Shattering Ceilings

Elevate Your Brand: Insights from AK Socialhouse with Amber Alrifai! - Part 1

December 12, 2023 Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler Season 2 Episode 21
Elevate Your Brand: Insights from AK Socialhouse with Amber Alrifai! - Part 1
Shattering Ceilings
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Shattering Ceilings
Elevate Your Brand: Insights from AK Socialhouse with Amber Alrifai! - Part 1
Dec 12, 2023 Season 2 Episode 21
Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler

Unlock the secrets to success with our latest podcast episode featuring Amber Alrifai, Creative Director and CEO of AK Socialhouse. Dive into a conversation packed with actionable insights for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to elevate their brand, website, and systems. Grab your notebook and pen – this episode is a game-changer!

Follow Amber @aksocialhouse @amberalrifai

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

Show Notes Transcript

Unlock the secrets to success with our latest podcast episode featuring Amber Alrifai, Creative Director and CEO of AK Socialhouse. Dive into a conversation packed with actionable insights for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to elevate their brand, website, and systems. Grab your notebook and pen – this episode is a game-changer!

Follow Amber @aksocialhouse @amberalrifai

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

SC - Episode 66
[00:00:00] Lauren: Hey, everyone. Welcome back to Shattering Ceilings. It's Lauren.
[00:00:03] Megan: And Megan. And today we have a special guest. I'm not going to try to say your last name. Lauren practiced it before we got on here. I just started sweating
[00:00:11] Lauren: Right. It's Amber El Refi. Hopefully I
[00:00:14] Amber: Yeah, you say better than I do.
[00:00:16] Lauren: Oh, I don't know. I don't know. But anyway, she is with AK social house and she has been just like the source of inspiration for me in building out systems and automating my business a little bit more. And she does this. Now full time, right? And yeah, I'm excited to learn from Amber and have you guys learn from Amber because she's all about simplicity and ease, which is one, not one, but two big things that me and Megan talk about often, right?
[00:00:49] Lauren: Putting more ease into your life and in this way in your business. So welcome to the show, Amber.
[00:00:56] Amber: thank you. Thanks for having me. I mean, that's ideally what you guys [00:01:00] do for joining a network marketing business is to get back your time, right? And then how many of you actually join? You're like, I don't have any time. I'm like, hopping on zoom calls. I need to have parties. I need to reach out to people.
[00:01:11] Amber: And you're like, hold on. I can't have dinner. I'm too busy. I'm trying to make more connections. So you can sort of lose track of your, of your time and then your business takes over or vice versa. And you don't put any time into your business because you're focused on your family and then you don't really see any growth.
[00:01:24] Amber: So, definitely a way to balance all of that out.
[00:01:27] Lauren: right. So here we have like, you know, obviously I'm involved with network marketing, and then Megan has several actually businesses in, I guess more of a, i, should I say more of a traditional Biss? Me, like, I don't
[00:01:40] Megan: Yeah, I would say so. I have a meal prep company and then we're starting like a wellness and integrative wellness center here where I just moved. So brick and mortar. Very different, but I'm really excited to see kind of how implementing, because as I spread, right, I have to implement more systems so that I can actually keep up with my life because I've definitely been there [00:02:00] where I'm like.
[00:02:00] Amber: meal, meal plan business and have it, you know, taken all across different states. And there's so much that you can do with that, right. You could literally turn into a franchise.
[00:02:09] Megan: Oh yeah. It's crazy. And like the idea is my brain spread so far, but my time is much less than my brain power. So yeah, it's, you know, there's a lot of opportunities, just like with any business now. There's so much opportunity to grow. So to get us started, I would love to know more about you. So how did you get into the business of helping people build businesses?
[00:02:31] Amber: Absolutely. So I was actually in network marketing about I have my son seven and a half. So I'm going to say eight years ago because I was pregnant for him at the time. I worked with a beauty and wellness company that was launching in Canada. My sister had joined it. She was a social worker at the time.
[00:02:47] Amber: So it's not like she was in sales or anything like that. She joined the business. I said, no, I'm not interested. I'm not going to, you know, sell shampoo or wellness products or whatnot. I was an executive assistant. I worked corporate finance, like was loving what I was [00:03:00] doing. And I sort of watched her grow really fast.
[00:03:04] Amber: I watched her get like a 10, 000 check. I watched her get her Cadillac and I thought, Oh my gosh, like that stuff doesn't actually happen, but now it's like happening to somebody who's not even in sales. So I thought if she could do it, I could do it. I also started to get anxiety knowing that I had to go back to work after Matt leaves and I was pregnant for my son at the time, but.
[00:03:21] Amber: That was five years of IVF and like trying and trying and trying. So he was a miracle baby. So the fact that I was just like, I just want to be a stay home mom forever. My maternity leave is going to last forever. That's sort of where my headspace was, but obviously that year you know, just was going real, real fast, going by real fast.
[00:03:38] Amber: So I jumped in, but what I realized real quick is that she had actually taken up my entire network. By the time I joined the business, I had no friends, no family. I wasn't on Instagram. So there was nowhere for me to. Build this business, except for cold market. So it's sort of pushed me to cold market. My husband's an engineer by day together.
[00:03:57] Amber: We just started focusing on running ads, [00:04:00] paid traffic. What can we do? How do we generate leads? So, you know, trial and error, and I would say tens and tens of thousands of dollars of just trying to figure it out until one day it sort of clicked and we had opened into the UK and I was in Alberta cat at the time.
[00:04:15] Amber: You know, with my little guy, he was like four or five months old and. I remember we had ran an ad in the UK and that month I brought in 17 market partners. And I thought, Oh my God, like this works, you know, I'm bringing all these people. And I had built a team. I got up to six figures. I earned my car, our founder shares within six months.
[00:04:33] Amber: I was just blowing up this business. And I thought, wow, like if I can do this, like, you know, think of all the other women out there that have no network, you know, no followers, people weren't on social media back then. It wasn't really a big thing. It was more of like Facebook.
[00:04:46] Lauren: Right.
[00:04:47] Amber: And So I could have leaded like I led in the way of just building my own business and growing and scaling and whatnot, but then we started focusing in on helping other network marketers and it got really big really fast that about two years ago, I [00:05:00] had to make that decision of do I go all in with a key social house and helping all these network marketers and what I can do, or do I continue to go all in in my business, and there was so much more impact that I can make by making the shift.
[00:05:11] Amber: So I lost my founder shares. I lost my car. Like I just, I gave it all up. I could have kept it on just to, you know, get the discount for whatnot. But I thought I need to go all in. I need to have like the weight off my shoulders and just be able to just go. So, so that's what I did. And so then it led into just being full force with AK social house.
[00:05:30] Amber: So I've been the creative director and part owner with AK social house. And we run a full in house team here. It's LA based. I'm in orange County. So we've moved to California. And. It just, it goes kind of above and beyond. So we've been servicing network marketers for the last five plus years of building systems, automating their backend, helping them expand globally really focusing on building their personal brand.
[00:05:53] Amber: What can we do to give them their time back, but also what can we do to help? You stand out from the crowd. So whether that's [00:06:00] your sideline, if it's a competitor is out in the market we really believe that, you know, building that like and trust relationship, it comes down to, you know, really showcasing who you are and what you have to offer that you're the face behind the business and not the product that you're trying to sell.
[00:06:14] Amber: So how can we really focus on doing that? And that's really what we've been, been doing for the last. 5 plus years, we've worked with a lot of influencers, top income earners in the network marketing space. We always say that we're like the number 1 agency to go to for network marketers when it comes to growing and scaling.
[00:06:29] Amber: And then we also run a media division, so we do local events, podcasts, micro.
[00:06:34] Lauren: Oh, cool.
[00:06:35] Amber: We've worked with influencers here. We've been done podcasts with NY let all the network marketers know him. So we've been over to his house and shooting the podcast, Dan Martell Garrett, Jay white, Danielle K white. So, and then we've launched a show.
[00:06:47] Amber: So we've done some micro content, launched a show called the real white house. So it just kind of keeps on going, but. To stick it to the network marketing side of things, this is, we have a whole division that just focuses on helping network marketers grow and scale [00:07:00] and brand themselves, which is something I think a lot of network marketers don't even think of.
[00:07:04] Amber: They're just like, I got a business in a box. Now what? I'm going to go talk to my friends and family and make my list and see what happens. And you make a couple hundred dollars, but how do you make a couple thousand or tens of thousands?
[00:07:13] Megan: Yeah.
[00:07:14] Lauren: Right. I love that. And, you know, again, we can speak to, and all businesses, it doesn't have to be just network marketing. Cause I know, like I said, we have all different types of businesses that listen and just different people in general. But I love the, like what you said, I think a lot of people, no matter what kind of business you have, it's like your, your business is your baby.
[00:07:35] Lauren: And then like you are that, and that is it. Like, it's almost like you lose your identity, like. You are the company or the business or whatever, the brand. And it's just like, I, you really helped me in seeing that too. And then other people talk about it as well, but I think you do such a great job at helping people see, no, it's you, like you are the brand.
[00:07:55] Lauren: You have a business, right. With whatever it may be, [00:08:00] but the focus needs to be on showing people who you are. Right.
[00:08:03] Amber: Absolutely. And not just showing people who you are, but also focusing on the income producing activities within that business. Because whether you're in network marketing or an entrepreneur, you can quickly find yourself losing, you know, who, who you are and losing your time, like putting everything and all your energy into this business.
[00:08:23] Amber: But there's so many little aspects of the business that you can actually. You know, allocate to other people and I always say become the master of you know, of, of being that what's the word delegator, like be the master of a delegator and you don't need to be making millions of dollars of an assistant, but you can literally have somebody part time that's helping you doing reach outs or helping you create microcontent or helping you, you know, to, to create an email to send out once a week to, you know, to your email list, just little things like that, that you don't have to.
[00:08:52] Amber: necessarily be focusing on that can help you to just be able to really focus on the things that matter most that are helping to produce more revenue for [00:09:00] your business.
[00:09:01] Megan: I don't know where we were guys, as far as question goes, we, if this part doesn't get cut, guys, we've had some technical issues, but I think we figured it all out. We've had
[00:09:09] Amber: Technical issues, children issues, toddler issues. Technical and toddler.
[00:09:15] Megan: This is what happens when moms are podcasting. I literally sent mine to school, like. They were both complaining this morning, like, I don't know if you just want to stay home or if you're actually sick, so we're gonna pretend it's just because it's like the Monday scaries, you know, and I'm waiting for the phone call because every time I have interviews or something going on is the day that they need to be home.
[00:09:33] Amber: always it, right? And she said, I'm, she was getting her cast off today and she said, I'm going to feel yucky. I'm like, you're going to feel fine. You'll be great.
[00:09:40] Megan: great.
[00:09:40] Amber: Yes. So anyway, quietly behind me.
[00:09:44] Megan: That's the fun. So getting back to the social media and network marketing, building your brand. That's kind of the conversation we're starting. I'm saying this all out loud so that my brain can get back on track. So I love what you were saying about like. Lauren said you have this [00:10:00] baby right and figuring out like who am I in this I know it's something that I really struggle with, especially because my business doesn't necessarily match up with my education, or, like, my current passions, right, I love food will always love food, but.
[00:10:17] Megan: As far as meal prepping goes, it was getting boring. So now, but like, that's what I created in the company, right? It was all about food all the time. So now, right? Like, I'm trying to figure out how do I redesign this where I become the brand? Cause you hear this everywhere. It's like the new buzz thing, at least in my world.
[00:10:34] Megan: Maybe I'm behind, but like, you are the brand. You have to show up exactly as you are. And then everything else will build around it. But how. Would you suggest somebody starts to incorporate different things? Like I do food, but I'm also an acupuncturist and I teach yoga. So how do I effectively mix all that together without maybe diluting my message or confusing my market or anything like that?
[00:10:57] Megan: Do you have any suggestions that way?
[00:10:59] Amber: [00:11:00] you know, I talked to a lot of people who end up going and creating multiple social accounts. Like I do network marketing. So I have a social account for that. I do care. I have an account for that. Yes. So basically what you're doing now is you're giving yourself multiple jobs to do. And now you've turned your social media into like, I need to, it's enough to have to post daily or, or, you know, a couple of times a week.
[00:11:21] Amber: But now you're literally posting like triple that time. I'm very big on saving my time. What can I do? When it comes down to content, you know, creating stuff, a piece of content that I can post on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube shorts, you know, pull it from this podcast. Podcasts are so big, you know, take all these golden nuggets out and use them as your micro content to be wrote, to be able to roll out.
[00:11:43] Amber: But at the same time, if you're looking at social media, when it comes to building your business, Everybody has a link in their bio. It's sending them somewhere's most people have like a milkshake or a link tree. It's all these different buttons. Press here for a discount code. Press here to get access to this access to that.
[00:11:59] Amber: I see [00:12:00] so many influencers with like 20 different links because they have all these, you know, codes and their affiliate marketing and things like that. So those are great, but I feel like it's a lot on. It's like it's a lot on the on the viewer who's looking at it and they'll quickly maybe click on one, maybe back away or whatnot.
[00:12:15] Amber: So, what we focus on in creating a system. It's really basic when I say a hybrid system. It's it's branding you with a branded website that's integrated with email marketing. So it has a follow up system in place. So we want to focus on. Generating those emails, having a follow up system. Now, when you're talking about multiple businesses, well, let's start talking about those different facets of your, of your business and your hobbies in your email marketing.
[00:12:38] Amber: It's not just a question that we're marketing business or just to push the meal planning. But let's get out mom life. Let's get out, you know, blogging over us like that sort of thing. But you're using your email list almost like to create a blog or a newsletter to push out all of your favorite things.
[00:12:51] Amber: So now you just become. Not, you know, Megan, the meal prep girl or Lauren, the network marketer, but it's more of like, I'm an entrepreneur. These are all the amazing things that I offer [00:13:00] and that I do. And how do I mix them all together? And at the same time, you want to have a designated space to send people where they can learn all there is to know about you.
[00:13:08] Amber: So your social media is one, but integrate it all. And you can do that. Let's say if you have three businesses and you're going to post maybe five times a week or four times a week. You do one post about one business, one post about something else, one post about a hobby. It can't all be business. And then one post about maybe your family or friends or something about you, something motivational.
[00:13:29] Amber: You always want to mix it with motivational or inspirational. Give people that. Value, and then you're not always giving them a call to action to go buy something, book something, or, you know, or download something, give them, you know, valuable tactics so that they keep coming back to say, oh, wow, you know, she, she does meal prepping.
[00:13:46] Amber: She's offering me, like, my favorite recipes, but she's also does wellness and she's giving me these fitness things. I get a 30 day challenge. Now I'm going to Megan because it's not just meal prep, but it's like Megan meal prep fitness wellness. That's amazing. I'm going to keep going back to her. And [00:14:00] rather, if you're like, here's Megan, I do meal prep, but click on this link in my bio to go to my other Instagram page.
[00:14:05] Amber: I got a couple other followers over here and you can get access to this. You can make yourself look much bigger and to just combine everything together. Then you have a dedicated website and it's not like. Megan, who does meal preps or Megan, the wellness. It's more of like megabrews. com come visit me.
[00:14:22] Amber: And this is what I do. And that's really what we focus on because we don't just build systems for network marketers, but there's so many network marketers that do so many other things they do coaching, or they offer the fitness classes, or they want a subscription, or they want a course let's create a dedicated platform where we bring everything that you do, including your hobbies into one dedicated.
[00:14:39] Amber: Face and share with the world all what you have to offer and keep coming them back with all these like free lead magnets or freebies, a free guide, download, free challenge, take a quiz, fill out a form, you know, a blog, whatever it is, you're not always asking them to do something, but you're giving them free value.
[00:14:56] Amber: So they keep coming back for more
[00:14:59] Lauren: I know that speaks to [00:15:00] you, huh Meg? Ha ha
[00:15:01] Amber: helping, like I'm shutting down these accounts.
[00:15:04] Megan: Well, every time you say, I'm like, I have four social media accounts right now. Like, one that I don't touch at all. It was, I'm going to
[00:15:10] Lauren: like, which one's that one?
[00:15:12] Megan: but I can't even remember what I called it. Yeah.
[00:15:14] Amber: And even with the podcast, like, that was the thing with me because we have a case, all shows has their own account. Amber overflies my main account, but then I have behind her bill, which is my podcast account. And that's the Amber and the behind her bill was a thing where I was like, do I merge these 2 together?
[00:15:29] Amber: Right? So now what I end up doing is I, every time that I post on behind our booth, I'll collaborate with myself. So the posts are getting seen over there anyways, but I've just, I spent the years building up both, you know, both pages that it was kind of a shame to just shut one down. So now I'm running them both, but a lot of times you go to the stories and you'll see a lot of the same stories posted.
[00:15:49] Amber: I'm sharing it, you know, with, I'm not sharing it. Somebody else being paid to share it because it's also not worth your time. So have somebody to share your content and post for you. Yeah.
[00:15:59] Lauren: funny because [00:16:00] we also have our Shattering Ceilings page and there's been times where too, I think, well, in the beginning when we first created it, we're like, do we really need it? And we've,
[00:16:07] Megan: Or like, how do we do this? Because there's two of us. So I love that you said that. We create, make ourselves collaborators.
[00:16:14] Lauren: Mm hmm. We
[00:16:15] Amber: Oh, yeah. And you just absolutely. So if you want to keep your podcast, it's the two of you together running the podcast. You keep your podcast page on its own. Post on the podcast. Always collaborate with both of you. So now you both accept it. Don't just invite yourself or take yourselves. You want to
[00:16:29] Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. But I don't know if you can do that where you have more than one collaborator.
[00:16:33] Megan: Oh, yeah. You
[00:16:34] Lauren: oh, you can? Oh,
[00:16:35] Amber: I think like five or six is a limit, but you could definitely do two.
[00:16:39] Lauren: Oh, okay. Oh, that's good to know. Yeah.
[00:16:41] Megan: Mm hmm. Well, now I know what we need to do this afternoon.
[00:16:45] Lauren: I know, I know. But I'm looking at it. I'm like, we don't have that many though. We still only have like $150
[00:16:52] Megan: ask like point plate, make this about us for a minute, right? It's going to end up being that way anyways. So since there are two of us running a podcast, [00:17:00] would you suggest that we keep a separate social media account for our podcast and make ourselves collaborators? Or do we just, cause we've actually been having this conversation a lot lately.
[00:17:10] Megan: Do we just shut that account down because it has less than 200 followers and talk about it from our personal accounts and just collaborate with each other?
[00:17:19] Amber: If you have less than 200 followers, I would 100 percent get rid of it and I would merge it all and just keep posting it because then If you have, however many followers you have on your own page, nobody knows if I go ahead and say, oh, you have 150 followers on here, but maybe you've like done a hundred episodes, but you've only got this little amount of followers.
[00:17:39] Amber: It's because the podcast platform is meant to be viewed on Spotify and Apple and not just run through Instagram. You're just using it as a platform to get more organic traffic to it and things like that. So I would actually just scrap that account altogether. And just take turns, just be like, I'm posting posts, whoever posts, you know, collaborates, and you've got one person that's like, I'm always doing the [00:18:00] posting anyways, and you just collaborate with the other person.
[00:18:02] Amber: Yeah, unless you guys, you know, end up, and well, and then that allows you guys to also do like solo episodes. What if you're both not available and you want to just rip out your own episode, then you can post it. You can decide to collab. If she doesn't want to collab, no problem. You know, you can have it on your own page, things like that.
[00:18:19] Amber: Yeah.
[00:18:20] Megan: Perfect. Oh, I love that question. You see her moving in the background. Oh, you guys, if you could see, we got to post this one to YouTube. Okay. So my next question for you is, Is on AK social house. So I noticed when I was trying to do research and be on, you know, be on top of it that you are very present in your own, like in your Amber Amalfi. I just messed that up. You know what I'm saying?
[00:18:44] Megan: In your Amber AP.
[00:18:46] Lauren: Mm-Hmm.
[00:18:47] Megan: My worst fear just came true. But on AK social house, I was trying to figure out who you were and I was like, I don't know who she is. I don't think she's any of these people. I don't see your face at all on that account. Is that a like on purpose?[00:19:00] 
[00:19:00] Amber: Yeah, so AK social house was built to be a brand. So almost like when you go to an apple store, you don't see like, you know, the face of apple. You just, you just see apple as a brand. You go to T Mobile, you just see like brandy T Mobile. So our whole focus, and this has been a constant conversation, I would say for at least the last five years, especially since I completely stopped doing network marketing myself and just went all in on AK social house.
[00:19:24] Amber: It was more of, you know, do we show faces? But if you go to AK socials. net, there'll be, we're just under construction because we're adding in a media division and all sorts of things, but there'll be a meet the team on there so that you can actually see like our graphic designer and our, our our copywriter and our community manager, and you'll see myself and we'll build all that out, but looking on social media.
[00:19:43] Amber: It was more about focusing specifically on a brand and what does that brand offer versus putting a name to it. Now, there's ups and downs to both of those because from a, from a business side of things, if I'm being completely transparent, if I'm going to go and do my tactics of [00:20:00] generating business and generating leads to my business, I will do them on three different ways.
[00:20:03] Amber: I'll go through behind her boom. I will go. Go through my amber over five and I'll go through AK social house and because my personal account has a good following it's it's I'm providing just valuable content i'm showing up You know creating reels to just give people valuable tips and they're seeing a face on there The open rate on that account versus an account that is just focusing on a brand is probably 10x.
[00:20:25] Amber: It's way more you know, because people want to want to work with somebody that they can connect when they see a face and whatnot. So there is, you know, a bit of a downfall to that, but at the same time, if you're integrating them in a proper way, because I'm not the face behind AK Socials, and I'm not the full owner, you know, there's multiple partners there.
[00:20:42] Amber: So there's also that whole sort of facet of, is this my business? Or is this like a business that has a massive team? And that's creating like we have, you know, we're on the path. Path of, you know, being like the number one social media agency in L. A. And then we're going to open a new office in Dubai and we've got space there to do that.
[00:20:59] Amber: So
[00:20:59] Lauren: [00:21:00] Wow! That's amazing!
[00:21:02] Amber: know, family there. So that's, you know, the next level, you know, of things. So there's all these different avenues. So I'm putting a limit to a key social. I said, I put one face behind it, then it'll just be like, oh, that's her. She owns that business when reality, this business is a, is a brand.
[00:21:18] Amber: That's just going to keep building and growing and build teams off of. So, yeah.
[00:21:22] Lauren: That makes
[00:21:22] Megan: Okay. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And then, and I noticed too, like you have a larger following than ak,
[00:21:27] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:21:28] Amber: Yeah. And even the, even the momentum and the posting and things like that, of how, how things all come together, I would say generating leads and having business conversations, they happen more through on the personal account, but then it comes back as, you know, creative director of AK social house and AK social house is a full range marketing agency.
[00:21:47] Amber: So if it's going to be myself and, you know, a couple other people running the entire agency, but then we've got, you know, 20 some people underneath the bus that are, are continued to work and grow. So it's. You know, it's on its way to being, you know, multiple seven figures and beyond, but it'll, it'll [00:22:00] grow a substantially bigger if I'm teamed up and partnered with multiple people that have, you know, different expertise in different areas, like our media division.
[00:22:07] Amber: I, you know, I can't do videos and, and production and things like that, but we've got a whole media team that can, which is pretty awesome.
[00:22:14] Megan: That's
[00:22:15] Amber: I stick to the network marketers. That's, that's my
[00:22:17] Megan: it's your niche.
[00:22:18] Amber: my niche.
[00:22:20] Megan: I love it.
[00:22:21] Lauren: I, and I, I think it's really fascinating to you know, when we did chat, which she was so gracious guys that you can book a call with Amber and you can do like, you know, go over things and how she could be of service the way that you explained to that, like branding and, you know, building out like a website, like there's so much more behind it.
[00:22:39] Lauren: And just. Knowing how to build a website, like the psychology of colors and, you know, what you're saying, obviously like that matters so much and it's like, okay, you can know like the technicalities of how to do it. But that part, if you don't understand that part, like that can be a huge gap, right? So, you know, with that being [00:23:00] said, like, what are some of like the biggest mistakes you see people that are wanting to build themselves as a brand or a business?
[00:23:06] Lauren: Like, what do you, what do you think are like the top, say, three biggest mistakes you see?
[00:23:11] Amber: I think number one is people will go and they'll build their own website. And they don't actually upgrade. They want to stick to the free version. So they have the name of the website in their domain. So they're not at brow refi. com. They're like amber slash wix. com or they're at amber. com slash can, but bio site, you know, these are just like rented spaces that you're not paying that couple dollars a month, 10 50, whatever it is to actually.
[00:23:36] Amber: Focus on your own personal brand and what that looks like. So that's number one. If you're going to go and create something Upgraded so that you have your own proper domain number two the content needs It's to be authentic to you, but it also needs audience. So when we talk about those avatars, who's your needs?
[00:23:52] Amber: It's a psychology behind the conversations. And there's a reason why you pay so much to have copywriters doing what they do, [00:24:00] because they went to school, they've studied it, they understand, you know, to sell to somebody, but without being pushing sales, they're like, Hey, come buy my product, boss, babe, you know, that sort of thing.
[00:24:08] Amber: But you're also trying to provide value and give consistency. So there's definitely, you know, sort of a psychology behind. Behind that so you need to have your copy down pat. It can't you can't just be you know, mediocre with that It looks unprofessional There's also so many that I see that they sort of create a website, but things are not properly integrated So if I click a button, it doesn't take me somewhere or I click a button and it's broken.
[00:24:30] Amber: I'm automatically uninterested It's like they they've done something and it's not finished. So what are they going to do to help me? It's going to be on finish or messy. So I want to make sure that everything is integrated. I can click on something that's actually going to open to where it's supposed to open.
[00:24:44] Amber: So I do see a lot of, you know, a lot of, of that kind of happening. And also just when it comes down to focusing on your brand and keeping things consistent. So if you go and build out a website, make sure that your fonts are all the same throughout your website. Make sure that, you know, it's not. Size this on this [00:25:00] page and different sides on that page.
[00:25:01] Amber: It just, it looks unprofessional. I would honestly say, if you're going to build out a website, you hire somebody to build out a website. They're called web developers for a reason to actually build you out a website, because I see so many, they're like, I'm just going to build something out on Canva, you can go and create a landing page on Canva and you can brand it and you can fuel it, you know, with the power of AI and have them help you create, you know, some, some conversational pieces or whatnot, but at the end of the day.
[00:25:27] Amber: Your brand is only as professional as you make it. So if you're looking at, I always say, if you're going to treat your business like a side hustle, and you're going to give it side hustle time and side hustle focus, you're going to come out with looking like a side hustle business. You want to be a true entrepreneur and you want to build your business.
[00:25:43] Amber: And you want people to take you seriously, you need to take your brands just as serious as well. I mean, you don't see any half assed things when you go to the Arabon website or Monat or QSciences or whatnot. You know, things are on point, taking you to different places, speaking to a specific audience, you know, and they're asking for an email [00:26:00] or something.
[00:26:00] Amber: They're generating leads and things like that. So, there's a lot that goes into a website, like you said, than just a website. And you don't want to just send people to a website. What's the purpose of that? You want to be able to Acquire leads, get, get emails, capture their, you know, their, their contact, contact some way or another, text messaging, WhatsApp, emails, whatever that is.
[00:26:21] Amber: But you would definitely want to be able to, to make the most out of it. And you also want to provide value. So we talked about those lead magnets, giving them freebies, free guides, things like that. Give them something. You don't want to just build a website. That's all about me. Here's me, here's me, here's my family.
[00:26:34] Amber: Here's what I do. Buy this, buy that. You can, you know, get which one. Thanks for supporting me. You know, things like that. You need to actually switch the focus and make it be about your audience. So that would probably be the biggest advice that I could give is think about who it is that you want to serve and what are their problems or their troubles that they're seeking.
[00:26:52] Amber: And now what kind of solution can I give them? And that solution needs to be in my content all throughout. So when we look at like, a [00:27:00] questionnaire, for example, and building out your system, we might ask what's your top three products. Why are you, why? I already know what those products are. And I probably know why you love them so much, but I need to know from you so that when I'm talking about that, you know, throughout your website, it's coming off authentically to you.
[00:27:15] Amber: You know, why did you join the business versus somebody else? Everybody else has their own story. So let's inject it throughout with your opportunity and your story. And then we can come off authentic and hopefully relate to somebody that's going through the similar things as you.
[00:27:28] Lauren: That's so good.
[00:27:29] Amber: Did I answer three of those?
[00:27:30] Lauren: Yeah, there was more than three, but it was good. I know one thing you told me too was like, make sure your pictures on all of your platforms are the same, like something so simple
[00:27:41] Megan: Oh
[00:27:41] Lauren: But like, I know for me, I'm like, Oh, it should be different because this is the one I use on Facebook.
[00:27:45] Lauren: So I should use a different one. And so like my mind didn't even think that, you know, but now they're all consistent.
[00:27:50] Amber: And especially the names too. Like if you have an Instagram, your Facebook, and then your website, they should all be the same naming convention so that people can find you, especially when you're focusing on a brand. [00:28:00] If you want to be like the Lauren Wheeler, you're going to be the Lauren Wheeler throughout.
[00:28:03] Amber: So anybody that Googles you find you, they're going to be like, Oh, podcast. Website emails, you know, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, you're everywheres. Oh my gosh, it's everywheres, but they're not going to find you if you're this name and that name and you're dibble dabbling and everything. So,
[00:28:18] Lauren: Yeah. So to go back to like the whole rented space thing, cause this is something that you hear more of now. And this was something that I, I don't know, I think we learned this web Meg, maybe this over this last year, maybe even the year before we haven't acted on it so much yet though. But the whole email marketing, right?
[00:28:35] Lauren: Like get off of social because it's not yours where your email list. Is yours. And so now I'm starting to see, you know, more and more brands, even like, again, influencers, they're starting to take, like, get that info, right? Either have lead magnets, like you're saying, where you have to enter in their email and even with stores, like we see this now all the time when you shop online at a [00:29:00] store.
[00:29:00] Lauren: Or even if you go into the store, they want your email to get that discount code, right? So that they can send you those emails all the time. And now they are even doing text messaging. You know, I get texts pretty often from a lot of stores.
[00:29:13] Amber: Oh yeah, absolutely. Every day.
[00:29:15] Megan: So how do you not be annoying? Because, like, I don't know about you guys, but I see that and I'm like, oh, kay, thank you, you know, Old Navy, for the 75th text message and email today that I just am gonna delete.