Raising Private Money with Jay Conner

Generating $50M Annually with Real Estate Digital Marketing Expertise

April 22, 2024 Jay Conner
Generating $50M Annually with Real Estate Digital Marketing Expertise
Raising Private Money with Jay Conner
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Raising Private Money with Jay Conner
Generating $50M Annually with Real Estate Digital Marketing Expertise
Apr 22, 2024
Jay Conner

The digital age has transformed the real estate industry, opening new avenues for investors to find those all-important motivated sellers. In a recent episode of the Raising Private Money Podcast, digital marketing expert Brandon Bateman, founder of Bateman Collective, joined host Jay Conner to discuss effective strategies for real estate investors. Specializing in online lead generation, Brandon's insights reveal tactics to allocate budgets and target geographic areas to maximize return on investment (ROI) through Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns.

Crafting Budget Strategies for PPC Campaigns

Underpinning any successful digital marketing initiative is a sound budget strategy. According to Brandon, it's vital to consider budget allocation over a six-month period to allow PPC campaigns sufficient time to optimize and gather meaningful data. He warns against high budgets over short timeframes and suggests sustainable investments for at least half a year. Market size plays a crucial role, as smaller markets may not require hefty budgets, and overinvestment can lead to inflated ad costs. Brandon's company tailors its approach based on client goals, recommending specific channels like Google and Facebook to dovetail with market performance.

The Role of SEO in Long-Term Lead Generation

When it comes to long-term growth, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) stands out as a strategy with potentially the best ROI. While SEO leads aren't instantaneous like those from PPC, they are earned through diligent optimization and can prove highly valuable over time. Jay Conner and Brandon delved into this, discussing the patient, strategic game of SEO and how it fits into a diversified marketing strategy for real estate investors.

The Power of Data-Driven Decisions

Bateman Collective's success hinges on a data-driven approach. The company shuns predictions, instead making marketing decisions based on real-world channel performance. This empowers clients to invest in digital marketing without guarantees of a specific number of leads—an approach divergent from the pay-per-lead model, but one that can build more sustainable long-term growth. Clients typically start with monthly investments ranging from $3,250 to $15,000, scaling as required, and these budgets are tailored to the client's objectives and the market conditions.

Navigating PPC and Pay Per Lead

PPC campaigns enable businesses to directly own their data and strategy, a contrast to buying leads from third parties. Brandon underscores that while pay-per-lead might tempt with its simplicity, the quality of leads can differ drastically, and it doesn't grant the control or data ownership that PPC offers. Moreover, utilizing PPC correctly demands specific expertise, leading many businesses to consider outsourcing this aspect of their marketing.

The Art of Lead Generation and Campaign Optimization

PPC, pay-per-lead, and SEO have distinctive roles in marketing, depending on the needs and goals of a business. For those looking to generate motivated seller leads through digital channels, it's crucial to employ the right tools and techniques. Bateman Collective's service suite includes ad creation, targeting, budget management, and leading up to the point of lead generation. After that, the client takes over. This synopsis also hints at optimizing campaigns based on lead feedback, ensuring continuous improvement in lead quality.

Channel Selection: Google vs. Microsoft vs. Facebook

The conversation with Brandon Bateman highlighted the importance of selecting the right platform for PPC campaigns. Google reigns supreme in volume, but Microsoft platforms like Bing offer cost-effective alternatives with lower volume. Facebook's targeting capabilities allow for reaching a broad audience and can be compared to mode

Show Notes

The digital age has transformed the real estate industry, opening new avenues for investors to find those all-important motivated sellers. In a recent episode of the Raising Private Money Podcast, digital marketing expert Brandon Bateman, founder of Bateman Collective, joined host Jay Conner to discuss effective strategies for real estate investors. Specializing in online lead generation, Brandon's insights reveal tactics to allocate budgets and target geographic areas to maximize return on investment (ROI) through Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns.

Crafting Budget Strategies for PPC Campaigns

Underpinning any successful digital marketing initiative is a sound budget strategy. According to Brandon, it's vital to consider budget allocation over a six-month period to allow PPC campaigns sufficient time to optimize and gather meaningful data. He warns against high budgets over short timeframes and suggests sustainable investments for at least half a year. Market size plays a crucial role, as smaller markets may not require hefty budgets, and overinvestment can lead to inflated ad costs. Brandon's company tailors its approach based on client goals, recommending specific channels like Google and Facebook to dovetail with market performance.

The Role of SEO in Long-Term Lead Generation

When it comes to long-term growth, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) stands out as a strategy with potentially the best ROI. While SEO leads aren't instantaneous like those from PPC, they are earned through diligent optimization and can prove highly valuable over time. Jay Conner and Brandon delved into this, discussing the patient, strategic game of SEO and how it fits into a diversified marketing strategy for real estate investors.

The Power of Data-Driven Decisions

Bateman Collective's success hinges on a data-driven approach. The company shuns predictions, instead making marketing decisions based on real-world channel performance. This empowers clients to invest in digital marketing without guarantees of a specific number of leads—an approach divergent from the pay-per-lead model, but one that can build more sustainable long-term growth. Clients typically start with monthly investments ranging from $3,250 to $15,000, scaling as required, and these budgets are tailored to the client's objectives and the market conditions.

Navigating PPC and Pay Per Lead

PPC campaigns enable businesses to directly own their data and strategy, a contrast to buying leads from third parties. Brandon underscores that while pay-per-lead might tempt with its simplicity, the quality of leads can differ drastically, and it doesn't grant the control or data ownership that PPC offers. Moreover, utilizing PPC correctly demands specific expertise, leading many businesses to consider outsourcing this aspect of their marketing.

The Art of Lead Generation and Campaign Optimization

PPC, pay-per-lead, and SEO have distinctive roles in marketing, depending on the needs and goals of a business. For those looking to generate motivated seller leads through digital channels, it's crucial to employ the right tools and techniques. Bateman Collective's service suite includes ad creation, targeting, budget management, and leading up to the point of lead generation. After that, the client takes over. This synopsis also hints at optimizing campaigns based on lead feedback, ensuring continuous improvement in lead quality.

Channel Selection: Google vs. Microsoft vs. Facebook

The conversation with Brandon Bateman highlighted the importance of selecting the right platform for PPC campaigns. Google reigns supreme in volume, but Microsoft platforms like Bing offer cost-effective alternatives with lower volume. Facebook's targeting capabilities allow for reaching a broad audience and can be compared to mode