Daily Dose of Random

3: Why are mattress sizes the way that they are?

Channing Smith Season 1 Episode 3

Oh what an episode this is! I didn't know mattress sizes got this intense. Who knew? This episode, alongside the document on my website, was a load of fun to create. Make sure to listen to this episode when you're in a good mood, because you may get as angry as I am towards mattress manufacturers. 

Make sure to email me at dailydoseofrandompodcast@gmail.com for any thoughts you have on this episode, or let me know anything else you'd love to tell me about.

Daily Dose of Random
is a passion project meant to feed my curiosity about the world around me. I may never know what the next episode will be about, but that's what makes this an adventure. Stay tuned to later episodes as I dissect my other interests, such as music, linguistics, food, cooking, technology, video games, and more.

Whoever you are, from wherever you come from; you are loved. If you or anyone you know is struggling with their mental health, depression, or suicidal thoughts please call 988, or reach out to a friend or loved one. It will get better!