Basic Block Hiring™ Podcast
The Basic Block Hiring™ Podcast is the business conversation for employing individuals with developmental disabilities (IDD). We invite our listeners to join our collaborative discussions with educators, employers, legislators, self-advocates, and community members that dive into the many topics within special education, transition, and employment to acknowledge that there is an economic impact connected to employing and/or not employing Individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Special thanks to @CassellCommunication and @SammyStrent for your graphic design and music talents!
Basic Block Hiring™ Podcast
Episode 4: Welcome back, Dr. Camelia Fawzy, DM, MBA!
Gena Sikorsky Mitchell
Episode 4
In episode 4, Gena Sikorsky Mitchell continues the conversation with Dr. Cami Fawzy, with a focus on the importance of allies in the workplace and the importance of developing clear skills and other strengths that would make it easier for individuals with developmental disabilities to access competitive, inclusive employment. Dr. Fawzy co-authored a book titled The Inclusive Management Strategy: Engineering Culture Change for employees with disabilities, a book chapter titled Friends or Foes: Dynamics Between OCBs, Contexts, and Innovation Development as well as several research articles focused on inclusive cultures for employees with diverse backgrounds and returning expatriates.