The extratime Football Podcast Advent Calendar 2019 - Day 1 - Anne O'Brien

December 01, 2019 Season 7 Episode 40

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The Advent Calendar 2019 is a project brought to you by our trusty ol’ Sportscast team. The lads will be releasing a show each day until Christmas Day. That’s 25 shows in 25 days! 

We kick things off with a show about Ireland’s first female footballer to play professional football abroad, Anne O’Brien.  

Anne had a glittering club career overseas, from a Dreamteam-esc origin story to moving to France soon after the ban on woman playing professional football had been lifted and then on to many major triumphs in Italy. 

On the international stage however there’s an argument to be made that she was one of the greatest ever club players to be overlooked by her country. 

All of this and Anne O’Brien’s lasting legacy gets the advert calendar underway.

Be sure to rate, comment, subscribe or share if you enjoyed and look out for plenty more podcasts this holiday season.

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