A Better Way to Health with Dr. Stuart Shipe

Is A Thyroid Imbalance the Cause of Your Symptoms?

Dr. Stuart Shipe

Welcome to "A Better Way to Health" with Dr. Stuart Shipe. In today's show, Dr. Shipe will talk about a specific issue that is far too common - thyroid imbalances. First, we're going back to the basics of thyroid disorders and their symptoms, like weight fluctuations, skin/hair concerns, depression, fatigue, lethargy, forgetfulness, fogginess, frequent infections, and so much more. Next, Dr. Shipe will share what you can do to balance your thyroid levels and keep you feeling healthy and well.

For more information about today's show or products, don't hesitate to contact Women's Traditional Chinese Healing through our website, www.traditionalchinesehealing.com, email us at info@traditionalchinesehealing.com, or call us at 772-398-4550.

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