Shattering Ceilings

Communing with spirit: A conversation with Mitchel Ott - Part 2

January 09, 2024 Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler Season 2 Episode 25
Communing with spirit: A conversation with Mitchel Ott - Part 2
Shattering Ceilings
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Shattering Ceilings
Communing with spirit: A conversation with Mitchel Ott - Part 2
Jan 09, 2024 Season 2 Episode 25
Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler

Join us for the captivating second week of our interview series with Mitch the Modern Medium. In this episode, we explore profound topics such as connection, sacred reciprocity, and the inherent beauty within all of creation. Mitch shares insights on the transformative impact of doing inner work, emphasizing how personal growth ripples into the greater consciousness of humanity. Discover the deep power within each of us to contribute to collective healing and expansion. Tune in for a thought-provoking conversation that reminds us of the interconnectedness that binds us all. Don't miss out on this enriching dialogue as we navigate the pathways of self-discovery and shared evolution.

Call to action:

We have two opportunities for you to experiment with this week. 

  1. Notice the glimmers of beauty in the world around you!
  2. Honor each meal before you take a bite.

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

Show Notes Transcript

Join us for the captivating second week of our interview series with Mitch the Modern Medium. In this episode, we explore profound topics such as connection, sacred reciprocity, and the inherent beauty within all of creation. Mitch shares insights on the transformative impact of doing inner work, emphasizing how personal growth ripples into the greater consciousness of humanity. Discover the deep power within each of us to contribute to collective healing and expansion. Tune in for a thought-provoking conversation that reminds us of the interconnectedness that binds us all. Don't miss out on this enriching dialogue as we navigate the pathways of self-discovery and shared evolution.

Call to action:

We have two opportunities for you to experiment with this week. 

  1. Notice the glimmers of beauty in the world around you!
  2. Honor each meal before you take a bite.

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

SC - Episode 70 - Mitch Part 2 - FINAL
[00:00:00] Lauren: Welcome to shattering ceilings, the podcast that dares you to dream bigger, reach higher, and break free from the limits that hold you back. 
[00:00:17] Megan: I'm Megan. And together with my cohost, Lauren, we embark on a journey of growth and expansion one conversation at a time. Get ready to 
[00:00:24] Lauren: challenge your thinking, question the status quo and unlock the potential within yourself that you never knew existed.
[00:00:30] Megan: Each week, we bring you thought provoking discussions and valuable insights that will empower you to embrace change, push past barriers, and take bold steps towards the life you truly deserve. We 
[00:00:39] Lauren: believe in providing action oriented takeaways that you can implement immediately, so you'll never leave an episode without a practical plan for personal growth.
[00:00:47] Lauren: So 
[00:00:47] Megan: join us on this transformative adventure as we shatter ceilings, break boundaries, and create a community of dreamers and doers.[00:01:00] 
[00:01:00] Megan: I think it's interesting. You keep mentioning those, those firsthand experiences. And there's, there's a challenge that Lauren and I are doing right now where they talk about expanders and it's like, it expanded you to see what could be for you, right? Not all of us can see it happening to somebody else and be like, Oh, I can access that too.
[00:01:18] Megan: So getting to embody that, like feel it in your body, what it's like to have your whole world shifted, right? Your whole perspective wiped away. And I'm like, Oh, you thought this was it. Right. Try again. Right. Exactly. Um, that's obviously helped you, but like, I don't even know where I want to go with this question.
[00:01:36] Megan: I 
[00:01:37] Mitch: think, I think, I, I, yeah, I think I know where to go with this because like, yeah, because. I'm a prime example of this, you know, I was the rejected one in my lens. I never, I had learning disabilities, so I was the first one to fail myself in so many categories. And over the years, this is like what I've learned about myself is [00:02:00] that we are limitless.
[00:02:01] Mitch: So, you know, and I, I actually did work in drug treatment for a while and loved my work, you know, it was very much an extension of my soul and when I created programs, you know, and I'm saying this with like, love and respect, I put my heart and soul into it. So, you know, and what I've learned and there was some pushback, you know, there's definitely some people in the field that I met.
[00:02:25] Mitch: And, you know, this was like a new thoughts on, you know, system that I was stepping into it wasn't based. So, you know, so right away there was backlash. I would meet people and energetically, you know, they'd have degrees on behind them and they would meet me and right away. They would be like. He's coming to teach, you know, and I could just feel their energy judge me, like, you know, and then I'd go in and I would just do what I do, you know, and try to help people and the groups would work, you know, they, they, there would be impact points as I call it, where, [00:03:00] you know, I knew that I could reach everyone in that group.
[00:03:02] Mitch: And my goal was to reach every soul and they're not just one person. And, you know, so, and then I went from that to becoming director, you know, and like, I had I didn't have those goals. I actually got hired as like a yoga teacher and then they saw my potential. So other people saw me before I saw me and then I was afraid and then like, you know, and then I did a Dale Carnegie program and I was so intimidated.
[00:03:28] Mitch: Like, I went in there. And there was all these business owners. And at that time I just got hired and to work in the drug treatment world, which was all new to me. So I went in so insecure and, you know, and then I ended up winning the highest achiever award and throughout my life, I never really won anything.
[00:03:47] Mitch: So, you know, it was one of those life defining moments for me to, and everybody in there that I was intimidated by. By the end, shook my hand and hugged me and said, you deserve this. [00:04:00] We've watched you like you blew our mind and your confidence and talking in front of us and up there. They didn't know that I was nervous.
[00:04:07] Mitch: Like I was inwardly like I'm failing right now. You know what I mean? That self critic 
[00:04:13] Megan: just like beat me the 
[00:04:14] Mitch: whole time. The self critic. The whole time. And then every time spirit would wink at me afterwards and say, when are you going to stop doubting yourself? You know, when are you going to realize that you deserve this too?
[00:04:28] Mitch: And I'm still learning that, you know, 
[00:04:30] Megan: like, I feel like you're speaking directly to 
[00:04:33] Lauren: me. Yeah, seriously. I'm 
[00:04:34] Mitch: saying this out loud, but you know what? Like, I'm very much still learning and I'm always going to be learning. But, but what I did realize is that anything that I would put in that was like, I can't do it.
[00:04:47] Mitch: What I've realized is that when you step into the unknown and step into that courage, You will find it and it will find you because that confidence alone. I [00:05:00] always say people step back from their dreams because really, I think the fear is actually stepping in and creating it. And then what's that going to look like?
[00:05:08] Mitch: What is that? How do you sustain it? And how do you say forget that? That whole idea stops them from even trying, you know, because they get stuck in this idea of, you know, how am I going to do that? And The how, 
[00:05:24] Lauren: I think trips every, I mean, I know for me, the biggest question is always like, well, how, but how am I going to do this?
[00:05:31] Lauren: How is this really going to happen? Like, and it, it stops so many of us. 
[00:05:35] Mitch: And that's where belief fitting in yourself and taking leaps of faith. And going into it and realizing that when your heart's in something, it can't go wrong. Even 
[00:05:51] Megan: if it looks wrong on the surface, right? If it looks like a fail outwardly, there was something there, whether you can see it or not.
[00:05:58] Megan: That 
[00:05:58] Mitch: was absolutely what it needed to be. [00:06:00] I just went through a couple of years back and just. You know, like I went through a very deep phase of my own healing, I made mistakes, I, you name it, you know, add it to the checklist, you know, like, and I went through another wave of like, I'm a failure on this, you know, and this is like, after achieving so many goals that other people are like, you're so lucky.
[00:06:23] Mitch: You know, and like when I went through my own wave, I went down into my pain, my suffering. I, you know, pushed people out that I love, you know, I went quiet and in those moments I felt like a failure. I felt like I lost it. I felt whatever, but now. I bow to that, and I say thank you, and I did get quiet, and I did, and I am different, and there is so many things that I learned in that collapse, and so many confusions, so many disappointments, and [00:07:00] you know, and then there's that other space of like, you know, I'm a leader to, like, to these people, like, I was a friend to these people, whatever idea they had of me, I couldn't maintain it anymore.
[00:07:11] Mitch: And it allowed me to see that I still had a lot of falsehoods within myself. And, you know, and just being able to claim that and identify and say, I'm not perfect. It's time for me to dig into this side of my, my shadow side. And, you know, and if I don't learn to discover who that person is under there.
[00:07:31] Mitch: That version is going to continuously destroy the things that I love. And, you know, and it did. It gave me a dark night of the soul trip and journey. And there were days that like, I didn't want anyone to be around me because I wasn't pleasant to be around. So, you know, so again, it was like, what it did is it brought me into such a humble space that it really allows me to hear when people say they can't.[00:08:00] 
[00:08:00] Mitch: There's something inside of me that now is like, Yes, you can! Now I'm like Let's Okay. What's going on? Right? Yeah. And, and it allows me to really dig in deeper to the situation because now I know what it's like. Mm-Hmm. to be in the pits and achieve things and let it fall. But also to remember that we can rise again and again and again and again.
[00:08:23] Mitch: Yes. And 
[00:08:24] Megan: there's no 
[00:08:24] Lauren: timeline on it. 
[00:08:25] Megan: Right. There's no, like the fall 
[00:08:27] Mitch: doesn't have to last forever. No, because these realizations that we end up getting are our eternal truths. And when you can fully embrace all aspects of self, look at the sun and the moon, dark and the light. The true mastery is to continuously overcome our own self, right?
[00:08:47] Mitch: Because when we can continuously overcome self, meaning being crucially honest with self, like to the point where you finally [00:09:00] see that, okay, I can be a victim here, or I can say, what is my effect here? You know, what is my ripple? And, you know, and there are going to be truths that you see that you have to hold sometimes that, you know, like other people aren't ready to be in their truth or their story or whatever that case may be, but then there's the deepest part is you seeing those parts of self that you need to be honest with and, you know, and you may not love that self, that character, but learning that character and seeing that they were hurt, they were mad, they were confused, they were embarrassed, whatever that Energy is when you can find the source of it.
[00:09:44] Mitch: There's a liberation in it. Mm-Hmm. . And, you know, and it allows you to discover something, but also say, I accept mm-Hmm. , but now I choose. Right. And from there, you know, and I always say like, you [00:10:00] know, like, it brought me into a deeper space of God to spirit, to light. Mm-Hmm. , you know, like I, I genuinely hear like I'm in Sedona right now and like in the mornings.
[00:10:12] Mitch: I love this land. I love this landscape. So I always go every morning and, you know, I got my routines, but I always leave a prayer on the land. And every time I put a prayer on the land, it manifests within, like, 24 hours. So, and, like, when I say prayer, prayer is magic. You know, I, like, when I say, like, magic, I mean, being in the currency of what's organic and already available.
[00:10:41] Mitch: When we can learn how to be in communion and like, you know, put a little tobacco on the ground and you know, and I have just my ritual that I do and I plug into the sun. There's so much information that you can explore and you know, and that plugin just allows you to reach [00:11:00] spaces of ideas of what's possible versus.
[00:11:05] Mitch: You know, what's wrong. 
[00:11:08] Megan: I love that. Okay. So I have two questions. This is kind of taking us somewhere else. You've mentioned God several times. In this conversation, but you've also mentioned spirit and universe, knowing what you know about energetics, like what is the like, what is God is God separate of other traditions and deities that that are believed in and worshipped and followed?
[00:11:30] Megan: Or is it does it come down to it being that like collective energy source that we're all praying to? 
[00:11:38] Mitch: Yeah, so yeah, that's that's what it comes down to. And as I say, you know, and I also tell people like. You know, I allow it to also be my guide and mystery, because, you know, like, life is so intelligent in and of itself, like, You know, this playground here, meaning nature, we can get lost in that and we're still learning new plants, new [00:12:00] ideas.
[00:12:00] Mitch: We're learning that plants communicate through their root systems and mycelium is under the networks of all of the earth, which is communicating and a tree can talk to her babies and give them water and send intelligence. So. Everything's made up of networks of communication, so there truly is no 
[00:12:18] Megan: separation.
[00:12:19] Megan: There is no separation 
[00:12:21] Mitch: network. Everything is an intertwined network. And, you know, we call it the ecosystem, right? But there's a spiritual ecosystem as well. So it's sort of like you hear the term heaven and earth. You know, that we're in the mirrored self, you know, we're in the possibilities. So the idea is to find that channel or that openness or that expansion of, you know, heaven's not out there, heaven's within.
[00:12:47] Mitch: And if you go to Christ, if you go to Buddha, if you go to Krishna, right, all of these masters have a different story, but they're all coming down to the same foundations [00:13:00] of. Love, connection, good, bad. Like, you know, they're all just ideas. And then when you look at culture and all the wars and division that to me as a collective, it just is shocking that as a collective.
[00:13:15] Mitch: We can't see that we're all the problem, you know, and we are collectively the problem, which means we're all connected. That's God, which means that we are all one. We are all suffering and we could pretend these things aren't there, but it doesn't change the fact that it's very much happening. Right. You know, and genocides were happening, and it's still happening in Africa.
[00:13:39] Mitch: So, you know, like, this is where we as a collective, you know, there is a change happening. And to me, the idea of God is that nothing is separate. And just like the earth, everything is in its beauty.
[00:13:53] Mitch: Every plant, every flower is beautiful in its own way. And it's part of our world that [00:14:00] gives us life and meaning, you know, and it's right there. And then you look at that in the spirit world, and it's like everyone gets stuck on ideas and the moment that they think they're right, they've lost it. So, you know, so it's actually in the surrender, which is love.
[00:14:19] Mitch: And love is God and love is made up of all things, which means without love, we don't exist because without love, there is no meaning. Right? 
[00:14:29] Megan: Right. I mean, thinking about how that shows up on a, on a grounded, like on this earthly plane, like love. Is the difference between you being kind to the person at the checkout versus seeing the snarl in their face and being an asshole backwards.
[00:14:43] Megan: Like, it's those little tiny choices that, like, and without that, right, as that builds, if we're not caring about how the land is cared for and the foods that we're feeding ourselves and creating to feed to other people, like, that's how humanity dies. Is if we lose 
[00:14:57] Mitch: that love for the other. Exactly. Exactly.[00:15:00] 
[00:15:00] Mitch: Exactly. And we And really, that's what humanity is experiencing is we have lost that that love for each other. And I'm deep. I'm a very deep person, but I've also changed my my life according to my view and how I can try to make a difference. I'm constantly trying to learn that. So, you know, and that goes into like You know, for me, treating animals as separate than self, you know, and, you know, and seeing the way animals are treated to put a meal on a plate, you know, and I'm not saying go vegan.
[00:15:31] Mitch: That's not my point. You know, like, my point is to say. That when we collectively shut our ears and eyes and look at, say, an animal as a separate being and like that's what they're born and created for, you know, my spirit guides very much show me a different view that there's an energy, like, again, this is just an idea, but.
[00:15:52] Mitch: It's the rituals that we connect to our life is what makes life sacred or not, and you know, the [00:16:00] meaning, the purpose, right? So if we can go into that and just see that this is why it comes down to individual decisions. That's how we change the world. But on a collective understanding, the God is within.
[00:16:14] Mitch: So when we can, and you can go to, like Jesus said, the kingdom of heaven within is, is within Buddha talks about the kingdom is within, or, you know, the Nirvana or the paradise, right? They were all saying that this network is not out there. It's in here and it's the embodiment of it. So when we can all reach this embodiment, we realize that all things are created equal.
[00:16:42] Mitch: And all things are an idea of self, which means God or the expression of the universe. So when we can see and look at it in its beauty of art and what it could be, and if we could start to learn from each other, and instead of saying, I'm right, you're wrong, shut up, and we start to [00:17:00] say, Wow, your story is beautiful, too.
[00:17:03] Mitch: Wow, your culture is beautiful, too. You know, we can start to, you know, accept their idea, you know, and say why not? If that's what they want to see and believe, why not? If that's what brings them love, Why not? Why not? I love this. 
[00:17:22] Megan: I do too. So I'm seeing, I'm like, I can't help but to want to bring things into like practicality.
[00:17:28] Megan: And what popped up for me here is two different practices that people, so for all of our listeners and tell me if this is a useful way to start being in practice with like that connection, right? It comes back to connection, being able to find that point of connection between different religions, different practices, different rituals, right?
[00:17:44] Megan: But something that's super accessible to everybody. Cause. In, in a perfect world, we would all be able to afford to buy, you know, meat from the local farmer who cares for and tends and loves their animals as if they are their own children and to support, you know, local [00:18:00] farms and vegetables or farm our own, whatever.
[00:18:02] Megan: But since that's not necessarily accessible to everybody, could something so simple as your grocery store meat. Before you take that first bite, not just honoring God and saying, thank you for this meal, but like honoring the life that was lost and the recognition of that, like, just, I honor you for what you're about to do for my family, right?
[00:18:23] Megan: Your life lost so that my life can continue. And then secondly, to speak to the nirvana or the, or the, the kingdom, like within those glimmers, those beautiful moments of presence where you're like, this is what life is about. This is, this is perfection. This is. Recognizing that and practicing gratitude in that moment.
[00:18:42] Megan: Like, Oh, this is the heaven that I'm reaching for, right? It's already here with me. So just any moment in the day, whether you see a pretty flower or, or, or having lunch, that moment of ritual. Yeah. 
[00:18:55] Mitch: Appreciation. Yeah. So, so yeah, the making things ritual. [00:19:00] So for, like you were saying, just doing a little prayer over your meal.
[00:19:04] Mitch: And, you know, and putting that concept and maybe even like putting that concept into the children, you know, and, you know, helping them to understand that there is a life force behind this and, you know, and we, we need to remember to treat all things with respect humans. You know, the way I look at God, too, is like, you know, we've been given the, the ability to make choices and, you know, and have a spirit and a soul and all these ideas.
[00:19:32] Mitch: But like the shamans say, we forgot how to be stewards, we forgot how to be the stewards of the earth and to treat everything in harmonic respect, which is, yes, like you were saying, going back in the prayer, which is as simple as going over the food and just thanking it and saying thanks to this being that gave its life for you.
[00:19:52] Mitch: So, you know, and at the end of the day, that animal didn't like animals very much want to survive to, you [00:20:00] know, and, and as we know, all animals have a spirit and cats and dogs and, you know, that goes into all light forces. They have, they have a spirit, they have, they have a being. You know, so, and I'm not, again, treating that with the respect it deserves, you know, like 
[00:20:18] Megan: plants, right?
[00:20:19] Megan: Like, and the same with plants. I have a friend who's a shaman and we cut down a sassafras tree at my house, but before we did it, you know, we walked out into the woods. We said a prayer. And we thanked that tree for allowing us to use its roots to create medicine and do it like so with your vegetables, right?
[00:20:36] Megan: When you're gardening, when you pick a flower, when you buy a bouquet, like, just recognizing that that was a life given for you for your 
[00:20:44] Mitch: enjoyment. Absolutely. Absolutely. And right there, sacred reciprocity, right? So when we can, like, take things and look at it as everything is a mirror. And what we put out does come back.
[00:20:57] Mitch: So, you know, so when we [00:21:00] can look at things in prayer, life will give you more prayer, meaning more meaning. Right. So, and that life force, which is already coexisting because it's a field of energy. As we raise our vibration or understandings of self, we expand into that harmony code. And all of a sudden, you know, that's where that lens can start to come in to a higher filter and that respect that you put out, there's a return and you can very much.
[00:21:30] Mitch: It shows itself, and that goes back to the winks of the universe, and it's in our little gestures that make the biggest difference. It doesn't always have to be huge. I'm such an idea person that like, you know, I get excited and I get creative quick. But, you know, but when I ground down, it's all the step works for sure, and being more intentional and realizing that we, a lot of us are just learning that we don't [00:22:00] really know where we're at in the world, or we don't know what we like.
[00:22:03] Mitch: So I look at it as create it and these rituals help you create like, Ooh, yeah, this feels good. Right. Oh, yeah. Like that feels right. And it starts to help you find your, your flow, your network, how you as a being work. And again, when you can start to vibrate, you know, peace, happiness, forgiveness, and you go through these different ideas of self, it allows that expansion to reach the networks around you.
[00:22:32] Mitch: And, you know, and then you energetically will be lifting up the environments around you. And like you were saying, if you go in somewhere and You know, sometimes you could just feel that people are not okay. And it's as simple as just like, Ooh, something's wrong. But a lot of people silently notice and don't say anything, or they silently judge like, Oh, they were in such a bad mood.
[00:22:55] Mitch: And of course I'm guilty of that too. I have my days, you know, but, but for the [00:23:00] most part, you know, when I go places and see that somebody needs, like. Their own wink of the universe. Maybe you're that pillar and maybe you're that idea of God that day. And what I mean is like, when I say that in the light world, you know, I look at everything as like.
[00:23:17] Mitch: You know, we're all waiting for a savior, but what if collectively each and every one of us are the returned and as we find that within ourselves, we realize that we are, we, we are the liberators, but we need to find that idea within ourself first. Because otherwise it creates a hierarchy and spirit is starting to get rid of this idea of hierarchy and, you know, and the how they're getting rid of the control of the world is by finding the liberation within and that's where the vibrancy is going to shift the trajectory of our actual consciousness and idea of how and why we actually [00:24:00] exist.
[00:24:00] Mitch: And then they're able to share in their communications, you know, and, and, and I'm having these communications with other people, you know, where we're coming into a time where we sit in a circle and it's becoming more of the idea of communing inwardly in prayer, and we're sharing experiences that you don't need to say out loud.
[00:24:20] Mitch: Because you're now in an inner dialogue where you're all part of that witness, you're all part of that being, and you're realizing the power of that, and you're realizing that we're in the period of liberation, and, you know, and it's not for me, it's not, it's for all of us. It's for, and it's for the future generations and, you know, and these beings that this consciousness that we're expanding into, you know, it's sort of like gets rid of this idea that you have to fight all the time, you know, and it's that [00:25:00] fight that creates war, you know?
[00:25:02] Mitch: So it's learning that when we can liberate ourselves and do the inner work step by step by step. You know, we slowly reached our own expansion into what you call nirvana or and then you realize like you can find these ideas, but without the collective or without others being able to hold this vibration with you.
[00:25:26] Mitch: You know, it also realizes that we're coming back into a time of, like, it's time for community. It's time for us to become tribes again, you know, become a family again. And, you know, and basically that's going to take all of us going within. And, you 
[00:25:46] Megan: know You can see that. I feel like you can feel that undercurrent.
[00:25:49] Megan: Yeah, you 
[00:25:49] Mitch: can. It's palpable. It's palpable. Even talking to you guys right now, like Look at the commerce. We're all sparking because this is what we all really want to talk about. Mm. [00:26:00] Hmm. Yes, 
[00:26:00] Megan: right? 
[00:26:05] Mitch: So you guys are already doing your part, you know, this is a part of that stuff I 
[00:26:10] Lauren: thought of it before like that, but you're right.
[00:26:13] Mitch: This is a part of it You are what I call a station now and in that station You're holding your idea and bringing other ideas. And so now you're an antenna Now you're part of that ripple of being the change. You guys are now part of the change. So now 
[00:26:31] Lauren: with that, it's so 
[00:26:34] Megan: important. So I'm thinking like neural networks right now, right?
[00:26:38] Megan: We're all a collective energy. And does. As we do stuff like this, just like as it, like you create a new habit, right? And the more you practice it, the stronger that neural network gets and the weaker older neural networks get of habits that you've let go of. Is the same thing true in that energetic network?[00:27:00] 
[00:27:00] Megan: People like Lauren and I and you like it's just going to reinforce so it's going to make it easier for those other things to fall away. Absolutely. Whether you see it happening or 
[00:27:08] Mitch: not. Absolutely. So look at your body. So, you know, for example, with your body, we, we know that, you know, and we've have all the evidence now that.
[00:27:19] Mitch: It's not just about working out, it's about your intake, it's about your lifestyle, right? So it's a lifestyle change. So when we really want to make a difference within ourself, it's, it's a lifestyle. There's a whole network that we have to change, right? So look at our spirit body as, you know, I like to say a lot of people wear a shield in their ideas, but what I've realized is that, like, the ideas, you know, and connection to those ideas is the difference.
[00:27:51] Mitch: So our energetic body is like we're learning just like your body, you know, if somebody says I need to lose weight, and they start taking all these diet [00:28:00] pills, and they do a quick fix, I call it, you know, and there's not really a mental connection to the body, you know, then that person loses all the weight, they make that goal for the wedding.
[00:28:12] Mitch: And then after the wedding, they put on twice the weight. So, you know, it was You know, it was an idea of a lower vibrational setting. It came from an obsessive mindset versus a soul mindset, which is the body making a conscious. Decision, which is tying into your energetic networks. So, so for example, one of the ideas that I got to try plant medicine to make sure I wasn't doing a drug before I went, I did my research and somebody that I know, she developed cancer.
[00:28:47] Mitch: And, you know, and posted about how she just went down to the jungle to do plant medicines, and she was blown away. She went there with her mom, didn't want to post it because she didn't know how people would respond. [00:29:00] But she's like, let me tell you, when you're, when you just get married and then you find out you're sick, and they're telling you, We, we right away need to cut this out of you and you're not going to be able to have children.
[00:29:11] Mitch: And she's like, and my inner world just suddenly zapped and changed and got destroyed. And all of her ideas of what her world was going to look like just changed because she got sick in a moment. So she went down to the jungle and, you know, and it's not just about doing plants. It's about your inner work, always.
[00:29:31] Mitch: It's not about the plants. They're an extension. They're a messenger. A catalyst. A catalyst, messenger, guide, right? But it always comes down to the work that you put within yourself. So, you know, and she said she studied with a medicine woman and the medicine women taught her how to take flower baths. How to connect with nature barefoot, how to sit in the sun.
[00:29:53] Mitch: And she said, no, no, no, honey, you can heal yourself. And she said, you need to talk to the body. [00:30:00] Now, she says, talk to the body because the body hears you. And right now, your energy is you against the body. Think about the power of that, right? Right. So, she ended up taking these ideas and the reason she posted it is because at this time, I believe, if I remember correctly, she cleared her cancer 70 percent without needing to go through chemo and things like that.
[00:30:25] Mitch: Um, Down the road, she ended up clearing, right? She got rid of the ailments by herself, but she talked about the whole embodiment of this. Now, recently I've had women, you know, come to my readings and I would pick up that they were having infertility and just issues with being, uh, getting pregnant. And, you know, and this idea has carried with me.
[00:30:49] Mitch: So spirit will drop ideas that doesn't always have to be your idea. You know, we're all teachers and everybody's a teacher. So like this one person's idea and message that [00:31:00] she passed through my guides now use for me to give others and they bring it in, in a reading. And a couple of the women that came in, they were so distraught, you know, and they're like.
[00:31:08] Mitch: And when they channeled that, like, you've been having issues and then I said, you need to commune with your body. You need to commune with your stomach and invite that life force back in your womb. Like, that is your power station. You are gifting life to this planet. Like, you are powerful. You are sacred.
[00:31:28] Mitch: And remember that. You know, and, you know, and I feel like all these ideas in the beauty world confuse us to be so much about image that we lose the contact to the idea of just loving who we are. So, you know, and I, it, it brought me to, again, fears because this, you know, husband and wife had me come in and do a reading and, and sure enough, they told me that they were having, and I was like, here's the date I see pregnancy, blah, blah, blah.
[00:31:59] Mitch: They reached [00:32:00] out to me. She was like, I haven't been able to get pregnant, da, da, da, da, da. And I said, check this date, talk to it. She, she listened, but the husband reached out and he said, we just want to thank you and whatever you did, you shifted her. But more importantly, he said, we're pregnant. And, you know, and the joy that I get within to.
[00:32:22] Mitch: Be witness to that and to know that something as simple as changing our energetic ideas and the power of that there is power in that and you're commanding yourself back into being. You're taking your power back and saying, I choose my life force. I choose my ideas. I, and in there you're coming back into your, I am.
[00:32:48] Mitch: And then again, that brings us into these deeper states to say like the, we would be now I want to share this because like once you find something that's pure and good, [00:33:00] you want to share it. That's purity. That's, that's love. Yeah. 
[00:33:05] Megan: Wow. That's so many things. Everybody just listen to that. Listen again. Let it wash over you.
[00:33:12] Mitch: Yeah. Let it, let it wash over. 
[00:33:14] Lauren: Yeah. I see so many people because you know, with what I do and Megan too, you know, we, we guide people, we coach people and I think, you know, slowly but surely we are getting more in tune with ourselves and how we can, you know, manifest the things we want, but also heal. And I think one of the hardest things really is to get people to.
[00:33:37] Lauren: Like, understand the power that they have over their languaging, like that's something that Megan, you brought up not too long ago about how we say things like, we're going to battle cancer, we're going to fight this, like just the kind of language we use to describe things going on with ourselves. But then too, it's like, I feel like sometimes the whole inner work part can be so just like [00:34:00] abstract to people, you know?
[00:34:01] Lauren: And it's, I don't know if it's the lack of either language around it or. Understanding really how it's playing out and, and again, mirroring their world, you know, but for me, like, and we've talked about this a couple of weeks ago, you know, like, I am so passionate about doing the inner work and the healing and all those things because I mean, I know in my own life, how much it's changed and will continue to change my life, you know, so I guess it's just like, how can you really you.
[00:34:31] Lauren: Beyond just being an example, right? How can you really share that with people to, to get them to see and open their eyes and, and just be open to that, right? Because I think a lot of what you said today too, it goes back to that self love, that, that self compassion, right? Like not seeing the, the flaws or the mistakes as mistakes, but seeing that as like, I am human.
[00:34:53] Lauren: These things happen like, and loving yourself through those kinds of things. Yes. 
[00:34:57] Mitch: Yes, yes. So, yeah, [00:35:00] thank you for saying that because that like, 1 of the things that, you know, with me being energy sensitive and being a seer or a communication, a lot of times I see, I see and. It doesn't mean that what I see, they want to hear, or it may not be what they want to change.
[00:35:19] Mitch: It may not whatever it is, you know, so it sometimes can, it can hurt a little, you know, and that's where you have to take rather radical responsibility for yourself, but also put your boundaries and put everything you need in space because. As I developed and made these profound networks and connections and realized that I'm embodying the things you read about in Bibles and stuff like that, meaning I'm having direct experience to these, these other worlds, to these connections, to these energies, and I'm watching it change people's lives.
[00:35:55] Mitch: I've watched it change my life and ripple out into things that I'm like, I want [00:36:00] everybody to find this. Yes. Yes. And. You know, and it's like, that's the real me is I want everybody to be able to connect to this and that's my goal. That's my love. That's my passion, you know, and that's the field that I hope everyone can always hear in my words is like, you can do it all.
[00:36:19] Mitch: But. If someone's not ready, they're not ready and you can spend all your time trying to help someone. And if they're not ready, they're not ready. So, you know, and as I've grown, you know, just like, for example, when I got sober for the first time and like tried, you know, I failed multiple attempts. So like my brother and sister did not trust me when I said I changed and the instant gratification within me was.
[00:36:52] Mitch: Well, I've worked hard and I'm sober now, like, you know, and it's like demanding them to love me in return [00:37:00] and, you know, and what I had to learn over the years is I destroyed their lives because my addiction wasn't just me. I took out my family, so behind closed doors, they watched mom and dad fight.
[00:37:14] Mitch: They've watched mom and dad cry and their anger needs an outlet. So of course it became anger towards me and you know, and me needing to radically accept that in my own healing instead of expecting something in return. So it hurt because I wanted their love. I wanted that return, but the surrender, which is hard, but sometimes we surrender as a superpower because surrendering ensue, I can't force that.
[00:37:45] Mitch: I'm not that powerful, right? And, you know, and surrendering to that and allowing yourself to know that you did your best, that you took the actions and, you know, and I have like around family and [00:38:00] stuff like that. Of course I have my defenses like we all do. Like the moment you're around certain people, you change.
[00:38:05] Mitch: And, you know, and that goes into your childhood, the fights, whatever you're holding, you know, and you know, and then put that into, you know, making contact with angels and spirit and all these beings, you know, and I'm in constant awe of what I'm learning. And it's changed me in such a degree where it's like, I just want everybody to be here with me and I get to share glimpses of it, but then, you know, sometimes it makes it about me versus.
[00:38:37] Mitch: We, and you know, and it always goes back into, that's like a loneliness I carry cause I want to connect it. And I want to share what I'm seeing with others because otherwise there's a loneliness to that degree in its own form. So you know, so, and I realized that with family, friends, I can't change them.
[00:38:56] Mitch: And the only power I have is to be a [00:39:00] guide. And and to allow that to be and sometimes we have to make difficult choices. Sometimes we have to choose to step away from people and and family, you know, and it might just be a space that you need. We never know the reasoning, but sometimes we have to make choices because we can't force anybody.
[00:39:20] Mitch: But what I will say is that if those that you know are suffering and they're suffering in their own silence, just like myself, when I was in deep states of suffering and any point of my life, I'm quietly listening. And what I've learned is over the years, different people that. Maybe made fun of me or, you know, ridiculed my work a little bit.
[00:39:45] Mitch: Years later, there's been instances like there was somebody that worked at a gym before, you know, big, tough guy, all tatted up and he would always avoid me. And he knew the work that I did. And the people would talk about the work that I did there. So, [00:40:00] but I could feel not arrogance, but a wall with me when I was around and it's plain and I'm like, okay, you know, but then I was like, ending up moving from that area and then that person and a few others that never talked to me, reached out to me.
[00:40:18] Mitch: And we're like, I've always wanted to talk to you. I'm sorry. I was always, you know, but instantly I saw behind the scenes that they wanted to know too, and they, they had this curiosity too, but they just played the tough role. So you see what I mean? So it's been in all of these situations that I've realized that by being in your light or by being you, even if it's confusing or even if people like just continue healing yourself.
[00:40:48] Mitch: And, you know, and eventually those that are ready to be on that ride with you, they'll join and those that aren't, find the space to not be angry at it, but accept all [00:41:00] stories and realize that in this walk of life. The only thing we can do is walk in our story and hope that others capture our dream and join that party.
[00:41:09] Mitch: But, you know, and that's the goal, that's the medicine, but also the acceptance and surrender of accepting their story and their evolution. And they may not be ready quite yet. Right. So 
[00:41:23] Lauren: great. Yeah. 
[00:41:25] Mitch: Yeah. But also be radically, and when I call it radical acceptance. It's also realizing when you need to make choices to say I need to change my life, you know, and so that's the dance, you know, and that's the dance of life.
[00:41:46] Mitch: And one thing we got to remember too, is as we change, especially in the spirit realms, as we find out more information, these things change you. And. Change scares most people, especially people that [00:42:00] have their nine to fives and just know what their life looks like. And they're not in experiences that are breaking down their barriers or ideas, you know, and they are just in the same idea every day.
[00:42:12] Mitch: So, and then there's someone like me, that's always breaking my ideas. So, you know, I come in and I got to remember that I'm very outside the box for a lot of people. So, and I can come in like a force sometimes. And. Because I, I just start talking about my truth and where I'm at and over the years, I've gotten a lot more quiet because I've realized that when I'm around people, if they want to know the last, but other than that, I've learned to be a lot more quiet because I've realized that.
[00:42:43] Mitch: There's a sacredness in that. And, you know, there's a sacredness in that. And, you know, so I'm just allowing, even if I'm picking up something, the, I do not need to jump in and try to save somebody. And, you know, and that's lessons [00:43:00] that I've recently learned over the last couple of years is you will drain yourself when you think that you're going to save all these people.
[00:43:08] Mitch: Right. And just because you see their potential and just because you see something in them that they need guidance with or whatever, you got to realize that everybody has their story and their own path that they need to discover. And, you know, in certain truths with inside of me have taken me my whole life to accept or heal.
[00:43:28] Mitch: So to push that on anyone, I've realized that that's very wrong of me, you know, to just expect them to change because I found it. And it came from a pure space, but that was another lesson that I needed to learn that, you know, you're giving away your power when you're putting all your power into trying to fix or save somebody else, right?
[00:43:48] Megan: That's interesting. I almost see it a little differently. Like as you're saying that I'm thinking, okay, my initial thought was be in the dance and allow the space for if somebody wants to join, but then I, at the moment that you separate yourself [00:44:00] from that person and think, oh, I'm going to fix them, then.
[00:44:02] Megan: We're no longer in the dance. Right? Yeah. Yes. Like that's when opposition comes in. Yes. So it's like you're, yeah. Oh, I like that. 
[00:44:08] Mitch: You gotta get back in. Yeah. I like that. Mm. Yeah. I just saw that clear. That's true. Mm. Yeah. And remember to make it fun. Mm. Yeah. Like. I realized that in a lot of points of my healing, I also like punished myself from joy and happiness.
[00:44:26] Mitch: So it was almost like, you know, and it was a lesson, you know, but one thing I've learned and, you know, and I went to this place, Damanhur in Italy, and one thing they taught me was, you know, to remember to celebrate and to be joyful. And when life gets hard, you know, find ways to bring the laughter and joy back in and you know, and especially in couples, like I've worked with a lot of couples and you know, we're so focused on what they need to change that we forget the things that we love about them and every day becomes hyper [00:45:00] focused and looking for the things that they're waiting for them to do wrong and you know, and it's this silent game of.
[00:45:08] Mitch: You know, and it's, and that takes, it takes up so much of your mental game, you know? So when you can like, realize like, no, like, you know, and start to look at this from a different lens and, you know, and find the joy again, meaning go back to why you fell in love. And sometimes we got to be the bigger person and, you know, and you might feel anger, you might feel hate, you might feel, feel, you know, like we're human, you're going to feel, you know, but the difference is, you know, in your own communications and consciousness, what steps did you really take, right?
[00:45:48] Mitch: What honest steps did you take? Right. Are you being truthful? Are you being pure? Or are you looking for the anger? Right? So be honest with yourself, right? [00:46:00] And then say, how have we been doing this? And obviously, if this has been on repeat, repeat, repeat, something's got to give. And if they can't see the solution, well, you are the solution, then you are now the alchemist.
[00:46:16] Mitch: So, you know, and what that's going to do is give you your personal power back. And from there, you bring up those communications. And for example, like as I developed in my own path, like I learned my, my own pain, my own defenses, I'm still, so I'm learning how to bring these communications and, you know, and when you can sit down and be honest and maybe lean in and point out your wrongs.
[00:46:44] Mitch: Point out where you're not your best, be the bigger person, meaning be the light and just like, and when you can root yourself into saying lean in, like, sorry, I've been this a little bit lately, I've been frustrated and then lean in and remind [00:47:00] them of the container or the circle that brought love. And work through that and then find out and say, can we come home again, or do we need to decide?
[00:47:14] Mitch: Right? So, and making decisions sometimes is the greatest gift too, because it's okay to realize that shifts and changes happen. And, you know, and that can leave a healthy Thanks. Or, you know, or it can bring you back into harmony and bring those communications back in and to remember why we fell in love and life, work, grief, right?
[00:47:44] Mitch: All these things can also block our happiness. So, you know, so communication. And remembering that we're creatures of comfort. So, you know, so after a while, you know, we deal with [00:48:00] things and it becomes this inner dialogue, right. And we just deal with things. We let things go. But we're very much mentally carrying it.
[00:48:09] Mitch: So when we can be honest with ourself and say, you know, instead of like waiting, waiting, waiting, I need to communicate with this within myself. And, you know, because that's the full time job. Yes. It's the mental game. So 
[00:48:26] Megan: good. Mm. Gosh, I love this so much. I feel like we could talk for like several more 
[00:48:32] Lauren: hours.
[00:48:32] Lauren: No, no, no. We definitely have to do this again for sure. 
[00:48:36] Megan: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I love that it ended there though, like bringing it all back to connection. Right. And that's something that I think all of us can relate to, at least to some degree. If you're in partnership in any way in your life, it's really easy to catch on what is not going right and forget about everything that is beautiful.
[00:48:52] Megan: That's already there. 
[00:48:54] Mitch: Stay in the dream. 
[00:48:55] Megan: Yes. So we have one question that we'd love to ask everybody that comes on [00:49:00] our podcast. Laura, do you want to ask 
[00:49:01] Lauren: it? Sure. So the name of our podcast is called Shattering Ceilings. And so we want to know how are you shattering ceilings in your life right now?
[00:49:10] Lauren: Shattering ceilings. Yeah, 
[00:49:11] Megan: and this is all of Mitch, not just Mitch the medium. Yeah, that's okay. You as any part 
[00:49:15] Lauren: of your life. This is who you are. 
[00:49:16] Mitch: Mm hmm. Okay. So shattering ceilings. Does that mean like my breakthroughs? Yeah. 
[00:49:22] Lauren: Yeah. Like breaking through your barriers, 
[00:49:24] Mitch: hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:49:33] Mitch: You know, again, that powers within and I believe that I took a very stationary time, a very deep inner work and did another cleanse of self, my soul, you know, all that work, but now, you know, I think the breaking ceilings is that. You know, I found and captured my, my truth and my, my being, and I'm ready to bring this new station, this new idea, these new workshops, this new [00:50:00] dream and bring it to life and, you know, and I've been sitting back and taking that time that I need, but I've never been so clear in my life.
[00:50:10] Mitch: That now the voice is like, go, so yeah, so it's go time and, you know, and I'm staying focused on networks that are in harmony with building a better world or bringing ideas to building a better world. And I realized that that is my mission. And if I can leave this planet in that direction, I can't go wrong.
[00:50:32] Mitch: So. I'm staying focused on every project, every idea and every relationship that I bring into my network because we get to choose in this point of my life, my discipline is bringing in the contacts that I need to bring the world a difference. And I found out that, you know, dreaming is only get dreams are only given to you because there are possibilities of what you can achieve [00:51:00] and, you know, and I'm staying in that direction of.
[00:51:04] Mitch: I'm going to stay focused and put my dreams into action, but with the right people in the right places, anything else is not in my lens right now. And I finally came to the acceptance of this is my space and my time to grow and evolve and together we can all grow our wings and, you know, and I feel like these ideas and on the planet right now, we're going to witness some beautiful changes and I think we are all going to change the world.
[00:51:30] Mitch: So I think it's time to change the world. And. And that, I think that's the shattering the ceiling is let's change the world. I think so. That's 
[00:51:38] Lauren: a big one. Yeah. It's a 
[00:51:40] Mitch: big one. It's a big one. Let's change the world. And that's all of us going into our unique blueprint and connecting it. So good. 
[00:51:49] Megan: Thank you so much.
[00:51:50] Megan: This has been such an honor. 
[00:51:51] Mitch: Yeah. Likewise. Yeah. Likewise. And I'm looking forward to connect again. 
[00:51:57] Lauren: Awesome. Thank you so much. 
[00:51:59] Megan: Yeah. Thank [00:52:00] you guys. Next week. Okay.
[00:52:07] Megan: Thank you for tuning in to another empowering episode of shattering ceilings. We hope today's conversation has ignited a fire within you to chase your dreams fearlessly. 
[00:52:15] Lauren: Don't forget to hit the subscribe button so you never miss an episode packed with inspiration and actionable steps. 
[00:52:22] Megan: If you enjoyed the show, please leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform.
[00:52:26] Megan: Your feedback helps us reach more listeners and continue spreading the message of growth and expansion. 
[00:52:31] Lauren: And remember it's never too late to rewrite your story, redefine your limits, and shatter the ceilings that stand in your way. 
[00:52:37] Megan: Until next time, keep dreaming big and taking bold actions. You got this.