Shattering Ceilings

Quit Pussyfooting Around w/ Ryan Shedrick - Part 3

December 05, 2023 Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler Season 2 Episode 20
Quit Pussyfooting Around w/ Ryan Shedrick - Part 3
Shattering Ceilings
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Shattering Ceilings
Quit Pussyfooting Around w/ Ryan Shedrick - Part 3
Dec 05, 2023 Season 2 Episode 20
Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler

Ever thought about gecko breeding?  What’s your opinion on hot fruit?

We have reached the final segment of our interview with Ryan Shedrick. The topics we discuss are too many to name, but if I could give this episode a theme, it would be to do the things that light you up. 

I bet you can’t get through this episode without a good laugh. Care to take a dare?

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

Show Notes Transcript

Ever thought about gecko breeding?  What’s your opinion on hot fruit?

We have reached the final segment of our interview with Ryan Shedrick. The topics we discuss are too many to name, but if I could give this episode a theme, it would be to do the things that light you up. 

I bet you can’t get through this episode without a good laugh. Care to take a dare?

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

SC - Episode 62 - Part 3
[00:00:00] Lauren: I have a question, but I know you,
[00:00:01] Megan: So I just am very curious. This will be a quick answer. What does Bob think is replacing attraction marketing? If it's dead, where are we going?
[00:00:10] Ryan: Connection marketing is dead because people aren't just looking and jumping on. Like, you need to have conversations, like, elevated conversations with elevated people. So we're not, like, right now he was saying, and he says this all way better in his podcast episode with me because he's so smart, but he was talking about how, like, We're in a rich session now, where like all these people who have been successful in business just don't want to fucking do the same shit.
[00:00:40] Ryan: They want more, they want better, they want like a different opportunity than like showing up 9 to 5 at work, and there are people out there that are like really great and could be like monsters in the industry, but they're not going to be the bitch scrolling on social media looking at your stories and being like, [00:01:00] oh, I think I could join.
[00:01:02] Lauren: Mm.
[00:01:03] Ryan: They're out there doing stuff. So like you have to go have that conversation with them. You have to elevate your language, which I have been doing and has been great BTW for onboarding, but having that conversation with them, not like this, join my girl gang. It's so cute. Like you'll make an extra 20 a month.
[00:01:23] Ryan: Like no, like talk to that bitch. Like she knows what she's doing cause she does and give her a legit business pitch. Like, Hey. This is what I'm doing. This is a potential for you. Talk to her like she's smart and she knows what you're talking about and like that's what he's seeing is like happening.
[00:01:39] Ryan: These people are out there. They're looking at that thing, but they're also not going to be looking at your story today or like checking out your
[00:01:47] Lauren: They don't have the time or whatever it may be. And I think that's another important important point too, is like, you know, 'cause I've been in this industry for 11 years and there's a, there's a lot of pussyfooting around the money [00:02:00] piece. Okay. Like, and me and Meg kind of talked about this too.
[00:02:05] Lauren: I think, I don't know if it's out yet, this episode, but we talked about how it's like, you know, we, we want to help people. Yes. Like that's what we do in this business. We do help people. Right. And at the same time, it's a business and we also need to support our families. And this is how we do that. Right.
[00:02:24] Lauren: But you see on social a lot, or maybe even in conversation sometimes where it's like. I'm doing this because I want to help other people and, you know, impact lots of people, which is true, but it's not the full story. And the full story is. For some, not for all, I either need to make this certain amount for my family, like you said, because I don't want to go back to a job, or I want to level up in life and have this on the side, whatever, passive income, whatever it may be, you know, but it's like as women, and again, this is like the misconception, it's like we're [00:03:00] uncomfortable to talk about it.
[00:03:01] Lauren: We're uncomfortable to talk about money or what we need.
[00:03:04] Ryan: right now. I'm
[00:03:06] Lauren: about it more.
[00:03:07] Megan: to hear you say that because I feel like all I want to like. So much Capricorn energy, half of my fucking planets, like if we're talking astrology, are in the second house, which deals with finances, right? Money is always on my brain. And I feel guilty sometimes talking about it or like, I don't know, especially living in the South.
[00:03:23] Megan: We just moved back down to the South. It's so taboo, but I'm like, what's your salary? And they're like, what? I'm
[00:03:28] Lauren: Yeah. Is
[00:03:29] Ryan: But right now, in the world that we're in, who does not have money on the brain? Everybody does because we are in a position that we've never been in.
[00:03:37] Lauren: Mm hmm. Mm
[00:03:39] Ryan: It's a wild world. Shit's expensive. Like, things are not going the way they used to. We're in a whole new, like, realm of what it's like to be living in America.
[00:03:51] Lauren: hmm.
[00:03:53] Ryan: I think social sellers have got to pivot and pivot fast. Because what [00:04:00] worked, even like in my small little world, like what worked in 2020, 21, 22, where we had a very strong focus on personal development, and like, build yourself first, and then the business part will come, and then you'll earn the money, like we can't do that shit anymore, we don't have time for it, and like, my team
[00:04:18] Lauren: gotta do both at the same time.
[00:04:20] Ryan: Business partners, we have had a hard shift away from I'm going to love you and like support you.
[00:04:27] Ryan: And we're going to read this book to like, I am here to teach you how to sell this product. Period. The end. A no more sweet, loving groups where we're like here to support each other's personal lives. Like you got to find that on your own. You got to like lean on your friends for that. You come here. I give you the resources to fucking make money right now.
[00:04:48] Ryan: Because. That's where we're at. And guess what? You build the business, you do the things, you work hard, you start seeing the results, you meet those people. Like it naturally comes. Then we offer those [00:05:00] things to our upper levels now.
[00:05:03] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:05:03] Ryan: So like, okay, now that you have established this business that's bringing in a certain amount of money a month, let's open this opportunity to maybe do this group where we read this book together and talk about the personal development side, but not until.
[00:05:17] Ryan: You are building the business because that's literally what we are here for. Like we could go join a mom support group or like a brown haired bitches of wake forest or whatever if we just wanted to make friends. Like we joined the company, we invested the startup fee because we saw something that said, Hey, I can make money doing this.
[00:05:40] Lauren: hmm. Mm hmm.
[00:05:41] Ryan: Do I think that there's some people out there who literally invested the money to make friends? Yes, I don't. That's hard for my brain to understand, but
[00:05:51] Megan: Some people really need friends.
[00:05:53] Ryan: did the vast majority join with this big dream, this big hope of like actually turning this into a business. Absolutely. So why are we [00:06:00] scared to be like, here's the amount of sales you need to make this much money?
[00:06:03] Ryan: How much money do you want to make? How hard are you willing to work? Like it's a business. First, and in 2024 as social sellers, I think we need to be like, no bullshit. We are here to like make money.
[00:06:18] Lauren: hmm.
[00:06:18] Ryan: Will we change lives in the process? Absolutely. Will we have impact? Absolutely. That's our business model.
[00:06:24] Ryan: It's just kind of like what we do,
[00:06:26] Lauren: Right.
[00:06:27] Ryan: but it's like, we got to stop being scared to like act and look and talk like business owners and people that Making substantial income and have something to offer that's worth being paid for.
[00:06:38] Lauren: Because that's what you're attracting to, right?
[00:06:41] Megan: right. I think that's really interesting, especially because like I know somebody we follow and have had on the show before is Danielle McCleary and something she says is like, to be successful, you have to be selfish first and we have to reframe the way that we think of the word selfish and what you just described is exactly that.
[00:06:58] Megan: I'm going to serve myself first. I'm going to [00:07:00] make my fucking money. And lives will be changed in the process, which we talk about all the time, but really stepping into that and knowing, like, okay, in order for me to be helpful to you, I have to be, like, comfortable in my life, right? If I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to keep the lights on this month, I'm not serving and I'm not creating the impact that I otherwise could if that is no longer a stress on my brain.
[00:07:20] Ryan: Well, that's what's great about our industry. Like you got to sit back and trust that that's industry. Like that is how the organization is literally built for you. And you building your personal business is only going to help other people because you're going to be creating systems. You're going to be doing these things that need to be done.
[00:07:40] Ryan: And by default, it's like be okay with rocking your own personal fucking business, knowing. That because you joined this particular industry, you will literally lift people up with you, like be okay, like sit comfortably in that knowledge, like trust the process of how social [00:08:00] selling network marketing works.
[00:08:01] Ryan: Like it's literally built to do that. And it's okay to focus on your own business. Like, doesn't make you a bad leader. If you're a top seller, and you're a top recruiter, like you should be, because how are you going to teach what you don't know?
[00:08:15] Megan: Right.
[00:08:15] Lauren: hundred percent.
[00:08:16] Ryan: That was my thing. I didn't know sales. I sold enough to hit my ranks.
[00:08:20] Ryan: But I was no top seller and I was like, this is not cool with me. I want to be both. Like, how am I going to teach girls to sell if I can't sell? So the last year and a half, my focus has been on building my own personal business. So like, nobody can tell me shit
[00:08:34] Lauren: Right.
[00:08:35] Ryan: basically. Like, no, I will
[00:08:37] Lauren: one of the things that you
[00:08:38] Ryan: I will know everything and I will excel in everything.
[00:08:40] Ryan: And then it's like, no, I can tell you what the fuck's up. Like, we got this. Like, how am I going to teach you how to sell if I can't sell myself? You know, those people. Like, it's one of my biggest pet peeves, those stupid Instagram accounts that are like, Lauren, we've looked at your account, and it is dangerously bad at engagement, and we can get you 5, [00:09:00] 000 billion new followers, and you look at their shit, they have like 200 followers, and you're like, do it first.
[00:09:06] Lauren: Yeah.
[00:09:06] Megan: Show me.
[00:09:07] Ryan: it first and fucking show me. And when you do it, maybe I'll sign up. Because no. But like, that's the kind of leader I was. I was like, sell the product. And I'm like, not good at doing it myself. So I was like that's gonna change.
[00:09:19] Lauren: Yeah. You have to go first.
[00:09:21] Ryan: I want to be on my own leaderboards every time.
[00:09:23] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:09:25] Ryan: And I put my own name on my own leaderboards by the way.
[00:09:29] Ryan: Always I shout my if I'm number five in sales on my team, my name is there
[00:09:33] Lauren: Oh, I
[00:09:34] Ryan: and I do the recognition. So it's like. I'm not gonna be like, Oh, good guy. Good. Good job, guys. I'm just over here.
[00:09:41] Megan: Like, I'm me, me, that's me, I'm number
[00:09:43] Ryan: That's fucking me. Me like, I have no problem shouting myself out. Like you've got to be proud of what you're doing.
[00:09:51] Ryan: It's part of the mindset. Yeah. You
[00:09:55] Megan: I want to say one thing because we talked social selling a lot on this and I'm not somebody that owns a social [00:10:00] selling business. I own a food business, right? So I just want to say for anybody that's listening to this, that does not own a social media based business or where you're selling a product online, all of this shit still applies.
[00:10:14] Megan: All right. You stepping into who you authentically are. Talk about cussing in your community. When I post videos of me dropping at least one F bomb, I get at least one person that's like, Oh, there it is! Because they count on it, right? Like, I have people that are like, What? What's going on? You haven't said fuck today.
[00:10:30] Megan: Like, what's wrong? I don't wish I was kidding, but like, Finding a community, whether you're in a social business or not, the fact that Ryan did not see her genius until she could have it reflected back to her by other women who are walking and going in the same place that she's going, that in itself should say to you that like, it's worth finding a fucking community.
[00:10:50] Megan: Set something up, create a community for yourself, right? You may not be in a business where you get to have 900 people working with you,
[00:10:58] Lauren: Mm
[00:10:59] Megan: can still have a group [00:11:00] of people who are business owners that can call you on your bullshit, right? And be authentic.
[00:11:05] Lauren: Yeah.
[00:11:06] Megan: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:11:07] Ryan: the one,
[00:11:08] Megan: True.
[00:11:08] Ryan: find the one person that'll be like crazy real with you, call you on your shit, but also see your greatness. And it might be hard to find. Took me a long time to find mine.
[00:11:16] Megan: Yeah.
[00:11:17] Ryan: But you have to like, be brave and bold enough to be the person to go, you're not, they're not going to find you. You got to go find them.
[00:11:24] Ryan: Like, you got to, you got to be like, hi, Lauren. So I saw that we're kind of similar. Do you want to be friends? Like, you have to be that person and you're going to be turned down by some people because they're not really going to be your people. But then when you find the one, it opens other doors. And now I have a couple more.
[00:11:41] Ryan: So it's like,
[00:11:41] Lauren: Yeah.
[00:11:42] Megan: It's amazing. That's what Lauren and I did. Lauren got into my business DMs and look at us three years later with a podcast and doing, we are in totally different markets.
[00:11:51] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:11:52] Ryan: But I think I'm also a story of like, If you're listening, and you feel like you have nothing to offer, and you're just an average person, and [00:12:00] you're just like, I'm not smart, and I'm not this, and I'm not that, you can still do big shit. You
[00:12:05] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:12:06] Ryan: do big shit. You do not have to do it the way somebody else did it.
[00:12:09] Ryan: You do not have to like, have this great history of like, I went to this school, and I got this degree, and I have these accolades. Like, you can literally be the laziest. Worst employee of all the land and find something you're passionate
[00:12:24] Lauren: the land.
[00:12:25] Ryan: fucking show up and go all in and you can make money doing stuff like it's, that's what's so great about the world we live in today.
[00:12:32] Megan: I love that so much. I want to be
[00:12:33] Ryan: what's something weird that people like, like, I don't know, like, something weird that I can make a lot of money off if I wanted to. I love geckos. I have four geckos.
[00:12:41] Lauren: Mm
[00:12:42] Megan: Like live
[00:12:43] Ryan: I literally take the same business practice that I built my business with. I learned about them. I researched them. I figured out what they need, how they need to thrive.
[00:12:51] Ryan: And then I was like, Ooh, there's this one type of gecko that I could buy. And it's a little bit of an investment, but if I buy him and then I buy him a mate, I could produce [00:13:00] babies. That'll make me 1, 500 a pot.
[00:13:02] Megan: Mm hmm.
[00:13:03] Ryan: Fucking geckos y'all like
[00:13:06] Megan: A friend of ours
[00:13:06] Lauren: you have to be
[00:13:07] Ryan: And then I pop out eggs and I can fucking make money off of it.
[00:13:10] Ryan: Like,
[00:13:11] Lauren: but you're thinking outside the box.
[00:13:13] Ryan: and the work and the, and the time spent and being consistent and keeping the little shits alive. Like
[00:13:19] Megan: And there doesn't have to be a through
[00:13:20] Ryan: your business. Right.
[00:13:22] Lauren: Mhm.
[00:13:22] Megan: makeup and geckos. Okay. Bye bye.
[00:13:25] Ryan: And I will watch me. I'm raising this little cutie right now. Who's five. I'm gonna get you a girlfriend. We're going to make some side money.
[00:13:31] Lauren: But speak to that a little bit, Ryan, because I think that that's another thing that I see. And I forget if we talked about this, Meg. I know I talked about this with some people last week because I was fired up about it. You know, where We see like I'm in several mommy groups on Facebook, you know, and you see a lot of times where it's like they're struggling.
[00:13:51] Lauren: They need extra. What can they do alongside what they're doing or they're at home and they need to be home and they want to be home. And what can they do? And you see [00:14:00] either sometimes they'll do it or you'll see in the comments, no MLMs or, you know, direct sales or network marketing things. And it's just like, People have so many misconceptions and so many opinions about it.
[00:14:11] Lauren: And I just think it's like, when are we going to fucking open our mind to, there are so many ways that you can provide for your family and no one should have an opinion on what you do to do that. You
[00:14:23] Megan: can have their opinion, but like, don't, why does it fucking matter? People are going to have opinions,
[00:14:28] Lauren: Right. They are going to have opinions, but you know what I mean?
[00:14:30] Lauren: Like I, I don't know. I just got so fired up about that last week seeing
[00:14:35] Ryan: Yeah, the anti MLM thing, it like gets me, like I wish somebody would come at me with like an updated argument. Because, nine times out of ten, you hear them like literally spewing the same shit that was like on a YouTube hate video like ten years ago. It's like, they're predatory! Okay? Like, there's people in every industry that are fucking predatories, there's serial killers out there and they're not even in [00:15:00] MLMs. So it's like, what the fuck does that word have to do with any Yes, there
[00:15:04] Megan: want to talk predatory, let's talk a fucking HR department who wants to hire you for way less than you're worth and tell you why you only are worth that much. And then you take it and you're like, thank
[00:15:13] Lauren: Mm. Right!
[00:15:15] Ryan: their fucking badge and hurt people. There's doctors that are predatory, literally just listen to a podcast where there's a doctor, I don't know if this is too far.
[00:15:26] Megan: We can edit it if we need
[00:15:27] Lauren: Yeah, if we need to.
[00:15:28] Ryan: He was like physically abusing his patients.
[00:15:31] Lauren: Oh.
[00:15:32] Ryan: He was a a mommy doctor, a gynecologist or something. licked somebody
[00:15:38] Lauren: hmm. What?
[00:15:38] Ryan: in her appointment. That's predatory, but he's a doctor. Does that make doctors bad in school?
[00:15:44] Megan: Right.
[00:15:45] Lauren: Right.
[00:15:46] Ryan: He's a predator. He's literally like the definition of like a sexual predator.
[00:15:50] Lauren: Right. Right.
[00:15:52] Ryan: aren't all bad.
[00:15:53] Ryan: So yeah, are there social sellers and network marketing people out there that are like absolute scum of the earth shit assholes? Yes, [00:16:00] I know some. I can name them right now if I really wanted to go there.
[00:16:03] Lauren: Oh.
[00:16:04] Ryan: But there are really shitty people in every single industry. So like this whole like, it's predatory.
[00:16:10] Ryan: Like no, it is if, if the person is predatory,
[00:16:14] Lauren: Right. That's
[00:16:15] Ryan: of life, right?
[00:16:16] Lauren: I always say that
[00:16:18] Ryan: There's really great men out there, and then there's fucking rapists out there. Like, are all men bad? No. Like, should we just all be lesbians? Because like, men can be rapists. Like, no, it doesn't even make sense. So like, bring me a good argument.
[00:16:31] Ryan: All their arguments are so outdated. Nobody makes money. I'm like, okay, we're not even looking at like, the facts of the business that, yeah, like, most people join for a discount in most companies. Like, let's just look at the facts and have a real ass conversation. I have multiple videos of me out there on YouTube, where I'm getting hated on by anti MLM people, and I just think they're cute, like, thank you for all the
[00:16:54] Lauren: Wow.
[00:16:55] Ryan: But I reached out to one, and I
[00:16:57] Lauren: it big. If you're getting those kinds of videos. Right.
[00:16:58] Ryan: on the phone and have, like, a [00:17:00] real conversation, like, I'm not gonna be a bitch, I'm, I'm, like, passionate, so I'm, I might cuss, and I'm I'm going to like, we're going to have like a real conversation, but I'm not just going to like be an asshole to you. Like, let's jump on the phone.
[00:17:10] Ryan: Let's talk about it. Like, let's have a real conversation. No, they won't do it. They won't do it. So I'm like, okay, bye.
[00:17:15] Megan: Not your people.
[00:17:17] Ryan: It's just the dumbest thing. Like come up with a real argument. Like there's, it's just dumb. But why are we worrying about like what other people are doing? I mean, unless they're doing bad things.
[00:17:27] Ryan: If you're working with integrity, like if you want to freaking breed geckos and you're doing with integrity, you're not abusing the little animals, like who cares?
[00:17:36] Megan: Mm.
[00:17:36] Ryan: I'm selling makeup, and I'm helping people look good, feel good, and they enjoy it, and they want to buy the makeup, and they want to learn how to sell the makeup, the fuck does it matter to you?
[00:17:45] Megan: Right.
[00:17:45] Ryan: Like, I mean, there's people out there who, this is also controversial, there's like anti vaxxers, right? Anti vaxxers who are nurses. And like nurses give vaccines. So it's [00:18:00] like, how are you going to like, hate on, you can feel however you feel, but it doesn't mean you need to hate on like the nursing industry or like go off the grid and like grow your own potatoes and like rub fucking leaves on your body instead of like going to a doctor.
[00:18:12] Ryan: Like, you don't have to be so extreme and like argumentative and worried about other people. Like, is she a good person? Is she doing good things? Cool. Do you, boo? And then leave it at that. Like, I don't care what you do for work unless you're, you know, a murderer or you're stealing stuff or something. Other than that, I couldn't give two shits. Like, are you good? Are you happy? Are you a good person? Are you making money, taking care of your kids?
[00:18:37] Lauren: And, and like you, like you were just saying, you know, there's, there's a need, there's a need right now.
[00:18:42] Ryan: Yeah. Why not try it? Like, don't tell me it's the worst thing in the world until your ass has come in and given it a shot on my team where I can control what you're experiencing. I can't control everybody. And you can't go just join any company and be like, Oh, she was horrible on the comp plan shit. Like, no.
[00:18:57] Ryan: You gotta come where I know. Like, I know I joined a good company and I [00:19:00] know the people here, like, we're good.
[00:19:01] Lauren: Right, right,
[00:19:02] Ryan: But it's just, you know, you can't go to your doctor in Wisconsin and then be like, Oh, there's the worst doctor ever. And then like, now I can't go to mine in North Carolina because he's a doctor.
[00:19:10] Ryan: And as a doctor, that's how their arguments sound in my brain. Like, just so stupid. And I'm like, I can't even talk to you. Isn't there something in the Bible about that? Something about, I don't even know, maybe not, throwing pearls to swine or something, something about swine, pigs and pearls. I don't know.
[00:19:28] Ryan: Maybe I should look that up before I go try to use it.
[00:19:30] Lauren: You're talking to the wrong people. You know,
[00:19:32] Ryan: I've read the Bible three times, okay? Three whole times, front to back. I'm one of those. I'm a, I'm a, like a researcher. I like to know things.
[00:19:39] Lauren: Yeah.
[00:19:40] Megan: Oh, I'm so curious. Okay. Sorry. My brain just keeps pulling back to
[00:19:45] Lauren: well, we have to, we have to get our human design when we get
[00:19:47] Ryan: I have done things in my life you guys. I've lived like eight lives in my one life and it's what makes me interesting.
[00:19:54] Megan: And you're, you're proven success, right? So like for anybody out there that's tried a thousand different things and feel [00:20:00] like you can't find your mark. It's there, right? You just have to go for it and not let the fear, like, I speak for the fear a lot here because I'm definitely a scaredy cat on social media, for sure.
[00:20:10] Megan: Just, that's the only thing holding you back, right? Like, you're fucking scared. So go do it. It's there. It's available.
[00:20:15] Ryan: Fear is a good thing. You know, fear
[00:20:18] Megan: In certain
[00:20:19] Ryan: Fear is what keeps us safe and alive and healthy. Like there's
[00:20:21] Megan: bro? If you're crossing a busy street
[00:20:24] Ryan: and your, and your fear kicks in. It's because it's like, whoa, bitch, that's a long fall. You're gonna die if you just take one more step. Like we need fear, but like, I've learned that there's things.
[00:20:35] Ryan: in my life, like fear or my hero complex. She's big and strong. She likes to save people from like, I see like Lauren doing something that like I've done and I've gotten very hurt. I will jump in to like, get that bullet and save her, like learn from my lesson. But like I need that person in the back seat where like I can hear her and I can appreciate her and acknowledge her but like I'm in [00:21:00] the driver's seat like I'm in control same with your fear like if your fear is driving your human car, you're never going to have control but it's not a bad thing like you can't hate that part of yourself respect part of yourself fear is good, but put her like buckle her ass on her car seat so you can hear her and then you can decide how to move like Okay, this is a healthy fear.
[00:21:19] Ryan: I shouldn't step off this cliff because I shall die. Like, or it's like, don't post that reel because people are gonna judge you from high school. And you're like, well, now I'm 40. Why the fuck do I care about who in high school thinks about me? Okay, I appreciate you. But I'm going to do it anyway, like put things where they need to go.
[00:21:39] Ryan: And like with my hero complex, I learned that if I am saving people, they're never going to learn the lessons and grow and be that much stronger because I took that, like I took that opportunity by saving them from that hurt. Like they need to go through it because that's how I got where I am is going through it myself.
[00:21:58] Ryan: So I'm like, yeah, you're great, [00:22:00] but I need you back there because I need to decide when I'm going to use you.
[00:22:03] Lauren: Yeah.
[00:22:04] Ryan: that analogy, the last couple of years for me has been huge. Like when something comes up, I'm like, is this bitch driving or am I driving? Does she need an extra like seatbelt or like, is she good?
[00:22:15] Ryan: Like, I appreciate you. I love you, but like you need to go in the back seat.
[00:22:21] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:22:22] Ryan: Maybe in the third row, if you're like, just real loud.
[00:22:27] Lauren: That's so good.
[00:22:28] Megan: Yeah, that is great.
[00:22:29] Lauren: So are we talking about like the battle of the brains
[00:22:33] Ryan: Oh my
[00:22:33] Megan: Oh, okay. Yeah, let's touch on one thing before Battle of the Brains was just one of the segments. I didn't want to
[00:22:38] Lauren: oh, okay. I'm like, I didn't write this note, but I know we want to talk about it.
[00:22:43] Megan: It's me. So there's, I think we definitely want to talk about your podcast. And then we have a question that we ask everybody before we leave,
[00:22:50] Ryan: Ooh, I love, I have one of those too. Mine's so lame, I need a better one.
[00:22:54] Megan: you get to develop it and it gives a change whenever our podcast has
[00:22:57] Ryan: the boss!
[00:22:57] Megan: 17 different versions of itself already.[00:23:00] 
[00:23:00] Lauren: I guess so.
[00:23:01] Megan: that may be an exaggeration, but we change things as we go. So what made you decide to start a podcast?
[00:23:07] Ryan: So, there was a conversation with a friend that I love dearly. And I've been told by people for Everly, and then my one girlfriend that I was telling you about earlier, my angel friend, she was like, you know, people on social media see you as this, like, bad ass tough business girl, but she's like, that's really not.
[00:23:29] Ryan: The majority of what you are, you're like really funny and you're loving and you're kind and like, that's who you are. But like, it's not showing on your social media. So a podcast I think would be really great for you. But I kind of messed up because I'm doing the podcast by myself, which means I'm just in like badass bitch mode when I do it.
[00:23:48] Ryan: And I'm not showing my, my other whole side of myself. So like, that's where like Battle the brains and like all that kind of stuff came into play. So I was like, I've got to show the other, other, other part of [00:24:00] me, but I've been wanting to do one. And I'm having this conversation with my friend and we're talking like big life changes, right?
[00:24:10] Ryan: It's like real deep conversation. And my whole last, like my whole business career, really as a social seller in the last, like, what, 10 years has been like the, the ceiling of my success was like the top ranks, like in, within my company, like, where could I get. That's the ultimate. And she just kind of came in with a sledgehammer and was like, no, fuck this glass roof.
[00:24:33] Ryan: And she's like, do you see there's a whole world, like your skills and your business, there are so many other things you can do. And I didn't realize like how big my life could be or how big my success could be. And she was like, what is it that scares you about what you're doing, but also like lights you on fire when it comes to your team?
[00:24:52] Ryan: And I'm like, like speaking and coaching. And I'm like, I've never said this to anybody, but like, [00:25:00] My dream is to like, be a speaker. And I was like, well, like I've never said that out loud, but literally like every conference I've ever been to, we have like the speakers come in and I'm like, I want to do like, I wish I had that in fact, I wish I was up there doing that.
[00:25:14] Ryan: And I'm like, Oh my God, is that like what I want to do? I'm like, that's what I want to do. Like, that's what lights me up and also makes me want to shit my pants all at one time. It's like, that's what you need to do. I'm like, what are the other steps to get there? Like, what are the other things you would love to do?
[00:25:26] Ryan: And I'm like, I'd love to write a book. I'd love to have a podcast. She's like, fucking do them. What are you doing? I'm like, well, they're not part of my social selling business. She's like, who cares? That'll grow alongside it. So like totally shifted my brain. And I came home, I think that was a Friday and I launched my podcast on a Monday.
[00:25:44] Ryan: I just spent the weekend learning how the fuck to do it and jumped in
[00:25:47] Lauren: And I'm sure you do it all on your own,
[00:25:49] Ryan: and I do it. I, yeah, I record it, edit it,
[00:25:52] Lauren: course you do.
[00:25:53] Ryan: did all my marketing and stuff. Yeah,
[00:25:56] Lauren: Yeah.
[00:25:57] Ryan: but that's me. Like my brain can do that. So like, I'm going [00:26:00] to do it and I did it and I'm like,
[00:26:01] Lauren: And it's another way for people to, like, learn about you and, and again, like, engage with you and
[00:26:06] Ryan: And just be me
[00:26:07] Lauren: it will grow
[00:26:08] Ryan: of all the other business things that I have where there's like professionalism and limits and, you know, like contracts and clients. My podcast is mine and I can say whatever the fuck I want on it and I can be really, really wrong. You can choose to listen or you can choose not to.
[00:26:23] Lauren: Mm hmm. Mm
[00:26:24] Ryan: So I'm just like, I'm just gonna do it. And that, that conversation was like, that was it. Like, okay. I literally had mics and shit in the closet for like two years.
[00:26:34] Lauren: Oh, wow. Yes.
[00:26:36] Megan: Damn. So it was
[00:26:37] Ryan: on this idea that I wanted to do it and I'm just one of those people that like, if I decide I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it.
[00:26:41] Ryan: So I have to decide like getting to the decision part is a hard part for me. I'm like, cause once I decide, like it's over,
[00:26:50] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:26:51] Ryan: I decide I'm going to do something, then I'm just going to do it. I'm going to go all in. So like, am I ready for this? I don't know, but I'm just going to do,[00:27:00] 
[00:27:00] Megan: I love that. Well, I think the podcast is great so far.
[00:27:03] Ryan: Go. That's just me. I'm a gut mover. Move from a gut.
[00:27:07] Megan: Like we're
[00:27:07] Lauren: Oh, mm hmm. Probably an MG. Mm hmm. Ha
[00:27:11] Megan: I know. I know we're gonna I'm like, we need to finish this interview because I need to know. So I just want to say this about your podcast because I have listened to it. I didn't know you coming into this interview. You and Lauren were friends. So I was definitely a little nervous.
[00:27:21] Megan: Like, okay, how am I going to contribute? Right? And social media, like, I knew that you liked makeup. right? That's what I got out of that. You sell makeup. So being able to listen to your podcast, I think was really cool because you do get to see the different aspects of your, of your personality. Like, first of all, you drop some fucking knowledge, right?
[00:27:38] Megan: And tear down some paradigms, which I really dig. You're like, okay, no. Do you own a fucking business or are you a hobbyist? That one got me. We're talking about sourdough we're having trivial competitions like you just it's a nice fun mixed bag and I think it's great. Like I click I was like oh I love sourdough bread let me listen to this episode.
[00:27:57] Megan: It's great so I'm excited that you're doing [00:28:00] it I'm excited to see where it goes. But that guys it's a reason to do things while you're scared that you're scared of right you held on to it for a long time and it's okay for it not to be right until a certain fucking moment right you had the mics for two years before you recorded
[00:28:14] Ryan: years and then I broke them during the
[00:28:15] Megan: just go do shit. And now she's got a nice, beautiful
[00:28:18] Ryan: and it blew up because it was sitting in my closet for two years. It was outdated. Don't, don't wait. This is what we're saying or it will
[00:28:26] Megan: Just fucking do it.
[00:28:29] Ryan: the biggest moment of my podcast career and my mind broke. Because it was a thousand years old and dusty.
[00:28:37] Lauren: That's so funny. So we ask everyone this question, and I'm excited for your answer, so I'm sure it'll be a really good one. But, you know, our podcast is called Shattering Ceilings, and we like to ask everyone who comes on here, like, what sha what ceilings are you currently shattering in your life right now?
[00:28:53] Ryan: All of them.
[00:28:55] Lauren: Hmm.
[00:28:56] Ryan: Is there a ceiling? Cause I have a sledgehammer. [00:29:00] That's just like, I just, like I was saying, I feel like my whole life I've been in this little bubble of existence because I just like, I needed somebody to come shatter my ceiling and be like, look, bitch, there's a whole world. Like I'm, you know, like biodome.
[00:29:18] Ryan: I feel like that's where I was living. Like that movie biodome.
[00:29:20] Lauren: Right.
[00:29:21] Ryan: I feel like I was, I've been living in a biodome and there's like this whole, we're literally on the earth, but I'm in this bubble and
[00:29:29] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:29:29] Ryan: feel like this is it. Like this is my whole existence and I can only go as high. This is giving me opportunity to go, you know, and relying on a company or, you know, when I was doing photography, like you can only go so high, like, where can you go?
[00:29:46] Ryan: You're a great photographer. You make a lot of money, but like the end. And I wasn't seeing that. Like, I am so much bigger and the world is so much bigger. And that's like, I can exist outside of my company was like a, [00:30:00] just a brain fuck for me. Like what I can. And then when I did, I launched my first course.
[00:30:07] Ryan: And most of the course, people that paid to do my course were people in other companies. I have value outside my own, you know, cause a lot of social sellers, I think come in, if you've been doing it for a while, you're a leader. It's like, you've kind of found your existence and your worth in these people that like chose to work with you and you struggle maybe to see that you have value outside of them because like they have to like you.
[00:30:38] Ryan: Or they have to like respect you like you're their leader but like so and so over there like random girl on the internet like what value do you hold for her
[00:30:47] Lauren: right.
[00:30:48] Ryan: because she's not in your organization so like you just think so small and you forget that like I'm teaching them really valuable lessons I should be teaching everybody
[00:30:58] Lauren: mm hmm,
[00:30:59] Ryan: or like [00:31:00] my skills in branding.
[00:31:03] Ryan: I can brand everybody, not everybody. I can brand anybody who's willing to pay me to do it. Like, I don't need to stay in this bubble of just and I think for leaders to if you're like branching out and doing a podcast or starting a course or doing coaching or something like that. You kind of get this.
[00:31:23] Ryan: Guilt a little bit like I'm supposed to show up in these ways for free for these people because they're my team
[00:31:29] Lauren: mm hmm.
[00:31:30] Ryan: Like I need to do that for free so when you like do and you make money doing it you almost kind of struggle with a little guilt like
[00:31:36] Megan: Mm.
[00:31:38] Ryan: Like they're paying me, but yeah, these people aren't Like this weird thing of like, oh, I'm stepping outside of this like bubble that I'm supposed to be in I'm like going bigger and it's just a very interesting thing.
[00:31:51] Ryan: So I'm like I just literally want to break all the glass and all the world and like just see how much bigger and better we [00:32:00] can do and like working with Lauren and our mastermind has been such a huge thing for me because it's been part of like, you know, breaking that ceiling for me is like, I can sit down with these other people who are like at my level but in completely different companies with completely different personalities and they have completely different people under them and comp plans and And Dreams and goals and everything but we can come together and like learn from each other and it like it's like one of those world expanders like oh my god, other things there's other process and like they teach me things and I teach them things that we would have never fucking thought of
[00:32:36] Lauren: hmm. Mm hmm.
[00:32:37] Ryan: because we're just stuck in these bubbles all the time as social sellers and it's like we don't need to be
[00:32:42] Lauren: And as people, like, I mean, I, I say this all the time, like I, and I'm not saying that you have to be in like a social selling kind of business to expand, you know, your bubble or break free from that bubble. But there are times where I'm like, where are people getting? These kind of [00:33:00] resources, these kinds of mentors, these kinds of relationships, these kinds of conversations, if they don't have something like this, because, like, I feel it's one thing that a lot of people lack, especially women, you know, like, going back to, you know, maybe a mom that stays at home or, you know, is so enthralled with the kids.
[00:33:17] Lauren: And I get that. I get that season. It's like, where are you filling yourself up? Where are you expanding your mind? You know,
[00:33:24] Ryan: you being a woman,
[00:33:25] Lauren: hmm. Mm
[00:33:25] Ryan: you're being a mom and a wife, it's like your woman, like, where is she? What is she doing?
[00:33:32] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:33:33] Ryan: you too. And okay. Like this all a part of who you are.
[00:33:37] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:33:38] Ryan: And it's like, if you just, you know, you see people get lost and like, I'm a mom, like that's who I am. And I've been there, like that's
[00:33:47] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:33:48] Ryan: full identity and you forget that there's like a daughter in there.
[00:33:50] Ryan: There's a friend in there. There's a woman in there who needs like her own shit. And it's okay to be a mom with goals and dreams is okay to be a mom who like wants [00:34:00] to do better and bigger
[00:34:01] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:34:02] Ryan: or do something different or not just not be a mom. And it's okay to just be a mom and be content and happy and do that.
[00:34:11] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:34:12] Ryan: whichever way your heart and your soul are pulling you like, it's all, it's all okay.
[00:34:16] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:34:17] Ryan: It's all okay. Like shatter your own ceiling. Be the best damn mom you can fucking be.
[00:34:21] Lauren: Right.
[00:34:22] Ryan: Or be a mom who builds a side gig, or be a mom who starts their own, like, fucking gecko business, or like, whatever, whatever you want to do, go start a retail store, like, whatever is on your heart, it's not going to be, make you less than, because you build, in fact, I think if you build the different parts of yourself.
[00:34:40] Ryan: To their very best, which is, it's literally on my computer. 10 out of 10. It's like our goal, me and my, my angel friend, like we want a 10 life. We don't want to be a great social seller. We want to be a great social seller and a great mom and a great friend and the
[00:34:53] Lauren: do it all.
[00:34:54] Ryan: bitter version of ourselves and like the smartest version of ourselves, the most at peace, the best wife, the best, like [00:35:00] any, anything and everything, 10 out of 10 life.
[00:35:03] Ryan: And when you develop all those pieces of your pie, like, you're gonna have the best damn fucking pie ever. Like, your pie will win the contest. Because it is the best in the contest, right? But if you, we develop, I won't even go into it. We develop this program where you can, we work with people in their 10 life, and it's like, if your life is this circle, and you're really great here, and you're really great here, and you're really great here, but these are lacking, like, your wheel's
[00:35:31] Lauren: that called? It's like a real life or something, isn't it?
[00:35:34] Ryan: I don't know what we call it. We have, we developed this whole
[00:35:37] Megan: what we did with Jess?
[00:35:38] Lauren: Yeah, we have that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:35:40] Megan: did something
[00:35:41] Ryan: you're not great in one place, you know, like I, for example, with my weight has always been a struggle. I'm like, I accomplished these things in my business and I walked the stage and I got these accolades, but I felt like shit in my dress because I just, I felt fat and I felt gross. And it's like, that's 10 life.
[00:35:56] Ryan: That's not me living to my highest potential. That's me [00:36:00] With a flat tire because I'm like should be 100 percent loving this moment and there's things about myself that I'm not loving because I'm not giving them 10 out of 10 effort. And I'm like, I can, I have the power to change all those things. So it's like those little things bring you actual fulfillment and joy in your life when you're like taking care of your woman, your wife, your mom, part of you, all those parts of you.
[00:36:26] Lauren: So good.
[00:36:27] Ryan: We
[00:36:27] Megan: So what I hear is you're telling us that we should not be pussyfooting around and making the best fucking pies.
[00:36:33] Ryan: Yeah. Make the best fucking pies. Name it the pussyfoot cherry pie, whatever you want to name it. And then you eat it, and then you're not pussyfooting because you ate it, and it's gone.
[00:36:44] Megan: the fuck to it,
[00:36:45] Ryan: Win the fucking pie contest, kids.
[00:36:48] Lauren: the pie contest.
[00:36:49] Megan: pussy pie you ever
[00:36:50] Ryan: And I hate pie by the way. Pie is disgusting. And I can't stand it. like cake though. So maybe
[00:36:57] Lauren: I like cake. I'm not a big pie person[00:37:00] 
[00:37:00] Ryan: I don't like hot fruit.
[00:37:02] Megan: Oh, there's better things than fruit pie. Come on, guys. There's,
[00:37:05] Ryan: Like cherry,
[00:37:06] Megan: silk
[00:37:06] Ryan: like turnovers.
[00:37:08] Lauren: French silk pie? Is that
[00:37:09] Megan: Oh, it's like a chocolate mousse based pie. There's
[00:37:12] Ryan: I could do a chocolate
[00:37:14] Lauren: I don't like hot fruit. I mean that.
[00:37:17] Ryan: My husband's so annoyed with it.
[00:37:19] Ryan: He's like, ooh, try this. I'm like, it's hot. Is that hot fruit? Is that fruit hot? I won't eat it. Other than like banana nut bread, I'll eat that. But like,
[00:37:26] Lauren: yeah, yeah,
[00:37:27] Ryan: he's like, Oh, this apple turner was delicious. I'm like, is the apple hot? Cause I won't eat it. That's gross.
[00:37:34] Lauren: Oh my
[00:37:35] Ryan: Whole fruit, please. See, this is how my mind works.
[00:37:39] Ryan: I'll go super deep into life and then we'll hit business shit. And then I'm talking about hot fruit.
[00:37:44] Megan: Hot fruit,
[00:37:45] Ryan: my brain in a
[00:37:46] Lauren: It's balance
[00:37:47] Ryan: minutes
[00:37:48] Megan: as it should
[00:37:49] Lauren: diverse you can be.
[00:37:51] Ryan: But
[00:37:51] Megan: a 10 out of 10 fuckin
[00:37:53] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:37:54] Ryan: 10 out of 10,
[00:37:55] Lauren: Let's develop that a little more.
[00:37:58] Megan: Yeah. Well, thank you so much for being [00:38:00] on with us today. Before we get too off in
[00:38:02] Ryan: much fun.
[00:38:04] Lauren: Was
[00:38:04] Megan: we're so deeply grateful. Yeah, like, this was a great fuckin interview. I feel like we're gonna have to split it into
[00:38:09] Lauren: Oh, we
[00:38:10] Megan: how long we've been on.
[00:38:11] Ryan: Oh, we are.
[00:38:13] Lauren: hour and 40 minutes or something like that, but yeah, we'll split into two. But listen, it was, there are so many nuggets in this. I mean, I was taking notes over here to some things we were saying I was writing them down
[00:38:23] Ryan: Ah, it sucks.
[00:38:25] Megan: Yeah.
[00:38:26] Lauren: Where can we find you? Where can the listeners find you, Ryan?
[00:38:29] Ryan: You can find me at Rye the Wild Child on Facebook, on all the things, Instagram, and try to keep it the same, except no, don't, don't find me on, what is it called? TikTok. Just don't find me there. Just leave that one. But everything else is at Rye the Wild Child.
[00:38:50] Lauren: All right, well, again, thank you so much for everything. This was amazing.
[00:38:54] Ryan: You're so welcome. Thank you guys for having me.
[00:38:57] Megan: Do not hang up when we get off this
[00:38:58] Lauren: Yeah. Don't
[00:38:59] Ryan: Bye.[00:39:00] 
[00:39:00] Lauren: Bye guys. Bye guys. Bye.