Franchise Friday

Franchise Friday – Episode 199 with Jeff Council Career Ownership Coach | The Entrepreneur‘s Source

Melissa Pang } Franchise Friday Season 1 Episode 199

In this episode, we speak with Jeff Council about The Nautical Bowl Opportunity and The Entrepreneur’s Source experience.



Nautical Bowls is founded in Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes. We love our lakes and the activities and memories that come along with life at the lakes. Our store decor and our menu follow a Nautical theme because it allows us to bring our passion for the lakes into our branding. Lake life is fun, filled with laughter, outdoorsy, & adventurous- that is who we are!

Franchising Nautical Bowls was a no-brainer, as it means we get the opportunity to award other individuals the same freedom of time we so highly value. We work really hard and we have a lot of fun bringing others along for the ride. As we franchise, we are meeting incredible people. Individuals who have a heart for making a difference, for providing the best for their families, for an active and well-rounded lifestyle, and for living life to the fullest.

According to Jeff Council:

The client I was a regional person for a company. And he had several states under him and understood stores, he understood build out and he understood hiring, I think he had like three states under him as a regional person.  When I suggested as his coach, he look at Nautical Bowls he already understood what fast casual dining looks like because of his experience. And then when he started to go through the financials, he could really see that this would not only be able to do well for him but take he and his family into retirement. He signed a three pack with them and plans to do more.

Clients tell me the value of what we do. “You guys really get us prepared and ready to talk with companies and really start thinking about goals, needs, expectations.” I have a much better understanding of the value that we bring to our clients when it comes to the coaching, there’s a real value there. This is going to be a benefit to them, you’re talking with clients about self-sufficiency and potential business ownership, and while they may have thought about it, how do they take that first step? That’s where we really come in, we really help them along the way. For me, that was the “aha moment”: Wow! this is this is more valuable than I thought. It’s humbling to know that that what you’re doing is meaningful to them. Yeah, that was my aha moment as a coach.

According to Melissa:

At the Entrepreneur Source office, we talk a lot about transferable skills. You have people like yourself, like your client, in these different industries. We can help clients take the core components and bring them to their next endeavor. While the opportunity may be unique…the skills are transferable.  I don’t know exactly what your client did. But I’m assuming it wasn’t something in smoothie bowls. You can speak to this having worked with clients, these skills that I thought were only applicable in this certain area are applicable in multiple areas. And they realize, wait a second, there are so many possibilities.

There’s just this whole other world out there for me. The TES coaches ignite that spark, that wouldn’t have happened without the Entrepreneur Source coach.

About Jeff Council.

Franchise Friday, where you can watch or listen as we explore franchising, entrepreneurship, and small business ownership, speaking with the franchise industry thought leaders and subject matter experts that shape the Future Of Franchising. #FranchiseFriday – For more about our podcast, visit our website: Produced by Franchise Source Brands International and The Entrepreneur’s Source.


Hey, I'm here with Jeff Counsel of the entrepreneur source one of our fabulous coaches. Hi, Jeff, how you doing, Melissa? Thank you for joining me today. Before we jump in, I wanted to let you just share a little bit about your background, what you were doing before the entrepreneur source and just a little bit maybe of why What drew you to the entrepreneur source to become a TTS coach, let's see did a couple of things before the entrepreneur source first I was in retail for probably eight or nine years enjoyed that enjoyed the customer service, the interaction with people and things of that sort was at store level and an assistant manager at that enjoyed it, it was in a drugstore here in California. And then after that, I was in sales, I was in sales with the same company for 26 years or so family owned business in the health and beauty industry had a large territory, if you take Cincinnati draw a line down to Houston and push West that was me. It was it was very large, had a was responsible for a good amount of the dollars in the company had a broker network of over I think 25 brokers worked with had direct people under me was a director at one point just really enjoyed what I was doing. And then that company went through some changes. And so when it came time to start looking, I had never thought about business ownership before I got a call from a coach like myself had discussion with that person and really, really worked out well. And the reason I chose this over some other things, you know, potentially is when I was in sales, it was educationally based, meaning we're talking ingredients, what's it going to do for the company we're talking to? What's it going to provide for their store provide for their customers, things of that sort, and it was very educationally based. And that's exactly what this is. This is educationally based, we're working with our clients, really preparing them to have good discussion with companies getting them ready for that, and then walking them through that as well. And so it's something that is comes very natural to me, even though I'm not in sales anymore, I'm in coaching, there are a lot of similarities. So that's why I chose the entrepreneur source. Thank you for sharing. And I just love hearing about all the varied backgrounds. So there's always that one thing that kind of speaks to someone, whether it's like the values or like you said, the education component, and I'm sure you know, you have that customer service background and all those different things. It all kind of ties in to what we do here. But in a very different like package, as opposed to what it was before and retail and things like that. You as your client and you you're working with nautical bowls. What were some of the things about that brand, or some things that resonated with your client? Like, did you see your client have any aha moments during their journey? Yeah, absolutely. The client that I was working with, he was a regional person for a company. And he had several states under him and he was looking at so he understood stores, it was very similar. He understood stores he understood build out, he understood hiring, I think he had like three states under him, as far as you know, regional, a regional person. And so when he looked at nautical bowls, you know, he already understands this fast casual dining looks like because of his past his past experience. And so for him the idea of, you know, finding a location, doing the build out finding employees, that all really resonated with him. And then when he started to go through the financials in the numbers, he could really see that this would not only be able to do well for him, but but take him very well he and his family into retirement. And so he signed a three pack with them. But he plans to do much more with him. In fact, I think he used the number 10. At one point, yeah, he got and then towards the very end, he says, Yeah, I think I'll be retired before I get to number 10. So he really sees this working well for him. And then but that's how it resonated he just his experience in the past, he could just transfer his knowledge and push it right over to what he's doing now. And he's he feels very confident moving forward with nautical bowls we talked about at the office here, we talked a lot about transferable skills. So you have people who like yourself, like your client, we're in these different industries doing certain things. And I can take the core components of that, and bring it across to kind of this next endeavor. But it's in something different. I don't know exactly what the client did. But I'm assuming it wasn't something in smoothie bowls, necessarily, maybe something similar, but you can take those skills and move them over, which is maybe something that people aren't aware of. And you can speak to this having worked with clients, do you see clients kind of change mindset as they're doing this exploration? And as they're being educated on it, where they see, oh, my gosh, these skills that I thought were only applicable in this certain area are actually applicable in multiple areas. Yeah, that's a great question. And it's really great when a client realizes that they can take what they've done in the past and go into some then completely different, a completely different industry a completely different field, because now they realize that, okay, when it comes to, you know, franchising in general, you know, you have that that proven concept, and you have the training and ongoing support. And so they're bringing a lot of things to the table themselves with their past experiences and what they're really good at. And then they can see the value of what the franchise brand is bringing to them as a potential owner, and really marrying those two things up. And so yeah, it's great when they really understand that they don't have to exactly stay in the field that they were in that they can really take this and really cast that that net very wide for potential companies to, to learn from and see if they might be right for them. It's wonderful when, especially when they get it, they just understand that it's like, okay, you know, now now I'm going to have some really good conversations with these companies. And it's, it's fun, really fun to see. And that's something too I love having these conversations is we talk a lot like I talk a lot about to our members, and just in general about like income, lifestyle, wealth and equity. Like that's just things that we talk about in our every day, and also talking about the power of education and the power of coaching. But when I talk to you, and coaches and hear these stories, it truly speaks to the fact that all of those things illustrates those things that we talk about in a real way. Like these are real people who are through this education, learning about these things. And like you said, it's like, exciting for them. When they realize like the light bulb, someone else said that to another code, like the light bulb kind of goes off. And they realize, wait a second, like, there are so many possibilities. And that's not where they started as a coach, what is important to you, as you're working with your client, and then as you're beginning to introduce different franchise brands as possibilities for your client, like, what are some things that you value, if the client is very open to learning, I mean, that is perfect. That's the sweet spot, because now you know that they're going to do such a good job of discovery with these companies. And so and they do that, and they have great conversation with the companies and they they learn and see, that's what I value. That's what I really like to see. And so it's you know, really preparing them to get ready for that. And, you know, talking to them about when you're talking with these companies, you're not shopping for a franchise, you are educating yourself on franchising as an industry and then some of these companies to see if it might be right for you. So this is not a shopping experience. This isn't curb appeal. And something that looks pretty this is really finding out, hey, is this right for me. And if they're ready for that, that's just a wonderful place to be. And then they can go and discover and see in that journey of discovery if this is right for them. So that's what I really value is getting into that point. And then watching them go forward from there. I mean, I love and again, that open mind concept comes up so often. But it's so vital and integral to kind of all of this coming together in a way like you have all these different pieces. And then once that clicks, it all comes together, what would you say as coach working with these clients, getting them into this open mindset? What would you say to the franchisors that you then are introducing your client to, to kind of help continue that open mind and help them understand better how to work with the client and working with the franchises itself, whether it's on the phone, or text or email or whatever that might look like. And there's communication all three ways, really letting them know that this person is excited to learn about their business to be educated on their brand and really stress that that educated aspect of it, you know, they're that's what they're really looking forward to. And to keep that keep that going. Because they've done such a good job getting to the point of wanting to talk with companies now and still continue to learn from them. And it's really, it should be stress free, it should be pressure free, they should have the ability to learn about that concept. Without the weight or anything of pressure or stress. They just need to be able to talk to them and learn from them and have just engage in great conversation with him and really educate them on their brand. And so that's the message that I that I like to give to the franchise as well. And it typically is well received and the companies we work with understand what we're looking for in companies and how to and how to relate with the clients that we're bringing to them and it's just it's exactly that educational event based on if they get to a point where they really want to focus their attention in on a particular brand, maybe narrow their focus that's wonderful, but just educate them on their brand and let them continue to learn from what we've had good discussion with now they're having now with with the company's continuing to learn very well said it's just as a massive differentiator I feel because when you have a Client like you're talking about who now is his open mind and is excited and motivated to learn about this brand that before they most likely would have just dismissed or not even taken a look at that as like as a franchise brand. That's who I want to be talking to like, that should get me excited as a franchise where I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is a gold nugget that I can really work with. And to your point, being able to have this conversation to the different companies and individuals that we work with is massive a real differentiator here is I was working with a client during our initial calls that we were having. So the first two or three calls during that time, he got an email from another type of company, that's more of a franchise broker organization. And there's a lot of good ones out there. But the email basically said, you want to have a 10 minute conversation, he said, Sure, had a 10 minute conversation with this company. And then next thing, you know, he's got, he's being introduced to companies, because he met some thresholds on, you know, financial requirements and things of that sort. And he said, Jeff, if I would have done that, first, there is no way you and I would ever be talking because it was not a good experience, he goes, I really understand the value of what you guys bring to the table with the coaching. Because of that the experience I had with that other company, that shortened experience, he goes, You guys really get us prepared and ready to talk with companies and really start thinking about goals, needs, expectations, things of that sort all of those things. And then so it was just fascinating to hear, you know, somebody really go through it, and then have an even better understanding of the value that we bring to our clients when it comes to, you know, the coaching, there's a real value there. And it was great for him to be able to, you know, talk to me about the difference between us and you know, potentially somebody else. And here's another thing like, so again, I speak about these things, we talk about it, it's our brand promise we talk about differentiators. But when you hear a story like that, and your client comes to you and says I understand the value, because I've seen how the other side and how horrible it can be and you are just so I'm not even on that level. It's like yes, that is why we do what we do. And it's like, we love doing it. It's just part of the material of the entrepreneurs. Like I said, that's what drew me to the company. It's educationally based, it's working with people and teaching them and preparing them. That's what makes it so fun. The experience, and also just a huge testament to you your coaching as well, and how you work with your clients. We love that. What are some or what is one aha moment that you've had throughout your coaching career, really understanding that there is a need for the coaching that we provide, you know, when I first became a coach, it's you want to help people and things of that sort. But when you have discussions, and I've been doing this for three and a half years now. So I've talked with a lot of people, and when they really understand what we're bringing to the table as a coaching organization, and then I understand that, wow, this is really valuable to them this, this is going to be a benefit to them, this is really going to help them understand and walk through this because it's amazing the amount of people is you're talking with him about you know, potential self sufficiency, potential business ownership, and they've all thought about it. But you know, how did we take that first step? What do we do? And that's where we really come in, and we really help them along the way and, and walk through them with that. And so for me, that aha moment was, Wow, this is this is more valuable than I thought, and which is humbling, because now you understand, you know, the responsibility that goes along with it, and really helping the you know, the clients understand that, you know, we're there for them. And it's humbling to know that that what you're doing is meaningful to them. Yeah, that was my aha moment. As a coach, that is a powerful aha moment, a powerful insight right there. And yeah, when I think about just the impact, when you look at it more on this individual level, and the way that you're speaking about it, it's like the impact that you have, every coach has on that individual's life, or the potential to have the impact that you can have on someone's life is massive, like, I've talked to coaches where they say I had a client who was beaten down basically by corporate America or by their job, and truly had like, kind of lost that spark. Like they just didn't know, they were just like, I'm trapped. This is it. What else is left? And then after they work with that coaching, they get the education, and they they have that aha moment of Wait a second. There's just this whole other world out there, open for me. They see the coaches like I see that spark reignite, that wouldn't have happened without a coach like without the entrepreneur source coach, and what we do, and here's the thing is, I have friends who even were in our 20s and 30s and who already hate their job. job, or already, we call it battered career syndrome at the entrepreneurs who has already are feeling the effects of, I have to do this for the next 40 years. This is a, this is what I went to school for, or I went to school for this, and I'm doing something completely different. And I still like they I already see that. And so I just look at it as every single basically, every single person could benefit from the coaching. And to your point about the education, it doesn't necessarily mean you move forward with a business. But just to get into that mindset of education, looking at different things, you're not stuck in one thing, what do you find with clients? You know, regardless of if they move forward with a franchise or not, or go into business? Or don't what do you find with clients that go through this coaching, if you look at so all the coaches with the entrepreneur source will have LinkedIn profiles, LinkedIn accounts, and on there, there are more than likely recommendations from clients that have gone through the coaching experience. Some of them, they have ended up with it with a company. So they placed with brand and they're excited and going that route. And some of them I didn't didn't place for the company, but they just saw the value in the experience. And so I like I have a healthy, healthy recommendations from both sides from both simply because you know, the ones that that went through it and really gave it a good honest effort at the end of the day decided it just wasn't right for them. You know, they made that informed choice that hey, it wasn't right, for me or my family, it could have been timing, it could have been a number of things, but it just wasn't right for them. But they really found value in the experience. And that that's just wonderful to see. Because now they have a building block for, you know, potentially something in the future, what if they decide they want to maybe go through this experience, they can't, or maybe they've had an idea about a business, that they that they want to start out, or maybe they you know, come back to us or whatever that might be. So there's just real value in in the experience, whether they end up in something or not, if they do end up in something, as I say to my clients, wonderful, that is great, I'm excited for you. And if they don't, I say, wonderful, you've given it a good luck, you've given it a good honest look. And now you have, now you have that experience under your belt, you can use it again in the future if you ever need to. So it's there. So wonderful. Either way, I'm very happy for either way it goes. I love that, as I've loved everything that we've talked about here. And so just to wrap it up, I do want to ask a question about the future. As a coach as of the entrepreneur source, what are you most looking forward to over the next six months, 12 months and working with your clients working with the entrepreneurs? Sure, sure, when the company is done, like I said, I've been here for three and a half years now. And in those three and a half years, the company has, they had a goal to free us up to coach more because they can do things on the back end to find potential clients for us in one fashion or another whether it's through LinkedIn, whether it's through resumes, whether it's through some other types of means, and they're really holding true to that commitment. And it's and it's working. And so with LinkedIn, there's things that they do, they freed us up to do some other things as well in LinkedIn, and made it possible for us in that regard. I really just love it. And so, you know, I'm just I'm just looking forward to talking with more people maybe becoming more referral base. Now that I've talked with a lot of people, you know, it's so more referral based type business, that's an aspect I'd like to see increase as well. So you know, whether it's getting new clients through referrals, or through resumes, or through LinkedIn, or some of the other programs that they have, the company has really, I think, done a great job of opening up some new avenues. And I know that there's other things in the pipeline to do that. And it's really exciting. This is a very exciting time to be with the entrepreneur source in that regard, because they are just making it better and better for new coaches, as they come on to really experience success quicker or at a higher level in the beginning just because of the tools that they're putting in place. So I am all for it. So are we and I mean, if like with all these things that are being put in place to free up coaches so that you can do more of what you've just talked about, then that is success, because that is truly where you and the other coaches. I just I I've said it like 5 million times now. But hearing the stories of your coaching and your coaching experience with clients, yes, the more of that we can do, the better. And also I just love like you're just excited about it. It's not. I don't Would you consider it a job? Or is this just something you love to do? I just I thoroughly enjoy this. I really do. I just I just do. It's great working with people. It's great talking with people. It's great watching them, get an understanding of wow, this could really work if I ever told you I was I've coached people before not in a professional sense like this, but in sports and even in that environment when they get it when they understand the things that you're talking about, and then they can see themselves doing. And then potentially, like, if you're in high school and you're an athlete, maybe you want to go to college, well, if they get it and then they get that foundation of the base that it takes that in the work that will take to get to that next level, they can do it. It's so fun to see people get it and then work towards it to go to that next level, whatever that next level might be. I just I thoroughly enjoy coaching. I thoroughly enjoy watching people get it and hearing them get it, and it just is very satisfying in that regard. And that is that is why I do what I do. And I thoroughly enjoy what I do. And on that note, Jeff counsel, I will wrap it up here and thank you so much. I've I've received a lot of value. So I feel like I've been through a coaching session here. So thank you so much. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, Melissa. Thank you. I appreciate it.