Earning a Coveted Media Interview with Wendy Guarisco | Ep #43
Health Comm Central
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Earning a Coveted Media Interview with Wendy Guarisco | Ep #43
Jan 17, 2024 Episode 43
Karen Hilyard, Ph.D.

Every day, television and radio shows across the country have thousands of interview slots to fill during live programming and they are hungry for people who can fill those slots. If you’re not taking advantage of these guest interviews as a chance to get your message out, you’re missing an excellent source of earned media coverage.

In the third episode of our series on what you need to know about media relations and media coverage, we will talk today about how to earn one of these coveted media interview invitations. Our guest is Wendy Guarisco, whose public relations firm The Guarisco Group has been helping subject matter experts land media interviews and talk show invitations—and training them how to shine in the spotlight—for nearly two decades.

A former news producer herself for CNN, Wendy will help us uncover how to use guest interviews to get your message out, and the best practices that can help you become the go-to guest on a particular topic. And although large institutions or major book authors often hire publicists like Wendy, landing a guest interview is entirely within your reach, especially if you start small and work with local media outlets.


Contact today’s guest, Wendy Guarisco: Media Experts for Perfect Marketing - Guarisco Group LLC

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