My Veterans Place Podcast

The American Legion

Faye Prescott Season 1 Episode 2

Host - Faye Prescott    Co-Host - SGM Ret. Emmett Prescott
Guest - The American Legion
** Mrs. Casey Nash; Post 184, The American Legion Dept. of Georgia Legion Team One; 1st District Commander  (21-23)
** Mr. Eddie Patterson, Jr., Sons of The American Legion (SAL) Detachment Junior Vice Commander of Georgia,1st District Junior Vice Commander
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness.
Mission: To enhance the well-being of America's veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. The American Legion's vision statement is "The American Legion: Veterans Strengthening America." The American Legion's value principles are as follows:
A VETERAN IS A VETERAN - which means The American Legion embraces all current and former members of the military and endeavors to help them transition into their communities.

SELFLESS SERVICE - which means The American Legion celebrates all who contribute to something larger than themselves and inspires others to serve and strengthen America.

AMERICAN VALUES AND PATRIOTISM - which means The American Legion advocates for upholding and defending the United States Constitution, equal justice and opportunity for everyone and discrimination against no one, youth education, responsible citizenship, and honoring military service by observing and participating in memorial events.

FAMILY AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - which means The American Legion meets the unique needs of local communities.

ADVANCING THE VISION - which means The American Legion educates, mentors, and leads new generations of Americans.

HONOR THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE US - which means The American Legion pays perpetual respect for all past military sacrifices to ensure they are never forgotten by new generations.

The American Legion's motto is "Veterans Strengthening America."