Fearless Female Collective

5 Digital Product Ideas for your Business

June 21, 2022 Nicole Davidson
5 Digital Product Ideas for your Business
Fearless Female Collective
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Fearless Female Collective
5 Digital Product Ideas for your Business
Jun 21, 2022
Nicole Davidson

In this episode, I chat to you about 5 ideas for creating digital products in your business. They are great alternatives to creating an online course.

These products are a great introduction to the world of online or digital products.

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, I chat to you about 5 ideas for creating digital products in your business. They are great alternatives to creating an online course.

These products are a great introduction to the world of online or digital products.

Join my free Facebook Community

My Courses and Programs

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Connect with Nicole on Instagram @fearlessfemalecollective or Facebook @fearlessfemalecollective


This is the fearless female collective a podcast for aspiring entrepreneurs to launch and build a business while fearlessly, mastering your mindset to create a life and business you love.


Hello and welcome. My name is Nicole Davidson. The founder here at fearless female collective and a really big welcome to the podcast. I'm so happy that you are here and listening to this week has been a really, really busy week for me here at the fearless female collective. We are really close to launching our membership and I'm so excited to be able to release that to everybody. And for those who don't know too much, I've created the fearless female collective to be a place for female entrepreneurs to just come and connect, learn, be inspired and build a business that is not only going to make you money, but that's something that's going to suit your lifestyle. Because for me, I think that success is really around what works for you. It's not necessarily, you know what you're seeing other people out there. And then, you know, earning 5, 6, 7 figures in their business and things like that.


It's, it's really about creating a business. That's going to suit what you're trying to achieve in your life. Because to me, that's what success really is. And I also really believe that there's just nothing more rewarding than seeing other women thriving in business. I just love that so much. And so what I've really wanted to create for fearless female collective is just a place for people to come and connect with others and really build each other up. In this episode, we're going to touch on a few different ideas that you can do if you are wanting to create a digital product or a program to increase your income, but you don't necessarily wanna create a course. Because for me, as much as I love courses, I have a couple of them, myself. I just don't feel that they are always the right thing for everybody. And it is something that I always get asked about when helping people with their business, whether they should create a course or what type of digital product or program they should create. So while I love courses, and I think they're just absolutely phenomenal. And I think that they bring a lot to people's business. I don't always think that they're the right thing for everybody. And so in this episode, I wanted to touch on five different, uh, digital product and program types that you can create. So let's get started.


Number one, it is still a course, but it's a little mini course. And I think that particularly if you are looking to create a course within your business, a mini course is a really good way to just sort of getting a feel for creating a course. And just to build a little bit of your confidence as well. And I think, uh, a lot of people as well, the minicourse takes the pressure off. You don't have to teach a whole really big signature system to anyone. You can kind of create a minicourse of just one particular area of your knowledge and a minicourse within itself is fairly short. I would keep it probably to around maybe two hours long, um, broken down into a few different lessons. I really wouldn't do too many more than about five lessons and the minicourse makes the technology really simple as well.


You don't have to drip feed content out. You don't have to do too much. You really just need to do a basic sales page, and set up one page where all the lessons are going to be. And then that is really gonna just help you get a big, feel like a feel for how courses are gonna work for you within your business. So the second thing that you can do within your business to dip into digital products is to create a challenge for people. So if you, particularly, if you ha are just starting out with an audience, you can create like a, a challenge and it sort of will give people a real small taste of how, uh, the things that you do and what you can teach. So with the challenge, I'd probably stick to maybe doing a free challenge or having it as a really entry-level product.


Um, it is also a really great way for lead generation. Um, so if you are really looking to bring in people into your email list, are challenge is a really great way to be able to do that. And you can set up, um, I've seen some challenges where they set up like a Facebook group, and it could be a challenge that runs over maybe a week, or it could even be a month depending on how you wanna structure that. Um, but they're little bite-size pieces that people can do sort of every day. Um, I know that I've seen, I think Leon Dawson had, did a challenge where it was, um, 21 days off social media or some, um, something like that. I have my own five-day challenge, which is a five-day reset business challenge, which, um, again, it's something that I use for generating leads into my email marketing database and people get that.


And every fi every day, they get a little bit, um, a video from me of something that they can act within their business to be able to just, um, look at where they, where they're sitting with their business and how they can make improvements. Uh, so that is a really great lead generation for me. Um, so yeah, you could do something like that. It can be kind of whatever you feel like it could even be like a self-care challenge, so many different things and fun ideas that you can create for that. If you do wanna charge for that, then definitely I would keep it at that lower entry point, uh, just for people to get a bit of a taste for working with you, the third way that your toes into digital course courses and digital products is to have a group program. So this could be something like a mastermind or coaching, uh, program, or if you are perhaps a virtual assistant business, it could be a group program where you are teaching people how to become a VA or how to work on pricing.


It could be whatever you feel comfortable in teaching. And it, again, it is maybe something that you would look at teaching in your course, um, but you aren't necessarily ready to create your course just yet. Creating a group program like that is actually a really great way to create a course and or to create a digital product as well, that you can onsell over time. Um, Jeff Walker, who is the owner of product launch formula, it's a fantastic program if you haven't seen it. Um, definitely go have a look. He really knows his stuff when it comes to, uh, launching. Um, but he talks about what's called a seed launch. So if you are just starting out within creating products, um, if you don't have a very big audience, if you haven't actually created the product before he recommends a seed launch, and what that does is it gets people in and it's a live version of re of the course or of your product.


And you get to work with people. I think he sort of just suggests around five, um, live calls with people and you walk work through and teach the content. He says that it's a really great way for you to even learn how to deliver the content as well. And you can work with your customers, um, and clients around what they wanna learn and the problems that they're having. And it really helps you, uh, create the curriculum around that. So definitely look at that, um, highly recommend a group call. You can generally make them reasonably affordable for people. And again, it's a really great way for people to learn, um, a little bit more about you. The fourth way that you can create a digital product for your business is to create a template of some kind. Um, I've seen so many templates online. Again, there generally will be more of a, an introduction product that you can start like a lower-cost product.


Um, but I have purchased quite a few, even myself. There was one, uh, I cannot remember her name, but it was called funnel that sells, and it is a Trello board of how to create and watch a product, um, create a funnel actually. Um, and it was fantastic. It, um, I actually definitely got a lot out of it. I think it was $27. I wish I could think of her name. I, when I find it I'll pop a link down below, um, but it was a really great program. It was really set up easily. She created a Trello board. It had all of the steps that I needed to do. It was sent to me via email. Um, I simply added the Trello board to my account. Um, super, super simple. Um, I really got a lot from that. So that's one thing that you could even look at doing there are things like can templates.


Um, if you were a designer, there are, you know, in, so you could create like an Instagram template for people who are wanting to create content for Instagram. You could, there are so many things that you could do. You could have a launch if you have an e-course template. Um, you could have email templates. If people are, you know, struggling to create, um, email marketing systems within their business, you can help them step through that process, heaps and heaps of different things. There is a huge storm here, so I'm going to try and record as much as I can. And hopefully, the sound quality is okay. Um, it's just come up while I've been recording. Um, but anyway, we're going to keep going. not letting this store me the fifth way that you can, uh, diet jump into the online products and digital product world is by creating a membership.


If people want to create more of like a community that needs a lot of ongoing support, I guess, that would be the best way to put it. Um, I'm in a couple myself. Uh, I am in the female entrepreneur association. That is fantastic. Um, and then I was in one, which was a membership academy. Um, what else? I mean, I think there are a few others that I have, but memberships are fantastic. They give you recurring income every month, um, or people can pay annually depending on how you set your membership up. They are a really great way. Um, again, to create more of a, like a lower cost monthly fee, and you can create a membership around anything like absolutely anything. There are memberships out there teaching people how to play golf. There are memberships out there, you know, teaching people how to cook. There are memberships out there teaching people how to play the piano.


Theres memberships out there around marketing, around creating courses around Instagram, whatever you are an expert at, or, um, you don't even have to be an expert. You just need to be able to teach people what you know. And, um, memberships, I do think though, have a lot more ongoing administration. So that's definitely one thing to, uh, really just be mindful of when you create it and structure your membership as well. There are memberships out there that like allow you to do co just co-working together. And every month you have a call, um, and then it's very similar to a mastermind. There are heaps and heaps of different ways. Then, the best thing about digital products is that you can structure them however you want for your business. Uh, they don't have to be a set way. They can be whatever you want for your own business. And if you don't wanna do live calls with people, you don't have to do live calls. If you want to set up, you know, a product where it's just really like an ebook, you could even do that. There are heaps and heaps of ways that you can get into digital products. I really hope that you have found

This episode is useful with the five different digital product ideas for your business. We also have a free quiz that you can take on our website, which is really gonna help you walk through what type of course, or program you should create. It's absolutely free. And you can jump on through and answer a couple of the questions. And at the end, it's going to give you a personalized result as to what type of program you should be working on within your business. It's really short. It's really quick. It's fun. So you can do that for free it's over at Phyllis female, collective.com/quiz, and, um, share it around with your friends. Um, and if you have really enjoyed this episode, I would really love it. If you could subscribe and leave a review, it really, really helps me with getting in front of more people. And I just really, really appreciate any support. I also love hearing from you on our social media channels. So again, if you're listening to this episode, pop that in your story. Tag me, I would love to hear from you. I always am checking my DMS and you can find me https://fearlessfemalecollective.com or on Instagram, instagram.com/fearlessfemalecollective. And you can also find me with the same name on Facebook. I hope that you have an amazing week and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode. Bye for.