The Seacoast Podcast: Things You Won't Hear On Sunday

13 - "The Devil Made Me Do It" (a frank discussion on spiritual warfare)

Seacoast Church

The existence of spiritual warfare is an accepted reality for most Christians.  "We battle not against flesh and blood," Paul says to the church in Ephesus.  Is it safe to say that many Christians don't take this warfare serious enough?  Equally, many  Christians appear to be a bit too focussed on the "evil team," while not lending enough credence to other "foes" we have our hands full with (i.e. our personal health, our wrongdoings that harmfully affect us, and sins against us by others, just to name a few). 

Julie Hiott, Jack Hoey III, Joey Svendsen and Chip Judd share candidly their thoughts on this matter, many of which is speculation because we simply can not know everything about this realm. 

As a Christian, is it okay to “opt out” of the warfare and leave this fight to God and angels?  Are certain people in the church called to be more cognizant of the spiritual realm while others are not?   Are inanimate objects effective in battling evil spirits?  Jude 1:6 seems to point to some demons being in prison. Why doesn’t God just lock them all up?   

We ponder these and many more questions about these principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

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In this episode
Joey Svendsen, co-host / Instagram
Julie Hiott / Instagram
Jack Hoey III / Twitter
Chip Judd, co-host / Instagram / Website

Executive Producer: Josh Surratt
Producer/Editor: Joey Svendsen
Sound Engineer/Editor: JT Price
Sound Engineer: Diego Gomez

Music Composed by:
Joel T. Hamilton Music (including theme song) and
Seacoast Church Music

// Diagram referred to is on our Facebook Discussion Page
// Life Course and Retreat

Since the beginning of 2024, this podcast releases fully-produced, video versions of each episode. You can find these on our YouTube Channel.