm going to lose them and I can't afford to lose them. I'm a single mom. I have three children. I've got to provide. I can't afford. I would rather just keep what I have and not lose at all.

Shanna Skidmore (00:21):

You are listening to Consider The Wildflowers the podcast, episode 20. To those of you here in the States, Happy Thanksgiving. I saved a special episode for today. Today's guest has been kicking it by my side since 1984. My longest friend, advocate and cheerleader, it's my big sister! Casey is on the show today. Her story reads like a movie script, pregnant at 19, put herself through college, a single mom trying to provide the best life she can for her babies. She has persevered through trials, tribulations, obstacles and roadblocks. Through it all, she has maintained the biggest heart for others. Over the past seven years, I have watched her step away from the security of a "normal job" to pursue entrepreneurship, knowing it would allow her more flexibility to be present with her children. I love that her business journey isn't flashy, it's just day in, day out, doing the work. No professional bio today, but I believe these words from Casey's website sum up so much of who she is and why she does the work she does today. So I wanted to share with you, I am a mother of three. Starting this business is allowing me to be a small business owner just like you. I understand what it's like to juggle life, finances, faith. I'm still in the process of learning myself, but I'm all about using my gifts to help others. I think in some way we are all journeying to find our calling and I believe we can assist each other along the way. I may not be the best cook or most meticulous housekeeper, but I do know that I can help others take control of their finances and feel empowered. Bookkeeping will empower your business. I promise to be on your team to do my best work and to help give you information that has the power to change your journey for the better. Okay, y'all meet Casey, my big sister, and the best bookkeeper and supporter of small business owners I know. Let's dive in.

Hey, it's Shanna and this is Consider the Wildflowers, the podcast. For the past 15 plus years, I've had the honor to hear thousands of stories from entrepreneurs around the world. As a former Fortune 100 financial advisor, turned business consultant, I have a unique opportunity to see the real behind the highlight reel. I'm talking profit and loss statements, unpaid taxes, moments of burnout, and those of utter victory. Or as my husband says, the content everyone is wondering but not many are talking about. And now I'm bringing these private conversations to you. Hear the untold stories of how industry leaders, founders, and up and coming entrepreneurs got their start, the experiences that shaped them and the journey to building the brands they have today. Stories that will inspire and reignite encourage to redefine success and build a life and business on your own terms. Welcome Wildflower. I'm so glad you're here.

Hey sis. Oh man. I'm so excited to have you on the podcast today. Just say hello and tell everybody who you are.

Casey Norfolk (03:04):

Hi, I'm Casey Norfolk, the owner of Norfolk Bookkeeping for creatives.

Shanna Skidmore (03:10):

And my sister.

Casey Norfolk (03:11):

And your sister. Yes, of course

Shanna Skidmore (03:13):


Casey Norfolk (03:14):

Everybody does need to know that.

Shanna Skidmore (03:16):

Yes. Okay, I'm excited to do this. This'll be fun. So I put you in the hot seat. I know you're feeling a little bit intimidated.

Casey Norfolk (03:23):

I am, I am.

Shanna Skidmore (03:25):

You're gonna do great. Let's just take it back before you started your bookkeeping business and tell everybody a little bit about your background and what you were doing before starting your bookkeeping business.

Casey Norfolk (03:37):

The early days, I have banking background and I worked for a few years in an accounting office with the state before going to college and taking a whole different route from that. I went into X-ray school and worked in radiology, but I was a single mom of two small kids, and the hospital life is 24/7. So that just wasn't working out. And I guess you could say it was maybe a hobby, but I always loved numbers and I was good at that and started working with one to two clients. And then I just grew from there. I mean, because that was my passion.

Shanna Skidmore (04:23):

We can just go ahead and tell everybody how we played bank as children and set up house, and we always fought over who got to be the bank teller, cuz that was of course the most fun.

Casey Norfolk (04:33):


Shanna Skidmore (04:34):

<laugh>, kindred spirits. Okay. So you graduated high school, worked in accounting, kind of banking for a while, and then decided to go back to school. What made your decision to go back to school?

Casey Norfolk (04:47):

I just was in a place where I knew that I wasn't gonna get any further than where I was if I didn't have some sort of degree. I wanted more for not only myself, but my kids. And I went into radiology, X-ray school, and my passion has always been to help people. I have a big heart for just helping people, see them win, see them succeed, think deep down a person that just wants to fix. And so I just I wanted a wanted better. I wanted better for all of us

Shanna Skidmore (05:27):

So you went back to school and you were working while you were in school, single mom. How long did it take you to get your degree and then how long did you work in the medical field?

Casey Norfolk (05:38):

It took three years to get my bachelor's degree. I really pushed myself. I was working full time for the first, the program. Once I got in the program, it was an 18 month program. So before that time I was going to classes at night. I was working Monday through Friday, 8 to 4:30. And then I would go to class at night. And once I was in the program, I had to put in X amount of clinical hours, so I was unable to work. So it was class two to three days a week. And then the other days I was in the hospital. And that last semester of school I was taking a full load at the college I was in. And then I picked up additional classes online at a community college that would transfer in so that I could get done in three years and get to work.

Shanna Skidmore (06:32):

I mean, that's pretty incredible. Sounds like you were probably pretty tired.

Casey Norfolk (06:36):

Yeah, <laugh> I was, but I was determined. I was determined to get it done and I graduated with honors and I was just proud of myself and just seeing what I was able to accomplish. I think that when you start out, you kind of doubt yourself and you see the obstacles in front of you and you don't know, hey, am I even gonna be able to do this? But once it's done, you look back and you're like, wow, I did that.

Shanna Skidmore (07:05):

Pretty amazing. And so you had two kiddos at this time. Everybody who know they were twins, which is extra fun. Yeah. How old were Garrin and Lily?

Casey Norfolk (07:15):

Oh goodness. They were five when I went back to school.

Shanna Skidmore (07:19):

And do you feel like they were just a huge part of your motivation?

Casey Norfolk (07:22):

They were. I didn't like the area of town that we were living in. I was not content with where we were. I just wanted so much more. I knew that there was more that could be done. And I think that was my main drive or motivation was I just really wanted better for them. I knew that I could do better.

Shanna Skidmore (07:46):

So after you graduated, you start working in the medical field, how were those early years?

Casey Norfolk (07:51):

It was a lot. The hospital that I was working in was approximately an hour from home. I was working three 12 hour shifts a week. Two of those were during the day, and then one was an overnight shift. So it was not ideal. I was working around when I had the kids so that I could spend time with them when they were home and work on the days that they weren't. But that flip flop from day shift to night shift, it took its toll. And of course the hour to work and the hour home. And then again, hospitals never close. They don't sleep. So you know, have nights that you might get called in holidays that you're gonna work. And there's just a huge commitment that comes with that.

Shanna Skidmore (08:41):

So after you've done this while you get remarried, <affirmative> and have a new baby. Yes. So tell everybody about when you started thinking about starting a bookkeeping company. When did this all change?

Casey Norfolk (08:56):

I really remember it distinctly that we were at grandma's for Christmas, and I think you and I had gone back into one of the back rooms to change Liam's diaper and I just broke down and said, I need out a need out of the hospital. And I knew I mean at this time I was already, I think working with maybe two clients, but I was in the hospital full time and I just remember talking to you about it and I said, I can't keep doing this with the kids working holidays and missing this and missing that. And so I just really started working hard at growing the business and I was able to step away from the hospital. I think Liam was six months old, and I was able to step away from full working there full time so that I could be at home.

Shanna Skidmore (10:00):

So I don't quite remember how it all went down, but I was working one-on-one with clients, I think this was what, 2015? 2016? 2015. So I was working full-time with clients and to do CFO type work. I do, I, it's really helpful to have good accounting and bookkeeping records. And I know that you had worked when you worked at the deaf school doing bookkeeping. So I don't know who put two and two together about, Hey, why don't you do bookkeeping for some of my clients? I don't remember how that discussion came about, but did you ever think about doing bookkeeping or was it just I was like, Hey, I need help and this could be a good opportunity. Do you remember?

Casey Norfolk (10:42):

Yeah, I think that we had discussed, I had worked in banking from the time that I think 18 until early to mid twenties. And then I worked for a big retailer for a little while in their cash office. So I handled all the deposits, all the money that came in, receipts, their accounting. And then I did go and work for the deaf school in their accounting office. So I think that you and I had just had a conversation. I knew what you were doing and you knew what I was capable of. You knew my background and we just started putting it all together. And you knew some people that needed help and we just, you talked to them and we all just got connected. And that was the early days. And I started with those one to two clients. But going back to the hospital, I graduated in 2011 and I had Liam early 2015, so I was in there for about four and a half years full time. And I still work at the hospital from time to time just to keep my skills up. I don't ever wanna do it full time again. It is a lot of work. But I do still do some work in the hospital from time to time.

Shanna Skidmore (12:03):

And I love a bookkeeping career because you know, can do bookkeeping at 2:00 AM if you need to <laugh>, right? Babies awake. And it's so necessary and needed for entrepreneurs. So in those early days, your journey's a little bit different probably than people we talk to because you know, you had me and I probably was like, here's what you need to charge and here's what your offer needs to look like. But mm-hmm <affirmative>, talk through just teaching yourself how to do bookkeeping and what you feel like went well in those first few years. And what do you feel like you didn't do so well in those first few years of starting that bookkeeping business?

Casey Norfolk (12:42):

Well, let's see. As far as teaching myself, if I didn't understand, I would, read, I would ask questions to people that I trusted, that I knew did this line of work. I'm sure that I asked many questions to you, <laugh>, but I think those early years, I didn't give myself enough credit for what I was doing. I didn't see myself as a vital piece to someone's business. I knew that I was helping, I knew that I was doing work for them, but I don't think at the time when I first started that I saw the value of me and the importance of having me on your team so that their accounting was up to date and correct. And they knew where every dollar was being spent.

Shanna Skidmore (13:38):

And I think that's so true and probably something a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with. I think there's two interesting things here that I want you to talk about. First, I feel like bookkeeping wasn't like your passion. It wasn't "I just wanna be a bookkeeper", but it was a perfect type of career for the lifestyle that you wanted. So I would love for you just to talk about becoming and starting this bookkeeping business. And I feel like the passion has really followed. Now you really love what you do and you do see the value. Will you just talk through how that passion came along? Not from the beginning, but just as you've grown your business?

Casey Norfolk (14:19):

As I mentioned earlier, my passion has always been to help people. And I started the business because I did want to be able to still have an income coming in, but stay at home with my children, be the mom that drops off and picks up at school and is at this event and that event, and is just present. So I think as my business has grown, I have been able to see the value in what I can give and what I can offer. And my passion is to help and to fix. And when I go into an account or start one from scratch, it's mainly the ones that I go in and it's a mess and I clean it up and I'm able to sit down with the client over a phone call or face to face, and I'm able to sit down with them and show them the transformation and they can actually see where their money has gone and how much they've made. And one aspect of their business, if they offer different services, they're able to see all the money that has come in. All that's gone out. I think it's just eye opening because a lot of times what I have found is we're running a business every day, but we really don't know where we stand. And it's hard to know what you're doing well and what you're not doing well when you don't have the numbers.

Shanna Skidmore (15:53):

Oh, true. Absolutely. Clearly we're kindred spirits in that. So I love, you know, just talking through, clearly your passion already is coming out of how much you're able to help people. And I just wanted you to share that because I think a lot of people listening want a different lifestyle, but they don't always know what the career is. And so I think for you, it's such a really neat story of you knew what you wanted your life to look like and the mom you wanted to be for your kids. And bookkeeping was just kind of the means to an end that you became passionate about along the way. So to follow that up, because you didn't know your own value in the beginning, you probably, I know we worked on your pricing years ago when you first started, and then you've really had to figure it out on your own since then. I feel kind of bad that I do this every day. <laugh>, but just the other day you had a really interesting situation with somebody. You went in, gave them a quote, and they were like, Casey, you're really undervaluing yourself. And just talk through how you've learned to figure out your own worth and to price appropriately.

Casey Norfolk (17:02):

My greatest fear was for several years after I started, I didn't adjust my pricing at all. And what ends up happening is when we first start, you may have two accounts for your business, but as your business grows and changes, you may open a credit card, may open a line of credit, may open multiple accounts. And I didn't take the time to, I knew that it was more work, but I didn't step out and say, Hey, we need to make an adjustment here due to the additional work of the added accounts. My greatest fear was I'm going to lose them and I can't afford to lose them. I'm a single mom, I have three children I've got to provide, I can't afford. I would rather just keep what I have and not lose it all. So as I've gone on, I have started more so, like you said, I now value the work that I provide. I know how valuable it is. And there have been times that I have sent an email out and I've explained why I have to go up on my pricing, the amount of time that I'm putting in, the number of transactions, the ask. Sometimes there's additional asks in addition to what I do on a monthly basis. And I've had clients respond quickly to that, to some of those emails and say, well, we can't afford that. We'll just go ahead and discontinue service at the end of the month. And at first, when I first started, that was my greatest fear. Biggest fear was I'm going to lose someone just because I'm sticking up for myself, I guess pretty much is I'm backing my work and my worth and I'm stating why we have to go up on pricing. But now where I am and I know the value of what I do and what I provide, it still stings, but it, it's not earth shattering. And I've had clients come back a month, two months, sometimes a little more time has passed, but come back and say, I didn't realize just what all you do. I didn't realize how hard this is. I've tried to do it myself. And that can be messy and scary because when a client comes back and they've gone in there and done it themselves for a few months and they don't really know what they're doing or understand what they're doing, there's some cleanup that goes into that and just trying to figure out how things have been input. So I think it's been about a month or so ago, just kinda out of the blue, I received a text message from a client that I had met a couple years ago actually. I had gone to his place of business to have some work done and we got to talking. I didn't know him at all, complete stranger. And we got to talking and he asked what I did for a living and I started talking about my business and he said, well, I might could use you. And I said, well, I'm happy to help if you need me. And he said, well, I'll let you know. And so I think it's been maybe two years we've kept in touch, but I haven't done his bookkeeping. And I think, like I said, about a month or so ago, I received an out of the blue random text and he said, I need you. And I went and met with him and he had a stack of papers, oh man. A huge stack of papers and said, my books are mess. I don't know where my money is. I don't know if vendors have been paid. I don't know if all my guys have been paid. I need your help. I just wanna start from scratch and clean it up. And I quoted him where I started and he looked at me and he said, this is a lot more work than that. You need to go up. And I said, well, that's just where I start. But he did say, this is a lot and it's gonna take some time, so you really need to charge me x amount. So I've learned not only through that, but just the years of doing this, that what I do is extremely valuable to running and operating a business. So where things are, because right now some businesses are completely in the dark, they're just going in every day and working. And that to me is heartbreaking because you need to know your numbers so that you can say, okay, this is working, this is not working. I'm giving too much in this area where I can step, you know, need to step back. And when I see things transform in books and I see those eyes pop open, that's what makes it all worth it. And I've even had some clients even recently that they haven't known their numbers. I believe it was seven years. Don't quote me on that, I could be wrong. But they haven't known where their money ever since the start of the business. It may have been a little longer than that, but they haven't known. And I went through every line on their profit and loss with them a few weeks ago and they just were overwhelmed with just pure gratitude of, thank you, this is so nice to see and know.

Shanna Skidmore (23:00):

Yeah, thank you for sharing that story and for both of those companies, I know one's over a million dollars, one's pushing towards a million dollars and you know, you ended up booking that one client for four times what you initially quoted him. So I just think that this is such an interesting and great conversation about knowing your worth and figuring out your pricing. I mean, I help people with this every day. We should probably sit down and update your 2015 pricing <laugh>. I love your story because I would love for you to, I love that you shared, you know, just booked a client, I'm pretty sure he's your highest paying client. And you found him because you needed to get something that you know went to his place of business, and you didn't have a business card. Your website hasn't been updated since 2015 when we used probably my old photos. You don't have Instagram or Facebook and this is your story is the story of so many people listening. They want a business, they wanna provide for their family. You're not savvy with marketing, you're not savvy with growing your business. And I think we need, you're, I'm glad that you're on here, even though I know this is so hard for you because you represent probably most people listening. Like they're just out there trying to pay their bills, figure out how to charge without, cuz I know it's scary for you to quote your price still.

Casey Norfolk (24:31):

Yeah, it is because I have been met with that wall when I have stepped out and I'm like, you know what? I know that I should be charging more the amount of time, the amount of transactions, I have to charge more. This is very time consuming. So I have met that wall many times where the client has just been like, well, I just don't wanna proceed after this month or the following month. We'll go ahead and just cease service. And that, like I said, it stings, it's not earth shattering anymore like it was because I do know the value of what I can give and I have had many come back and say, I really do need ya. I tried to do it on my own, or I tried to find somebody else and I need you back. I think that they see that the bookkeeper should be the first to be cut when business isn't doing as well as they had hoped. Or it might be a slow season or month or period of time. And I think that there's other areas where expenses can be cut because your bookkeeper is so valuable to not only keep your books up to date so that when it is time to prepare to file taxes, everything is right there. And adjustments can be made with the CPA if needed, but also so that you do know where your numbers are. So if you are in a slow season or crunch, you can look at the numbers and see where maybe you're overspending and cut back on those variable expenses.

Shanna Skidmore (26:13):

Yeah, no, I clearly totally agree. Knowing your numbers gives you data points to figure out where could you put efforts that are working, what's not working. So yeah, I'm a big advocate for knowing your numbers. I feel like your business, you're seven years in at this point is really now hitting a big turning point where you're booking clients at a higher price point. What do you feel like has come naturally to you in growing a business? And then what has been really challenging?

Casey Norfolk (26:45):

I'll start with the challenging. I think the most challenging has been kind of what we've already touched on, and I think a lot of people can relate to this, is knowing your value, what you're worth and asking for that price. It's hard because you don't want to be met with the rejection of, well, I just can't afford that and lose them completely. And I think that's a lot of fear and where we all are hesitant to ask for what we're worth and we work and we work and we work and sometimes we're just spinning our wheels and we don't ask for what we should be receiving. So I think that's been the most challenging, but it has gotten easier with time. And as you see the value of what you do and the testimonials from clients that you know you have completely changed their business in a way that they know their numbers now and they can grow and they can be successful in however big they wanna get, and to know what works and what doesn't work so they're not putting time and energy into areas or services that aren't bringing in revenue and aren't contributing to the business.

Shanna Skidmore (28:04):

What's come easily?

Casey Norfolk (28:06):

I just really love inputting transactions. I mean, that comes easily for me. I can sit down and I can get in a client's books and I can just start entering in transactions and I love to see that number going down as I'm inputting the transactions. And I think just sending out an email every month, Hey, I've input everything. You're able to go and look at your financial reports. I just feel like that's kind of the easiest thing for me is just sitting down and being able to focus on just keying in that information.

Shanna Skidmore (28:46):

It's like you feel good at the end of the day that you've accomplished something.

Casey Norfolk (28:49):

Yes. And I still hand write everything out and I put a check mark by it. I mean <laugh> pretty old school like that. I still write in a planner and write on legal pads. Okay, I'm gonna do this today and once I get it done, put a check mark.

Shanna Skidmore (29:05):

I write things on my to-do list that I've already done just so I can check it off.

Casey Norfolk (29:10):


Shanna Skidmore (29:11):

Okay. Sis, you're a single mom, three kiddos, <affirmative>. I would love to talk to you about this idea of harmony. So in a world that asks us to do it all, well grow a business, pay your bills, do all the things, show up for your kids, you know, you hope to be all these things. How would you say that you have found harmony in growing your business and being the present mom that you hope to be? How do you do that?

Casey Norfolk (29:37):

Oh man. Honestly, some days, I don't know <laugh> well, it helps. I do write down a lot of things so that I can remember and I set goals. Usually at the beginning of the week I'll set a goal to have X, Y, and Z done. I'll plan out my day, get up. Sometimes I go for a five mile walk around my neighborhood just to clear my head and to start my day. And I'll come back and I'll sit down with a cup of coffee at the computer and I will start looking down my client list and compare it to what I have written down, who I need to get done that day or what I need to work on that day. It is hard on some days when it's school drop off and then halfway through the day stop and go pick my youngest up and come back home because then it's work on school work, soccer, cook dinner, all of those things. But like you said earlier when we were talking, I can work on books at midnight, 2:00 AM <laugh>, and sometimes that's what it comes down to. But I do try to once a week just take time for myself and

Shanna Skidmore (30:56):

Go shopping.

Casey Norfolk (30:57):

I know. Yeah, I do love to shop. <laugh> a bargain shopper though. I do find enjoyment in that. And I also try to get some things done around the house because working from home, I get distracted. I can think about a hundred other things that I need to be getting done and I can hop around quite a bit and then I have to refocus and get back on task. But that's kind of how I have found harmony is just trying to take some time every day just for myself. Like I said, walking around my neighborhood or whatever it might be. But I have to do that. I have to take at least an hour for myself and then work and it usually takes like one day a week for myself where I don't touch the computer.

Shanna Skidmore (31:47):

Do you think that all those years spent in the hospital has given you perspective to on those 2:00 AM mornings, this is still better?

Casey Norfolk (31:58):

Oh yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it's completely different world and I'm helping people in different ways than being in the hospital, but in a sense it's kind of the same. I'm still passionate about people. I'm passionate about helping, fixing. My client may not be physically sick and need me in a way where they need medical attention, but the way that I see your books is your books might need CPR. They are all over the place. There's categories where transactions are being dumped, and I've seen books where it just is sales. They all income is just being dumped into sales. And you may offer 2, 3, 4 different types of services and you have no idea where, well, you have no idea what service is bringing in what. And one of those services may not be benefiting you at all and it needs to be cut out completely, but you have no way of knowing because all the income's being thrown into one category. So all the different jobs or careers that I've had, it all kind of ties together and boils down to, I just have a passion for people and I want people to succeed and I want them to be proud of what they've accomplished and done. And if I can help in a sense to bring life back to your books so that you can see where things are and bring life maybe back into your business, maybe your business is just kind of floating along because you don't know where everything is, you don't know where you stand. So I tell clients this all the time, but I'm like, I know your business isn't mine, but in a sense it is. It's my baby. I want to protect what I do and I'm very, I take it personal. I want those books to be right. I want your numbers to reflect everything accurately, I guess in a sense it all kind of ties together.

Shanna Skidmore (34:18):

I love that sis. And I just am so proud of you and your journey and I love that it's not flashy, it's not glamorous, it's just the true kind of story of small business. You're great at what you do, you had to learn how to ask for people to pay for it. You're still learning that, but okay, sis, I like to ask all of our guests, what is the best thing that you have learned about money?

Casey Norfolk (34:49):

The best thing I've learned about money would be it is necessary. You do need it, but it shouldn't be above your passion. Why you do what you do, why you're in business, doing what you do. Also, you need to know your numbers. You need to know where your money is going.

Shanna Skidmore (35:09):

Why you do what you do every day. So true. <laugh>, <affirmative>. So good. I loved this conversation. I love hanging out with you and we need to update your website. Sounds like <laugh>, but I wanna end, with just a quick fire round. And I know you don't wanna answer this question, but I'm asking you anyways. What is one thing that you would be embarrassed if people knew?

Casey Norfolk (35:30):

Well, you just said it, <laugh>, I need to update my website and I need to update my pricing guide and I'm just not very tech savvy. Yeah, it's not been updated since day one and it needs to be, I mean, I feel bad about that. I've changed. I'm still super cool. But yeah, I mean, I have clients every day that are updating their website, having branding photos taken, and I need to do all of those things.

Shanna Skidmore (36:04):

I think though, it's good to hear you say that because you're still running a successful business that's paying your bills, affording you a life that you enjoy and getting to be with your kids. And you know, all of us have things we need to work on in our business. But that's your 2023 goal. Update your website and pricing guides,

Casey Norfolk (36:23):

<laugh>. And I think it's nice to know, Hey, I'm still human too. And a lot of times. I've - real quick, but I'll have clients say, I'm probably the worst client you have. I'm like, honey, no, you're not. Like we all are here at some point in time. And so I think that just having that reassurance, knowing we all have places or areas that we struggle in.

Shanna Skidmore (36:46):

Oh, absolutely. Yeah. That's so good. And maybe makes you, I know a lot of my clients, our clients are nervous about their numbers. And you and I are probably on top of that, but it's like, well, you're embarrassed about your website. So we all have things that aren't our strengths and weaknesses, so Right. Outsource it. Okay. Second. Do you have any wish you could do over moments?

Casey Norfolk (37:09):

Oh my, well, I have a lot <laugh>, but no, I am a firm believer in your life experiences and what you've been through make you who are and maybe have given you wisdom that you wouldn't have had if you had not gone through that. But I do wish that maybe I had started the business earlier on, maybe gone a different route in how I approached getting here. But at the end of the day, all that I've been through, good and bad, has made me who I am better at what I do, just overall a better person in different aspects because of life experiences.

Shanna Skidmore (37:54):

That's so true. Okay. What is a big win or a pinch me moment?

Casey Norfolk (37:59):

That I think we talked about this a little bit ago was a month or so ago, just randomly receiving a text like, Hey, I need you. I mean, I went in there a couple years ago, met this gentleman and had some work done on my car and it was just a conversation in passing and we just clicked and he contacted me and he's like, Hey, I really need you to help me and I know that you can do it. So I think that was a just a complete stranger. And then become some, we became, I guess friends in a way, just to an extent to where he could trust me to do his books.

Shanna Skidmore (38:45):

I think that's so helpful to hear too. And now he is one of, if not the biggest client you have, and I think that's so helpful to hear because in our world we want things to be so fast paced. I mean in all things.

Casey Norfolk (38:57):


Shanna Skidmore (38:58):

<affirmative> food, anything fast and building relationships and getting clients can take years <affirmative>. And so I think it's such a cool story. Okay. What is the best advice or really good advice that you have received?

Casey Norfolk (39:14):

That it's okay to say no. It's okay to say no at times. It's okay to not take on that project or this project. It's okay to slow down. It's okay not to always have something to do. I don't always take that advice. I'll admit that <laugh>, but it, it's okay to slow down. It's okay to say no.

Shanna Skidmore (39:40):

That's good. Easier said than none. I know. When you've had to take care of yourself for so long and Oh yeah. People that rely on you, that's not easy, but Right. I think a big lesson that I've got to watch from you, especially even this last year, is just pricing. Again, as we talked about a lot in this conversation, but when you taking on a lot of work at a price point that's too low, it keeps you full and doesn't give you room for clients that are able to pay more that you can serve at a higher level. And so watching you make that transition over this last year has been really neat. And it took seven years to get here, so it just takes time.

Casey Norfolk (40:18):

It did. It did. Yeah.

Shanna Skidmore (40:20):

Yeah. Okay, sis, let's send it off with, what would you tell yourself, looking back now, grandma's bedroom or when you drove to Savannah <laugh> right after having with a newborn, right? What would you tell yourself on day one of starting your business?

Casey Norfolk (40:35):

You're gonna make it. You will get there. It's gonna take some time, but you're gonna get there and you're good at what you do. You have a service that the world needs. Many people need. You're valuable.

Shanna Skidmore (40:50):

Oh man, you got me a tearing up over here.

Casey Norfolk (40:53):

Oh my. I'm usually the one crying.

Shanna Skidmore (40:57):

I know you're emotional. <laugh>. I love you, sister, thank you for your time today and sharing your story. I hope it just empowers and encourages so many people.

Casey Norfolk (41:06):

I do too. I do too.

Shanna Skidmore (41:08):

Hey, wildflower, you just finished another episode of Consider the Wildflowers the podcast. Head over to for show notes, resource links, and to learn how you can connect with my sis, Casey. One final thought for today from James N. Watkins, "A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power, but its persistence". As always, thank you for listening. I'm so grateful for you.

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