The Seacoast Podcast: Things You Won't Hear On Sunday

The Unlikeliest Worship Leader (PART 1) + the Morals of Entertainment Consumption

Seacoast Church

One may be able to ignore a "word" from God, if it comes from one person; especially when the word doesn’t really "line up"  (i.e. you ain't feelin' it).  But a half dozen more bringing the same "word" will get any one's attention.  

Worship Pastor of the Mount Pleasant Campus Lee Worley shares his story of going from a touring drummer and high-end clothes salesman "making bank," to a Worship Pastor at Seacoast.  God talks to people?  God really can make one flourish in a role that's totally out of his or her league to fill?  Well, let's ask Lee Worley about it.   

At the top of the episode, Lynne, Joey and Teddy discuss whether there’s moral absolutes involved in the sorts of entertainment one consumes.  Are there books, movies, or music that all people at all times should stay clear from, for moral purposes?

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On This Episode
Lee Worley / Instagram
Lynne Stroy, co-host / Instagram
Teddy Winter, co-host / Instagram
Joey Svendsen, co-host / Instagram
Ciarrah Lindsay, co-host, narrator /  Instagram

Executive Producer: Josh Surratt
Producer/Editor: Joey Svendsen
Sound Engineer/Editor: JT Price
Sound Engineer: Gabe Dewalk

Music, including theme song: Joel T. Hamilton Music
Other music:  Seacoast Worship 

We have a YouTube Channel for videos of all episodes since Jan. 2024.

Also we have a Facebook Page for listeners to keep up with the latest news on "Things You Won't Hear on Sunday" Podcast.