Shattering Ceilings

The Permission You Didn't Need

January 16, 2024 Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler Season 2 Episode 26
The Permission You Didn't Need
Shattering Ceilings
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Shattering Ceilings
The Permission You Didn't Need
Jan 16, 2024 Season 2 Episode 26
Megan Bruce & Lauren Wheeler

Join Megan and Lauren on an  exploration of intentional beginnings. Letting go of the idea of a perfect start and breaking down why there’s no one-size-fits-all blueprint for kicking off the new year. Tune in for full f*cking permission to do winter as you please.

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

Show Notes Transcript

Join Megan and Lauren on an  exploration of intentional beginnings. Letting go of the idea of a perfect start and breaking down why there’s no one-size-fits-all blueprint for kicking off the new year. Tune in for full f*cking permission to do winter as you please.

Follow Meg & Lauren on IG:
@shatteringceilingspod, @meggs.n.baconnn, and @lauren__wheeler__

Season 2 Song Credit: Dimitrex "Stinky Sax"
Season 1 Song credit: Fleece Mob "Will Travel"

SC - Episode 71
[00:00:00] Lauren: Hey, everyone. Welcome at the Shattering Ceilings. It's Lauren.
[00:00:03] Megan: And Megan, and we are here to break up some of the interviews that you guys are going to be listening to in the coming weeks and give you a little dose of us. Cause we thought you might be missing us.
[00:00:17] Lauren: I love that. And it is a new year and we have been behind the scenes doing a lot of things, doing a lot of reflecting and thinking. And we really wanted to bring you, I guess, like a little taste of what maybe you're experiencing or what you, I don't know,
[00:00:36] Megan: We're going to share what we've been doing to basically give you permission to do whatever it is that you're doing and feeling pressured to do
[00:00:42] Lauren: fuck you think works right now, because if there's any theme, I believe, in my opinion for 2024, it's we need to call back the energy to ourselves and give ourselves more permission to do the things that we feel we're aligned to do and really just [00:01:00] Stand in our power.
[00:01:00] Lauren: I think that's definitely a goal of mine. And I think you too, Meg, because again, your word is accountability.
[00:01:10] Megan: but in a very different ways. So let's start there. Cause I was going to say, let's, I know, I think you mentioned your word last time, but I can't remember
[00:01:17] Lauren: I don't know if I did or not, but it is expand.
[00:01:19] Megan: Let's talk about it for a second. So your word for 2024 is expand. Why'd you choose it?
[00:01:23] Lauren: Because I recognize that patterns of 2023 for me were like shrinking back at times not feeling like I was capable or brave enough actually in fear sometimes of being either seen or judged for Speaking my mind or talking about what I want to talk about. And I know that for me to really grow myself, my business, my relationships, my health, like all the things I need to really stop shrinking back and really step out and take up space.
[00:01:54] Lauren: And I'm meant to take up space and we're all meant to take up space, but some of us feel like, you know, I [00:02:00] guess I'm more confident in that area than others. And so anyway, that is why I chose the word expand. So how about
[00:02:06] Megan: it really lines up with your design. Like you, everything you've been hearing, everything we learn about your human design, it's like you are meant to come in and be a force. Like you're, you know,
[00:02:18] Lauren: I know. I guess sometimes I don't own that because it can feel like I'm trying to take over and I know that I have heard before things about myself where I can be bossy or Like I'm the only one that has the ideas or whatever, like, or I just want to go with what I want to go with. And so, like, I have also heard that.
[00:02:45] Lauren: So that kind of makes me feel like I have to be careful and just more aware of how I'm showing up, which then and. Also holds me back. So,
[00:02:54] Megan: Yeah. So that's interesting. What I, so what keeps coming to my brain as you say, that is like, [00:03:00] well, yes, you should be careful. Right. Because we should always be intentional in how we're doing things. Ideally mindful. Right. And it's part of like, so first I thought, oh, those are limiting beliefs you're holding onto.
[00:03:11] Megan: Right. From con or conditioning, if you will, from growing up. Right. And.
[00:03:15] Lauren: And, and not even just growing up, like, hello
[00:03:18] Megan: And adulthood. Yeah,
[00:03:20] Lauren: shit served to me on a silver fucking bladder. So there's that.
[00:03:24] Megan: Which is awesome. It's part of how we, like, grow through it, right? Because we got to handle it differently. But then there's like, you know, that that's how you're supposed to show up. So now it's the, it's finding the art of it, like doing it.
[00:03:36] Lauren: hmm.
[00:03:37] Megan: Beautifully and dancing with it and taking up your space without dampening somebody else's
[00:03:42] Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, I, I think that's the dance and
[00:03:47] Megan: also you can't be accountable for other people. So that's not to say that you should be so careful all the time. Like, you know, I realize that could sound that way,
[00:03:53] Lauren: no, I mean, I wasn't really thinking that way. I was more thinking of like, and fucking lighting a flame for [00:04:00] everybody else. Like if I can light my flame, I can lend it to everybody else. Like, you know, we were at the church service, fucking Christmas and everyone's lighting the same. But while there was thousands of candles, they're lit from one flame.
[00:04:11] Lauren: Right. So it's the kind of like that kind of concept too, of, you know, when you can show up big, you're giving permission to others to also show up for themselves too. And so I would hope that's kind of like what comes out of it more.
[00:04:22] Megan: Yeah. I mean, yes, that's kind of where my word was going. Ignite, which I heard somewhere. I was listening to a podcast. It was right. The vision of it,
[00:04:34] Lauren: The vision of it. Yes. It's powerful. It's yes.
[00:04:38] Megan: And I want, that's what I wanna do, right? I wanna like grow, be bigger in my way. 'cause it's very different than your way. And spread that right into all areas of my life, into the people that, and in the other word was anchor that I was toying with.
[00:04:51] Megan: But then we came back to
[00:04:52] Lauren: I don't like that word, anchor.
[00:04:54] Megan: Well, my thoughts were if I, if I ignite, but I have nothing to ground it for me personally. [00:05:00] It like, I need that juxtaposition. 
[00:05:02] Lauren: I feel like you're a very anchored person, I just don't think that you need any more anchoring. In my opinion, I think you need more, like, let's shoot her up into the sky and like, watch you like, fly and figure it out up there and not feel like you need to be tethered to anything, because I think that is something sometimes that does hold you
[00:05:22] Megan: hold me back. Yeah, I've, I've really been kind of, so I dropped that accountability is where I landed. That's my word for the year
[00:05:30] Lauren: Which is a good one.
[00:05:31] Megan: It is and it encompasses everything. What I want to do with the ignition is, will be a side effect of me actually taking accountability and being accountable to myself, right?
[00:05:43] Megan: Because I'm really good about like, oh, I'm going to do this and then something comes up and I do something else instead. And
[00:05:49] Lauren: Curious. How did that word come about? Because we did have a lot of conversations the end of last year.
[00:05:56] Megan: I can't remember what we were talking about as far like where we [00:06:00] were along the conversation of 2024 words, but I actually know. Okay. It just came to me.
[00:06:05] Megan: I brought up ignite you and we talked about a little bit and you're like, well, maybe should be accountable and it came out of your mouth just like that. And I was like, well, now that you said it that way, I'm going to have to sit there and think about it a little bit. Cause you're probably fucking right.
[00:06:19] Megan: And I just kept coming back to
[00:06:20] Lauren: person.
[00:06:21] Megan: Yeah, this, I love it because we are holding each other accountable. We could probably do better on it and check in more, but with TBM and just other stuff, which, you know, we talk about that a lot. I love it.
[00:06:32] Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. We do need to do more with that. I mean, I've gotten kind of lazy. I don't say lazy, but I don't connect to everything. And then I find meditations and I'm like, Ooh, this is really good. This is really hitting or I'll find a podcast and I'll send it your way. And I'm like, well, shit, I'm not through
[00:06:49] Megan: Right. But I
[00:06:49] Lauren: where I'm supposed to be.
[00:06:51] Megan: we can do it our own way. Like, you know, maybe we should have really stuck with it because there was a timeline on things for it to be
[00:06:58] Lauren: And
[00:06:59] Megan: of the major [00:07:00] challenge, but we
[00:07:00] Lauren: I think there's also
[00:07:01] Megan: never follow the
[00:07:02] Lauren: we don't really follow the rules and I think that's the other part of like, kind of what we're here to talk about today. Like, I don't want to say standards, but there are certain theories about the new year and there's obviously ideologies around it and there's all kinds of teachings from every different culture and every different religion and just everyone's own
[00:07:19] Megan: we should be
[00:07:20] Lauren: of what we should be doing.
[00:07:21] Lauren: And I think that's what we're here to talk about today is that you need to be doing what you think you should be doing this time of year. And Megan is going to throw in a little bit of her Chinese, you know, outlook on it too, because it is very much fitting. For what we are experiencing at this moment,
[00:07:39] Megan: yes. So we're talking about winter people. We're in winter right now, right? We're also in a new year. Yes, we're in the dead middle of winter. We're in a new year. So there is pressure and there's a lot of emphasis. I know I went to the store. December 27th, and there was no longer any [00:08:00] Christmas stuff, but there were several fitness bikes and other, like, it was all replaced with like fitness products and diet stuff.
[00:08:06] Megan: New
[00:08:07] Lauren: Audi aisle of shame became went from Christmas to get your water bottles, your yoga mat your weights, like all like completely overnight.
[00:08:17] Megan: So much stuff. So we're in that part and there's a lot of pressure to do certain things. And so Lauren and I thought we'd come on today and talk about kind of how we're navigating winter to give you again, permission to do it, how you want to do it and kind of just share what's been working for us.
[00:08:32] Megan: So do you want to start with kind of what you're doing right now?
[00:08:35] Lauren: Yeah, so like, I am the type of person who used to like jump right into the new year and it's a new thing and we're going to go hard. And then like, it just didn't feel aligned. And so for me, I have spent weeks though, I mean, let's preface it with that. Like, this is not something that I'm just starting to do.
[00:08:51] Lauren: It's been weeks of reflection on how 2023 was for me and how I want to show up differently and also learning. Big [00:09:00] surprise of how I need to do it differently to be more effective for the things that I want to really happen for me. And so what does that look like for me? That looks like for me, diving into a lot of, I actually, I took like a mini class before the year ended.
[00:09:21] Lauren: I started a new one last week, actually two last week. Which is going to help guide me with reflection, but also help to put those things that I did reflect on into practice. So, what I'm doing, it's not like I hit the ground running on the first. That didn't happen. But it is slowly implementing and really at first, which I think is so important now that I'm speaking this out loud, is like developing the mindset so that you can have the foundation to sustain whatever it is that you choose to do.
[00:09:50] Lauren: Because that And I've learned this is why 92 percent of people do not meet their goals for the [00:10:00] new year that they set. They don't, their New Year's resolutions, goals, whatever you want to call them, new habits. 92 percent of people fail because they don't take in account the mindset piece. And they don't have a relationship with like things may be more difficult than you initially thought, or they get into it.
[00:10:20] Lauren: They quote unquote fail, or, you know, let themselves down on one of the things they chose to do. And then they beat themselves up for it. And then they have a harder time getting started because now they have built this belief that they already failed. And really, it's kind of like, you got to choose. Is this day one or one day like pick yourself up and
[00:10:39] Megan: Ooh, I like that.
[00:10:40] Lauren: you know what I mean?
[00:10:40] Lauren: Like it doesn't have to be this whole fucking like drawn out dramatic process where you beat yourself up or you like feel horrible. Like
[00:10:49] Megan: So you're not doing that to yourself, is what
[00:10:51] Lauren: I'm not doing it to myself is what I'm
[00:10:53] Megan: I love that. I love that you said foundations, because So Laura's in a lot of action, right? [00:11:00] She's doing a lot of things. But
[00:11:03] Lauren: Yes.
[00:11:04] Megan: things you are you're you. Yeah. So foundations focusing on the foundations as part of actually being in the winter, because we have to have a strong foundation to have the ability to, like, the.
[00:11:17] Megan: The energy to sustain us through the year. Right. And that's why sometimes when you start your new year's resolution on January 1st, and you hit the ground running really hard, your energy and motivation and discipline Peters out quickly, because it's a time where you're supposed to be really focusing on those foundations.
[00:11:34] Megan: How's this going to fit into my day to day life? How do I need to think? How do I need to eat? How do I need to like, what? What do all those things look like and consider those things, right? We're in that point of planning. So that, which is kind of what you're doing. You're taking information. You're kind of like figuring out how it's going to work for you.
[00:11:51] Megan: And I know we've talked a little bit about how you feel like you want to hermit. You're not doing as many things. So like, you're kind of bringing everything in, in that way, which is very.[00:12:00] 
[00:12:00] Lauren: And wanting to declutter, which I think I'm like, Oh, do I start that today? Like, I want to break down a room per week because I can't do it per day. There's no way that'll get done, but like, it just won't, but like, I am feeling the need to create space so that I can either not fill it, but like have the ability to take in more of really what I want or just create room for what's coming, I guess, in a sense.
[00:12:21] Lauren: And so that's something that I'm focusing on too. The other thing that I just want to say. Like, resolutions. I hate, I hate resolutions. Like, because it goes back to thinking that, like, we have a fucking problem. And we don't, right? Like, intentions are, it's a better word. Or even goals, right? Like, we can use the word goals.
[00:12:39] Lauren: But I'd much rather use, like, intentions. Because I think it's, it feels more mindful. And it feels more aligned when we say things like intentions, in my opinion. And again, that's just my
[00:12:51] Megan: Well, and the intention, I feel like naturally pairs with action. Right. Resolution. Right. Resolution is not, [00:13:00] I don't know, I don't think about action when I think of resolution. I think about something ending,
[00:13:03] Lauren: I think of like, yeah, like how can I
[00:13:04] Megan: like you resolve a problem. Right. But like, no, we make an intention to set us in motion and then we can come back to that intention to as like that
[00:13:12] Lauren: going. Yeah. Mm hmm. So that's how I'm showing up. How about you Meg?
[00:13:17] Megan: What I'm doing is really starting to step into that accountability piece. My scheduling and my time management is a big issue for me in creating like sustainable habits, which is where my accountability comes down to. I'm not moving my body the way that I have in my whole adult life. I'm more sedentary than ever aside from my job, but like the intentional, like working out or like going for walks or whatever is something that's important to me.
[00:13:46] Megan: Being in a place of like study, like spending time studying, there's little things, little habits that I want to be accountable for myself or to myself about. And I've been really just focusing on those things. I'm not doing a ton. I am making some [00:14:00] switches with like, how I'd spend my time and I'm without guilt, which feels really nice doing little things like, I don't know if I come home from work and I want to take a shower in the afternoon before making sure everybody has everything they need.
[00:14:14] Megan: I'm like, Hey. Yeah. I say, hi, love you guys. I'm going to pop into the shower or, you know, whatever, and doing stuff like that, or like, nobody wants to walk the dog and I go out.
[00:14:24] Lauren: like a great, like a great way to ease into, okay, I'm coming home from work and then I get to spend some time in the shower with water, by the way, which I'm learning more about, like just how we do find like ourselves reflecting more and just being able to kind of like get into that meditative space.
[00:14:40] Lauren: You know what I
[00:14:41] Megan: it puts you taking a shower. They found through research. I don't know why I always say it that way, but research shows that taking showers puts you into that theta brain wave state. So it's just a natural,
[00:14:55] Lauren: Yeah, I think that's a great way to like it's almost like you come out and [00:15:00] you're like new I'm like, okay I'm here now. What is now needed? You know what I mean?
[00:15:04] Megan: right. It's really nice. Or like whenever, you know, if I find myself agitated going to take a 10 minute shower or doing little things like take care of myself, but that's really like, I'm not doing much different. I'm starting to reincorporate things into my life. Yes. So that brings me to my point. I am more intentional, which is, which is my point.
[00:15:22] Megan: Like not, not wasting so much time doing things like watching TV or little busy work. Like, oh, I need to do this project. I need to organize these drawers and getting distracted from what's important. Also finding ways to incorporate things practically. Like I want to show up. I am showing up more on social media.
[00:15:40] Megan: So the way that that's going to work for me is I'm going to look up what's ever interesting me in that moment. That's my point. Right. Or that day I wake up thinking about something, I'm going to go spend some time looking it up, tending back to my books or whatever, like I want to do, and then that's what I'll post my social media about rather than it needing to look a certain way or trying to follow trends, like I just let go of all that [00:16:00] shit because I'm a generator, you're supposed to do what lights you up and what you love, and I don't do that when I'm at home and there's other people here.
[00:16:07] Megan: Because I am worried about doing like, it's like, I won't allow myself to do it. It's and it's nobody else's fault, but my own. And it's something that became really apparent over
[00:16:18] Lauren: talk to me about why you feel like you can't do
[00:16:22] Megan: I don't know. Probably maybe it's a people pleaser thing. I'm not sure what the root of it is necessarily. I just recognize myself doing it.
[00:16:30] Megan: And sometimes it's even like caused issues with Aaron because I'll feel frustrated that. Like, almost like I need to be spending time with him because he's there. And I heard my, I talked to my mom the other day and she said something about this. She's like, you know, when, when I'm with my husband or her husband's name is James, I feel like I need to like, be with him or be available or be whatever.
[00:16:49] Megan: So it may be a learned behavior. I don't know.
[00:16:51] Lauren: Mm hmm. So, like, possibly, like, people pleasing,
[00:16:57] Megan: For sure. Yeah, I don't know. But the point [00:17:00] is, it's silly. Definitely, I feel guilt. Even if I used to take a shower, I'd feel guilt about it. And I'm like, they'll be fine. Or that need to be needed. Like, they'll be fine without me for 15 minutes.
[00:17:09] Megan: Like, it's fine. So really like working on that, but it's a generator thing, right? Like, I'm really committed to stepping into that. You need to do what lights you up and that's, it's going to make everybody happier around you because you're going to be in a better mood. And my human design says that I really drive the mood of whatever space I walk into.
[00:17:26] Megan: Or have the ability and not that I drive it, but I have the ability to change it, you know, and Aaron's the same way. We both have that in our charts.
[00:17:34] Lauren: And I think that a lot of people are like, whether you're a generator or not, like, yes, I think that you probably have more of the ability, but I think one thing that we all need to really be aware of is we are responsible for our energy that we're putting out and, and what it is doing to the atmosphere around us.
[00:17:49] Lauren: Like, you know, instead of like pointing to everything else, like, did we think about how we're showing up? You know, like,
[00:17:56] Megan: Oh,
[00:17:56] Lauren: I think like being just responsible in general for, you know,
[00:17:59] Megan: [00:18:00] Accountability for ourselves, right? It yep. It comes
[00:18:03] Lauren: And I think too, I had this conversation recently and I can't remember with who it was, but it was around the idea of, you know, I actually, I do know who it was.
[00:18:14] Lauren: It was one of my accountability partners in the morning. And she also is a generator. She's a one three generator. So she's got my profile, but your energy type. Right. So, she also has a hard time with. Doing things for herself and getting on track with her workout routine with her eating routine and putting work down to work on the things that she's working on in her own business and just other things in general, like putting herself first
[00:18:44] Megan: Yeah. I really think that comes down to like, we, what we think of as Doing things and getting stuff done doesn't necessarily line up with like, what we would be doing for ourselves. So it's like, if there's something to be cleaned, if something needs to be cooked, if there's anything to take care of, that busy work takes precedence [00:19:00] because
[00:19:00] Lauren: because you're a generator.
[00:19:02] Megan: I think just because conditioning, right?
[00:19:04] Megan: Like, if I looked at my
[00:19:05] Lauren: Yes. Let's say
[00:19:06] Megan: busy work, but because we're generators and we feel that drive to like, be
[00:19:10] Lauren: To do to be busy. Yeah. Is that what I, what we talked about too, was like, again, like she has children as well. And it's like, okay, and what are we teaching our kids in these moments where we're not really choosing ourselves first? Or we feel like we have to put everybody else first.
[00:19:23] Lauren: Like we're, we're perpetuating this, the cycle of conditioning of right. And my son was sitting there on the couch and I'm having this conversation. And I said, because I don't, yeah. Listen, I'm not saying that I have it right. You may look at me and be like, you learn, you are selfish as fuck, you know? Like, but for me, like, I look at it as like, I think my family, my kids, my husband knows that I'm going to make sure that I'm taken care of, whether that is, I'm going to go meditate.
[00:19:53] Lauren: I'm going to go shower. I'm going to run out and take a freaking car ride or I'm going to whatever. Like that is [00:20:00] something that I think they know about me and. I don't feel bad for it, and I don't feel guilty for it, because I never want them to feel like they shouldn't take time for them, either. You know what I mean?
[00:20:13] Lauren: And I want them to stand in that. Like I don't want them to ever feel like they have to submit to someone else, whether that's a spouse, a child or whoever, and, and selflessly give all the time without putting themselves first because I mean, like, I know that sounds probably crazy for some people, but like, you really do need to take care of yourself first.
[00:20:33] Lauren: Otherwise, like, again, love yourself first or you're not gonna be able to love anything else or anyone else.
[00:20:39] Megan: Right. And I feel like it can easily, and this doesn't happen for me all the time, but it definitely has, like, you can fall into resentment towards other people because it's their fault that you're, you're doing stuff for them. But like, no one may, yeah, I create, I'm doing the things I'm making the choices.
[00:20:54] Megan: So yeah, like I'm definitely taking care of that and just being really
[00:20:58] Lauren: I'm happy to hear that.
[00:20:59] Megan: [00:21:00] Thank you. It feels fucking great. I'm really trying to step in just in all aspects of my life. Like really just like doing what.
[00:21:06] Lauren: a tad like luxurious in a way?
[00:21:09] Megan: It does. And you know, it's crazy. I feel like I've been really tired for like the last year and a half, just like, ugh, kind of exhausted, exhausted all the time. Well, it's not about that, but just like, I think a lot of it was because I felt, I let go of so many things that I just did for myself. They were a part of our life before, and this is the first time that I really had to be.
[00:21:30] Megan: Intentional. My life was worked out to where I could work out with ease every single day. I, you know, I had a lot of free time because I only, I owned my business and it only really required me to work two days, three days a week. So I just had a lot more space and I don't now. So I had to learn how to do everything differently and I didn't do a very good job at that.
[00:21:50] Megan: My
[00:21:51] Lauren: let's give ourselves grace. I mean, you had to figure it out. That's a big transition. Not only is it a transition from like working for yourself a few days, but it's also [00:22:00] Moving across country, I mean, new
[00:22:03] Megan: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm not like I'm not like saying I did a bad job over It's just like in general like I didn't do a good job That is just the fact of it, right? And
[00:22:11] Lauren: just got to
[00:22:12] Megan: now I'm actually stepping into it because what the figuring out is is realizing that like it doesn't have to look A certain way, you know this morning.
[00:22:19] Megan: I was like, I want to work out, but I'm not gonna get to the gym I did a fucking 35 minute yoga video And I felt great afterwards and I didn't meditate at 530 this morning, but guess what? I meditated at 1045 and it was fine, you know, cause this is my off
[00:22:31] Lauren: until what? 930, 945? And that's the thing, like, I used to be so regimented in that too, like, ah, I didn't get to do this yet. And it's like, but you still can.
[00:22:40] Megan: Yeah, man, we just got off on such a tangent.
[00:22:42] Lauren: but like, let's bring it back to like the new year, right? Like, don't feel like you were behind because it's the 8th of January and you don't know what you want for this year yet.
[00:22:51] Lauren: It will
[00:22:52] Megan: It's a time. You're supposed to be more still at this time. This is a time of like planning preparation, make the vision boards, take the naps, [00:23:00] spend the time daydreaming, like, and think about how you can actually input those things. Cause right. We set the intention. Then we have to do the action. So how does that fit?
[00:23:10] Megan: Yeah, you have to become it right. And becoming it to go back to James clear, which we mentioned earlier, like you have, he, yeah. One of the things that he said is to think, what would this person do if you were trying to be a person who runs marathons? What would a marathon runner do? Right? If I am a person who wants to have a healthy workout routine, what does that person do?
[00:23:34] Megan: What decision do they make in this instant? Right? When you're like, do I turn on the TV and sit down or do I throw on my shoes and go for a jog? What would the person with those habits do?
[00:23:45] Lauren: And I think it's
[00:23:46] Megan: how you line it up.
[00:23:47] Lauren: identifying as one from the get go, right? It's not
[00:23:50] Megan: I am this now.
[00:23:51] Lauren: right. Not just to bring it back to something simple, like quitting smoking, right? It's like, oh, I'm not trying to quit or I, you know, I'm working on quitting or [00:24:00] whatever. It's like, I am not a smoker done. You know what I mean?
[00:24:04] Lauren: Like, I'm a person who works out regularly. I am a person who goes for jogs. I'm a person who eats clean. I'm a person that has goals. I'm a person that's held accountable. I'm a person who's intentional with what they say and mindful of who they're speaking to. Like things like that, you know, it's, it's like identifying as that and seeing yourself as that before it happens.
[00:24:23] Lauren: I mean, I just said that to like, what did I say? It was kind of like embodiment, right? I was talking about. Business even, right? Like having conversations that were up level conversations, like with people that I want to be more like or have business like or whatever. And so having more of those conversations or being around more of those people, I started to embody it without even like seeing myself as them, but embodying the way they were talking, embodying what they were talking about just embodying what they were doing was doing these things.
[00:24:56] Lauren: And then, that's when the promotion happened [00:25:00] after that. So I had to show up first as that person. And I didn't even, like I said, I didn't even identify so much as that. I just started emulating that. Does that make sense?
[00:25:10] Megan: Yeah, I remember when you when we first met you talked about this
[00:25:13] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:25:15] Megan: There was like a lot of what you said was like people told me I couldn't and I was like no fuck that I'm gonna get that car cuz I know I can get that car
[00:25:21] Lauren: Mm hmm.
[00:25:22] Megan: felt like you could have it and I think that's Something that we can get caught on like for me, that showed up a little different, right?
[00:25:28] Megan: It's not a, I'm going to prove you wrong or like, fuck you. I can, it's a, Oh, I don't like, I get caught in like, I don't know enough. Right. I can't share this because I don't know enough. I don't know all the things. Right. So where we get caught, the embodiment may look a little bit different. Right.
[00:25:44] Lauren: hmm. Mm
[00:25:45] Megan: for Laura, it was talking about it and saying it and da da da.
[00:25:48] Megan: Like for me, I don't have to say it out loud to other people. As much as I have to remind myself in those moments where I have self doubt like, yo, you are this, like, it's a, you don't have to know every fucking detail about this one thing [00:26:00] to make a 30 second post about it on Instagram. Like, right. I don't have to run marathons to be an athlete.
[00:26:06] Megan: Like whatever it like, let all that shit go. The whole point of this episode is supposed to be do what feels good for you in winter. Okay. I want to make 1 more quick point because Lauren's a manifestor. I'm a generator generators are supposed to do it. Light them up. Right? Right now. What I'm being called to do is spend a lot more time being still go to sleep earlier.
[00:26:27] Megan: Eat really easily digestible, nourishing foods and work on my shit that I know that I want to make changes for in my daily routine. Lauren is in a space where she is feeling like she wants to experiment. Okay. And as a manifestor, she has these shorter circuits of like energy cycles where I'm a generator who can go all day long if I'm lit up.
[00:26:47] Megan: Right. And so where she's at in her cycle is a, I'm going to move and I'm going to spend more time doing things by myself. You can have that miniature cycle within a larger cycle and that larger cycle right now is in winter. So if you're [00:27:00] feeling like you want to get moving, we're going to bring this home.
[00:27:03] Megan: Okay. If you feel like you want to get moving, just do things alongside that, that help you to support yourself in winter. Okay. Eat warm foods that are easily digestible. Maybe you have a protein shake. Don't have three protein shakes a day, or take your protein shake with a warm tea to kind of balance out like the, the.
[00:27:24] Megan: Internal temperature of your stomach to make digestion easier, right? Eat soups and stews. Make sure you're getting enough sleep. Be careful with how much salt you're taking in because it's It's important this time of year. We're not going to go into the details of that, but just little things like that.
[00:27:38] Megan: Right? Don't take on more than you feel like you have the capacity to take on. And that's how it's going to be sustainable through into the spring. Okay? If you're feeling like you want to be still allow yourself to be. The space to be still without guilt tied around it and, and let go of the pressure to do something other [00:28:00] than what you are.
[00:28:00] Megan: It is okay to be deep in winter. If that's what your body feels like it needs, listen to it.
[00:28:05] Lauren: hmm.
[00:28:06] Megan: Okay. Listen to your body, listen to your intuition and know that you have permission from us.
[00:28:13] Lauren: Even though you don't need it. All
[00:28:17] Megan: we don't actually matter. But if you need to hear those words, you have permission to do what feels best for you right now, no matter what.
[00:28:27] Lauren: right, guys, happy new year, a couple of weeks late, but better than never. And here's to kicking off a new year, just as you feel you should
[00:28:41] Megan: yes. Enjoy the rest of January.
[00:28:43] Lauren: Bye.
[00:28:44] Megan: Bye.