Milwaukee Uncut

Milwaukee exec battling cancer, Rich Tennessen, chooses positivity and shares lessons learned

The GoGedders Podcast Episode 144

While working at home after getting blood work done the week after Thanksgiving, Rich was napping on his basement floor  due to fatigue at 4:30PM. Forty-five minutes later, he woke up to his phone going off-- it was his doctor, “You need to go to the hospital right now.” The next day after getting transfusions, Rich was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. He then heard the word “cancer”. 

Following our episode about Dry January (listen to the episode here→, my friend, Rich Tennessen, reached out to me about how he appreciated my openness in sharing my love-hate story with alcohol.  He let me know that this year he was participating in “Dry January”, but not by choice, and he let me know about his recent diagnosis; he was battling cancer and wanted to come on the podcast to share his story while also putting out a PSA to anyone who might be experiencing symptoms to get checked ASAP! 

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