Shattering Ceilings

Elevate Your Brand: Insights from AK Socialhouse with Amber Alrifai! - Part 2

December 19, 2023 Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler Season 2 Episode 22
Elevate Your Brand: Insights from AK Socialhouse with Amber Alrifai! - Part 2
Shattering Ceilings
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Shattering Ceilings
Elevate Your Brand: Insights from AK Socialhouse with Amber Alrifai! - Part 2
Dec 19, 2023 Season 2 Episode 22
Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler

Step back into the world of inspiration with Part Two of our conversation with the incredible Amber Alrifai. As we continue our chat, you’ll discover a continuous stream of valuable insights, delving deep into actionable tips for entrepreneurs. Tune in, absorb the wisdom, and level up your entrepreneurial journey!

Follow Amber @aksocialhouse @amberalrifai!

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

Show Notes Transcript

Step back into the world of inspiration with Part Two of our conversation with the incredible Amber Alrifai. As we continue our chat, you’ll discover a continuous stream of valuable insights, delving deep into actionable tips for entrepreneurs. Tune in, absorb the wisdom, and level up your entrepreneurial journey!

Follow Amber @aksocialhouse @amberalrifai!

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

SC - Episode 67 - Amber Part 2
[00:00:00] Megan: So how do you not be annoying? Because, like, I don't know about you guys, but I see that, and I'm like, oh, kay, thank you, you know, Old Navy, for the 75th text message and email today that I just am gonna delete. So, like, how do you start, cause I struggle with this, I have an email list, and I go, I waver back and forth, I'm like, I'm gonna start doing newsletters, and I know they already get, like, Before our order window closes, they're getting a text message, right?
[00:00:23] Megan: Like we've got some things automated and I'm so nervous to, which says a lot about me, cross that threshold of where I become annoying, right? So is there like a formula to that or like, how do you figure that out?
[00:00:36] Amber: I don't think there's a formula. There's definitely you could email somebody every single day, or you could email somebody once a week. I purposely add my email to almost any influencer that I see that I like their content, just so that I can almost like reverse engineer and go back to see like, what are they doing?
[00:00:53] Amber: I always say that you never have to. You know, start from scratch and remake something. There's always somebody that's doing something like you're [00:01:00] doing that's already afraid of it. So, you know, why, why have to start from the beginning? And I'll actually go back and I'll Jasmine start. For example, I absolutely love her, love all her content.
[00:01:09] Amber: And so I'll follow a lot of the things and the different business aspects that she does. And then I'll just go to my email and I'll filter out Jasmine star to see like, how often is she sending out emails and I'll see that she'll go through a slew. If she's, if she's launched something new, I'll get an email, maybe every 2nd day.
[00:01:25] Amber: And then all of a sudden I won't get any email for like a week. And then I'll all of a sudden go back to every 2nd day. I don't think there's a magical formula, but I do think number 1 that you, the biggest is. If you're focusing or too worried of, am I going to annoy somebody? Am I going to sound salesy?
[00:01:42] Amber: Or am I going to be spamming? Are they going to like, want to not not get my information that comes down to a mindset issue of saying, can't worry about them no more. I instead I need to say. If I don't send this out, I'm disservicing those people because I know that I have an offer right now that [00:02:00] maybe one needs it and maybe 50 people are annoyed by it, but that one who needs it, I was able to help and impact them.
[00:02:06] Amber: So I would never stop and not send out an email for the reason of not, of worrying about bothering somebody or sending out too many, but at the same time, you could get consistent. And not always send salesy or spammy emails, but providing valuable emails. So sorry if you don't and you haven't unsubscribe at the bottom, don't want to get any more value, not loving all the love and I'm giving you sure politely unsubscribe, but like I'm here to serve.
[00:02:31] Amber: I'm here to impact. And I want to be able to give you as much information as I can. And the biggest thing that I would say is to just sort of differentiate yourself from always sending out something with the call to action to buy a product or to purchase something. With value. So if you can always lead with value and then maybe once a week, you're sending out an offer.
[00:02:48] Amber: I always tell this specifically to clients like, you know, I won't say any names, but like in the hair and skincare you know, the sector, they used to have flash sales every month. Then now they have flash sales, literally when one finishes, the [00:03:00] new one comes. So if they were going to be consistent, there'd be rolling out emails with these flash sales, or even posting it on social media, like every third day.
[00:03:07] Amber: So I always tell them, listen, you've got to pick your Best flash sales and not promote all of them because otherwise people are not going to listen. They're going to be annoyed by you. That sales didn't spam me up. I'm going to just pump it out every other day. You didn't like that sale. How about this day?
[00:03:21] Amber: I didn't like that one. Here's another one instead. So you know what? I want to just send out maybe three amazing promos a month or one amazing promo a month to my audience. And then the rest, I'm going to lead with value. I'm going to give soft call to actions. Maybe the soft call to action is, you know, to download my freebie because I want to make You know, they're giving some, some more free access.
[00:03:40] Amber: Maybe the next is to book a call with me so I can lead them into, to having a conversation about the business or whatnot, or how we can partner up and things like that. And then I'm going to share this amazing sale. And the way I do that is to say, listen, my company pumps out sales every week, so many great things, but this one in particular, I thought [00:04:00] of you and I had to share it.
[00:04:02] Amber: That way it's more personable to them. It's more of like, Oh, great. She's not being spammy, but she wants to send me a valuable email of a great promo. So I would, I would do it that way, but I wouldn't limit yourself to how many emails I wouldn't send it like every day or twice a day. I think like two, three emails a week is plenty.
[00:04:19] Amber: Even one email a week, if you want to be real consistent, you could do three. I see a lot of, you know, like top influencers are like every second day of, of sending out an email.
[00:04:29] Megan: Okay. Oh, okay. So right now we have some calls to action guys, consolidate your social media and I'll be doing that as soon as we get off of this interview. And Like, oh, I just lost my train of thought simplify your stuff, right? It doesn't have to be, cause you can send a clip from your podcast in the email.
[00:04:49] Megan: You can send a yoga stretch in the email, a product that you're selling in the email. So just super simple, use it on all platforms. Instagram. [00:05:00] Email. TikTok. Boom. Done. Okay.
[00:05:03] Lauren: Awesome.
[00:05:04] Amber: Yeah. And when you're sending these things out, like the yoga stretch, like, those are just all valuable things. You're not sending out and pushing out a sale every single time. You're just giving them some great, you know, here's a recipe. And a lot of these companies, especially like, in the network marketing space, a lot of these companies provide Blogs they provide all these sorts of free resources.
[00:05:23] Amber: I always tell my clients like take those resources and put them in your own blog create it You know shoot that out to you to your client and things like that to be able to just you know, share and get them some more free resources As well.
[00:05:35] Megan: Okay. So, permission to not be completely original. Cause I know I get stuck with that sometimes. Like, not wanting to put out something that is not mine from start to finish. A recipe that I've, you know, had bloody knuckles over for the past two weeks making it perfect. Like, it's okay to be like, Hey, I found this really great thing.
[00:05:51] Megan: I'm sharing it with you.
[00:05:53] Amber: Absolutely. Yeah. And I mean, if you're, if you're going into a certain like, you know, in depth about something that I would always just give that [00:06:00] person credit, you know, and be like, I found this amazing recipe from so and so or I read this amazing book, you know, from so and so that sort of thing. That way you're letting them know, and you're not just saying like, I came up with this amazing recipe when we, when, you know, you haven't.
[00:06:13] Amber: But again, if you came up with this amazing recipe and you tweaked it and you added like one teaspoon versus two and you added this product, now that's your recipe. So you send it out as your recipe,
[00:06:23] Lauren: Right. Oh, that makes sense too.
[00:06:25] Megan: Yeah. I love that permission. I just needed to hear it.
[00:06:28] Amber: Yeah, I think so. Anyway, I mean, I'm not a lawyer.
[00:06:33] Megan: Right. We're a logistics. You're responsible for those things,
[00:06:36] Amber: Yes, but we're not hurting anybody by, you know, just make it. Yeah, make you make things your own. You tweak things if you are not going out there and like listening to other content. I always say, like, here's 100 reels ideas for, you know, network marketers, for example. Every network marketer is sharing a testimonial or doing a tutorial about this product.
[00:06:55] Amber: So just because she did that is I mean you can't do that because it's like original content It's the [00:07:00] same you're just everybody's gonna feed off of different people. I'm gonna buy from you because of your energy I'm, you know connecting with you because of like your vibe or whatnot So I always say I always tell my clients if you're new and you're finding it hard and you're struggling like don't reinvent At the wheel, go find somebody, go find an influencer that's crushing it in your space and start watching and learning and then make it your own, you know, change it up a little bit.
[00:07:22] Amber: But you're ideally, you're, you're, you're grabbing that content and that information. And now you have something in a run with versus sitting here with pen to paper and saying, okay, I want to talk about three tips. What are those three tips? No,
[00:07:34] Megan: You're literally describing my
[00:07:35] Amber: day, trying to come up with content. Yeah. me see who else has given three tips, you know,
[00:07:43] Lauren: so social media is something that I feel like is changing maybe by the day, by the minute, right? Like, and you've been doing this for a while now, like, how, how do you navigate those? Ever growing [00:08:00] changes or again, like how, what is that? Like, you know, like what, how can you spot, I guess, like the new algorithm or trends or things that are going to, you know, work for your clients?
[00:08:11] Amber: it's kind of a tricky question because I get asked all the time of, hey, do I put hashtags? I was told not to put
[00:08:16] Lauren: now? It's
[00:08:17] Amber: If I put, yeah, it's keyword, it's 10 hashtags, it's 30 hashtags, you know, or people only want to see reels. They don't want to see like still images or, you know, does the carousel thing,
[00:08:27] Lauren: Yeah. Now it's carousels, right?
[00:08:29] Amber: Yeah, yeah, it's I think it's a lot and if we were to focus solely on that and trying to kind of keep up with the Joneses of like, what are the best ways, I think you end up focusing a lot of your energy. And not having any action to get things done like you're too focused on am I doing the right thing rather than just being consistent and just getting it out there.
[00:08:48] Amber: I have a coach myself Dan Martell was amazing and I hop on every week with his calls and he has this five daily dues and like if you don't do your daily dues don't even bother lifting up your hand to ask a [00:09:00] question which to me was like what I'm paying 10 gay to be in your own house my questions, you know.
[00:09:04] Amber: But he was, he's, he's right because if I'm not showing up and doing the things that he's telling me to do for my business, why should I have the right to be able to sit back and ask him questions? So that was kind of cool. But he was so right on the social media and consistency is huge. And I think we're all, you know, kind of responsible for that.
[00:09:23] Amber: And they could say, Oh, I was consistent, not consistent. And I can just go back now and look at if I was to change anything with social media and with my business, it would have been. To not ever fall flat on social media and to pump out content, no matter what I went through a phase where my sister was my photographer.
[00:09:40] Amber: My content was always point on. It was always professional pictures. So then to post like a selfie. I'm like, no, I'm perceived as it's professional pictures. So I can't do that. And then I would go days of no posts. Then I went through. A whole phase of pumping out reels, but I was doing it on location, you know, I'd go to Beverly Hills, go to Rodeo Drive, go to the Hollywood sign, go to all these different [00:10:00] iconic places to give people value and entertainment, let's pump it out.
[00:10:03] Amber: And then all of a sudden it was like, well, shit, I don't have time to go take a day trip and go, you know, create my content because I was so focused in my business and working and building up clients and calls and things like that. So I stopped doing that. And then we moved to a new home. I thought, Oh, I have a great space to shoot content.
[00:10:21] Amber: And then I was always like, no, the lighting's not right. I come up with all these different excuses. Right. So then there's a there's breaks in my social media that I can see myself, that drives me crazy because breaking your social media is like almost like a break in your business. If I just. Sort of slow down there and I just look at it and think, wow, if I would have just kept my ads running, or if I would have just kept my daily, I look back and say, there's momentum.
[00:10:45] Amber: I've had hundreds of people loving on my stuff. Oh, now you take a break for a week. It's almost like you close the doors and you shut down and now you're back up again. And Instagram, not so much of your followers, but Instagram is basically. And I'd be like, okay, well, I'm not going to allow you to see everybody and everything [00:11:00] and show your content to the world because you haven't been showing up.
[00:11:03] Amber: So like earn your way back in. That's how I kind of feel that it is. So I don't focus on the hashtags, whether hashtags are a good thing or not. I always throw in my hashtags. I just feel like it gives you exposure, change them up, you know, things like that. I always focus on creating value and giving people a call to action, whether it's a hard call to action, like book a call right now, it's free, like learn, understand what a system is.
[00:11:27] Amber: It's not going to hurt you. It's. It's free value, but I also want to just give people just, you know, free things and advice and value to, you know, to, to, to learn and, and to be able to, to get for me. Also, your bio is a big thing too. So a lot of people sort of underestimate the power of your bio, where you put your name, that, that little piece at the top is a searchable space.
[00:11:48] Amber: So you need to have some sort of keyword there. Nobody's really going in. If they want to learn about wellness, they're not going to go and search Lauren. They're actually going to go and search like a wellness product. So it's limited, but if you can have your name there and then [00:12:00] have some sort of key word of what it is that you do, I'm a wellness consultant, or I'm a, I'm a lawyer, I'm a, you know, food prep master, something, you have something there.
[00:12:09] Amber: And then you optimize your bio, give people some keywords, let them know exactly what you're on here for, what you offer, and then a call to action. And that's not to click my link in bio, the call to action, you need to tell them to do something, tell them to go somewhere, tell them to drop. An email or grab something people need to be told what to do or where to go and do it.
[00:12:28] Amber: So I would make sure that your bio is on point and that you're being consistent.
[00:12:32] Megan: Okay, now I have a quick question about that. With calls to action, does it always need to be taking them, like, to something that you're providing, whether it's a free webinar or, you know, I don't know, printout or booking a call, or can it be something related to, say, like, say I do a yoga post, for example, or something like that.
[00:12:52] Megan: Lauren is on a walk. Could the call to action be like, hey, go take a walk today? Does it have to be related to working with you in some way or [00:13:00] utilizing your product? Or can it just be to like, in alignment with whatever the post is? Okay, right.
[00:13:06] Amber: the call to action in your post. Can definitely be exactly what you just said. Here's my post and me doing my yoga. Go and breathe and and take some deep stretches and take 10 minutes to yourself today. Allow that. So those call to actions in your post or your reels can be directed to them for them to just go and do something personally for them.
[00:13:25] Amber: Nothing to do with you and your business, but a call to action in your bio needs to be something to drive traffic back to your business.
[00:13:32] Lauren: Mm. That's a good question. Yeah. We try to do call to actions all the time on the podcast too, you know, so
[00:13:39] Megan: Yeah.
[00:13:40] Amber: Absolutely. Yeah. And tell them to, you know, to go somewhere to do something, you know, and even with Megan, like with you, with your business, with what it, what it is that you're focused on, if you're focused specifically within an area or a region, and it's limiting you to scale and to grow, then like you said, if.
[00:13:56] Amber: You know, the meal prep itself doing the actual do is not something that [00:14:00] interests you anymore. Then you're getting more into that entrepreneurial mindset to say, I already know the food's amazing. And I know how to create the system to make it awesome. Cause the system works where I'm doing, you know, XYZ.
[00:14:10] Amber: Now I'm hiring somebody. Maybe it's one person. I have one person that's making my meals and they're doing a damn great job at it. So what's stopping you from that person creating the meals that might be coming to your house to do it versus somebody else in North Carolina, doing it there in this city, that city and whatnot in their kitchen, making those same meals, but they're doing it under your brand and they're just getting a cut.
[00:14:32] Amber: You know, and you're, and you're making, you know, 50 percent of it to just have them hire under your brand. So that's another, I think that we don't really think of, of, you know, building your own personal brand, but it's like the power of duplication, right? If you've created a product and you have a system that focuses on making that product amazing and win, now your number one priority should be, how do I get this product out to as many people as I can?
[00:14:56] Amber: And how do I scale it?
[00:14:57] Megan: Right. Ooh, that's perfect. That's what I'm doing right [00:15:00] now. Like I've, so I used to do everything on my own and then we moved 1500 miles away. So this last year I've been really like scrambling, like getting all those systems in place. Now my team is good. Our systems are almost good. There's a couple more things we're still updating, but yeah, it's crazy how much, and this is not a question, it's more of a comment, but like, how much more headspace you have when you're not inundated with things because systems are available to you.
[00:15:25] Megan: Like, I no longer have to worry about math, right? Figuring out how much of everything I need. Because I have all that implemented in a system, I just have to look. This is what I need. I write it down on a sheet of paper, send it to where I need to send it to. Well, not, you know, Google Doc. But, you know, I'm like living in 1975.
[00:15:41] Amber: I still use my paper,
[00:15:43] Lauren: I know. Me too.
[00:15:44] Megan: have to, I've got a paper notebook here too. Yeah, you can't not, but it really, it opens up so much space for creativity. With that being said, like, if you're somebody that's kind of tiptoed around social media and you're starting to expand into really [00:16:00] starting to create that personal brand, speaking of actually, and my let, I listened to his podcast with Jen Gottlieb the other week, and she was talking about, so for anybody that's listening that doesn't have a business, the importance of having a personal brand for like yourself in service of your, like your family, like, Oh, your kids applying to this program.
[00:16:18] Megan: The first thing that they're going to do is vet the parents through social media. Okay. Okay. So for anybody business or otherwise, how would you suggest like starting to dip your toes? Like, okay, I want to start in social media. I'm creating a brand. But maybe you don't have an avatar avatar, right?
[00:16:33] Megan: We're not selling to anybody. How do you start to, to create that for yourself? If you don't necessarily need like a brand kit. You know, like,
[00:16:41] Amber: So are you, are you talking about somebody who doesn't have like a business or not a network marketing and like a stay at home mom like to build her own brand,
[00:16:50] Megan: yeah, or somebody that has like a, a day job, right? Like maybe they're, maybe they may think they want to do social selling, but they don't understand all the social media [00:17:00] stuff. So they're going to start playing around with branding for their, just for themselves.
[00:17:04] Lauren: kind of thing?
[00:17:05] Megan: Yeah. Yeah. Cause you can grow followings for so many different things that could then lead to something else.
[00:17:11] Lauren: right?
[00:17:11] Amber: absolutely. So, so with that being said, you can start your social media account and give yourself three things to continuously post, and it would be a hobby, like one would be your favorite hobby. So let's say, let's say I'm a stay at home mom and I don't, I don't work. I have a day job. I'm an executive assistant, but I'm not really going to post it or whatnot, but I have three things.
[00:17:34] Amber: I'm a new mom. So I'm struggling with postpartum, everything, anxiety, stress, hair loss, all that stuff. I want to start sharing about that. So I'm being authentic. I'm being real. I'm trying to build a connection with this cold audience because I'm going to start showing up every week with my baby hanging off my hip or I'm breastfeeding.
[00:17:49] Amber: I'm talking about all the struggles of being a new mom, brand new on social media, but I needed Place to just vent and let it all out because it's a shit show over here. So that's one thing I'm going to start [00:18:00] sharing. Number two, all of a sudden I'm 30 pounds overweight because I just had a baby. So now I want to get you, you know, I want to have this audience so that I have like an accountability partner because I live, you know, in the middle of nowhere and I have no accountability buddy.
[00:18:13] Amber: So I'm going to use my social media to be my accountability buddy. And now I'm going to come on here. Every day consistently, and I want to talk to you guys about the 30 minute workout that I've done what I've eaten all day. I'm kind of using Instagram as like my dear diary, basically. So I want to share my problems and I want to show up and I want to share the things that I'm pushing to help me get to a better space.
[00:18:34] Amber: And then maybe I want to share one more thing, which I would always say, if you're like, I don't even know what to talk about. Talk about inspirational things or motivation or mindset, even when you share business, if you look at like my left, for example, Tony Robbins, like, why do we love them so much?
[00:18:49] Amber: They're business people that do all sorts of things, but they are also motivating the heck out of you to get out of your head and to get up there and do things. And we can all share those simple [00:19:00] things, even if. You, you have like a limiting self belief of yourself, you start sharing that. I want to talk about mindset because my mindset sucks.
[00:19:07] Amber: I am, you know, I have this limiting belief that I can't, can't, can't, can't. You start putting that to paper and start believing that I can make a shift and you start telling yourself, I'll make a shift, make a shift. You'll start believing you're going to make a shift, right? So I mean, that's a great way to sort of build out your own personal brand.
[00:19:23] Amber: You see. So many women out there that are full influencers. If you look at their bio, you know, they're stay at home moms. They're, they're not working. Is there, you're like, well, how are you living? Like, how are you in this massive, you know, country farm house? So you're just a stay at home mom, your 10 million home.
[00:19:38] Amber: And you're, you know, and you're just sharing what you love, but because she's been consistent, she's sharing. What she loves over and over and over that she's built up this following that's like, oh, my God, I want to see what else she's done, you know, to, like, her, you know, home sense finds or her target finds or whatnot.
[00:19:53] Amber: So, you know, they're building their own personal brand themselves as well, but it turns into becoming from a personal brand to a personal level of [00:20:00] influence based on what you're sharing. And if you're putting it out there in a proper way that you're taking it to a level of being professional, that you're not showing up in some blurry, fuzzy camera, like go out and get a decent iPhone so that your content is, you know, the lighting looks great.
[00:20:14] Amber: Go sit and stand in front of a window to take your selfie and not in the bathroom in the dark so that your content looks great. You know, you can't kind of half ass it because there's so much free things out there. So I think really focusing on. Those little things, you know, of just showing up in proper content.
[00:20:29] Amber: I'm not saying go hire a videographer or photographer, but there's some things that you can do on your own to really just take it up a notch so that your feed looks more aesthetically pleasing and it gets people more interested to want to keep coming back.
[00:20:40] Megan: Yeah, I think that can be difficult sometimes for people like I mean, I know for myself like we just moved this year So my house, you know, we're But buying furniture to fit the new space and stuff like that. And I know I've had a lot of conversations with people over the years that are like, well, I don't, my house isn't beautiful, right?
[00:20:57] Megan: I don't have black and white and green everything [00:21:00] or whatever the new trending stuff. So do you have any suggestions on how to make something aesthetically pleasing on your page without having to re design your old, your whole house? Like, do you pick one spot? Like Lauren, where she's sitting right now, a lot of your content comes from that spot.
[00:21:16] Megan: Can we just pick one spot in our house? And that's good. That's your place to like film everything. Social media.
[00:21:22] Amber: Absolutely. So just to give you an idea, because I've actually made a shift and I, and I moved desks. We have like office people that are in my entire house. My garage has 3 big desks in there and about 5 employees in the garage. We carpeted it and everything. We turned it into a space, but I'm in this particular space.
[00:21:39] Amber: And typically when I'm in a podcast, I'm going to unplug my computer. Do you see where the picture is in the back where it's literally like this big. Okay. So if I was to back up here. Okay. Nobody's going to see this. Maybe this needs to be micro content. I'm, that'll be over here used to be a bearded dragon.
[00:21:53] Amber: So I need to fix all that. We had a big dragon there. I used to come right in here. I can't back up because I got a plant behind [00:22:00] me. This was my space, this corner like this. And I just like had a little bit of books here. Like my kids drawing, like literally I framed it through COVID and a picture that I framed in this plant.
[00:22:12] Amber: So that's it. What is that? Like a hundred bucks worth of stuff? Maybe? I don't know. And it's a corner. And if I didn't have that shelf, I did at my last place, I had just put a sheet of wallpaper up and I just did it like one sheet of wallpaper. So
[00:22:26] Lauren: Oh,
[00:22:27] Amber: literally need a space for you to stand from the waist up and think of how wide your shoulders are.
[00:22:32] Amber: What are you, two feet, a foot and a half? You need a three foot space, like maybe four. Four foot little space. You can literally just roll like one sheet of wallpaper. That's your little corner. You're a little nook in the in the wall. And actually, just because you had brought that up, like, we're traveling to Abu Dhabi in a couple of weeks and we were talking about that.
[00:22:49] Amber: Well, Amber, like, how are you going to hop on calls with clients? And, you know, you take these demos. I, you know, I have these. These demos that I offer and do these walkthroughs, you know, three a day. I take, I said, well, you know [00:23:00] what? I can't have my business be like the life of me that I can't leave my house because I'm, you know, hopping on a call.
[00:23:07] Amber: I'm taking my computer and I will find a wall space. We just had this conversation on the weekend. I'll find a wall space where I'm staying in Abu Dhabi because we're going to see a family. And that will be my designated space that I'll set up. I just hope that I have good. Connect connection. That's the only thing that's gonna hold me back, right?
[00:23:21] Amber: But yeah, it's like literally a minimal space. So I, there's people that live in apartments, they live in, you know, studio suites and it's so right. You can't allow social media and all these big, beautiful homes to take the best of you and be like, I can't shoot content. I don't have that big kitchen.
[00:23:36] Amber: It's a corner. You just find a little corner or like one little piece of wall and make that be your space. Now, like you hear, you've got the clock and you've got some, you know, flowers behind you like that. Yeah. That's your little space there. That's your space. That's all that's all that
[00:23:48] Lauren: now. For now. For now.
[00:23:50] Amber: And Megan, I see a window behind you. So if I was you, I'd turn around and I would set the computer up in front of the window. So now you get the natural light of the window on your face and call it a day. There's your space.
[00:23:59] Megan: [00:24:00] Perfect. I love that. We're like debunking all the things. These are all the excuses I can ever think of.
[00:24:04] Lauren: Right. And so would you then agree, Amber, that consistency is just better than like perfect or perfection? You know? 'cause I think that's, we all like, like, I mean, you kind of already said it, but it kind of goes with this, right? Like we all get in our head about. You know, even with me, I'm like, well, I didn't, I didn't, you know, do my hair or my makeup yet.
[00:24:21] Lauren: Like, and then it's like, it just prolongs. Like I have this thought, I want to get on, I want to talk about it on my stories or whatever, but I'm not put together yet. So it's like, yes, we want to look aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time, like, I also want to show up as real life. Right.
[00:24:38] Amber: Yeah, I mean, I'm really guilty of it myself. I am. I, in terms of like creating reels, that's, I don't even know how to create reels. I just, my team does it. And so I probably shouldn't even say that, but, you know, I just, I don't. And it's not, it's something that I was like, you know what, I just, I don't want to learn it.
[00:24:54] Amber: I don't want to take the time to learn it. And I don't want to have to create them.
[00:24:56] Lauren: have a team for that. Mm-Hmm.
[00:24:58] Amber: my team to do that. Same [00:25:00] with the posting. I'm like, I just, I just want to make sure that you're like posting something. I'm like, I don't have a double chin or my head's not cut off. And now the other thing I shot a piece of content a week or so ago.
[00:25:09] Amber: And when my, my guy went to edit it, I had lipstick on my teeth at the bottom here. And I'm like, are you shitting me right now? I can see. Yeah. The red, like I can see it myself and I zoomed in, I'm like, can you get that off? Like, you know, and he's like, unfortunately, no, because you're like moving around.
[00:25:23] Amber: And I'm like, really? And I'm like, that was a good piece of content. And it took me like, you know, long, like I had to prep for it. I had to put them, I mean, I'm like, that is going out, put it up, publish it. I can't even think about it anymore. Yeah. I was just
[00:25:34] Lauren: Make a joke of it, right?
[00:25:36] Amber: Yeah. Yeah. But then nobody else seemed to notice.
[00:25:38] Amber: Cause I, my sister would be like my biggest critic. She'd have been like, you know. Amber, there's like lipstick on you too, like, because she'll make a comment if I have like extra rolls. Maybe you shouldn't sit there. I'm like maybe you lay off the Dunkin Donuts, you know, she'll make those little comments.
[00:25:51] Amber: I'm like, thanks sis, nobody else will tell me that, but yeah, sure. So yes, consistency always wins. And I'm just, I [00:26:00] feel really bad being a promoter to be like, yeah, consistent, consistent. Cause I'm just one that's it's been in my head so many times that I've seen the fluctuations of being consistent of what it can do for your business.
[00:26:10] Amber: I go back and I look at people that I followed and where they are now, five years from now, I mean, they have blown up, whether it's in their network marketing and entrepreneur or whatever. And the biggest thing of the difference between them and somebody else is they showed up every. Every single day, they're always shut up, whether they look great or they look like shit.
[00:26:27] Amber: It didn't matter. They were always there. They're always showing up and it's hard to show up. And like, 1 person comes on, get 1 leg and, you know, 1 calm. You're like, okay, and I'm showing up for who? Like, so then you have to tell yourself you're showing up for yourself. So now, when I create my content, it's not so much for my following.
[00:26:46] Amber: I'm just, I'm. I'm creating my content for my family, I'm creating my content for myself, I'm proving to myself that I'm going to show up and I'm going to be consistent because I know at the end of the day, it leads to more people opening my messages, more people [00:27:00] wanting to have a call with me, more people seeing that I have value to give and then, you know, your business, you know, it's just unfold that way.
[00:27:07] Amber: So it's kind of a ripple effect.
[00:27:09] Lauren: That's perfect. Cause it kind of leads me into my next question. You kind of touched on a little bit. So like, I think that a lot of people, and I was someone included until I had that, you know, demo call with you, the big picture of building a brand, creating systems, automation, like, can you talk to that a little bit?
[00:27:28] Lauren: Like as far as what can that do for you, for your business? Like, you know, when we talk about scaling, we talk about, you know, again, just growing our brand or our business, whatever, however you want to look at it. You know? I, again, I think that so many people stay small in because either they don't wanna invest, they don't know how to do it, you know what I mean?
[00:27:48] Lauren: But like, what they don't realize is they're kinda like biting themselves in the ass, right? Like by doing that, right? So, Mm-Hmm.
[00:27:55] Amber: So when you, when you talk about a system in general and building out [00:28:00] your own brand, I think before you go to invest any dollar into your business, you need to ask yourself one thing and it's, am I going all in because I want to build something that I want to grow and sustain? Like, do I want to get into that entrepreneurial mindset or am I going to, it's just like a side.
[00:28:17] Amber: I love my day job. I'm not really in it for the money. I just like, I love the discount. If you're one of those of I'm not really in it for the money. I love the discount. I would say don't invest into your business and into your brand, just enjoy the discount and share with your family and friends and call it a day.
[00:28:31] Amber: But if you're like, you know what? I've been like. So many, they're like, I'm stuck, but I'm not ready to invest in my business. Yeah. I'll say, I'm going to like flag you. Cause I'm going to DM you the same message in six months and in a year. And I'm gonna see where you're at in your business. And like 99 percent of them, they're like, ah, I'm like the same rank.
[00:28:47] Amber: Oh, I took a little dip, you know, market fluctuations, you know, or it's like, it's a season I'm going through a season. You going through a season is bullshit. There's there's seasons, but it's your own season in your head that you're going [00:29:00] through to tell yourself. I'm going through a season because I'm not growing.
[00:29:03] Amber: Why aren't you growing? Are you doing anything differently? Are you reaching out to any more people? Are you, did you build something or create some sort of system to start attracting? If you're doing the same, you know, routine things every single day or every week, and you haven't changed it. You're going to see the same results, right?
[00:29:20] Amber: So you need to be able to make that shift. Now, if you're the type of person that's saying, I want to go all in, I've tried, then you need to be able to put the guard down and be able to be willing to invest in yourself, which you can't invest in yourself for free. You have to be willing to invest a little bit of money into your business and into yourself because If you look at, you know, buying a franchise, nobody would like, in a heartbeat, you know, say, well, I can't buy this franchise.
[00:29:44] Amber: It's, you know, 50, 000. If you wanted that franchise, you would go to a bank, you get a loan, you get grants, you do whatever you need to do, you partner up with somebody, you would do what to do to make that 50, 000 accessible to you to get your franchise. And if you really wanted to build a business, you would do [00:30:00] the due to, you know, spend a couple hundred bucks on your business in a box.
[00:30:03] Amber: So you've got your business in a box and your product packs. So why wouldn't you do the due to spend 500 or a thousand or 2, 000 and building your own personal brand? And then it's the people that say, well, I got to speak to my spouse, you know, because I'm a stay at home mom. But I said, well, your spouse is the person that's making the money.
[00:30:20] Amber: And he's probably going to say, yeah, we don't have, you know, a thousand bucks for you to spend on that right now. And But I always say, well, if you had a thousand bucks to go and slap on a credit card to just go out, maybe do like, you know, extra things, X, Y, and Z, I would say, don't do the X, Y, and Z and try to, you know, do whatever it is that you need to do.
[00:30:40] Amber: Cause at the end of the day, if I had to spend 500 on something, whether I had it or not, I would put on a credit card and you just like figured it out later. Right. But. It's something that is so important when it comes to focusing on you and your business and what needs to get done. So now let's talk about systems.
[00:30:54] Amber: I wait, I talk way too much. So if I
[00:30:56] Lauren: No, you're good
[00:30:57] Amber: I'm good. And [00:31:00] this is why I have a podcast because I just like to talk. I
[00:31:02] Lauren: too, don't worry. Mm
[00:31:05] Amber: together and it's like a two hour conversation.
[00:31:08] Lauren: hmm.
[00:31:10] Amber: about you know, actually creating a system and what does that look like if you have a website That's fantastic or a landing page.
[00:31:17] Amber: You don't even have to go full blown website I talked to a lot of clients where we've created what's called a social funnel And it's literally like a landing page and this was created for people who Mostly for these leaders who say, you know what, I need to build something, but it needs to be duplicated.
[00:31:31] Amber: You know, I have a lot of new people on my team that are saying they've just invested in a product pack. They're not ready to invest in themselves. I need to kind of feel it out, test the waters. So we've created almost like a micro version that allows them to build their personal brand, focus on what that is, create an email marketing you know, system in place so that we have that followup system in place, integrated with Facebook messengers so they can chat with you on there.
[00:31:54] Amber: There's always a starting point. You don't need to go all in with everything, but you start with something [00:32:00] little. So let's say if I'm just doing my network marketing business, for example, and I'm like, Hmm, I just spent like a couple hundred bucks on my products. I really though, like I'm going all in, like, I know this is what I want.
[00:32:11] Amber: So I'm going to do that. I wouldn't think twice. Don't give yourself three months or six months or nine, you're giving yourself permission to fail. You're giving yourself permission or excuses to like not move forward. But I always say, if you invest in yourself early on, now you're telling yourself, well, I didn't just, you know, sign up.
[00:32:27] Amber: It's kind of the difference of like signing up for free versus signing up at a product pack. You're kind of like invested because you've spent a little bit on your product pack versus I just like got a freebie. I don't do that. Right. Kind of that same thing. So you can always start little. The smallest thing that I would ever do or offer to anybody is to have some sort of lead magnet.
[00:32:44] Amber: So if you can't go all in and investing in a website and a system, at least create a lead magnet. And you can do that on your own. I mean, you can go to Canva, you can create a little lead magnet, that's a little brand. And then you're, you know, dropping that in your link in bio. And you're integrating it with your email [00:33:00] marketing so that you can send out emails.
[00:33:01] Amber: But again, all of this conversation sounds easy for me, or it might sound easy for you because you're getting your system built out. For the most people, that's way over their head. And they're like, I don't even know what a system is. I don't even know what a lead magnet is. What's an ebook email marketing?
[00:33:14] Amber: Like, where would I start? And it's overwhelming and then they don't do it. And this is where it comes into just getting on a call. You can get on a call with myself as my team or with somebody else, but finding out how and having somebody do it. It's, that's where it comes into hiring, you know, a professional to be able to build and create something.
[00:33:31] Amber: You know, it's no different than going to the doctor's office. You don't, you know, just prop up and go to like it. You know, and doctor, that's not really doctors because they're cheaper, you go to the doctor when you're sick, you know, it's like going to the doctor down the road, you
[00:33:43] Lauren: Right.
[00:33:44] Amber: know, yeah, so it's, you know, there's different levels to it of investing in yourself and for yourself, but,
[00:33:50] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:33:50] Amber: you know, start somewhere.
[00:33:52] Lauren: And I think, like, it goes back to, like, what you were saying too, Meg, like, and this is what you explained to me, Amber, you know, when people are looking for either a product or [00:34:00] a service or whatever, and they, they see maybe you for the first time, like, they are going to Google you, they are going to look to see, like, do you have a website?
[00:34:08] Lauren: What's on there? All those things. And that's just the reality that we live in now, you know, like, I don't. Go, I mean, anywhere, like, I don't go to a restaurant. I don't go without, like, seeing, like, are there reviews? Are there, like, what's their website look like? What is, are they on social media? Like, you know, that's how we find out a lot of information these days.
[00:34:26] Lauren: So I think that, you know, it is, it can feel, I guess, I don't know what the word I'm looking for. Like, it's obviously it's different, you know, from generations before us. And even for me, like, this is. You know, we weren't born in a social media like some of the younger generations, but it's completely normal.
[00:34:41] Lauren: You know what I mean? It's definitely a change for us, but I mean, you really can see where this is going and just how big social media plays in any kind of business or any kind of brand.
[00:34:50] Amber: absolutely. And you've got to start somewhere. You know, where, where do you focus on? I, I've also talked to some clients who they want to create a course. So they have all these fantastic ideas and they've laid it [00:35:00] all out. But yet they have no social presence. They have no influence. There's, there's nothing out there.
[00:35:05] Amber: So I always say, well, you're kind of doing it backwards. That's amazing that you have a course, but if I'm going to go and Google you because you've just created this amazing funnel that's launching your course, but I don't see you, you've got, you know, a couple hundred followers, you don't have a website.
[00:35:17] Amber: There's nowhere that I can actually go and see testimonials of working with you, anything like that. Why am I going to invest in your course? And we always say the fortune is in the follow up. But if you think about it, they say on average, it's six to eight touches before somebody says yes to something.
[00:35:32] Amber: That's even something that's free. I might not even drop my email, even though it's free because I don't know who you are. And I don't know if I want it, you know, so if you're going to constantly follow up with me to offer me something or show me some sort of value, they say, you know, six to eight touches.
[00:35:46] Amber: That's why the email marketing is so important. Even some of these top leaders in the space kind of suck at that follow up game because it doesn't take much before you feel salesy and spammy. It doesn't take much before you simply forget because you've got so many other people in your [00:36:00] DMS or emails or whatnot.
[00:36:01] Amber: Out of your text messaging that that person who might have been like 99 percent ready. You kind of forgot about them. So then they forgot about you too, right? But if you have some sort of email follow up system in place, at least your name is constantly being put in their email list. That's sort of the mindset that I look at versus am I annoying them?
[00:36:20] Amber: It's instead it's, this is like a reminder to me that and to them that I'm here and I'm, I'm ready when they're ready sort of thing, whether it's product service business that. Doesn't matter.
[00:36:30] Megan: Mm. I like thinking of it that way. Yeah. I like thinking of it as I'm here when you're ready. That's a
[00:36:36] Amber: I'm here and you're ready. But here's a little bit and a little nudges or they're a little like not nudges, I guess, because it's not like a nudge like, hey, come by for me, but it's more of like, here I am. Here's some more great things that I have to offer because I'm amazing. I have so much great value that can, you know, improve your life.
[00:36:50] Amber: That's, you know, that's the kind of way it's how many more people can I impact? We always use this focus on how many no's can I get? And I was like, screw the no's. It's so negative. You know, how many more people can I [00:37:00] get? Impact how many more people can I like affect or change or make smile or whatnot or laugh or yeah.
[00:37:05] Lauren: That's so good. Me and Meg launched, you know, we, our first, our first masterclass was like last, I guess January, we launched it and we did it in February and it wasn't a flop. We had people and like, you know, but look, our Instagram has 153 people on it
[00:37:21] Megan: It was exactly what you said, though. We set up, we went through like Flowdesk or something, set everything, because we're like, we're going to do this, it's time, and didn't implement anything. We just threw it all together, put this
[00:37:33] Lauren: Did it and put it on our personal page is enough. We just put it on the, the, you know, the Shattering Ceilings pod, Instagram and yeah. Yeah.
[00:37:41] Megan: started something again, it'd be from scratch. And it's, I mean, I know, I feel like a lot of what we're talking about is pretty straightforward and obvious, right? Like, show up
[00:37:52] Amber: relaunch that master class?
[00:37:54] Megan: Yeah. I don't see why not.
[00:37:55] Lauren: Yeah.
[00:37:56] Amber: you rebranded now that you guys are getting like systems in place, you know, you have your [00:38:00] website, you're branding yourself, make everything consistent on your, on your socials, and then you don't launch the same masterclass, but you change up the cover so that everything is branded to match your new brand.
[00:38:11] Amber: Maybe change up the titles or the call to actions, but inside, you know, the actual bones of it is the same. And now you just realize it as a whole new masterclass, but you don't lose out on your content.
[00:38:21] Lauren: Yeah.
[00:38:22] Megan: absolutely. We'd probably refilm it. I think at this point.
[00:38:25] Lauren: I think so too. I think we've grown a little bit over this last year.
[00:38:29] Megan: it was one of those like we were both so scared. We're like, we're gonna do it scared, you know, we were going hard in the paint that week. 
[00:38:36] Amber: Oh, that's awesome though. It's nice that you guys have each other to like, do it all and come together and have the ideas. It just makes it so much more fun. Yeah,
[00:38:46] Megan: you know, we were just at that point like we have to start somewhere. We have these big ideas, Lauren's ready to run like 75 miles an hour and I'm like, Oh my God, we got to figure it out. So sometimes we just got to go for stuff because I would hold his back [00:39:00] and she'll jump into things without having any structure behind it. So, like, we're like, we got to
[00:39:05] Lauren: We're a match made in heaven.
[00:39:06] Megan: Yeah.
[00:39:08] Amber: perfect. Yes, I have ideas, but I'm not an implementer. So I'm always like, my husband's like, if you have an idea, you just need to whiteboard it. Like just whiteboard it and then we'll figure it out. I'm like, right. So I have this whiteboard of like idea, idea, idea, you know, of courses, programs, because we're completely done for you.
[00:39:23] Amber: So we don't have, that's always one thing I always say, I don't have courses, programs, we are just done for you, we just do it all. So there's always these different ideas in my head of like, you know, for the people that love a course, or the people that can fully invest in a done for you, what can we give them?
[00:39:36] Amber: You know, like a mini version of how to, that sort of thing.
[00:39:40] Megan: That's so, I love a whiteboard. My husband's the same way. He whiteboard everything. I mean, at our old house, we had like a whole wall. It was crazy, but he gets a lot more done. I write things on little lists and then they disappear and he's got it on the whiteboard. He looks at
[00:39:54] Lauren: see it all the time. It's like you gotta, gotta do it.
[00:39:59] Amber: Yeah, in [00:40:00] our last house before we moved, I actually got whiteboard paint and I painted a whole wall in the office of whiteboard paint and then,
[00:40:06] Megan: what we did.
[00:40:07] Amber: yeah, and then I, it's really not fun to paint over it's, so we had to fix that before I left, but it was and then the kids started scribbling on it on the bottom, so I feel like a chalkboard, like a chalkboard wall would have been better, look a little neater, whiteboard got a little messy and stains, so, but yeah, that was a good time, lots of great ideas came out of that, so.
[00:40:27] Amber: Yeah. You know,
[00:40:29] Megan: It creates movement quickly. I miss it because we use it sometimes, too. I do miss that. All right. I do want to be conscious of your time, though, because I know
[00:40:36] Amber: we could talk all day. You got one more question. What do you got?
[00:40:39] Megan: Yeah. So first I want to ask you what we ask everybody. And then we want to get your information because I know people are going to listen to this and want to be able to work with you.
[00:40:49] Megan: So our, our podcast is called Shattering Ceilings and we love to ask everybody, how are you currently shattering ceilings in your life? And it could be professional, personal, anywhere in between.
[00:40:59] Amber: [00:41:00] Oh my goodness, like shattering ceilings, like how my. How am I just going to the top and just go in? So I used to really underestimate the power of time blocking and my day would be a constant disaster. And because there's so much, I always said I should document my day, you know, and just. Put it on fast forward and watch what I do.
[00:41:22] Amber: I couldn't work out. There was no time for that. Could I, you know, between pick up and drop off the kids, running the business and whatnot. So I started time blocking everything and realized we all have the same 24 hours in a day. So now I have a trainer that comes at 5 AM. I didn't want the 5 AM because it means I had to get up.
[00:41:37] Amber: Well, I get up at like 4 52. And like sneakers are by my bed. That's how, because I don't want to get up any earlier, but time blocking my day every single day really allows me to one feel amazing when I check things off, but for two, I don't miss things. So my head is not constantly thinking of what needs to get done.
[00:41:57] Amber: Instead. It's looking at the things. Yep. I've checked it off. I've [00:42:00] checked this off. And then I start time blocking for my entire team because I'm not just, you know, hopping on calls, giving demos or shooting content, but I'm also running. An entire team with a business. So we're running the media side or running the social side or running the network marketing side.
[00:42:15] Amber: So there's a lot that kind of comes into that. I think the biggest thing for me just in the last probably 30 days is proving to myself that I can actually show up and create not just content, but create valuable content. So I've been pushing myself to show up on social media every single day where social media is my business.
[00:42:33] Amber: I should be, I feel like a no brainer, but it was something that it was not. It wasn't, I wasn't making it like a, a non negotiable in my day. So I've turned that around and I've just seen a huge difference in my business and the conversations that I'm having. You know, the, the people that I'm speaking with and working with and also the power of podcasts, you know, you guys reaching out and having me on your podcast, you know, being on Danielle on the dailies podcast, having you know, influencers and rock stars on [00:43:00] my podcast.
[00:43:01] Amber: The power of having a podcast. Some people are like, I don't even know what I would talk about on a podcast. You get on a podcast and you have conversations with like minded people. You're making an impact. You're sharing ideas. You're sharing value. You're gaining your own ideas and insight and you're sharing each other's network.
[00:43:16] Amber: So I'm a huge believer in getting out there and sharing your content, sharing your story with people. So I think there's probably a million and one ways that I'm, I'm doing those things. Yeah. Those are, those are a couple. I'll keep the others. Cause you might say, well, do you sleep or what else do you do during the day?
[00:43:35] Amber: It's a little bit chaotic over here. But yeah, it's, you know, it's the, the power and the beauty of like running and building a business that you're passionate about. It's a lot different than putting, you know, passion and energy into a nine to five when you put energy into something that you're building yourself or that you, you know, that you're loving that you're working towards.
[00:43:51] Amber: It's a whole different level of energy, you know,
[00:43:54] Megan: It really is an organization. The time blocking is key.
[00:43:58] Amber: Yeah, the time management is huge. [00:44:00] Otherwise, you're just like a big hot mess. And then you end up spending your day frustrated and overwhelmed and and you get nowhere.
[00:44:05] Megan: I have one tiny question off of that, and then we're going to get your social info. Do you batch your content or are you making new content every single day, like as you post?
[00:44:14] Amber: That is such a great question because we, you know, we create microcontent, we do podcasts and he's like, Amber, how can you not just shooting content like every Friday, you know, then you just have it all and I can break it out for you. I'm like, for me, I need to show up every single day. So right now I'm producing a piece of content for a single day.
[00:44:28] Amber: But again, it's making me be more like. I need to shower. I need to like put on my makeup. I need to like get drum and you're working from home. You're building a business around people and things like that. It's so easy to not show up for yourself. And you'll notice if you are sitting at home, even just Your space in your pajamas or in your yoga lounge where, or you're doing it in like an outfit.
[00:44:52] Amber: If you're going out to the office, your energy and the energy that you bring to what you're doing is way, way different. And I noticed that. So it makes me like, want to [00:45:00] show up more for myself to say, well, I know I'm going to shoot a piece of content each day. So I'm going to get ready, you know, get my, my whole face on and things.
[00:45:06] Amber: And I'm going to shoot my content, you know, do my calls and do what I need to do. So, 
[00:45:10] Amber: That if you could pick one day of the week and shoot your content and be done with it, you could shoot enough content to rip out, you know, for the month. You don't need to do a video every single day. You could have enough content that you could do a post and then a video and then a post and then a video.
[00:45:25] Amber: So you're only putting out maybe two or three reels in a week. That's plenty. You know, that sort of thing. So don't let it overwhelm you. I would just pick one solid day and say, this is my content day. I'm going to make myself look great. And I'm going to just shoot everything I can and you put it out little pieces.
[00:45:39] Amber: That way you are giving yourself permission to not have to, you know, put on a face every day if you don't want to.
[00:45:46] Megan: Yeah. I like that there was an argument in either direction. They're both great options, whatever works best
[00:45:51] Amber: yes. I'm giving you an option because I'm not what I'm doing right now is probably not the most consistent, simple way. And not everybody wants to shoot content. I know everybody has [00:46:00] access to somebody who can edit it also. So if you're creating your own, it takes more time as well. So it would probably be better to just do it once a week.
[00:46:08] Lauren: Right.
[00:46:09] Megan: Awesome. Well, where can we find you if somebody wants to work with you? Where do they find you?
[00:46:13] Amber: Yeah, I mean, you can reach out under AK social house. So that's our main page. There's even a link in the bio there to book a demo, which is completely free. I always say it's not a sales call, but we'll hop on a zoom. We'll share a screen. We'll walk you through our systems. We'll talk a little bit about exactly what it is that you do and how we can you know, help and tailor it around you.
[00:46:32] Amber: They are customizable. I wouldn't say to click on the link in bio to do it. I would say Send us a DM and let us know that you got our information from this podcast just so that we, we do know. And because of that, you end up getting a free gift from us. And we'll make sure that you get access to 30 days of content.
[00:46:48] Amber: Everybody kind of struggles with what to post and we've created a whole dashboard and it used to be a, like a monthly subscription. And now it's something that we, we give out as, as a freebie or a free gift to people. And that's something that we can give you guys [00:47:00] access to as well. Drop your email.
[00:47:01] Amber: If you want to connect. Personally with me, it's Amber L R I F A I, A L R I F A I, F like Frank, not an S like Sam. And it's a long name. I used to be, you know, social savvy mama. I loved it. I thought it was great. And I'm like, well, I don't know my social, am I savvy? And then, and then people were like, well, I'm not really interested in the savvy.
[00:47:21] Amber: I'm not looking for a new opportunity. Like I'm not, I'm not trying to get you to join my business. So,
[00:47:26] Lauren: Right, right. Right.
[00:47:27] Amber: just changed it. And that's, again, comes down to focusing on your brand, you know, just. yOu know, pushing out your own personal brand behind her boom is my podcast as well. So I've got a page on there if you guys are, you know, loving podcasts, you can hit that up as well.
[00:47:39] Amber: We interview leaders in the space and really talk, you know, to amazing entrepreneurs and other women who are just crushing it. Like you guys are doing. You guys are doing fantastic. I love that you're in different industries and you're coming together and, and doing these things. And you had great questions.
[00:47:53] Amber: You were prepared. I never have questions ready to go. I wish you would've sent me those. I could have like done my homework prior.
[00:47:59] Megan: [00:48:00] Yes.
[00:48:00] Amber: But I had different answers.
[00:48:03] Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes we like the surprise too of like,
[00:48:05] Amber: Yeah. Yeah. What you got to say? Yeah. This is fantastic. Yeah.
[00:48:10] Lauren: was awesome.
[00:48:11] Amber: guys for having me on
[00:48:12] Lauren: much. You gave us so much to think about and, and so many helpful tips and, and now like everyone knows the importance of building your brand. Right.
[00:48:21] Amber: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Whether it's your personal brand or the brand of the business that you're, you're building, whatever it is, you know, focus on creating something for you. So,
[00:48:31] Lauren: Love that.
[00:48:32] Megan: So great. Thank you. We appreciate it.
[00:48:34] Amber: Thank you guys. Thank you, ladies. I appreciate you.
[00:48:37] Lauren: Of
[00:48:38] Megan: Bye. Nice to meet you.
[00:48:40] Lauren: Bye.