Shattering Ceilings

Communing with spirit: A conversation with Mitchel Ott - Part 1

January 02, 2024 Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler Season 2 Episode 24
Communing with spirit: A conversation with Mitchel Ott - Part 1
Shattering Ceilings
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Shattering Ceilings
Communing with spirit: A conversation with Mitchel Ott - Part 1
Jan 02, 2024 Season 2 Episode 24
Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler

It’s officially 2024 and we are kicking it off with part one of a phenomenal interview! At Shattering Ceilings, new year means new adventures and we are here to take you on one today! 

We bring to you, Mitchel Ott- a magnificent human living deeply in practice with his spiritual gifts. In part one of this epic interview, Mitch shares his wisdom and experience with the spirit world, energy, psychic gifts and life outside the 3D.

We hope this interview leaves you feeling empowered and invigorated to explore what connection with spirit means to you.

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

Show Notes Transcript

It’s officially 2024 and we are kicking it off with part one of a phenomenal interview! At Shattering Ceilings, new year means new adventures and we are here to take you on one today! 

We bring to you, Mitchel Ott- a magnificent human living deeply in practice with his spiritual gifts. In part one of this epic interview, Mitch shares his wisdom and experience with the spirit world, energy, psychic gifts and life outside the 3D.

We hope this interview leaves you feeling empowered and invigorated to explore what connection with spirit means to you.

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

SC - Episode 69 - Mitch Part 1
[00:00:00] Lauren: Hey everyone, welcome back to Shattering Ceilings. It's Lauren.
[00:00:03] Megan: And Megan. And today we have another special guest. So you guys will find that this is going to be happening a lot lately or in the coming months. But today I can only speak for myself. Our guest is so, so, so exceptionally special. His name is Mitch and he happens to be a medium and have a lovely grouping of gifts that he works with to support people.
[00:00:24] Megan: And I'm just so excited to hear from you, Mitch.
[00:00:27] Lauren: Me too.
[00:00:28] Mitch: Thank you. Thank you guys for having me.
[00:00:30] Lauren: Of course. So I was able to actually get a private reading with Mitch like two weeks ago, and he absolutely blew my mind. And I know this sounds super dramatic, but like changed my life through all the information that he was able to share with me. So. I am just so excited for you guys to hear just even a little bit from him today about his journey and just all the things.
[00:00:53] Lauren: So Mitch, if to kind of get us started, if you want to tell us a little bit about yourself, like what was life [00:01:00] like growing up, wherever you want to start,
[00:01:03] Mitch: sure. Sure. Yeah. So, um, you know, a lot of people when they, you know, witness my work or, and, and in my expression now, they sort of like, whoa, whoa, whoa. And they get excited about it. But I always tried to, you know, bring it back into making it as normal as I can. And I don't even know what normal is anymore.
[00:01:23] Mitch: But, is there such a thing? I'm realizing that we're all so unique that no, there isn't a normal. But as we were just saying, like, just to bring these communications and conversations and I was a drug addict from a young age. I just, I had this. Knowing inside of me that we were meant to be different than the world that I was born into.
[00:01:48] Mitch: I've been blessed to have a mom and dad that are my world. But I'm talking about sort of life. You know, sort of going through the stages and from a young age, I just, you [00:02:00] know, I was so attuned to nature and animals that, you know, like, I did have so many nicknames and I would see a baby animal and right away, like, I would want to nurture it and make sure that it was safe and okay.
[00:02:12] Mitch: If I ever saw animals, like, hit by a car and stuff like that, I'm the one that stopped in traffic. And, you know, and seeing something that needs help. So, you know, that was my character. That's that was my joy. And then throughout the years, obviously, we, you know, start to filter and shift according to, you know, what's safe and you know, and what feels safe.
[00:02:35] Mitch: So, then over the years, you know, at my sensitivities. I wouldn't say we're the popular vote going through life, so they were the things that were probably made fun of you know, so this, like, soft character that was very attuned started to shield and over the years, you know, like, when people make fun of you, or when they're like, why do you care about that?
[00:02:58] Mitch: You know, the moment that we're [00:03:00] rejected and I know in my world, the moment I felt rejected, there was something inside of me that now became a personal battle and I would take things so personal that it became, you know, there's this fight in me and it was like, okay, don't do that ever again. You know, so by the time I hit high school, it was more just like, you know, having a good time and just playing it safe.
[00:03:25] Mitch: You know, and like, you sort of create a, a version of yourself, but like, all of us know when we're home, we're such different characters. Like, we let go. We, we do weird things. Like, you know, like, I feel like that's our, our. Inner child when nobody's around, it's like, well, we'll dance and sing to the music and then maybe we're around people and we're like, oh, I don't dance, you know, so, you know, so whatever it is, it's like all those filters and I started like, you know, really challenging life and going through major [00:04:00] waves of depression and, and not really knowing what depression was.
[00:04:05] Mitch: It was just the sadness. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And this major disconnect from, I felt like, what was the world and I felt different and that just grew over the years because, like, The way I saw the world was magical and no one else seemed to see that with me. So, by the time I hit high school, it just became about the party and letting, letting go and having fun.
[00:04:29] Mitch: But really that was a defense. It was a way of not being comfortable in my own skin anymore. So I went with the comforts of like, people were like, Oh, you're cute. Oh, you're this. So I sort of just, you know, Led into that and, you know, and hence, like, you know, that goes into the world we're in today, you know, the more beauty, the more this, the more highlighted it is.
[00:04:51] Mitch: So, it's this, like, inner drive, like, okay, that's the popular vote. So. You know, so I filtered into [00:05:00] that and, you know, lived in Miami, you know, did New York City for a little bit, like, you know, did go around celebrities and things like that, but only to be a hot mess. And to do more drugs and obsess about my image to the point where I was shallow, I had, you know, no reason or inspiration to even love life anymore.
[00:05:25] Mitch: Because I just felt like I was constantly hiding. So drugs became my forefront and they, they gripped me for about 10 years. It became opiates and heroin. I'd be in Camden, New Jersey disappearing for days at a time. You know, I created riffs in my personal family and, you know, and like, uh, there's just a lot of pain and a lot of sadness and you know, a lot of confusion and that led into just.
[00:05:55] Mitch: Not understanding why all these things that people would love aren't fulfilling. [00:06:00] So it's sort of left into, you know, my life was, you know, get high and I didn't want to be here anymore. And towards that, the end of that 10 year run. I was having panic attacks all the time. I'd be around people. I'd start sweating.
[00:06:15] Mitch: I'd start thinking things and I had no idea what was happening. It just felt like a straight panic attack. You know, doctors didn't understand what was happening. They tried to prescribe me things. My mom was worried because, like, I was always having these panic attacks. yoU know, and I didn't know that I was like awakening or energetically attuning to a knowing or a frequency where I was like picking up information.
[00:06:41] Mitch: I had no idea. So I hit a depression point and definitely. Made a choice like, I can't be here anymore, so if there's a God, you need to, you need to guide me, you need to make it real, you need to show me that I'm not crazy, you know,
[00:06:57] Megan: Did you feel crazy?
[00:06:59] Mitch: [00:07:00] 100%.
[00:07:01] Megan: Mm-Hmm
[00:07:02] Mitch: like, you know, obviously I blamed everything on the drugs, but looking back, I realized, like, I was starting to turn on in my communications as a spirit medium or psychic and I'm from a Western society going to church every Sunday.
[00:07:19] Mitch: So I had no idea how to expand into this knowledge. So I was innerly resisting unaware. And it was creating confusion, panic attacks, I would think things and they would weirdly happen, but then I'd be like, did I make that up? Like, is this real? Like, you know, but I had no clue. And I had a breaking point and I prayed and I was like, if, if there's a God, if there's a spirit world, whatever you are, please help.
[00:07:48] Mitch: Like, like, I can't and this was like an emotional point. Like, I'm talking about this right now, but I'm talking like, in this point. I was in my bottom. I was in that help. I got nothing else. And [00:08:00] you know, and right around that point you know, a well known medium in my area, like, walked past me, gave me a message, blew my mind after all the years of therapy.
[00:08:10] Mitch: After all the years of asking for help, she looked in my eyes and just said very direct things that I needed to hear. And some of it was very direct, like, like almost uncomfortable because she was looking right at me and just saying things I needed to hear. And I was like, how, why you know, and she shifted my whole perspective.
[00:08:30] Mitch: And then another medium, about a month after that, you know, she's like, I am, she pulled through my grandmother. She was in my work. I was panicking around her and she just channeled my mom my grandmother. Very, I mean, she grabbed me the same way she whispered in my ear, what my grandmother used to whisper to me, it was like our thing.
[00:08:52] Mitch: And I just sat there, like, I just remember time stood still. And in that moment, I thought of like [00:09:00] breaking down in prayer and asking God for help and my grandmother knowing things that I did not tell a soul. You know, and like, this is like that inner chamber, I think a lot of us carry, which is like all of those inner cores that we're maybe afraid of, or don't understand, or it's just too painful to keep going there.
[00:09:19] Mitch: And this space was reached, and I was at work, and I mean, I was at a huge place, so there's people around, so I was trying to like, keep my character, you know, like, not cry. And, you know, and she said, God has a very special plan for you and all this is going to make sense. And she's like, you know, hang in there.
[00:09:38] Mitch: And she's like, here's my number. Call me when you're ready. I obsessively looked for this thing to happen a month later. Just like she prophesized midday, no drugs in my system. And I just remember collapsing in my room. The sunlight was coming in and I bawled my eyes out. And in that moment, [00:10:00] the only way to say it is like, I know Gabriel Archangel Gabriel was with me.
[00:10:05] Mitch: And in that embodiment, there was no need to. It was a knowing, it was a connection, it was a memory, it was something unlocked that I was like, thank you. The only thing I could do was be in praise and thank you and say, I understood that I was releasing, I was crying. And in that moment, I went through like a journey.
[00:10:25] Mitch: They brought me through my eyes. They brought me through my drug addiction, the things that I saw, the little boy and what he saw. And they just showed me that I was never alone. But it was definitely part of my story that I needed to learn, you know, in the confusion, because that's how we decide who we are.
[00:10:46] Mitch: And, you know, and I saw my grandmother, I should have a brother in this life and I was shown or shown things and they said things to tell my mom and dad and it was things [00:11:00] they never shared with us. So it completely transferred and changed my view on. Every detail of reality, not just, but all of these things come back into your filter of life and it inspired me.
[00:11:15] Mitch: That's when I started walking up to people out in public and say what I was thinking around them. And that's when I discovered. That I was communing with the afterlife and I was communing with information that people needed to know to help them on their path. And then I just realized that we have these invisible helpers that I call guardians, angels, spirit guides you know, but they're an extension of self, which means that, you know, as I expanded over the years, These communications become such a special, special, special space because you realize that you're in communion with the very space in which we go back to after this human experience.
[00:11:59] Lauren: Wow. [00:12:00] Right.
[00:12:00] Megan: So how did you make the jump? So in my mind, I'm envisioning you in your apartment. You have this moment where like, like you said, the sun hits your face. They bring you through everything. Was this like visualization? Like that was happening almost like, like a movie playing out behind your eyes. And then slowly you started to like, think differently of those moments that would have before been panic attacks and like open up a little bit more to information coming in.
[00:12:27] Megan: Is that how you started to hone that
[00:12:29] Mitch: Yeah, so, like, in that moment, when I say, for example, when I say Gabriel, there will never be anything I can say to really capture what this was. But when I say, you know, a white light experience, or a knowing it was something that pierced. This reality this reality always felt like there was a space within me that knew that I was somewhere else before here and I didn't understand that.
[00:12:59] Mitch: [00:13:00] And when I made contact with Gabriel, it was like that expression of my soul and I was 27 years old at this time. So, you know, so, you know, so it was very much just brought into the space of, like, that's what I've been looking for.
[00:13:14] Lauren: mm-Hmm.
[00:13:15] Mitch: is the reality that I know is possible. And, you know, and it was so profound, but then I very much energetically came back in, in my attunement in this life and it did expand.
[00:13:28] Mitch: And especially in the beginning, my spirit guides, I sort of call it, like, heightened me up to, I would just have a feeling to go somewhere and then I'd go somewhere. And they were teaching me how to listen. They were teaching me how to really pay attention to your inner, inner dialogue. Which is your, it can be such a great teacher and guide.
[00:13:51] Lauren: Mm-Hmm.
[00:13:52] Mitch: But in that moment, it was like the very beginning. So it was like, they were teaching me a and B, you know, like, yes, this is real. So they [00:14:00] would have me go somewhere and then I'd walk into a place. And in my mind, you know, like I was having conversations just like you and I are talking. And I would say, what do I need to do?
[00:14:10] Mitch: And they would say, go here, you know, and then they would have me. You know, just they're like, stay here. And as soon as I would turn around, there would be a lady that would stand out. And I'd be like, this voice would say and then I would attune to that. And then awkwardly, very nervously go up to somebody and say, excuse me.
[00:14:29] Mitch: And as soon as I said, excuse me, or made contact with the person the information would follow or the message that needed to come through would follow. And what they were teaching me is that spirit. It's an extension of self, but it's a living spirit. You know, it's, it's alive. So, you know, we're living in a living paradise.
[00:14:49] Mitch: Like everything's alive, nature's alive. So all of these things are extensions of self. And when we can embody that and remember that and hold that your communion. [00:15:00] And your understanding of purpose becomes so apparent and it also gives you a divine responsibility to see that over time and the more that you say yes to these transmissions, you're expanding and finding that there's an evolutionary process and every thing that we do every single day,
[00:15:21] Lauren: Wow.
[00:15:23] Mitch: if we choose,
[00:15:24] Lauren: Right, right.
[00:15:28] Megan: listen.
[00:15:29] Mitch: correct.
[00:15:31] Megan: So, I mean, it sounds like the same processes is like starting to follow your intuition, right? When you get those little pings, those little voices, like stopping and listening to it,
[00:15:40] Mitch: All of this is about embodying you so deeply. That the life questions of why, how, where do we go, these transmissions start to be embodied and you start to experience things directly [00:16:00] and you start to
[00:16:05] Mitch: expand your understanding of maybe self reality. But it's like walking into like a new understanding and this new idea. And then you realize that this idea has a whole network of communication. And so then you start to follow that and you start to realize that you're finding pieces of yourself that you haven't looked at in a long time that maybe need love.
[00:16:30] Mitch: You know, maybe you don't realize that that aspect of self is blocked because it's grieving. You know, you don't realize that. You know, you get nervous and you're afraid to commit to a relationship because you've been rejected and, you know, and you don't realize that these blocks are keeping you from what I call a good life.
[00:16:50] Mitch: Because you're inwardly holding on to that vibration or that story, and that story becomes your reality. So, [00:17:00] you know, and like,
[00:17:00] Megan: always conscious, right? Like, I'm hearing this and I,
[00:17:04] Mitch: it's very difficult, honestly. There's so many layers to self. We're very intricate beings. Like, you know, like, we are such beautiful, beautiful beings. But, you know, we let the traumas and the confusion sort of Control our narratives and, you know, so what the spirit guides and this expansion happening around the planet is very much a inner awakening.
[00:17:32] Mitch: So, when we can connect to these, these communions or understandings inside of self. You know, we stopped looking and putting the power in other people. We start to realize our power and our ability and what we can consciously achieve as one person. And, but we as a peoples can do amazing things. So it's bringing us back into connection on such a deep level [00:18:00] that, you know, whether it's communing with nature for a period of time or learning that it's safe to be yourself around people.
[00:18:09] Mitch: You know, because when we're not safe inside of self, that's where our realities become a negative experience because our guards. keep people in our safe zone, but it's that divine connection is where the healing happens. So we're really just rediscovering how to really allow ourselves to say yes to healing and saying that it's safe and it's a beautiful process, but it can be very deep.
[00:18:39] Mitch: But that's where our freedom is.
[00:18:42] Megan: it feels like it's allowing yourself to like, experience the wholeness of humanity. Right? Like we chose these little meat suits that we wander around in for all of, all of the parts of it, but we want to just, or maybe feel the need to like fit inside a box. Right? So we forget, like, I really am resonating with a lot [00:19:00] of what you said.
[00:19:00] Megan: Our life experiences are very different, but like that feeling of like, Oh, this is safe.
[00:19:05] Lauren: Mm
[00:19:06] Megan: Right, like this is who I'm going to be because this will make people like me or I had this past experience and without realizing it, it has affected every relationship that I've had since that, like those, those core memory moments that kind of imprint themselves on us.
[00:19:20] Megan: And until we're willing to look at them and be with them and accept them as like part of us, that it holds you back from being able to fully experience that good life.
[00:19:28] Mitch: Oh, there it is. Yeah, there it is. There it is. So I like to say we're energetic being. So, you know, even if we're having a personal battle inside that's energy you know, so really what we're doing is like, you know, think of the power of grief you know, when there's a. It can freeze you. You know, I've, I've watched, you know, people come in to, you know, get a reading and, you know, and say I'm working with a mother or father or both or a brother or sister that lost a [00:20:00] sibling or a parent that lost a child and they come in and you could just see that their life force. Is in pain, and if anything, this is what my spirit guides and body is. They help me to see where people are struggling where their energetic pain is. And that's where my lens goes to try to help them to be free or to heal to let their soul remember that they don't have to carry this the rest of their lives.
[00:20:32] Mitch: They don't have to. Be punished we can learn to look at grief and the story differently and realize that life is eternal and life is divine. And, you know, and when I, for example there was 1 reading that I did for somebody and. You know, and they lost their child and this child came through saying and repeated everything they did for this [00:21:00] child who was battling cancer.
[00:21:02] Mitch: And, you know, as this child was going back to the spirit world, he brought me through his eyes and I sang back to the parents what they sang to him as he left this world. So, yeah you know, so in experiences like that, you know, there's something inside of me that can embody such a deep truth that, you know, like, I did my part.
[00:21:29] Mitch: I'm, I'm in purpose you know, and to watch that family connect to the memory of their child and realize that it's okay to have the pain and it's okay to be angry. But don't let that be the only world that you see, you know, so when spirit can come through and just highlight the areas that we're still struggling with, it can allow us to have freedoms that we didn't even realize we were holding being held [00:22:00] from.
[00:22:00] Lauren: Yeah.
[00:22:01] Megan: gosh.
[00:22:02] Lauren: a good way to put it to, I mean, I know that with my, my grandmother, you know, like watching her lose her child, her, her spouse prior to that 10 years prior, which we talked about when you read me, it is like she, it's almost like she's frozen in like this state and life is never the same again.
[00:22:23] Lauren: I mean, when we lose someone so important in our lives. And, it is almost like they're afraid to live and experience joy without that person. Almost like it's punishment in a lot of ways.
[00:22:37] Mitch: Yes. Yes, and that is the story of, like, what my spirit guides have shown me is that the most precious things in life are connections and, you know, and when we embody these beautiful connections, we're experiencing love. And love helps us feel safe, and it helps us commune to the highest aspects of [00:23:00] self.
[00:23:00] Mitch: So, when, when a person, you know, transitions and, you know, we no longer have that physical space. The touch feel and commune, you know, if there's blocks there, like, they didn't get to say goodbye. You know, it was traumatic whatever it was, you know, a lot of times what I've noticed is when I go to work with people, their loved ones, when they commune in the 1st thing that they start to get me to see.
[00:23:30] Mitch: Is the story of what the person here in the physical world is living with and they are here to expand that and to heal that and to let them know that they do not need to be the one to carry that and, you know, and when they can commune to that inner space, you know, that's the space that can block us from a good life, meaning our spouse our children, you know, whatever that space is, it can energetically block our, you know, Connector [00:24:00] piece or our heart.
[00:24:01] Mitch: And that's where we can start to have, you know, our patterns come out more fights, maybe, you know, maybe the children start to notice a disconnect in mom and dad and children are very intuitive, so it changes the whole process of your reality. And as we were just sharing, my grandmother has just transitioned and she had a long battle of dementia, you know, but what I always remind people is like, even me as a channel.
[00:24:29] Mitch: You know, of course I commune and it's, it is a gift and I'm so grateful for it, but there's still very much the human in me that needs to feel it and feel the energetic pain of my reality still has to shift with that movement. And, you know, so it's this constant reminder that, you know, the more that we embody life, you know, we can either look at it as.
[00:24:56] Mitch: Difficult and painful, or we can look at it as [00:25:00] how can I lean in and grow with this and experience the story in which it served. And, you know, and one thing I've learned is that, you know, a child, you know, that transitions, for example, and like watching that family with their child with, you know, dying of cancer, you know, but then they got to change that story and that trajectory.
[00:25:22] Mitch: And they decided, you know, let's make a nonprofit or, you know, let's hold my child's story and help others that are in that pain network. And sometimes that's where our spirit finds our purpose. And we've realized that there's this intricate dance and shifting dance. And when it moves, and if we learn how to observe and feel and move with, not against.
[00:25:48] Mitch: There is a currency in that and it can teach us such divine union and such deep parts of self that you just want to share it. And, you know, and that changes [00:26:00] the communion of how weak as a collective heel to
[00:26:04] Megan: Man, my brain is going so, like, as I'm hearing you speak, all that is coming up is just the things that I've been learning over the last however many years, like from ancient traditions that where we were so deeply connected, right? Like. Civilization, as we know, it started with stories, right? It started storytelling around the fire, and in every ancient modality that I've ever practiced or learned about there, it all comes down to the dance, right?
[00:26:31] Megan: In the Dao, there's the one. Dance to the two, create the three, and that's how creation continues with Chinese medicine. The fire connection is all about the dance, right? One of my, my teachers would say all the time, like, we dance with life. As things show up, we dance, we move like water and we sway and we flow and we stay fluid because as soon as we get rigid is when dis ease shows up in your body.
[00:26:54] Megan: Which is where I want to go with this is, in the readings that you've done, especially when people come in stuck [00:27:00] in grief, let's say specifically with grief to make it easier do you notice that showing up in physical ailments? And if so, is there a trend in like, in what sickness is showing up, if you will?
[00:27:15] Mitch: for sure. So I, I, I get health information too and I actually just went to an energy healer here in Sedona and he blew my mind. I had neck issues for since I was 14. And and I didn't even realize I couldn't turn my neck all the way in this. I kept hearing his name his name's Jacob Massey and I finally went to him because my neck locked up and it was so painful and he was energetically sharing stories of my past and he's like in my energy field and he's like, do you get pains here?
[00:27:47] Mitch: And then he started talking out loud and he would bring up memories. And things that were and I was sitting there, like, mind blown, like, that's it. Yeah. And he's like, are you currently and he was able to read this in my energetic [00:28:00] body and I can turn my neck
[00:28:03] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:28:03] Mitch: now. And, like, I know what it sounds, but it's direct experience.
[00:28:07] Mitch: So, I'm like, he did. I knew he was doing something, but then the. And day by day, I'm like, I'm different in there. So going back to, like, my readings, you know, very much I get I pick up health information. But that's very much like. Being able to channel and pick up people's energetic bodies. It's not just people who have transitioned.
[00:28:29] Mitch: We're sort of in the cosmic life force of what life is about. So, you know, in our station or in our pillar, or in our soul being, or in our body, you know, everything from the cosmos down to ourselves is information. And when we are energetically out of attunement to these energetic cords. These blocks, you know, let's start with depression.
[00:28:53] Mitch: Okay. It's something that you can't say. You can say I'm experiencing this. I'm experiencing [00:29:00] this, but, you know, but at the end of the day, you know, you get fatigued. You feel tired. You feel disconnected that alone is energetically changing your life and you energetically don't have the momentum to make the change or whatever that is.
[00:29:16] Mitch: Now, think of that if it's making you in the morning. Okay. It's too hard to get out of bed because you're depressed, you know, you're wearing that weight, you're wearing that armor, you know, that right there can stop us from life. So imagine what that's doing energetically in our bodies now, put that to the food content that we eat and everything else, the processed foods.
[00:29:40] Mitch: All of this adds to the confusion and the disconnect inside of the energetic space. And that goes into the information into the body. And then this is where the body starts to, you know. Become this ease just as you were expressing. So everything is energy. You know, there's even studies [00:30:00] talking to water you know, that you speak to water and it holds a vibration and it can either show harmonic.
[00:30:08] Mitch: Vibrations or prints or disconnected and we're made up of water. So this is a whole talk in and of itself, but on an energetic spirit level in my readings, I can talk about what they're going through what happened. If their loved ones come through and guide me through the process, and then I can usually attune to a part of my body that might be hurting.
[00:30:31] Mitch: And a lot of times I'm noticing, you know, that this, these energy waves are attuned energetically into their frequency or wave.
[00:30:41] Megan: Interesting. Now, do you see that? I'm thinking specifically, like, so my husband's family, right? They have, in Chinese medicine, grief is held by the lung and the large intestine. It's the metal element. It's the fall, the being able to take in what is of value, like see the beauty and take [00:31:00] in the lesson and then let go.
[00:31:01] Megan: Like you assimilate what you need and then you let go. And when you're stuck in grief, it's that holding on, like, I can't let go of them not being here in the physical body. And a lot of times it shows up in like, Issues with digestion and large intestine or like lung stuff, right? Like it matches the organ.
[00:31:16] Megan: And I'm thinking his entire family. I see it showing up in my five year old son. My husband struggles with it. His father his father's siblings, his grandmother. They all have this, like they've had like bowel resections, like so much issue with their large intestine. Is that generational trauma showing up in
[00:31:35] Mitch: I'm glad you're yes. Yes. So generational trauma and believe it or not, there's a lot of souls and these networks meeting now that have signed up to be the change makers and they're usually the rebellious ones. The black sheep of the family. But they're the ones that are asking questions, and they're not afraid to speak their truth.
[00:31:56] Mitch: You know, so they're usually the ones when I'm doing [00:32:00] readings you know, a lot of times that will come through, and what I will usually see, and just like you were saying, is like three people standing behind you, but they're showing me that, like, when I see souls standing behind individuals, it's the representation that their lineage Is thanking them for the changes in which they have made, because as energetic beings, your children are going to be able to expand into that light as well.
[00:32:26] Mitch: So as you heal, it automatically passes on to the next generation. So when we're able to commune with the spirit world, that's actually what they're bringing forth is the tools and the ways to see self so that we can harmonize with these higher vibrations and sort of liberate ourselves into these deeper truths.
[00:32:46] Mitch: So it's opening ourselves up, expanding, and learning how to commune into these higher and higher frequencies, but it very much can energetically start there, but it very much goes ancestral, and we're in [00:33:00] a very powerful time. And Lauren, I believe that might have even came up in your reading,
[00:33:05] Lauren: Yeah, it said you said that I was the transmitter of the family, the healer. And was I rebellious? Yes. I'm the one who's got the different, you know, I can go down the rabbit hole, the conspiracy theory, like, just, I'm just, I question a lot, you know, very curious, and yeah, I would say probably, you know, I'm not saying they call me this, but my family would probably say like, yeah, Lauren's got a different way of thinking, you know.
[00:33:34] Mitch: sure, sure. And that, and that right there, you know, a lot of times we sort of hold it and don't even realize we're doing it. You know, and it isn't until you take that wider perspective, or maybe do get clarification from spirit. And they sort of drop in that knowledge that I call it are hidden work.
[00:33:54] Mitch: That's why I love about spirit is because they'll bring up things that the person has never shared. You know, [00:34:00] it's that it's their inner dialogue with their loved ones. It's their inner dialogue with life. So when we can look at that perspective, that these beings are an intelligence, that's able to reach all aspects of self, right?
[00:34:16] Mitch: So, so they're here to help us, like. Expand liberate, but also this goes into a collective field and when we, it's sort of like opening up a new timeline and meaning a new idea or a new way. And that it's like, and you, you were the 1 that gave yourself permission to say. I am not going to carry this and I am not going to continue this and it's making a stance within yourself that this is not my way.
[00:34:48] Lauren: Mm
[00:34:48] Mitch: And it does not have to be my way. I do not have to be a victim to this. And, you know, and when we can make that stance inside of ourselves, you know, I like to say, [00:35:00] like, I was, I'm the one, for example, that, you know, traveled the world and like, you know, sat in medicine. So I'm like, I need to know these things and direct experience as my teacher.
[00:35:12] Mitch: So. You know, so for me, it's like when they're giving me information that's direct experience and it's changing and shifting my reality, that is the world I want to continue to live in. I want to live in a world that's full of magic, that's full of ideas, and that's full of not only possibilities, but experiences that you get to share.
[00:35:34] Mitch: And you, you may not ever be able to explain it to anyone, but eventually you sort of create your own little world where it's talking. And.
[00:35:46] Lauren: And I think it rubs off like, and sometimes it's not directly speaking to whatever that experience is or that knowledge, but it's, I think it's like that shift in your energy even, you know, and that again, it changes the trajectory of [00:36:00] things and the dynamic and it could be family wise or just, yeah, like what you're sharing out there in the world with other
[00:36:06] Mitch: Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's the greatest thing is like, sometimes, like, when I meet with people, you know, there might be a couple of years that I don't see them you know, and sometimes, you know, people don't reach back and let me know their experience, you know, and, you know, and then a couple of years later, I'll get a random email or I'll run into somebody and they're like.
[00:36:31] Mitch: Holy crap, you know, and that and you know, and like, they're like, you'll never guess what happened. And like, you
[00:36:38] Lauren: you're like, yeah, I did
[00:36:40] Mitch: yeah, like, you know, I'm like, well, in that moment I did, but you're right now I have no clue. But you know, but, but to see the joy on their face and to hear different things of how they were able to shift.
[00:36:54] Mitch: Their way of life and how it changed their, their perspective on life. To me, that [00:37:00] is energetic gold. You know, like that, that, that is where you really embody the value of life and know that you're in, you're in mission.
[00:37:09] Megan: Mm.
[00:37:10] Lauren: I love that.
[00:37:11] Megan: Yeah. That's love. I want to ask you one more question about the generational healing. So for example, like you said that Lauren's the transmitter and her family and like my, my husband very much. fits that he experiments with everything. He's going to do whatever the fuck he wants to do. He doesn't care what anybody thinks.
[00:37:28] Mitch: sure.
[00:37:29] Megan: pride, like literally this last week, and he's so disappointed right now because he went to go get a septum pierced and my aunt, and they wouldn't let him. And they're like, your little tiny nose is too tiny. But my aunt asked him, she was like, why would you want to do that? Like you're 35. You've got your career, all those things.
[00:37:44] Megan: He's like, because I want people to look at me and be like, you can't do what you say you can do. And then I get to prove them wrong. Like that's his fucking mission, right? Like, let me surprise you. So I see him as that change agent in his family. As he's doing that [00:38:00] work, is that going to show up in real time in my child, for example?
[00:38:04] Megan: Like, they share digestive issues. As he heals, because his digestion has healed a lot as he's done work over the years, does that mean the trajectory of my, my son's digestive issues could potentially change because of the work that he's doing in real time here?
[00:38:18] Mitch: Why not?
[00:38:19] Megan: I don't know. I think, I think in my brain it can.
[00:38:22] Megan: So that's why I'm like, what's
[00:38:23] Mitch: and that's, and that's exactly like, even as you're saying this, this is why I get excited because it's like you, for example, just now just channeled.
[00:38:32] Megan: Mm.
[00:38:33] Mitch: you know, like, you just channeled, like, your insight just sort of picked up that possibility. So, and the fact, like, you know, I like to say, like, even when I'm channeling, we're sharing.
[00:38:44] Mitch: You know, your spirit guides are dropping in information within you too, so that you can make sense of everything. That's the whole goal. You know, it's not, so, as we're making these connections, like, you just channeled, and right away, it's like, my inside dialogue was like, absolutely, that's gonna change.[00:39:00] 
[00:39:00] Mitch: Okay, like, absolutely. And sometimes we won't even realize it happened, you know, because like, it, you might just all of a sudden, like, those ideas or, you know, those issues might just start to not be there anymore. You know, it might start
[00:39:15] Megan: how it showed up for Aaron. Like, I think now, like, we used to have to make sure he went to the bathroom before we left the house, because we might not make it 10 minutes down the road. And now it's just not even a part of our life, you know? And you don't realize it until, like, years later.
[00:39:28] Megan: I'm like, oh man, leaving the house is so much easier than it used
[00:39:31] Mitch: Correct. Correct. And that's when you can, you know, mirror, or I like to say that expansion, you get to mirror the growth and then all of a sudden, it's sort of zaps you and you make sense of it. And you're like, inwardly, like,
[00:39:48] Megan: you're like, I'm
[00:39:48] Mitch: I did it. We're
[00:39:49] Megan: doing it.
[00:39:51] Mitch: We're doing it. And that right there is what I call spirit sparks.
[00:39:55] Mitch: It's like, you know, it's winks from the universe to let, you [00:40:00] know, like, you're doing a great job and I always like to expand onto that too, you know, like, as you're getting these. And you're making these connections, you know, you might get a flash of a loved one. You know, you might just think of them, you might just get a picture of them that pops through, but that right there, I tell people is their communication.
[00:40:21] Mitch: You know, like that is their way of winking to you saying I'm with you or thank you. And when you can learn how to just accept that quick attunement as them, it allows you to realize that we're in this. Instant communication to this life force. Does that make sense,
[00:40:40] Megan: Yes. So to, okay. No, Lauren, you just stop me if you have questions. 'cause I have like
[00:40:46] Lauren: I know. Go ahead. No, go for it. . I know you're answering all good questions. That's you. You're good.
[00:40:51] Megan: years ago I got really into the idea of developing my psychic gifts because I like. I have believed in [00:41:00] magic since I was a child. There's like this deep feeling in myself where I think I'm like, you're absolutely nuts, right?
[00:41:06] Megan: Like you're a human just like every other human. But that like, there is something that I'm not developing that I could, that would help me see things differently, be in the world differently. Maybe it is like, You know, one of the, the things that you think of, like, when you think of psychic gifts, like the ability to smell things, hear things, see things that aren't there and I see that happening, like, I, this happened to me a couple months ago, it's the only one that pops into my head, like, I was driving to work one day, and as I'm pulling through the parking lot, I pulled into a parking spot, and I was like, shouldn't park here, somebody's going to hit my car today, and then I was riding late, so I was like, no, fuck it, it'll be okay, and I left my car there, and somebody hit my car, In the parking lot, but like stuff like that happens all the time, or I'll get a thought like, oh, it happens with my son.
[00:41:49] Megan: Like when he used to wet the bed, I'll be like, I should wake him up before I go to bed at night or tonight. And then I don't. And then guess what? 2 hours later, he wants the bed. So when you have those little things, I know you said, [00:42:00] like, stopping and listening is how you start to develop it. But like, how does that work?
[00:42:05] Megan: Is it meditation? Is it like, what would you suggest to somebody that maybe has noticed these things, but doesn't listen to them? Right? Like. Besides just like, okay, well, listen to it, right? Obvious answer. But like, how else can we start to really develop and build the gifts? And does everybody have access to all psychic ability?
[00:42:25] Megan: Is, do people have like, stronger skill sets in one area than others? Or do we get to like, like, you can channel, you know, spirits. Does everybody have that ability? Or can some people maybe see the future? Or, does that make sense? I feel like it's a very muddled question.
[00:42:40] Mitch: so honestly, just like you said back in the day, meaning ancient cultures based their whole lives around the spirit world. Which meant they were in communion with higher forces where they, they knew the importance of studying these rituals [00:43:00] to enhance their lives to be in the world of magic to you know, maybe bring free energy resources things like that, where it's not about.
[00:43:09] Mitch: Pay me, but rather, how can we serve? How can we work together as one unit? Um, so, sorry, I'm like, laughing and I've never seen a cat and like in a backyard and he just walked by and was looking at me.
[00:43:22] Megan: Oh, in your backyard. I'm like, is
[00:43:23] Mitch: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. I got distracted. Um, um, so I'm sorry, you're going to have to repeat the question.
[00:43:31] Mitch: The cat just knocked me out. So give
[00:43:33] Megan: That's okay. So does everybody have access if they decide to hone them to psychic ability? And does everybody, 'cause isn't there like six types of C science? What is it called?
[00:43:45] Mitch: Claire's and stuff like
[00:43:47] Megan: Yes. The clairvoyance. Clair Cognizance.
[00:43:50] Mitch: sentience cognitive. Yes. So. Yes. And that's very much like, but I like to say everybody has in their own blueprint, everybody's unique in their own [00:44:00] way, but every single person is in spirit world, right? We are in spirit world, which means absolutely.
[00:44:08] Mitch: You can talk to spirit. You can communicate. You can. And that's my goal is to help people understand that when we're healing Just healing in and of itself is allowing ourselves to expand our energetic field, which is spirit, you know, so it doesn't necessarily have to be like I'm talking to my loved one.
[00:44:28] Mitch: But of course, that's there. So, you know, like, for me, for example, my awakening, I already had it. It was an attunement. It was something I had to learn because it was already so strong within me.
[00:44:43] Megan: Mm-Hmm.
[00:44:44] Mitch: so for me, as soon as I turned on. But just like everybody else, I had to learn how to open and expand my communications.
[00:44:53] Mitch: So, you know, so I took psychic development classes and learned from other mediums and healers. I[00:45:00] started meditating. I was very big into yoga, became a yoga teacher. Did hot yoga and all of these things had rituals and ideas to help me expand. And I like to say a world without discipline and rituals is a world without a dream.
[00:45:18] Mitch: So, you know, like we have to be in a currency and a ritual of some sort and to find our inner balance and to become our inner master, because that's the goal is to find that. inner dialogue and learn how to master and communicate. So, you know, so there was many, like a lot of people see my end result of what I do.
[00:45:40] Mitch: But I have a lot of training in between that, you know, and, you know, and then as that developed, you know, yoga, I went to up to Kripalu and did like a yoga teacher training. Then I learned how to meditate and then walk and meditate because I've learned that meditation is just learning how to communicate the way that you need to [00:46:00] communicate.
[00:46:00] Megan: Mm hmm.
[00:46:01] Mitch: And then that expanded into learning earth magic and learning how to study with, you know, shamans and going down into the jungle and into the mountains of Peru and learning from these ancient cultures and sitting in ceremonies and with the elders and having transmissions and then having visions of part of my future you know, and seeing things within me that I New, maybe soul and visions, but until I can connect it, it's not real.
[00:46:31] Mitch: So it's something inside of me that was already living, but that network didn't have a space to plug in. So, you know, so then, you know, and the, the way that I found ayahuasca was through a DUI. So, you know, so it was like, I went through so many years of sobriety, decided to go out with friends, got a DUI was so hard on myself.
[00:46:55] Mitch: But that pushed me to, like, I'm like, I need more questions I need. [00:47:00] And then I did ayahuasca down in Peru and I went down there by myself for a month. I think that was a month, but maybe not. But but I went there and the plant world. Opened me up to information that blew my mind and showed me my abilities.
[00:47:18] Mitch: I went into ancient temples. I understood things from the stars that, and I, in that moment, I was expanded into it and it was like, yes, yes, yes. But like, what blew my mind is this intelligence opened me up within myself and helped me. And there was even moments in the circle where you could feel the frequency.
[00:47:40] Mitch: And I tuned into the shaman's chants and he brought me into these energy waves where I could see his communication to the spirit world. And I was like, this is amazing. And I went there to like, he like, you know, in despair, like, I just messed up again, you [00:48:00] know, like, you know, and I went there with like, my head between my tail, and then it ended up Being another divine experience that opened me up to another energetic world of expansion and healing and it helped me process very deep things within myself and then bring me into this earth connection and then that led me to going to Ecuador and studying with my, my shaman.
[00:48:25] Mitch: I call him my shaman because he's one of my greatest teachers. And he made me in a ceremony, stare at a fire. And so I made a connection with the ancestors and he was teaching me Kapal and how to pray and how to invite these networks in and how to expand our connections and listen to the spirit world.
[00:48:45] Mitch: And, you know, and I had no idea that this was going to happen. And then my ego came in, I'm staring at the fire and like, you know, and at one point I go to make eye contact with my shaman, like, yeah, I found it. I see some movement. And like, he looks at [00:49:00] me and he's chewing tobacco and he spits the tobacco and goes, and my head goes right back to the fire.
[00:49:06] Mitch: And I was like, yo, like, what is this? Like what's happening? And, you know, and I got in my head and I'm like, you know, guarded against him. And then finally this voice took over and it said, stop all the powers within you. Right? All the powers within you. And then I felt this idea come through me where I felt this surge just take over and I became time.
[00:49:37] Mitch: I became the universe. And then my embodiment to the fire changed. And even my movements changed. And I knew that I was. Connecting and then it didn't matter, like, I knew that my shaman, I could see his realm and he was holding my space, you know, but in that moment, it wasn't about him [00:50:00] in that moment. It taught me to find my inner Jaguar, my inner power and your inner magic and that with the ancestors, you know, like, they have our back.
[00:50:11] Mitch: You know, they have our back in all ways. And when I looked into that fire, I cried. It was, it was loving, it was everything. And then I realized. That fire has an intelligence and that it's alive and it's part of our natural world of communication and it opened me up to again another direct experience which was mind blowing but it made the nerd in me like Forget the reality of figuring out and being lost in that old world.
[00:50:43] Mitch: Like I'm going to learn this and, you know, and then I went to the kiddo nation in Peru and got to sit with an elder and Marcos and him and his family invited us into their house and, you [00:51:00] know, they live in the elements, like they're up in white cat mountains, 14, 000 feet up to 16, 000 feet up, like, and they live.
[00:51:09] Mitch: Up there, and they, they, they're holding their prayers of communication to the star nations. So, these bands of practices and rights that they give. Have been untouched for over 10, 000 years. So the very chants coming out of their mouth is what their ancestors before them all the way to when they said they were talking to these star beings that came down from the stars to help us to harmonize and remember our divine force within so that we can learn how to communicate with the spirit world and all be free.
[00:51:42] Lauren: So something you said there, that, is this healing in general? Do you feel that? 'cause you talked about like your own obviously struggles and then you know how you came to know what you do now. It seemed like there were [00:52:00] obviously that inner struggle within and, and some kind of trauma or block or hurt or whatever.
[00:52:06] Lauren: Do you think that that's really what we need to do in order to unlock all these gifts, is to really like, do the inner work and heal ourselves, heal that trauma, the block, whatever.
[00:52:16] Mitch: it. If every person just realizes that freedom is up to them,
[00:52:23] Lauren: Mm mm-Hmm.
[00:52:24] Mitch: you know, that freedom is up to them and that our ultimate goal. Is to be liberated from within,
[00:52:32] Lauren: Mm-Hmm.
[00:52:33] Mitch: right? Otherwise it's just an idea outside of self. So if the self cannot connect with it, you know, what's the point?
[00:52:43] Lauren: Right.