Dr Vicky O’Dwyer - Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist #36
The Laura Dowling Experience
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The Laura Dowling Experience
Dr Vicky O’Dwyer - Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist #36
Jun 06, 2023
Laura Dowling


The cut off of 23 weeks gestation does NOT apply if the fetus  has a life limiting abnormality which will result in the death of the fetus either before or within 28 days of birth . Women CAN avail  of a termination and there is no upper limit of gestation in these cases. We discuss this point at 4:37 mins 

**The abortion process is different after 22+6 days.

🤰 Dr Vicky O’Dwyer is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at the Rotunda Hospital.  

⚠️We discuss the limitations of abortion care in Ireland and what needs to change. 

👩🏼‍⚕️We also discuss the high c-section and induction rate, episiotomies how risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth increase as we age. 
#pregnancy #childbirth #baby #induction #csection #caesarean #termination #top  #obstetrician #gyne #gynaecologist #pharmacist