Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.

Exploring the Unseen: Paranormal Encounters, Investigations, and a Dip into Horror Cinema (Episode Rewind)

November 29, 2023 Keny, Louis, Tom
Exploring the Unseen: Paranormal Encounters, Investigations, and a Dip into Horror Cinema (Episode Rewind)
Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.
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Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.
Exploring the Unseen: Paranormal Encounters, Investigations, and a Dip into Horror Cinema (Episode Rewind)
Nov 29, 2023
Keny, Louis, Tom

⏪Episode Rewind from  Season 2 Episode 11⏪


Have you ever sensed an eerie presence in an old, abandoned building? What if we tell you that we've not only felt that but also heard ghostly voices and witnessed motion sensors going haywire in a historical museum? Our recent visit to the Collins Museum in Pike County, guided by our friend Scott and the Full Moon Paranormal Investigators, was full of such chilling encounters. As we explored the haunting history of the museum and the paranormal activities on the second and third floors, a thunderstorm outside added to the eerie ambiance.

Along with our thrilling experiences, we've also been involved with the local Catskill Area Society for Paranormal Education and Research. Get to know about its origins, its operations, the upcoming events, and the different locations planned for our investigations. Amidst the exciting investigation trials, we also share personal insights on the reluctance of some friends to participate due to religious beliefs, and a medium reading session for one of our wives. 

But our fascination with the unknown doesn't stop at investigations. We also share a mutual love for horror movies. From a discussion about a door opening by itself, a creepy clown encounter to a gruesome scene from the movie 'Terrifier', we've covered it all. We further spill the beans on our favorite horror franchises, including The Shining and Nightmare on Elm Street and discuss the recent movie Evil Dead Rise. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of spooks and scares as we weave through the captivating world of the paranormal and horror movies.

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⏪Episode Rewind from  Season 2 Episode 11⏪


Have you ever sensed an eerie presence in an old, abandoned building? What if we tell you that we've not only felt that but also heard ghostly voices and witnessed motion sensors going haywire in a historical museum? Our recent visit to the Collins Museum in Pike County, guided by our friend Scott and the Full Moon Paranormal Investigators, was full of such chilling encounters. As we explored the haunting history of the museum and the paranormal activities on the second and third floors, a thunderstorm outside added to the eerie ambiance.

Along with our thrilling experiences, we've also been involved with the local Catskill Area Society for Paranormal Education and Research. Get to know about its origins, its operations, the upcoming events, and the different locations planned for our investigations. Amidst the exciting investigation trials, we also share personal insights on the reluctance of some friends to participate due to religious beliefs, and a medium reading session for one of our wives. 

But our fascination with the unknown doesn't stop at investigations. We also share a mutual love for horror movies. From a discussion about a door opening by itself, a creepy clown encounter to a gruesome scene from the movie 'Terrifier', we've covered it all. We further spill the beans on our favorite horror franchises, including The Shining and Nightmare on Elm Street and discuss the recent movie Evil Dead Rise. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of spooks and scares as we weave through the captivating world of the paranormal and horror movies.

Please Subscribe/Follow the Cottman, Crawford & The Jersey Guy Podcast.

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Unfortunately, kenny Lewis and Tom are away, so please check out this episode Rewind about paranormal investigations.


Hey everybody, kenny Cotman, Lewis Crawford and I'm Tom Remmage, the Jersey Guy hey everyone.


How's everybody doing? What's going on everybody? Nothing much. It's a going Scott, a friend here with us, scott.


So we have a special guest and say that Kenny is away, so we're recording with Adam. We tried to do it with the call-in but we're running this on technical difficulties, unfortunately.


Yes, so he said to do it with Adam, so that's what we're going to do, and then he'll listen to him and that's it. Yeah, He'll be back for the next two, so a big deal.


So today is a special day. It is, I'll tell you, technically not today, but tomorrow is Lewis's birthday. So happy birthday, happy birthday.


Thank you. Thank you very much yeah.


So apparently a fan brought a gift, a package here.


Really, yeah Want to send me something, let me see. Oh, pretty cool, that's from my brother Michael.


Oh nice.


So thank you, Mike. This is good stuff. Love you too, brother. Good stuff. I'll hang this up in the man cave, for sure, no doubt.


Nice kiss, I love it yeah. Very nice Good stuff.


Nice job on that, yeah, we got it.


Anybody listening is not going to know what it is. You might as well describe it Well, yeah, it's.


You're right. Sorry about that. It's a picture of it's all four members of Kiss in the boxes Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Peter Chris, Ace Frerley, and he's got the kiss Emblem in the middle. And I'll make sure to put this on Facebook and Instagram.


There's an artist's name in the corner. Did your brother make that? Is your brother an artist? My brother draws, yeah.


Oh wow, that's really nice. Oh, you just figured that out now.


No, I didn't know that Squirrel.


We were just talking about this earlier Squirrel.


See, that's another episode. There we go, 8-h feet. It's crazy.


Yeah, no, that fantastic job on it too. It looks really great, awesome, definitely going to hang this up. Thank you, honey, it's awesome. So how's everything else going? Scott, thank you for coming, of course. Thanks for having me, you're welcome. You're very welcome. Scott and I went on the Paranormal Walk at the Collins Museum in Pike County with Full Moon Paranormal Investigators and they're all women. It's great, they have a good time. We had a good time doing it and they had all the equipment and everything.


So they definitely did a great job.


They did they did? They put us in groups and everything that's awesome. And then they broke us up. There was three floors to the building, but first they gave us some history on it. When we were when we first started out. We were all in the basement before we broke up. And then I guess the guy who runs the place, right, tim?


Yeah, he gave us some history on it and everything Pretty cool stuff. You know they have the flag Abraham Lincoln. That was the bunter. I believe that's correct. The bunting yeah, the bunting, thank you, and it cradled his head after he was shot. They used it.




And it's in a big case in Argonne Glass. I mean Argonne Glass and it's a yeah, it's pretty cool. It was. I mean not that. I mean it's cool because of who it was, but not the fact that it happened.


So I want to clarify that Right now.


You know what I mean?


It's Abraham Lincoln actually one of my favorite presidents. It's a piece of history. Yeah, that's what's cool about it. You know, I mean it was a good thing, but it was history, right, right.


And the woman, I believe, who originally had it. Correct me if I'm wrong. Right, she was the actress that was in the play. Right, she's the one that cradled his head Right, and she had it for a long time and then she donated it. If I'm not mistaken, is what he told us when we were there, right, yeah, so we broke up and Scott and I were in the first. We went all the way.


We were in the second floor Like we broke up.


Oh yeah, we broke up. The group spoke. I'm sorry, the group spoke up. The group spoke up. We went on the first, second and third. We started off on the second floor and we got some stuff while we were sitting there in regards to some paranormal activity. Definitely.


It was cool.


It had rain and everything.


Oh, it was rain and thunder, it was perfect, oh yeah. Yeah, definitely that's cool, that's really cool, definitely, and they had some of their machines set up and Right, the ramp hot and there was a couple of devices right Right.


And then the water temperature drops in the air and the voices on the machine like they would just you know how they. You ever watched the stuff on TV?


Yeah, oh yeah.


They pretty much had everything you know, and then you would hear they would have this thing playing. It would be full of static, you know it would make a crazy noise and then something would come through. So we heard voices like that came out. There was like a couple with an Irish Brogue, right, that came through right, right, sounded like a kid a couple of times, and then a woman, I believe yeah, wow. And then we kind of got a lot of motion too, like this kept setting off sensors.


Really. Yeah, and the motion would go and it would move. Did you feel any like cold spot? You know, it was funny.


I wasn't even, you know, I thought I would be nervous when I went, or scared or like you know, because when you're watching on TV, you know they, you know you're watching it like oh my.


God. Yeah, well, they like you're, like you're a satan, Because they beef it up, right yeah.


So, but when I was there, I was actually pretty intrigued. I was more like focused in and trying to listen to what was going on and see if we could hear something, and that's cool. It was cool. Yeah, they did a really good jobs. And then we wound up moving to the, the third floor, the third floor, which we got a little bit of stuff not much, right. Right, I'll let you talk about the room. What was it?


Room 11? Room 11 upstairs? Yeah, the one gentleman, I think, jim, he was from Casper, which is the cat skills paranormal group, and he would be asking questions and play it back later on a bigger speaker and we did get a little bit through there Again. Room 11, we did hear scuffling in one of the rooms that we had picked up, the next room, room nine. So that was really cool and after that they took us down to the basement, set up a bunch of different sensors and I do got to plug this in there Mark from Scaredy Cat Paranormal was in our group with us. That's another paranormal group.


Right and he had his own devices too.


That's cool, oh, very cool. His own devices he had set up one with. It could drop, you know, it could show temperature drops or temperature differences plus an ultrasound, and it was going out at the same time as full moon productions were going off. So we would get like the double thing, like oh, there's something in this area. So at one point they had said, okay, over here by the bathrooms there's a little bit of activity. Anybody want to volunteer? And I'm like, yeah, I'll volunteer.


He jumps. Yeah, I jumped right up. I'm like I'll volunteer, yeah, yeah.


I'm like I don't know for what, but let's do it. Yeah, so they had me go sit over by the bathrooms and put a pair of headphones on and I couldn't hear anything at all. You know, I couldn't hear anybody talking anything and what it did was scan through AM frequencies, which I guess is used a lot with paranormal. So they have it set up with that. I'm just listening on the headphones and all of a sudden something comes through and I'm like they told me if you hear anything speak out about, you know, just say it out loud. Yeah, so I'm sitting there listening, listening, my eyes closed, and I hear yes. So I just yell out yes, take the headphones off for a second and after-.


A little lightsaber there. Sorry about that.


No, it's all good. So after I took the headphones off I was like, did you guys hear me? They're like yeah, you said yes, you just answered a question. I was like, oh shit, that's cool. Put the headphones back on. I didn't think there was another couple of questions and I just would blurt out yes and then a no. And then something sounded like it started with HA, like happy or something like that. They said three of the times was literally right after someone in the group asked a question. So we thought that was pretty cool. It was kind of freaky a little bit. There's no way to fake that.


No, it was cool though, because he couldn't hear us and you could tell because he was saying it loud, so it wasn't like you know. He could hear us asking the questions. So we weren't like making it loud in a way. Did you ever do you know? Like we were just talking and asking questions and he, when he started, I think he did like it was like two yeses and one no, right, right, and then yeah, and then you blurted out a couple of letters and that was it it was really.


it was crazy. Yeah, it was crazy, it definitely was.


Because you see that on TV and then you're like all right, it actually does happen. You know, it was cool, that's weird.


Yeah, right, you think it's kind of like BS at first, like oh really, and then, like I said, me and Lou were both witnesses to it, and then pretty amazing stuff it was. It was good stuff. Yeah, it's good.


And I'm glad I went because that's you know, I watched that all the time On TV. Like on Friday night usually I'll be upstairs, whatever's on. If there's sports, I'll watch that first and then I'll go to, or you know, some kind of series Before it was Star Trek, and then I went to the Investigations as soon as I watched the Picards and I got that done with and then I went and did that. You know, Good stuff, I love that stuff. And when we left we talked to them and we said, hey, do you mind if I do it on the podcast? And she's like, oh, she's like Louis, I'm like, yeah, you know. She said, absolutely, so we're doing it for them.


Full moon paranormal investigations. These guys do and they're not guys, by the way, but when I say that I don't mean it that way. Folks, these folks, these ladies, do a great job. Have fun with it. They make you comfortable. It's a very good atmosphere, you know, and I think if there's something you want to do or you should look them up. And then also as well, what Scott talked about, was it scaredy cat? Scaredy cat product, paranormal. And there was another one that was Casper. That was the gentleman on the third floor with us Correct. So he gave me his card. I have his card, so there was another investigator there as well.


And he was doing the third floor.


So my question is do they only operate at this place or they go anywhere? Or are they local, or do they live out of state and they just go to different places? How does it work?


I think they're from Middletown, if I'm not mistaken, but they seem to do a lot of stuff all over and even in this area as well Pennsylvania. So I couldn't say really, but they're local. I mean, it's not like even if it was Middletown or even PA or wherever.


it's not that far they have a couple coming up in Orange County? I think yes, and Casper was the thing. It's Catskill Area Society for Paranormal Education and Research. Bill Helms was the one that we spoke with.


Right. He caught a couple of things on his recorder Right on the third floor. On the third floor.


that was good, so I don't know how everybody goes to it. It must be like a tight group of people. It must be like there's a tight group of people. They kind of all go to each other's stuff. You know what I mean. It's like, oh, we're going to check this out, we got to go, let's go, and they all kind of go. That's what it seems like.




That's cool, you going to set them up? Yeah, I was just looking. Oh, ok.


Make sure I'm getting the information correct. But they made you feel really comfortable when you were there and everybody had fun, and even the people that were there also. You could tell they were just intrigued and having fun yeah exactly. They were just enjoying it and everybody was becoming an investigator and listening to that shit.


It was crazy.


Yeah, yeah, about 30 people there, I'd say At least we were a group of 10 each. Didn't a few people leave, though, Like I think somewhere in the middle some people walked out. I don't know.


They got freaked out or something. Really, oh really yeah. Or it's like that You're going to leave in the middle, I don't know, maybe.


Cedric said you can only watch the kid till 10 o'clock or whatever.


Christ, definitely taking a look into it, though I know they have a couple more coming up in the spring and summer. I think there was one they were talking about one down in Warwick or somewhere.


Warwick yeah, that's what I'm trying to find out now.


I'm assuming they go to places where there's a lot of historic buildings.


Oh exactly, yeah, yeah.


It's not like they're going. We're going in the townhouses that were just built just two months ago. Unless there was a murder in it, maybe they'll not go Right, that might be worth it.


Yeah, no, scaredy cat productions, the one that Mark worked for. They're going to be down at the old 76th house down in Japan, new York. That's been around for. What's that it's a restaurant now I guess a restaurant hotel, and it's been around since 1776. And, if I understand correctly, I think George Washington had stopped there for dinner water or something. But it's a very popular restaurant, good restaurant.


I remember where my parents lived. My parents lived in West Milford for a while and there was a historic restaurant that was also like an inn, like they had, like you know, like there was a bed and breakfast place. I wonder if, like any of those old buildings, I'm sure oh, that's got to be awesome.


Yeah, yeah, and old houses too. I think this one they have coming up in July or August. Is it something? It's a mansion of some sort? I think, yes, I think that's that one looks pretty good. I was looking at that house and I'm like, yeah, I would like to do that.


That's one you sent me the other day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that looks like a good one, you know.


Yeah, yeah, that I never thought I would ever really do that. Kenny won't do it. Kenny's from the school of yeah, no, I don't play with that. I'm not sure that stuff. I don't want to be near it. And my wife is the same way. She's like even if it's a scary movie and I'm watching it it'll. She's like you shouldn't watch things like that, like if it's a serious like more like you're towards religious, you know. Ok, yeah right that kind of stuff. You know, she's like you shouldn't you know?


you shouldn't be watching stuff like that, Things like that. I'm like this is good stuff. It's a good horror movie, you know.




So yeah, she won't do it either.


So so I'm gonna get you.


Originally his wife was going to be going with me, right, and then he heard about it and said wait, but I want to go.


So she thought it was more in medium. So if it was like a medium, like telling, that's okay.


The woman who, who? Uh, I think her name is Lisa, right, I'm not mistaken. I gotta go name her and I apologize, ladies. So, um, but anyway, it's our soundboard, right? Yeah, we're going to blame it on the soundboard.


Um, but she actually did a reading, uh, with my wife. Okay, oh, that was one that was there. Yeah, she, she did a reading on my wife. Um, I got it for her for a birthday gift actually, and it was through my friend, um, um, jennifer, who was a massage therapist. She, um, she's friends with them, and we went to her place before she's moved to her new place by the hospital now, right, um, and she would do readings and stuff like that there, and um, so we went one night and it was a bunch of people there and you know, she was doing the reading and explained everything and how it worked and all that, and then she picked up on one person, maybe another, and then she started talking about you know, tanya's talking about a guy who likes to ride bikes and fix things, yeah, like it kept going on and on and on and it was just really crazy. It was she. My wife really feels that it was her brother that came through. So, yeah, so she was happy.


The gift worked out really well actually. That's great.


Yeah, it was pretty cool, so so she did.


she does both actually so that's probably why she thought that she Tanya probably told her that and didn't realize. You know, she also does this as well. I didn't know, I only knew her as a medium right, not the paranormal thing. And then when I found out about it, I wanted to get in touch with them and reach out to them, and I did on messenger, and you know, and they were like, yeah, that'd be great. You know, so I think anybody wants to go and hang out and do something like that. You will enjoy yourself. These ladies know what they're doing and they have fun with it, which is the way you should do it anyway. You know what?


I mean.


But I wonder if they do their own thing. We're smaller groups where they're a little bit more it's more intimate in the sense, with all the lights are off, it's like maybe four or five of them or just the four of them, right, and they do that kind of stuff. I would like to see, and I'll have to look at their side a little bit more and see if they do, but that would be interesting to see. What would they get out of that, rather than having guests with them where they just would do it, or maybe even go one night before the guests show up to do it and do it that way. You know, and they may even be doing that already, but these things are going through my head because I'd like to see what they would you know what I mean Like what they would come up with.


Oh, that'd be amazing.


It would be really cool, I wonder. Yeah, like I said, we volunteer for guinea pigs, for any of this Right? You know I can't speak for you. A little bit.


Yeah well, I gotta be honest with you, but when I went I was more intrigued and more like really getting into it, in the sense where I wasn't feeling fearful and I didn't get the chills Like you know when something weird happens and you get that and you're like oh my God, that's. You know you don't like the way that. Well, I didn't get any of that in this place, and that's not to say that if I ever continue to do something like this, that may not happen.


where I do get that feeling, I always wonder like the chills are A those things. I wonder if that's like negative energy, like because you might have saw a paranormal activity, but maybe it wasn't like negative energy. You know, like it's just, it's not nothing, or, you know, or neutral instead of like neutral, or I would say positive, but you know what I mean. Like, I think it's both.


I think it could be either good or or really uncomfortable, or just not right.


You know what I mean. I think that's where you get the chills, yeah.


I mean, I just like I can remember stuff when I was a kid yeah, I was, I think I thought we just got at the one. We were there that night. Um, we lived in an apartment building. I was little, I used to work on my bikes all the time, you know, when I was in my father's shop, which was in the basement of the building and it was with a laundry room, it was, it was just the basement, so I would work in there and I would work on it, but I would always get this feeling that was something behind me, yeah, yeah, and then I would just run outside to the daylight.


You know thinking, you know let me get the hell out of here, yeah.


Like I got this crazy weird feeling and I would just run out to the daylight and I felt like that, like running out in the daylight, that kind of just yeah, that could get you Right.


Only darkness. Yeah, I was a kid, but I was, but it freaked me out.


So that's the kind of stuff that's happened to me before like that. And then positive stuff is having like um, how about people? Is this has this ever happened where, or you know anyone where someone has passed, and somehow they come back like we were just talking about my wife. But let's see, not at a, not at a reading, but more like something strange.


You know that's just coincidental, but it's so like you, get this weird. I would imagine, if we get a chill doing, feeling that you know what I mean, true.


True, that would be. Uh, I think it would be an emotional thing, because you would feel happy and you would be kind of like freaked out at the same time, probably.




I would think right, has that ever happened to you at all? Yeah, what do you know? Anybody?


I mean I haven't, no, no, not me, I don't know.


Yeah, I've heard stories before, right.


People, but not. Not me personally. Right, I've had dreams, after people have died, about people. But you know, I don't know if that's just me, you know me thinking, you know when your mind's on, whenever your mind's on is what you usually dream of, Right? But yeah, I don't know.


I had it happen with my, with my dog, Bella. She passed away. Yeah, and when I would go, we went to the bedroom and my doors don't move on their own and the door just opened up and it was like she came into the room Right and it was like a couple of days after. You know what I mean and that was still like an emotional basket case.


Right, yeah, yeah, and especially if you know your doors.


You know what I mean.


Like some doors do, do that, like I have a door.


But it was the way she.


That does that?


Like, if you leave it, you know what I mean, but no.


And it was the way it opened, because it was the way she would have opened. It is what really made it more like oh you know what's going? On.


This is crazy Right.


It's good stuff. Yeah, a good freaky feeling, but a good feeling, that's like the kind of thing.


So, yeah, um, um, when we were kids, my friend Frankie and I would walk by this place. It was like a the whole block. It was taken up the whole block. It was a bill, well, maybe half the block, but it was like a big, like a church, but it was enclosed walls. It was in Brooklyn, I can't remember, was it 13th Avenue, might have been 13th Avenue, um, and we would kid around every time. We would usually walk to the movies, we'd go to the floorway which was up for Hamilton Park, you know, for Hamilton. So we would go over there to the four way and we would walk. And every time we walked by this one house or this facility, um, we would freak us out. We were like, you know, if you slipped on the ice, you felt they would come out the door, drag you in. You know that kind of thing you know like, and we were like oh quick, get this this guy real fast, you know.


So that was the kind of stuff. You know. We were always into the horror films and everything. We would go see them all the time you know, that was good stuff to go do that and you know, and to kid around like that. We were always doing stupid crap. That would just freak us out, you know, and make up shit. It was good hanging out in Brooklyn doing that, man. We went to the movies every Friday and usually it was like horror movies and stuff like that.




You go and see that you know you went to horror movies right, of course I love horror.


I love the horror genre. Yes, you know I haven't gotten to a lot of newer stuff. I mean in the horror genre, the newer. The only thing that really struck me as like was really good, that was new, that wasn't like and I mean new as in, not like a new, completely different movie, because you could say, like, the Halloween movies are still considered newer because there's sequels. So like, right is the the tariff fire?


That the clown one.


Oh, my God that movie it's.


I haven't seen him. No, it's got creepy and gore, that's like the two things like it's. I don't think it's scary, but you know, but it's just creepy and gore. Like the way the clown moves around and like he does, he like creeps and he makes these faces like a clown, but like but then he, then he starts killing people and like really like horrific ways, like stuff I like, even though like our podcast isn't, like doesn't have like a rate, like a kid rating, but like I still won't say it on the podcast. That's how bad it is.


Oh, that's how gruesome. It is right, they just All right you know what Fuck it?


I'm going to say what it is.


So, like you, know the one that I think you're going to talk about, about that OK that's the first one.


He's like there's like a woman and she's naked and he saws her like in half, like from her like vagina down, like really bad, like Gory, gory, but it's, it's creepy too. He just like creeps around and like like as he's getting like punched or stabbed. He's like a mime. He's like protect, like like. He's like he's screaming with no sound coming out. It's like really creepy. Did you see the second? One I know we were talking about the first one.


I didn't see you. You see the first one.


No, no, I know me, you were talking about we never seen the first one, but that that looks crazy. And the second one was a long movie too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Second one was good too.


Are they doing a trilogy?


Are they doing a third one?


They are going to do a third one. That's what I thought.


They might go into his origins, but he's like a demon. It was from all Halos Eve. Yes, right, yeah, he was a small character in that movie.


Yeah, yeah, that was a new thought. It had a different, five different stories.


Yeah, he was in that one so, but that's that's good so.


I love the horror genre.


You know what, back to what we were talking about, the paranormal stuff, though, you're always interested in mediums too, like that's an interesting thing. Yeah, you know people who can connect with the afterlife, the afterlife.


Yeah, you can do it with pets too. She does.


Really yeah.


She brought them up a couple of times.


Because I'm kind of friends with someone through like the vegan community and she has like a big Instagram page and she's so big that like people have fake pages of her. Then she does she's a medium and does like readings. Do you know her? No, I don't know her personally, but like we've had like quick messages.




Like me posting some of my content. She goes to you.


She lives in South Jersey so I don't know her too well, take Tara, which she'll be great.


I've never met her.


But yeah, she does stuff like that. Her name is Alex March, but yeah, ok, but there's like fucking like six fucking pages, like she has like all these fake really. And they're like yeah, I'll give you a reading.


Or yeah, because people get off.


you know people scam more time doing that stuff, but they're like scamming you know they're scam artists Like using her like profile picture and it's just like they'll like change the Instagram Right, Like add an extra E on her name or an extra vowel and you know, or an extra underscore or whatever you know. But yeah, it's, it's that stuff always interests me. I'm always interested in like learning about that stuff. Yeah, I mean, I'm always a skeptic, but I still like learning about it.


Yeah, because you never know. Yeah, you never know. You know what I mean it's. It's an interesting thing, you know it's very interesting, for sure. So, what are you looking up?


I'm looking about the next events here it is the next events, ok, so so wanted happy Hang out my glasses on Ladies. Sorry.


But what a heat cafe Sunday. This one passed already.


All right yeah.


OK, so she has what? Here's the one we were talking about. This is the one we went to Right Columns Museum.




It was April 22nd, six to 10. It not only was that good, but the museum was really interesting to oh yeah, just a bunch of stuff. It was creepy doll on the top of the stairs.


Now you're like creepy doll in a market chair. Not good, they're really keep moving. Yeah, don't look at the creepy doll. I believe they got a bunch of stuff coming up, like they said they were talking about it. At the event, they have a few things I think there's. What bar was that? I'm trying to find it now. Remember they mentioned they were going to do like us.


All right, but they have a barbecue on the bar, right, and do an all night thing, or at least late into the night, right?


So yeah, I never got a reading, not really. Yeah, like I always got weird stuff like at this, Like I would always get things like I don't know, I can't you know, something like that or whatever. I got a couple of weird ones when I was grown. You know, I was younger and grown up, right, but nothing. But when I saw what happened with Tony, it was just you know it was pretty good to see that happen. I'm glad it happened for us. A gift worked out good, so did your wife like that stuff?


Your wife doesn't like it, scott the medium, though the medium she would do, but the horror movies, no, no, no. Yeah, we watch it with the kids and she'll just fall asleep Right Like something else on.


But, yeah, yeah, the medium, I think would be cool. She would probably. She probably should get in touch with this. Yeah, let's be the next thing, Absolutely, she's. Reach out to her. Go on her website, you know. Reach out to her. I'm sure she could set something up.


They're local so yeah, that'd be interesting.


I mean I want to know what happened when she does it Right. That would be cool to find out, since we're talking about that stuff. We're going back and forth, so just that's the way this is going to be on this podcast. Horror movies the one I saw recently was Evil Dead Rise and that was. It was good, it was it's own thing, it didn't. There was a bunch of East eggs in there all over the place. There was a few things that I picked out, and then there was stuff in there that I just couldn't find, that I didn't even know was in it. You know, like the voice of the priest on the record right was Gentlemen, who was in the first one, the actor first, campbell. Yeah, he did voice, oh yeah.




Okay, yeah, he was on his. And then the incantation To wake up was the same thing they used in In the first movie, remember when the guy was on the tape in the cabin, right, and it was the same thing. I think the pizza box there was something with, oh, but that one demon in the, in the, in the basement in the first one, and she was on the pizza box in a movie. You know there was a bunch of things. And then they did homage to Stephen King, right with the elevator scene.


Oh, you're telling that yeah right and I want to.


I'm sorry, I don't want to remember they did homage to. They just did a thing and all you know, all the blood just come pouring out. It was like an end of this, first thing that popped into my head when I saw it. You know, and they did her, they did, they did a really good job, for when I understand he saw the movie and he liked it Good, yeah, so you know, and that, coming from Stephen King, you know, you did it right.


You know, and I think they're gonna continue to do more of them. I think these are gonna be like, every year or two, they're gonna do another one, a different story.


It'll pick up somewhere else or whatever you know yeah.


Yeah, that is pretty scary stuff. For me. That's us was always the scariest kind of horror flick because of the was just so. Oh, yeah, you know, like it was, just there was no mercy at all, they would just mean they were just going. You know the worst kind of demons in the that you could ever encounter, you know, yeah, that's always worse than serial killers. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, you know it's crazy.


You know it's a funny thing about sequels, right, and sequels and reboots and all that. You know we all everybody's like oh my god, what are the out of ideas? And, holly, we all go see them yeah that's like we love to hate the idea of like all the sequels, but we all really do love them. We're all full of shit, you know right. Because we all go see him right like oh my god. I mean I have to admit the last two like Halloween movies, two or three Halloween movies. They weren't good at all.


No, but you know what I watched. You watch the man. I did too. You know, I didn't see the last one.


I did see the one before that, so I had to. It's like I'm gonna have to see it. You're invested.


Now, what are they? Alternate endings to that one, though. Didn't they change it, or I?


don't know.


I know there was a bunch of stuff that the people didn't like. The way it ended, did you see it? I saw the light.


There was like three of them and yeah, and one other one and honestly, like you said, they yeah, they were nothing.


There wasn't a great out.


I mean they were brutal oh yeah, I mean yeah.


One of the firemen we go to fucking like the cutter, like the chainsaw cutter.


Oh yeah, that was to cut through the other concrete.


Yeah, just it's, it's a yeah, he took it out on the that saw is ridiculous.


Yeah, that's a crazy saw. Yeah, and then the axe to, didn't he?


Yeah, he did all kind of little bit everything.


Yeah, yeah absolutely through a little bit everything in there. It was crazy and I was hoping Scott would have gone to see it but unfortunately something came up. So I hope and I'm not ruining anything- by talking about it, but I hope I think you're gonna enjoy it for sure, because it really was a good movie. I enjoyed it. Listen, what, like I said, it wasn't the like, the ones in that they were.


Reference is the possessed hand.


Oh no, that didn't come up, cuz that's the thing, chainsaw thing if you watch the new Wednesday series clock the chainsaw I saw in there they say thing is, is, is his hand, is Ash's hand?


Oh, really, yeah, that's, I don't know I'm Wednesday, right, a fan theory, so yeah, and he's got the stitches and everything.


So, yeah, right yeah.


Yeah, that was that. That would be a good fan theory, but, by the way, that would be really cool if that was true. I think it is, though I think I heard something like that too as well. Um, that was also a good series too. Did you ever see that Wednesday? Yeah, that was good. I think she's doing another season again.


So yeah for sure, I doubt definitely watched that no doubt.


Love it.


Yeah, um, the movie was just going back to the movie. The movie was just um, it was almost like it was brutal, but at the same time I was like laughing because I'm like I can't believe what I'm seeing in this movie.


You know it's like that's the best time and and, but it wasn't a sequel though. That was the thing. It wasn't a um, a sequel from any of the ones that came before. It was its own story. Oh, what if it was its own story? Yeah, it had its own thing, but it still was part. It was the same evil dead. It was just a different story Involving them. You know it was the same stuff.


It was the same evil you saw on the first one, but it was just different people. Got it and it was a different situation and and this one is not in the house, I think you know that already. Right, you know that's an apartment building.


Right so.


I won't say anything else anymore if that I don't want to. I don't want to ruin the movie for you, but you will enjoy it and I think if you're, you're few in your door to watch horror movies, like you say, and you both of you. She enjoyed a lot. It was good and we ran a meeting of someone who was there in the movie theater when Kenny and I were. This woman came and I'm like you buy you? She was there. We started joking around and she got involved and then I asked you buy yourself? She's like yeah, I come by myself. I love these movies. She was just sitting upstairs. That's the best way to go to movies. I love going to movies by myself. Have you ever done that? Definitely no, I.


I've done it like funny.


A few times and I loved it. Man, it was nice. You go, you sit by yourself, you got shit. Nobody's bothering you.


I've never done that.


It's really cool yeah so we saw we afternoon Perfect, just you, and like two other people in the theater, you don't gotta worry about it, right, it's good stuff.


Yeah, it really is. It's interesting because you, when you do it that way, you for some reason the movie seems a little bit better Then if you're with somebody else. Not that you don't enjoy the movie when you go, but it's just a different Feeling when you go. It's like being in a big living room hanging out watching. You know by yourself, nobody's in the house you know, kind of thing. Yeah, good stuff.


Yeah really good stuff ahead of time is even better. Right, exactly Right.


So so we started you know, all three of us wound up talking at the end of the movie but Before it started she was telling me about some horror movies that she saw and everything. It was just we, just all three of us, started just joking around and then we started talking about it, just joking around, and then at the end of the movie she was like, yeah, it was good, you know, but you know she was. I was like I thought she liked it, but some, I think sometimes we expect that it's gonna be what we saw before and I was hoping I was actually hoping that it wasn't. I didn't want it to be another bite off of the Other three that had already coming out and because I remember them, a few years back they did one that wasn't so great, had the cabin. We had a story, but it was a little different.


Was it our, was it's own story?


It was a reboot.


Yeah, different actors and everything it it was okay, it was a 2013 one. It was it really Okay, that's right yeah right, it was okay, but I think they tried to go over the top of right.


You know, just didn't hit yeah but this one definitely had Exactly the same Style. You know that he, you knew right away. We were like just the way it started, or hey. I was like yes, this is a funny story about evil dead.


I didn't see the evil dead movies until probably like the mid late 90s. Um, I always went to the video store and here's the thing I didn't, you know, being a kid, because I was born 81. So, like by the late 90s I was a teenager. Mid late 90s I was already in my teens. But, like you know, being a kid, I go to the movie store and there's a section called cult classics and I never understood what that meant.


I was like cult, fucking cult. Like you know, like fucking Waco Texas, fucking you know, fucking drink the kool-aid, fucking jones town, you know whatever. But like I'm like that's weird. And they said evil dead. I'm like that's fucking weird, I never. I know one of my friends one day he's like Dude, I gotta check this evil dead movie out. And like we watched it I was like oh shit, like I know, I found out what cult class I looked like that's, I don't know why. I thought it meant like a fucking, like religious cult, anyway, but anyway, but um, didn't know what term cult following that. But yeah, so like Um, yeah, that's how I got into it. And then, like you know the, you know the army darkness and that you know Army of darkness, yeah that was crazy.


That one I didn't like that much really. The last one, I wasn't. I wasn't crazy about it. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no for a too much comedy. Yeah, no, I, yeah. And it didn't even bother me, like the first two were kind of similar because it was still the same story, but it was different and that's what was good about the first two and he was so perfect for the movie and everything you know, and just the movie freaked me to hell out when I first saw the first one. I bugged the fuck out when I saw that one and I just got hooked and, of course, I went back to see the second one. The third one I never saw in a theater is I remember seeing it on TV and I watched it. I was like, yeah, it was all right.


Wasn't that great. You know no big deal as far as you know that was concerned. So this one was really good. I was glad we went. It was perfect.


So did you ever see Hell House LLC? Did you ever see that one? No, which one's that? It's a found footage one Hell House LL oh yeah, yeah, no, I haven't.


I've heard of it, though it's funny. One of my friends added me on Facebook to a group called Found Footage. Like it's like all it's like a found footage fan page and it's all the different found footage movies, but I've heard of it. You know it's funny. I've watched a few found footage movies. I never really got into the genre but like, not because I didn't like it, just because I never like, I don't know a lot of movies.


But yeah, right, right, definitely it's good. I think it doesn't really fit. I don't think I've seen that one either. No, no, no, it's definitely yeah.


What movies have you seen?


Like, like the normal or just in general, like you know.


I've seen. Yeah, what do you call it? The Shining Friday the 13th the Omen.


Right on the Halloween's Nightmare on Elm Street.


Nightmare on Elm Street, right Freddy Krueger, and then I saw the reboot of that. Remember the reboot of that. That was not bad, wasn't it?


I mean no, it's Robert, England that's a big shoes to fill, because he is Freddy Krueger, you know, it's not like you just have anybody play. I mean, don't get me wrong. I think Kane Hodder was the best, like Jason Voorhees, but like, technically he's a mask you know, he's a big giant guy in a mask.


So he doesn't know a lot of things, so there's no face to it right, but like when you try to replace, like you know, robert England is Freddy Krueger, like if you just otherwise it's just another guy would burn makeup and you know, raise their hand.


You know what?


I mean Like he's the guy, so like that's big shoes to fill.


I don't think I think the reboot it was like I said, it was okay, it wasn't the originals, but it was good. Same with the Halloween's were good right the Friday the 13th they got they kind of they ran, just they just did too many of them, bob Zombie Halloween movies.


Like I kind of liked the first one and it was okay, but then, like I don't know, I got to second one. It was. I didn't like the second one at all. It was awful I thought.


But what other movies? Cause this probably stuff that you know that I didn't even see.


Oh no, I'm just saying that the two Halloween movies he did like the first one was good.


The first one was good.


I thought the first it was a different take, I mean yeah. And the second one was like kind of weird, like they were trying to go too much with the like.


Yeah, like they had the mother involved. Right, it was right.


I didn't care for it. I mean, some people might not like that I didn't care for it, but the first one I did really.


Yeah, yeah, the Tyler Mane did a good job.


To me, the best Rob Zombie movie is is the Devil's Rejects. That's the best and that movie is so good, like, but yeah. So there's stuff I never really got into, like House of the Thousand Corpse, which is a prequel to Devil's Rejects. It's okay, but like, yeah, devil's Rejects is my one of my favorite. That is a great movie. Yeah, and I've quoted that movie so many times. You know this is I'm Willy Wonka and this is my chocolate factory, our 2D, fucking fruity. You know just all the movies, cause it's funny and it's like there's action and there's like it's horror too, or well, not really I wouldn't say horror.


Well, I guess it could be, but you know it's not like yeah, and like all those movies, violence. Yeah, yeah, just violence, yeah, yeah, yeah, and violence were to say good, violence, which I have no problem with yeah, no, no, no.


That's what it's supposed to be, Right well, that's the whole reason why we're going to see it.


Right, yeah exactly.


We want to see it yeah, Do that whole thing we not looking and like? Yeah? Yeah, like a train wreck, it's gonna happen you know the suspenseful stuff is pretty good too. There was a couple of other good stuff that I've seen too. Like like the Shining was a good one time you will not watch that. That one's like one of my favorites. I'll watch that all the time. I'm trying to think of some more that I've that I've seen through the years that were pretty good, god name some stuff See the original prom night.


Right prom night. What about Scream? I was only the one, first two, maybe three. That was it for me. I didn't really get into that.


I've seen all of them, but again same. The first one amazing. Second one's okay.


And then from there it's like you know I'm not gonna watch them, but For exactly same with the rest of the other movies. Exactly, that's true, I know, kenny. It's funny where Kenny, he likes to watch them but he doesn't Like he'll hang out and watch. Well, he even gets into the ghost adventure stuff as well on TV, all that stuff that's on there, Paranormal.


He loves that stuff, man, but he won't get, he will not participate at all you know what I mean, so, but maybe we can get him to go one day, but he probably won't go with me. No, he'll never. He'll never do it. He just, he just feel like you don't mess around with that stuff man. Yeah, yeah. So God, I'm forgetting movies. Come on, think something, guys. We're talking about the horror movies. I can't be the only one talking.


I mean there's so many. I mean, you know, to me I think, oh, but I carry.


Carry, oh yeah.


I think the 70s and 80s were like.


Christine, right, Christine, the car Christine.


I think like 70s and 80s were like the golden head cemetery of like horror genre movies. Oh, that cemetery.




Oh, that's, good, Chucky, chucky.


Child's play, should I say?




Right Chucky Good stuff.


Yeah, so many good movies. I mean, I could just go on and on and on horror genre.


Right, yeah, it's good stuff Did you guys smile.


Who's that?


I came out six months ago. It's pretty good.


What's that? I know which one you saw that's on. You can get it on. You can stream it now. Yeah, yeah, you can stream it now. I didn't, I don't know. That one looked creepy to me man. I didn't know if I wanted to watch that one. It looked weird, it was good, was it good?


It wasn't as creepy as you would think. Right, there were some parts, but it was definitely worthwhile, just that whole smile thing Just throw it off. You know it's like a.


Yeah, you know you are right, I would do everything in one game you know, yeah, then before the movie came out, they major league baseball.


I don't know if you had saw that. That the Yankee game. And at the Mets game the weekend before it was supposed to come out, there was just a person behind home plate just standing up and just doing the smile.


Really yeah.


It was like everybody at first was just like what is up with this guy?




And then finally it clicked, a couple people like I'm sitting here watching it, but I'm on Reddit like watching you know, have the Yankee game on and people like oh, that's where that movie smile, I bet. And everybody was like oh yeah, it must be.




But they even did it with major league baseball. Like I said, at least two or three different games. There's a person behind the home plate just slowly smiling. This is like you know that's creepy.


Yeah, I haven't seen it. I gotta watch that.


Yeah, I'm gonna have to look. I'm gonna have to watch that one as well. Yeah, for sure. Wow, the horror movie thing is I personally I'm looking forward to another one of these, now that they said they're gonna have another one. So I'm looking forward to it. If you know, if he keeps doing them the way he says he's gonna do them, they should be good that way. What do you call them? I said Christine, I said you said Chucky. I said Pedd Cemetery. Right, what else?


Come on there's so many, you know what? There's so many the fighting of 13th.


The first one was great.


You know, I went to Boy Scout camp. He jumps out of the lake. I went to Boy Scout camp there.


Okay, you're gonna have to leave, no.


So the first one was filmed and I don't know it wasn't even second one, Just the first one was filmed at Camp Nobibosco in Blairstown, New Jersey, and they used to actually in the trading post which is like where you bought your candy and snacks and stuff like that they actually had the sign in there for Camp Crystal Lake, the original sign. Are you kidding? Me yeah, you know what I should get one for now. Yeah, for the man.


Can I have you put one in here?


I think that was the original sign. We all assumed it was, but maybe someone made it, but it looked like it and it was like, wow, that's fucking cool that they have that Right. And like when you walk on the property you're like, yeah, I can kind of recognize that and like the area where she got beheaded, like that was, there was a right there was. It's like on the lake, was there's like a little cabin there.


Right, yeah, yeah, that was a crazy movie, yeah, yeah, especially when she's in the boat and she gets up and she's like, ah, let me jump down in the water, and everybody screams.




Bloody murder in the theater. It's crazy.


And then that's devolved to Jason punching off the dude's head in Manhattan.


Oh yeah, just like how to evolve into that.


Or evolve into fucking in space, jason, and, oh man, what the fuck settled down.


I don't know where they went with that movie.


But we all saw it Right, so they won. You know what I mean? Well, well, at least it gave us the scene of him putting her head in the night, in the well, the night of the night. You didn't know what I was breaking it.


Yeah, yep, so anyway, we are getting close to the end. So I wanted to say again for full moon, paranormal, you can get them on Instagram, facebook, check them out. Very, very cool, check them out. And also scaredy cat.


Yeah, scaredy cat paranormal and.


Casper Yep. Well, when that more mentioned him as well, and if you guys, anybody out there loves that stuff, you should do it Please and comment on our page as well, instagram, facebook. We're on there as well and we look forward to your, your comments. So I will say live long and prosper and go vegan.


And I'll say for Kenny love peace and hair Greece. Love peace and hair Greece.


I love you guys. Be good, so good andindistinct.

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