Franchise Friday

Franchise Friday - Episode 197 with Darren Leavitt Career Ownership Coach with The Entrepreneur's Source

The Future of Franchising Season 1 Episode 197

In this episode, we meet Darren Leavitt, Career Ownership Coach with The Entrepreneur’s Source / Small Business Owner.

He and Melissa Pang review what a Career Ownership coach does and why this might be right for you.

Today we’re going to review one of Darren’s client’s recent placements and what the process was like for his client to move into business ownership.

According to Darren…

“I was in corporate America VP of Sales Senior Director of Sales in healthcare, Senior Living and did it for a long time and liked it, you know, but the further I got promoted into the corporate world the less value I was bringing to more corporate meetings, fighting with our CFO to fix our buildings and, and board of directors’ meetings, which wasn’t fun to me. And the travel only increased. Travel was fun when I was 20. But having a family I just wanted to be home and not on the road. So little over two and a half years ago, I literally walked away from a corporate paycheck to do what I do now and having the time of my life and doing fine financially. Doing fine financially and being home is better than ever.

Somebody called me in and said, hey, have you had any interest in a franchise? I said, Nope, not at all. But I love talking to people. And I did. And my coach got me to change my mind set a little bit or allowed me to change my mind set a little bit. And I just thought, hmm, there are other options, and it felt normal it felt like a no brainer, this is the greatest thing in the world. It was scary walking from a corporate paycheck. But after doing discovery day, and figuring things out, and looking at different options, the option of going back and getting on a plane just was so awful. I just thought, you know, this is an option where I can bring value to others. And here I am, it’s the greatest thing, I absolutely love what I do.”

As Melissa points out…

“I just in general like as humans we put all this time pressure on ourselves to do XYZ accomplish XYZ, especially when you’re working with clients to say, like, I need them to get to a point of, I would probably say, like, I need some of them to decide. But really, when you take it all back, and you’re just saying, there’s this, its discovery, it’s not this pressure, it takes the pressure off the coach the pressure off the client, like, it’s just about learning. And there’s no downside, like you said, so why not? And there’s no need to make like, at the end of the day, you do the discovery, you come to a point of clarity, regardless of what that is, point of clarity is, well, I would say, I don’t know from your perspective, but point of clarity is where you want to get to, it doesn’t really matter what the point of clarity is,”

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Our mission is to help individuals explore self-sufficiency as an alternative career. We help them define their Income, Lifestyle, Wealth, and Equity goals and provide education on the best ways to achieve them. We don’t sell franchises – we help people achieve their dreams of self-sufficiency through business ownership. The approach is different, the experience is differen

Franchise Friday, where you can watch or listen as we explore franchising, entrepreneurship, and small business ownership, speaking with the franchise industry thought leaders and subject matter experts that shape the Future Of Franchising. #FranchiseFriday – For more about our podcast, visit our website: Produced by Franchise Source Brands International and The Entrepreneur’s Source.


Hello there I am here with Darren Levitt, one of our entrepreneur source coaches. Hi, Darren, how are you? Good morning. I'm doing fantastic. Thank you love to hear that. Today we're going to discuss one of your clients recently made a placement and was awarded a franchise from hounds town, one of our franchise board members. But before we get into any of that, I just wanted to ask you, what were you doing before the entrepreneur source and then what led you to the entrepreneur source and then led you to become an entrepreneur source coach, I was in corporate America VP of Sales Senior Director of Sales in healthcare, Senior Living and did it for a long time and actually liked it, you know, but the further I got promoted into the corporate world is felt like the less value I was bringing more corporate meetings, fighting with our CFO to fix our buildings and, and board of directors meetings, which wasn't fun to me. And in the travel only increase. So travel was fun when I was 20. But having a family I just wanted to be home and travel was only increasing. So little over two and a half years ago, I literally walked away from a corporate paycheck to do what I do now and having the time of my life and doing fine financially doing fine, better than fine being home better than ever, and incredible. So I got a call, I did want to do something closer to home, something that would get me out of airports and, and things like that. And little did I know a pandemic would have would hit four months later, that would have grounded me anyway. But But still, in hindsight, it was a great decision, my company's third of the size it was before COVID. And so yeah, it's been great. Somebody called me in and said, Hey, have you had any interest in a franchise? I said, Nope, not at all. But I love talking to people. So I'll talk to anybody. And I did. And my coach got me to change my mindset a little bit or allowed me to change my mindset a little bit. And I just thought, hmm, there are other options, and so feel normal that it feel like, Oh, this is a no brainer, this is the greatest thing in the world. At no, it was scary. You know, it was I was gonna walk away from a corporate paycheck. And but when I thought about it, after doing discovery, and figuring things out, and looking at different options, the option of going back and getting on a plane just was so I didn't want to do that. And so I just thought, you know, this is an option where I can bring value to others. And and here I am, it was it was an it's the greatest thing, I absolutely love what I do. Well, I always get invigorated talking to you because of how excited you are every single day to talk to your clients. And just to let you I know, I love it and the way you approach everything, so we'll get into that afterwards. And also, what I love too, is that like that you've been in your clients shoes, a lot of times, you know, or come from that same whether it's that same headspace or you know, just that feeling of Yeah, I think you've heard that story probably a lot. So anyways, I just I love hearing the stories with this client in particular. Where was he starting? Let's let's start there, like, Where was your client starting from? And what change did you see in him to the point where he said, you know, what hounds town is the one that I am going to choose to go with, he wasn't really considering is a serious thing. His own business he was in aerospace actually loved his job. He wasn't one of them that hated corporate America or corporate America's the evil empire, or anything like that. He was happy. He was happy with his people. And, and I believe in my if I remember correctly, there is some reorg and some layoffs happen and life happened. And that's kind of how he took it is this is just something that happens. And it wasn't better. He wasn't angry, but he was willing to talk and he was willing to look at options, which I really think is a TS coach. That's primarily what we do. We don't sell anything, we don't change people. All we do is we help and allow our clients and we become mindset change errs. That's what we do. You know, and that that, that there is another way to look at things and another way to think about things and allow people that word allow is so important to me that we allow people to look we allow people to figure it out and he was open to that. That was the start right? He wasn't saying oh, this is great. I'm gonna go this way something saving me it wasn't that at all. He just started with the open mind to say yeah, let's talk let's look at things why there is not a downside, you know, and I tell it to people all the time in my first call. The only downside of working with me as you're talking to me right now instead of doing something else, which matters. I mean, time is a thing, right? And it allowed an opportunity for him to look and he's such a nice guy, his whole family are so nice. And they're servant type people, and he loves helping people. So he was willing to look at things. And we did. And he continued looking down the W two path. So we brought both to the table, and we compare and contrast and he had interviews, and we would talk about his interviews and and does that get we constantly went back to does that get you to your goals? Does that get you to what you and I discussed, you know, three weeks ago, a month ago, month and a half ago. And we would look at both sides of the fence and he would just come out and just say what he felt and say what word needs of his and what he longed to do. And as he explored all the options, you could feel him gravitating, you know, and that's what my clients do, they will gravitate I don't have to steer them, I don't have to nudge them or push them, they will gravitate one direction or the other. Based on the Discovery. If they do discovery, they'll get clarity, that's 100% of the time 100% of the time, if they do discovery, if they don't get clarity, it will be because they didn't continue with discovery. Right. And so he really did discovery well, and just ask the right questions, looked at both and slowly, but surely, he was gravitating one to business ownership, that that's even an option. Right? Not even how to hometown yet. But business ownership, hey, this is a thing, this is something that we could do. And so the more he kind of looked at those opportunities, then then he just zeroed in on House town, their dog lovers he and his wife and and it just really seem to fit in as they envision things. They kept poking holes in it, asking the questions, what if they get every time he brought a Darren, what if? I'd say, perfect, but you know what, I don't have a crystal ball. But you get to ask them that, as counts down that what if you know, the beauty of what we do is is this there's no safer place than this? And so you get to ask Hauenstein that question and find out the answer. It doesn't have to be a what if that's why we do discovery, right? And so he'd say, okay, I'd write that down. He'd go in as hounds town, and he'd come back, he'd have his answer. And then all the way until he came to a point of clarity and said, Yeah, we're gonna do this. And so today, they are hometown franchise owners and very pumped to start that new journey of their life. I absolutely love that. And also the fact that he wasn't like you said, he wasn't saying corporate America horrible. I'm trying to get away from it. It's the destroyed me, it's sucking the life out of me, it was more like, okay, like things have happened, things have changed. And now I'm open to maybe talking about something else. And that's where I also see the beauty of the TTS coaching. And what you do is the whole word allow, you know, it's just giving people allowing people to have that space. And I talk about all the time, like I say, safe, safe space so many times, but when I hear it from you actually putting it into practice with your clients, it's so powerful, because to your end, and also the fact that you can work with anyone, as long as they have that open mind. You can work with anyone, you don't have to only work with this very small sector of people that check off all these boxes. If someone's open to having a conversation with you, you can have that conversation and who knows where it could go? Absolutely. Right now currently, in my portfolio, I have clients who have jobs and love their jobs. I have clients who have jobs and hate their jobs. I have clients who are business owners, I have clients who don't have a job. I have clients who are retired and bored. The only common denominator is they all want to look at options. That's the only requirement. I mean, if you don't want to look, you're gonna hate talking to me. You know, and so, and I give them that option, some don't want to look and that's okay. That's okay. You know, but all of them, it's not well, you you can only talk to people without jobs. That's not true. I have gotten so many people that have have had jobs that they love, but because they dared to look, they saw other options. And so really, that's that's what we do, and there is no safer spot than to do it with a TTS coach. There's really not I don't I don't believe there is I don't think so either because to your point, let's say someone is has taken kind of this plunge or whatever to take a look at options on their own. I can just see them coming up with these what if questions, what if scenarios, and they don't have that person? This is just one example. But they don't have that coach to come to wouldn't say, what if this were to happen? I'm scared about this. I feel like they would be like, you know, what, what if this happened, you know, nope, too scary not doing it. You know, they don't have that place to say, You know what? Ask the what if question and get an answer. Yeah. Really the journey allows us not to have to pre qualify or disqualify before we know that it allows us to do that. Because, you know, I had a guy who was looking at a roofing business. And in because of the news, because of media, because of everything supply chain kept ringing in his head, like, I'm not going to be able to get the materials for for, you know, for this business. It won't work, it just won't work. And I said, we'll do my favorite question asked my clients is, do you think that or do you know that? You know, and I would ask him, do you think it won't work? Or do you know, for sure what work? I said, But the beauty is, that's not a reason to stop doing discovery. Because what if you're wrong? The beauty is you get to ask that question. You get to talk to other people who own a roofing business, and say, Hey, is supply chain a problem? And if you're right, then it's a win. If you're wrong, then it's a win. So you're still in the safest space. But sadly, people stop it at the question. They say it won't work when they really don't know that to be true. But that's why we do discovery. There's not a you know, even when they talked to their spouses about it, they said, Darren, my wife's really, you know, risk averse, I say, great. There is zero risk working with me. No problem. Awesome. You know, there's nothing Yeah, but at the cost, there's no cost working with me. And all your wife's questions, here's the thing she might be right. But we get to ask her questions, too. And so you're still in the safest space? So there's really not even an objection it really gets down to, do you want to do discovery? Or do you not? You know, in, that's what it boils down to? And the thing is, if you say no, I'm not open to discovery. Great. Now we know. And you also know that this is a resource you can come back to when any of your clients do come back to, you know, when they are ready. And it just so much opportunity. So of course we'll keep we'll keep talking about this throughout I feel because it's just such a big part of what we do. But what was your client's experience with hounds town? What was your experience with hounds town, and you can weave in the collaboration and all of that. But, you know, every client's experience is different. Every client looks for different things that resonate with them. And at the end of the day, they move forward with hounds town, because you said there are dog lovers are different things. But yeah, just can you describe a little bit about the experience of your client and yourself? Yeah, one of the beautiful things is I have no clue the direction my clients will go, because it's not even towards what they're passionate about. Because sometimes people do business for other reasons. I had a person looking at a business because they wanted to coach high school football, which their job prevented them from doing. And so they wanted a business that's going to allow them to coach high school football, they didn't care what it was. Right. And so when I usually bring possibilities, they are possibilities I have so many people scratch their head and say, What do you think? And Darren? What, why? Why this business? And I'd say, I don't know. Because we're, we're we're looking at possibilities. And and you're gonna tell me why or why not? So that's the beauty. I don't you know, it's almost unfair, because I do very little really. And so, I say, but I'm sure looking forward to hear hearing what you have to say about that possibility. And so they laugh and they do it and many times multiple, multiple times. They say that is a cool possibility. And so I did know, I did know that they like their dogs that came up in conversation. So I showed them how it's down. I showed them a closet business. No idea why. And he's like closets. All right. So when, when he talked to them, though, he actually loved the closet business. But he's so when he talked to hounds town. It's like he was so intrigued by that. So he really did kind of flow towards his passion, which is a possibility. I just want to make sure I gave him something else. Right. And so, and he kept being pulled there. And he even told the closet team he said, Hey, it's top notch model. They just don't want to do closets. So that was part of his discovery. And he kept gravitating towards hounds down. He also looked at other animal businesses which I they can look at stuff outside of my portfolio. The only thing I ask is that they bring it to the table and let's discuss it that so if they look at something or they see something, I say Let's bring it to the table because that plays in here, let's talk about that path versus the ones you're looking at. And so when he looked at hounds town, the thing that he really liked about it versus other animal businesses, it from his understanding was that there are a lot of things out there that can serve the community, right, they can provide animal stuff for the community, they think of the community that community's needs. But he really felt that hounds town not only serve the community, but served the dog. And that's what really lit a fire under him, he really felt that they were really into taking care of animals and taking care of dogs. And not that the others don't. But he just felt a little extra push to dog comes first. And and then yes, it's a resource for the community, like all others, but really, dogs comes first. And that really panned out as a show different opportunities for rescue dogs and adoption and things like that. So that's kind of what really drew him in even even more that he was really impressed with one stone. And to your point, you know, it could have been there's a lot of options even within that space, right. But he was able to do the discovery around it. And like you said, they always gravitate towards one or the other. There's no need to push at the end of the day. Yeah, that hands down. How was working with the team as well on that? Yeah, Rob Thomas was great. Very informative. If he couldn't get to you, right away, because he's got other people too and other clients. He always did, whether by text, or both for myself as a coach, and for for Bob as the client. He got his questions answered, and and Bob, and most of my, all of my clients, when my favorite piece of what I do when they asked me a question, especially about a business, I love saying, I got no clue. I got nothing, man. So and I said, but you get to find that out. And so sure enough, he would email Rob and Rob was always responsive and, and got him his answers. And so we would tag team and we would talk to each other every every meeting he had with my client, Rob reached out to me and I did also when I met with Bob, then I would reach out to rob and say, Hey, we talked yesterday, everything's great. They're looking forward to the next step. So more importantly, the collaboration and the working together to meet the client's goals was was very nice. And they did a great job. Glad to hear it. And the collaboration, like you said, the back and forth the two way street, it's, it just wanted, when you see all the pieces of the puzzle come together so nicely. It just everything kind of clicks. So you start with your client, okay, they start and they have to have an open mind to even start having the conversation, right? And we'll see if the conversation you're setting it up as it's the safe space. It's discovery, like, you're really you say you say you don't do a lot. Listen, Dara, there is without you, there wouldn't be anything else. Give yourself some credit. But you know, it's, you're laying the groundwork, because without the groundwork, the clients never even going to be prepared to go into discovery, or they're going to go into discovery, just thinking kind of with that, like check the box mentality, or the disqualified prequalify type of mentality. So you lay the groundwork, and then once you introduce possibilities, I feel like that's when it clicks in with Okay, now client experience, what do they feel about, you know, who they're talking about, you're introducing a whole nother kind of team. It's not just you in the client. Now, there's other people involved. And then the collaboration clicks in. And once you have that, then it's like, all the pieces work so well together. So it's like it's a beautiful thing. And I don't know if you have anything else to say on kind of that, that subject but I guess my question would be, if you were to say something to other coaches, or to franchisors, who work with the TTS coaches and the TTS clients, what would you say around experience around collaboration, how that works, the importance of it, your take on it, it's incredibly important, because it's not just what our next move is in our career that we qualify or disqualify things all the time in our minds. Even as t as coaches. We have to be careful not to qualify or disqualify. You know, we have to be careful not to think we know what our client even our client is thinking. Our clients not only do different clients change in are different, but one client changes from one day to the next. So we have to be prepared to to listen to what comes out. Again, allow them them to just bring it, tell their story, tell their doubts, tell how they're thinking differently. So that if we listen hard in we try to understand what they're saying if and if we don't we asked them? Do we do not just take it for granted? There are so many different clients who, when when they're really quick at first, Oh, this one's going to go all the way to the end. And then they fizzle just as fast, right? Or, you know, this one's taken a while, and they rescheduled and they will our heads tries to put them in a category up there, rescheduling, they rescheduled twice, that means they're never going to do it. That's not true. When my coach got a hold of me, when I was looking, I know showed him. So I just don't know show now. I didn't do it on purpose. It's just because I'm so disorganized. I just, it was a eastern central time thing. But I know showed him. And if he would have taken and said, Oh, no show, he's not interested. Why think that what you don't know the story, you don't know what's going on. They have lives, they have things that happen. And when you hear comes a word again, when you allow them to work through this situation, usually, because it's it's beautiful when you open a door, and you allow them to walk through it, versus trying to get them talk them into chase them, hey, come through this door. That's what sales is. And that's what I had to intentionally not use when I decided to own my own business. And so when you allow them to walk through it, and they do it, it's extremely gratifying and mostly for them. And so for us as coaches, and I have to remember too, don't disqualify because of what you think they're thinking, because you got no clue. You can't read their mind. You don't make a story out of it. Some coaches will spend, you know, Did I did I do something wrong? Was it something I said and you start beating yourself up? I don't know why. And that's okay. You know, I don't know why. They, they they didn't answer their phone today, you know, in, but when they contact me, or if we get together, they'll tell me, you know, and so really, not ourselves pre qualifying or disqualifying things either. Because we really aren't mind reader's no more, no matter how much we think we are we we really don't know, either. So we asked just like our clients do with the Azores. Of they're talking to love i Yeah. And actually, I mean, I'm like, Wow, a lot of takeaways there, just in general, in working with people like you don't automatically try to put and it's just so natural to try to put someone in a box and try to do that. But I think it goes back to I mean, we always talk about what's possible. And we talk about, you know, the 95% of clients who go into something that they never thought of, they would never have looked at it, they would have prematurely dismissed it. And we say over and over, but it's so true. And it's because you as the coach, and of course, the franchisor, it has to do that as well is give them that space and meet them where they're at and day to day, you know, it can change, but you're working with someone through all the different pieces. Yeah, and I think I think I need to add this too, because there's a way that it to where you can keep posture to where you can kind of help facilitate and help guide, it's not haphazard, it's not well, the client does whatever they want. And if they call off four times in a row or whatever, there is a point that I've would ask my client, hey, just checking in here, are you still willing to do discovery? Because if they're not willing to do discovery, then yeah, you can say, okay, let's pause, let's touch base in a month. So it's not like you just leave it completely open, there is some some guiding and some direction that we do as coaches. You know, it's not just oh, well, you know, they, they'll come to me, they've got to have, you know, you've got to allow them, allowing them doesn't mean that it's haphazard, it doesn't mean that you're just at their every whim, you know, if my client is willing to do discovery, then we'll walk together, if they're not willing to do discovery, or if I see signs that that's waning, or they don't want to do discovery anymore, then it warrants a meeting, I'll ask them the questions. You know, if they're willing to in sometimes it's you know, it's not a good time to do discovery and that's okay. Right? But still a safe space. It's not just that, you know, they blew me off two times, cross them off the list, you're dead to me. Right, you know, it's still giving them that chance and leaving the door open. If they again if they want to come back and walk through it great. And if not, also great. So when You look at the next six months, the next stretch of time with the entrepreneur soars with your clients, what really what gets you excited, more so than you already are, if you talk macro, in your talk from 30,000 feet, it seems redundant, right? You wake up, you talk to people all day. But when you get granular and you get deep into it, there are so many incredible stories, and there are so many incredible people. And each day when in from one call to the very next is completely different. And different emotions, different thoughts, different obstacles, different things, and you work together through different things that you collaborate about. It's all different, it's not redundant. And so every day when you get up, and you see the different people that you get to talk to, it's just, it's unbelievable, you know, I don't know about business development is not an issue in this business. I mean, in fact, I've got to be careful that I not become as busy as I was a corporate, you know, and, and, but business development, there are people that want to talk, and it's an opportunity to figure something out. In my client this morning, before getting on with you, she was telling me about what she loves to do. And she like, she likes strategic planning, she likes to break things down. And she owns her own business. And, and she's just looking, you know, and she's looking for something and, and she likes to break it down to bare bones, and then figure out how to solve the problem and find a way through, and I'm like, getting all pumped up. That's what I do. That's that's incurred, that's what I do let in I couldn't wait. I said, Let me tell you exactly what I do. You know, and then I got to tell her that we just, we take it bare bones and and learn about you. And then we we open the doors and just look at possibilities. And you get to figure out and piece together the solution to get you to your goals, that that's basically what I do. And it just creates an opportunity to where in everybody's story is different. And everybody's obstacles are different, and everybody's pathways are different. And everybody has a different spouse and everybody has it's just all or kids or no kids or moving or you know, a trauma in their life, or it's all there. And we're just piecing together what tomorrow might look like. That's all we do. And it's actually I had one lady say, Darren, I think I need to pump the brakes that people always say that they I need to pump the brakes, I need to pause and I said no problem. But let me ask a couple questions. First one, what causes you to think that they didn't need to stop discovery? And she said, Well, I've just got so many things in my life. You know, my former employer, there's litigation because they owe me money. You know, the kids, you know, everything's busy, you know, which is true any day, right? And I said, Well, let me just ask you this, and you just be honest with me and in will, you know, pause it and we'll set it out a month or two later, we'll do whatever you want to do. But answer me this question. First, in your stress of the day, this really should in tell me if I'm doing it wrong, this should be the safe space. Talking to me should be your escape from all that. Because there's no bad thing that's going to happen. There's no stress there is you're simply looking at things that you haven't looked at before, you get to escape the kids for a little bit, you get to escape those people that owe you money for a little bit. You don't have to talk to the lawyer, you don't have to. This is your escape from that. And it gives you information. So we can stop if you want. But I think you need the stress reliever of talking to me. And so that's going to give you the opportunity to really not only escape life as it is, but really get value in learning it different options for when life settles out. And she said you're absolutely right. When she said Why would I give this up? And so she continued and she placed in now owns her own business. And so it really there there really there is not an obstacle that somebody can give me if they want to do discovery of the reason not to I just don't believe there is anything that they'll bring up I'll say great, you'll find that out and discovery well, it things cost too much great. You'll find that out in discovery. You know things are businesses don't last great. You'll find that out in discovery, you know so there's not a reason you know, I'm risk averse, no risk and doing discovery. You know, I really don't have enough money there's It doesn't cost anything to do discovery. There just isn't one. So it's just whether you want to or not, and that in and of itself. I just in general like as humans we put all this time pressure on ourselves to do XYZ accomplish XYZ, especially when you're working with clients to say, like, I need them to get to a point of, I would probably say, like, I need some of them to make a decision. But really, when you take it all back, and you're just saying, there's this, it's discovery, it's not this pressure, it takes the pressure off the coach the pressure off the client, like, it's just about learning. And there's no downside, like you said, so why not? And there's no need to make like, at the end of the day, you do the discovery, you come to a point of clarity, regardless of what that is, point of clarity is, well, I would say, I don't know from your perspective, but point of clarity is where you want to get to, it doesn't really matter what the point of clarity is, right now, absolutely. In each step is a point of clarity, you know, and so we do like little mini celebrations through through the journey. So from the first phone call when they say, You know what I'm intrigued. Like this morning, I'm intrigued, I want to, I think we need to have another call. I'm like, You know what you just did? That. That is? So do you know, and I don't know what the specific statistic is, do you know that 75% of Americans want to do something different, but they don't do what you're doing right now, by scheduling another call. You're amazing. And that is awesome. And we got to celebrate that you got to tell people you're you're making a difference, you're here deciding to allow yourself to look at options, that is huge. So we do different points of clarity along you know, and then when they get to the point to where we really figure out their goals, needs and expectations and what they want and, and where they're heading and what they see a year, five years, 10 years down the road. That's like, alright, we understand this. Now you ready to look at options, you're ready to look at possibilities, you're ready to look at different different pathways, even if they're pathways that you've never considered before, to see which vehicle is going to get you there. And when they say yes, then it's another celebration and like, Oh, my word, do you understand what you do you understand that most people don't do what you're about to do. And that's huge. That is you're already in a tell them all the time I use this phrase, I say you're already ahead of the curve, just because you want to look at options and bearer possibilities and look at different things that that can get you to your goals. That's huge. And so we do another celebration. And then when they come to a point of clarity of which vehicle it's going to be, regardless of what it is we celebrate, you know. And so the only time that I don't is if they go and they halt it because they're disqualifying or pre qualifying. Then it's like, you know, if they haven't come to a conclusion, because they still have questions, but they don't want to ask anymore. At that point, I just say, Hey, this is your story. And it's either yes, no or not now. And so when you want to continue discovery when you when you get to the point where you say, You know what, I really should get those questions answered. Let me know. And we'll get your questions answered. You know, yeah, there's, there's just lots of things to be excited about. Across the board. Yeah. And so wrapping it up here, I'll let you you know, is there anything, whether it's an aha moment that you want to share, or just a great story? I mean, you shared some great stories here just have a different examples of clients at different places of discovery and different backgrounds and great, like, just awesome to hear. But yeah, is there anything you wanted to leave us with here last, last thoughts? Probably it, it just gets bigger in terms of the power of asking questions. As a TTS coach, as a client, in anything in life. I think sometimes we come up with an answer too soon. And it warrants asking another question. If all your questions are answered in its, and you know that there's no answer that's going to change the trajectory of your journey, then great. But if there is something that could change that, if there is something that if this were to be the case, then it warrants asking another question. And if you don't ask the question, and if you don't get the answers, you're left to your own devices in your head, which could be incorrect. And so that's where I sound like a broken record, but it's really why we do discovery. We don't do discovery to make person get a job. We don't do discovery to make a business owner we don't do discovery to to cover our Genda we do discovery so each of us can ask the question and get the answer. So that I'm not left to my own devices of just thinking what I think is true when it might not be. Right. And that's huge in every aspect of life is we're so accustomed to coming up with our own conclusion. The biggest thing I fear is the conclusion I have isn't the correct one. And that's what discovery allows us to figure out. I can't say it any better myself. So I'm gonna leave it there. But thank you so much, Darren, for sharing your experiences your clients experience and just giving a lot of color to what it is that you do and what it is that we do at the entrepreneur source. Yeah, awesome. No worries. Thanks so much for your time, Mel. Always appreciate it. Absolutely.