The Seacoast Podcast: Things You Won't Hear On Sunday

23 - What's God Got to Do With It?

Seacoast Church

Life is a roller coaster of ups and downs.  It's simply part of the human journey.  If God "works good out of all things for those who are called according to His purpose," (Romans 8:28) and one has a painful and life-altering experience, did God cause it to happen in order to bring out that good?  Can we assume all of it was a part of the original plan?

What's God got to do with our day-to-day?  Pastors Roy Jacques and Julie Hiott discuss with Joey Svendsen their take on this mystery.  We also hear two stories from the Seacoast family, one in which a young girl's (now grown woman, Kristen Overcash) dreams of being an Olympic gymnast is shattered by an obscure back condition and a successful businessman (Jack Hoey) loses his business during the economic turmoil of 2008.  Did God orchestrate these losses for a greater purpose?   Were the life-changing events included in God's perfect will for these two?  Questions we can only ponder.  And that's what we do here in this episode.   

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In this episode
Lynne Stroy, intro / Instagram
Joey Svendsen, co-host / Instagram
Julie Hiott, co-host / Instagram
Roy Jacques, co-host / Facebook
Kristen Overcash / Instagram
Jack Hoey / Linked in

Voices in montage at beginning:
Jack Hoey III, Shannon Link, Kareen Ripperda, Brian Adleman

Executive Producer: Josh Surratt
Producer/Editor: Joey Svendsen
Sound Engineer/Editor: JT Price
Sound Engineer: Gabe Dewalk

Theme Song: Joel T. Hamilton Music
Other music: Seacoast

Since the beginning of 2024, this podcast releases fully-produced, video versions of each episode. You can find these on our YouTube Channel.