The Seacoast Podcast: Things You Won't Hear On Sunday

124 - A Friendly Debate About the Doctrine of Predestination

Seacoast Church

The topics of predestination and free will have been debated for centuries. On this week’s episode, we’ll hear from individuals with varying opinions on these complex topics. Bible scholar, writer, and podcaster, Chris Date believes in the theology of Calvinism (term often used synonymously for predestination) and sees one’s salvation as something that God predetermined and that only individuals whom God chose will live with him for eternity. Chris and Joey Svendsen are joined by Pastor Chip Judd to discuss this belief. Chris and Chip also share sharp opinions on whether a person’s actions or choices are authored by God and if he controls the outcome.

At top of the episode, Tomelex Copeland, Roy Jacques, Lynne Stroy and Joey have their own discussion on predestination and they revisit a conversation from an earlier episode and assess whether it’s possible for a person to remain quiet in a stressful, high pressure situation.

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In this episode
Chris Date /
Facebook / Website
Chip Judd /
Instagram / Podcast
Roy Jacques, host / Facebook
Tomelex Copeland, host / Facebook
Lynne Stroy, host / Instagram
Joey Svendsen, host / Instagram

Executive Producer: Josh Surratt
Producer/Editor: Joey Svendsen
Sound Engineer/Editor: JT Price
Sound Engineer: Katelyn Vandiver

Music, including theme song: Joel T. Hamilton Music

We have a YouTube Channel for videos of all episodes since Jan. 2024.