It's All About Balance

58. 10 Mindset Shifts You NEED For Weight Loss

January 15, 2024 Hilary
58. 10 Mindset Shifts You NEED For Weight Loss
It's All About Balance
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It's All About Balance
58. 10 Mindset Shifts You NEED For Weight Loss
Jan 15, 2024

🎙️ In today's episode, let's go on a transformative journey and explore my "10 Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss." We're diving into thought-provoking discussions on prioritizing oneself, breaking free from past identities, and embracing the power of future perspectives. From debunking the scale's significance to tackling challenges as mere speed bumps, each point unveils a crucial mindset shift. Learn to make decisions aligned with your future self and contemplate the impact of perseverance versus regret. Whether conquering stress eating or reframing weight loss goals, these shifts offer actionable insights and will empower you on your journey. Get ready for a fun, enlightening exploration that promises to reshape your mindset and inspire lasting transformations! 💪

Key Takeaways

  • Making intentional decisions and discerning between what aligns with one's goals and what doesn't is crucial for weight loss success.
  • Overcoming obstacles and viewing them as detours rather than dead ends is essential for maintaining motivation and progress.
  • Prioritizing oneself and making self-care a priority is necessary for achieving weight loss goals and transforming one's life.
  • Thinking from the perspective of one's future self and considering the long-term impact of choices can help in making empowered decisions.
  • Focusing on progress rather than perfection and taking weight loss one step at a time is key to sustainable and long-lasting results. Learning is a lifelong process that contributes to personal growth and development.
  • Finding balance in life involves prioritizing and managing different aspects of life.
  • Setting goals and priorities helps in achieving personal and professional success.
  • Challenges are inevitable, but they can be overcome with determination and resilience.
  • Taking action and making progress is essential for personal growth and achieving goals.


P.S. I got so amped recording this one, I totally skipped one of the ten! Luckily - the one I skipped already has an entire podcast episode. The 10 Minute Rule is an important mindset shift so don't miss out on learning this one. LISTEN IN HERE!


Apply for Elite Coaching now for guidance, accountability, and unwavering support. Our coaching program is meticulously crafted to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to create a balanced diet and sustainable weight loss.

As a part of this transformative coaching experience, you'll have me as your personal coach, dedicated to taking you from stuck and frustrated to confident and THRIVING. Together, we'll unlock the strategies to shed those extra pounds and maintain your newfound wellness for the long haul.

Don't procrastinate any longer in seizing control of the body and life you've been dreaming of. This is your time, your year. You deserve to feel incredible in your own skin. Let's turn those New Year's aspirations into reality together! Apply now for Elite Coaching.


Connect with me on social

  1. Instagram | @balancebyhilary
  2. Facebook | Balance by Hilary
  3. TikTok: @balancebyhilary


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

🎙️ In today's episode, let's go on a transformative journey and explore my "10 Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss." We're diving into thought-provoking discussions on prioritizing oneself, breaking free from past identities, and embracing the power of future perspectives. From debunking the scale's significance to tackling challenges as mere speed bumps, each point unveils a crucial mindset shift. Learn to make decisions aligned with your future self and contemplate the impact of perseverance versus regret. Whether conquering stress eating or reframing weight loss goals, these shifts offer actionable insights and will empower you on your journey. Get ready for a fun, enlightening exploration that promises to reshape your mindset and inspire lasting transformations! 💪

Key Takeaways

  • Making intentional decisions and discerning between what aligns with one's goals and what doesn't is crucial for weight loss success.
  • Overcoming obstacles and viewing them as detours rather than dead ends is essential for maintaining motivation and progress.
  • Prioritizing oneself and making self-care a priority is necessary for achieving weight loss goals and transforming one's life.
  • Thinking from the perspective of one's future self and considering the long-term impact of choices can help in making empowered decisions.
  • Focusing on progress rather than perfection and taking weight loss one step at a time is key to sustainable and long-lasting results. Learning is a lifelong process that contributes to personal growth and development.
  • Finding balance in life involves prioritizing and managing different aspects of life.
  • Setting goals and priorities helps in achieving personal and professional success.
  • Challenges are inevitable, but they can be overcome with determination and resilience.
  • Taking action and making progress is essential for personal growth and achieving goals.


P.S. I got so amped recording this one, I totally skipped one of the ten! Luckily - the one I skipped already has an entire podcast episode. The 10 Minute Rule is an important mindset shift so don't miss out on learning this one. LISTEN IN HERE!


Apply for Elite Coaching now for guidance, accountability, and unwavering support. Our coaching program is meticulously crafted to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to create a balanced diet and sustainable weight loss.

As a part of this transformative coaching experience, you'll have me as your personal coach, dedicated to taking you from stuck and frustrated to confident and THRIVING. Together, we'll unlock the strategies to shed those extra pounds and maintain your newfound wellness for the long haul.

Don't procrastinate any longer in seizing control of the body and life you've been dreaming of. This is your time, your year. You deserve to feel incredible in your own skin. Let's turn those New Year's aspirations into reality together! Apply now for Elite Coaching.


Connect with me on social

  1. Instagram | @balancebyhilary
  2. Facebook | Balance by Hilary
  3. TikTok: @balancebyhilary


Speaker 1:

Hello ladies, welcome back to the show. Today's episode we're going to talk about really my favorite top 10 mindset shifts that you need in order to be able to lose weight, transform your life, achieve your dream body all of that good stuff. So let's go ahead and dive right in. What's up you guys? You're listening to the podcast. It's all about balance. With me, hillary Downey, on this show, I'll teach you how to ditch bad dieting once and for all so you can quit gaining and losing the same weight over and over again or get extreme diets that deprive you and don't work. With macro-counting. You can learn how to lose weight eating the food you love Pizza, cookies and wine. It's all on the table. But we don't just talk about diet around here. We'll cover fitness, mindset, lifestyle, habits all of the important topics I had to address in my own 100 pound weight loss journey that you'll need to reach your goals as well. You deserve to look and feel at your best, and I'm so excited to walk beside you and show you how it's time to unlearn what you've been taught about weight loss and discover that it's truly all about balance. So let's go.

Speaker 1:

How's it going, you guys? Are we still rocking and rolling with the new year. It's your year, vibes. I'm still feeling it. We're a little into January now. I'm actually recording this podcast episode on the fly because I will tell you give you a little bit of a nugget here I just have been nonstop thinking about how truly this year is going to be so different for you guys, because I believe with all my heart, women are starting to realize there's so much more to this than just following a list of foods or a meal plan and working out.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to downplay the importance of your nutrition and your diet. Obviously you have to have those things, but I just am seeing this shift with you guys of being like, yeah, I can figure the diet out, we can learn that. But, hillary, I'm struggling with being consistent, I'm struggling with my confidence, I'm struggling with motivation, I'm struggling with changing my habits, I'm struggling with sabotage, and I just think women are truly starting to realize it doesn't matter if you know what to eat, it doesn't matter if you know how to count macros, it doesn't matter if you know you should be doing XYZ, if you don't have the actual tools and skill set to be able to change your mind and your habits, your behaviors, your life, it doesn't matter. You could see results. You probably won't keep them right.

Speaker 1:

So, all this to say, all this to say I got really inspired after having progress check-ins with my elite coaching clients and seeing some of their struggles, and talking to you guys in the DMs and seeing what you're struggling with, and the fact that I am in a little fat loss goal season myself. If you guys don't know, your girl got engaged. Yeah, so excited, and so I always. I mean that's not why I'm in a fat loss goal season. Obviously now I do have wedding on my mind, but we're ways out from that. What is coming up is summer and every year after the New Year, after the holidays and, more importantly, I went through a little maintenance mode phase where I built muscle. And this was all a part of my plan that I was going to go through my little building phase, maintenance mode and then go through a little fat loss phase right here at the beginning of the year to reveal the muscle that I worked to build. And just for summer, I mean, I kind of always do that.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, all that to say, being in this myself when I'm going through it, I feel like sometimes that's when my best ideas content comes out, because there's nothing like putting yourself back in the shoes of what you're talking about. Obviously, I've been there, I've done it like, so I have the experience from that angle. But there is just something different about being in it yourself that all these ideas and little things just unlock. And I just got really inspired when I was thinking through some of the things my clients are struggling with, some of the things I hear you guys struggling with in your applications for my coaching program or just talking in the DMs and for me as well.

Speaker 1:

All of a sudden I got super like, okay, I want to create some document, some ebook, some guide that is going to help ladies be able to refer back to the most important mindset shifts that they need to actually be able to lose the weight. Like seriously, like it's time to get real, it's time to get serious. There are certain mindset shifts and I could have done like 50 of them. Honestly. I narrowed it down to my top 10. And maybe I'll do a part two at some point and I created a guide for you guys. It is called the top 10 mindset shifts for weight loss guide. Like, let's just make it as clear as we can about what it is, and it is these 10 mindset shifts like I'm talking about that you need to first think about, be aware of and adopt. Okay, and I see with all my experience having been through it myself with my clients as well that adopting these mindset shifts will change the game for you. It'll change the game for you If you're somebody who feels like you know you really do struggle with the mindset side of this, the sticking with it and all of that.

Speaker 1:

I've got lots of stuff coming for you this year. We are working on so many things right now, but let's start here with this free guide. I am going to link it below in the show notes and I want you to grab it. I want you to get it, I want you to read it and I want you to use some of the little tools and things that I'm giving to you there and save it and refer back to it and let's start making these mindset shifts. Let's realize that we've got to do things a bit differently this year in, you know, in how we approach our weight loss. I want you guys to have all the results and we got to start making some of these changes.

Speaker 1:

And as I was creating the guide, naturally I thought about my ladies, who don't love to read and really like to listen. And I know, for me personally, I am both I like to read some things, I like to listen to some things. I kind of like a mix of that, like watching a training where there's text on the screen, but I'm listening to. You know the person talk. I mean, that is exactly how I create all of our coaching content. So, all this to say, I thought you know what? We may as well just go ahead and record a podcast episode on it, and I created some social content around this. So you'll be seeing a lot of these things if you follow me. And, specifically, I really want you to grab the ebook, because there's things in that that aren't going to be talked about in the episode that I think are going to just be really helpful, because I want to keep the episode short and sweet. I'm trying to be succinct this year. That's one of my goals. So, all that to be said, check out the link below, grab the ebook, like I said, read it, use it and let's let's do things differently this year. Okay, all right, let's jump in to talking about these mindset shifts, starting off with number one. Number one mindset shift to have. If it's not a heck, yes, it is a heck, no.

Speaker 1:

Now, full credit to the original author of this quote. I have heard it so many times at this point from so many different people. I don't even know who the OG creator is. Okay, I know. I've read it in several books, I've seen it in several social media posts, several coaches, several trainings all this Like. I absolutely love this saying, and if anybody knows who the original originator of this comment, or quote rather, is, please let me know. Let's give them credit.

Speaker 1:

But this is a fabulous saying. The first time I heard it, I was like, oh my gosh. I love this because I am somebody who I'm impulsive, like, I tend to be a little bit impulsive, and you may feel that way too. What I mean is you may go into a restaurant and if you haven't really been intentional about deciding what you're going to have ahead of time, you may just end up getting the fried chicken tenders when you know that that's really not aligned with what you're trying to do right now. But that impulsive behavior comes out right.

Speaker 1:

I tend to be impulsive and so for me, I really had to teach myself at the start of my 100 pound weight loss transformation. I really had to teach myself how to start discerning and changing my thoughts, because what I realized was it wasn't just like ordering the food like was the wrong choice. It was like there was more to it than that. There was this, you know, element of well. I didn't really think about it ahead of time, I didn't really plan, and when I heard the quote if it's not a heck yes, it's a heck no I appreciated the simplicity of how, all of a sudden, it's like okay, okay, like I don't have to worry about making like five different decisions and thinking through all the things. I just have to decide between two things Is it a heck, yes, or is it a heck, no?

Speaker 1:

And I'm starting off with this one because, honestly, this applies to everything in life and you guys know, like I am a transformation coach, like beyond a nutrition coach or weight loss coach or whatever. Like I'm a transformation coach, I'm not just here to help you change your diet and change your you know exercise. I was like I want to help you transform your life. That's what this is about. This isn't just about weight loss. Like you guys know that by now. If you're new here, welcome. It's not just about weight loss.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we're trying to elevate ourselves, to become the highest possible version of ourselves. We are women who strive for that because we know that we are called to do that. We know and we are being led to do more for ourselves, to prioritize ourselves. So, for me in particular, I know that when I think about this decision making process of choosing, you know, between X or Y, I know that if I can just say, is it a heck yes, or is it a heck no, in that, does it align with that version of myself that I'm trying to become, it's a lot easier to move with intention and to make decisions when I am looking at it as is this something that I'm like oh yes, absolutely I want to do this, and if it's leaving any room for like, it's just a no. And this again spans across your entire life.

Speaker 1:

I think about this with spending money. This has changed how I spend my money in my life, and so I think about it with that. I think about it with my exercise and my movement. I think about it with my food choices throughout my day. I think about it when somebody asks me can you come to this, can you volunteer for this? Can you do this? I mean, go back to the episode. Was it last week's episode? Week before, the episode about prioritizing yourself? Okay, you can't say yes to everything, so is it a heck yes or is it a heck no? And I want you to keep that in your mind as you're learning to discern and prioritize yourself and make decisions.

Speaker 1:

When you're thinking about your diet, when you're thinking about how you're going to spend your time, when you're thinking about somebody asking you to do something and it's going to throw off the plan, and you know, when you are presented with options, I want you to just ask yourself the simple question and make this mindset shift into not coasting through your life with, I don't know, impulsivity. You know impulsivity, oh gosh, I'm not going to try and mess that up. Whatever you get what I'm saying. Instead of just coasting through your life and letting it, you know, fly by you and you're just kind of along for the ride, let's get intentional and make this mindset shift of okay, is it a heck yes, or is it a heck no? And if it's a heck no, it's just a no. It is that simple If it's a heck, yes. If you're excited about it, if it feels like the right choice, if you're thinking about it intentionally, then by all means let's go, but let's make that mindset shift first. So that's number one, okay. Number two is actually I have a social media post on this one and this is called this is my little like hack.

Speaker 1:

I don't know that I like the word hack, but my little mindset shift that I adopted my clients I talked to them about this called time and place question mark. Time and place like let me say it correctly, time and place Okay, time and place Okay. So here's what I want you to think about with this. This has happened to me multiple times since I started my little fat loss phase. Just about the time I'm like okay, I'm in it. I'm finally like I got some consistency. Holidays are over, all these events and things are behind me. Right, I'm ready to. You know, go hard. I've got my momentum going. It never fails. It never fails. Just about the time you hit your stride and you get rolling and you're being consistent and quote, unquote event is going to pop up. I see this with my clients all the time. I have to have some hard truth talks with my clients about this. I'm going to have a little hard truth talk with you here right now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you know what I'm talking about. Oh, it's my best friend's birthday. Oh, it's our anniversary. Oh, it's my coworkers you know coworking lunch thing that we you know I don't have to go to, but I should go to whatever. Now it's Valentine's Day, it's just so-and-so's wedding. Now it's just a regular Friday, like.

Speaker 1:

You all know what I'm talking about the reality of the situation, that there's always going to be something. You will always be presented with an opportunity where you could, you know, go over your calories or, you know, make a, you know make a decision that doesn't align with your, you know, goals at this time. The fact of the matter is, when you have weight loss goals, there has to be sacrifice right and you can't always say yes. Now, there are times when memories, and macro memories over macros, is going to take place, but it's not every single time you get invited out, it's not. It's not every single time that a lunch, a dinner out, an event, so-and-so's wedding, like, not every opportunity should be an opportunity to be like.

Speaker 1:

But it's this thing, I've got to go over my calories. No, no, we're in a weight loss goal season. It requires some sacrifice. We can't constantly be going over our calories and expect that we're going to see the results we want. But it can be hard. It can be hard and I'm right there with you guys. Okay, it can be hard to discern, like when you are getting serious about these things, like well, when is it? Like, when should I? You know? Like I mean, y'all know me, I'm all about balance. We use a system called or a part of our signature system is called flex days, where you do choose memories over macros.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, there's always going to be a time and place for that, but it's a necessary skill to learn to discern when that time actually is if you want to see weight loss results. So the mindset shift that I had that helped me just make empowered choices around my food and truly go on to lose a hundred pounds, and I see with my clients, when we have this conversation and they start, you know, making these decisions that they start seeing results to, is a little mindset shift that I call time and place, and this kind of goes with the heck yes, heck no. So I kind of coupled these together, but I call it time and place and what I ask myself is first, is this the right time? Like in this moment, and realize that all of these things are all about stopping, pausing, slowing down and getting intentional. Everything I'm going to talk about today requires you to pause and think and reflect Again. If you're just going through the motions of life, you're not going to be able to change these things. You have to get intentional. These are mindset shifts. They require thought.

Speaker 1:

So pause and ask yourself when the event pops up and you're going dang like here I am with my momentum right, is this the right time? Is right now, this moment, this very event? Okay, and I keep saying event that's just like that stands in for anything Co-working lunch, like anything. Okay, it doesn't have to be a grand event. Okay, holiday, whatever. Is this moment in this event? Is this a time where I really would want to splurge and deviate from my plan? Okay, is there a time coming up soon that would be more worth it? So this just helps you ground yourself to like being in the moment of is this really the right time? Is this really like? Is this co-working lunch? Like, is this really the time to do it? What about another time that's coming up because, again, you're discerning between. There are going to be times where you choose the memories over macros. It can't be every time. So we're just trying to to pause and decide is this the right time?

Speaker 1:

The next question I ask myself is is this the right place, right time and place? Is this the right place? Is this where I even want to splurge? I think this is a big one. Is this where I even want to splurge? Like, are these foods and drinks really worth it? Would I actually be satisfied and okay with deviating from my plan for this?

Speaker 1:

Okay, we got to get a little snobby and a little stuck up about where we're gonna spend our like you know, going over our calories and macros. Right, the chicken tender basket at this random place. Is that really worth it? On this random day where you had planned to like, stay in your calories and macros, like, is that gonna be worth it? Now, in some instances, I'm really craving sushi or something. Okay, like I, I'm gonna hold out for that. That that one might be worth it. Right, you know, you've been really craving a burger. Like you get what I'm saying. Like, how many times have you had this meal that was not in your plan and you did, therefore deviated away from your plan, and then you're like, well, dang, you know, like that really wasn't worth it. We're getting a little snobby. So we're asking ourselves is this the right place? Like, is this really where I want to splurge? Is this really worth it?

Speaker 1:

And, pro tip, you can also take this thought process and bring it into a single meal, right? You know, if you're trying to discern between how you want to spend your calories and maybe you do want to have the appetizer, maybe you do want to have the alcoholic beverage, maybe you do want to have the dessert, right, or the higher calorie, like fried food or something, okay, and that's gonna fit in but you've got a sort of discern between well, there's all these things I could have, like what's more worth it? I can't have both. Both would blow my calories out. So which is more worth it to me right now? The dessert or the drink? Okay, so is it? The? Is this the right place? Can be brought into even a single meal.

Speaker 1:

But the whole point here is when you slow down and you think about it. Oftentimes you're gonna, you're gonna decide, when you're acting with intention and you're allowing yourself to think about it. You're gonna decide this is simply not the right time or the right place. Okay, again, there's a food Maybe you have really been craving. There is a you know meal that you're getting ready to get to have. That is just hands down like it's so worth it to your Upcoming event that you're really looking forward to that. You know you kind of want to save that splurge for a trip, a celebration, an anniversary, like something else, but not this. Okay, not this time, not this place.

Speaker 1:

And and so much of learning to be consistent and not allowing yourself to go off the rails every time You're presented with an opportunity is really realizing that not every situation You're gonna be presented with people are gonna ask you to go out to eat okay, not every opportunity is An opportunity to deviate from your plan and learning how to be mindful and learning how to move with intention and make Empowered decisions. It takes practice, it does get easier and eventually it becomes automatic. You just make like now, especially like getting back into all this like now, I just feel like I make these decisions very automatically, but when you're getting back into a goal season specifically, you've got to discern more, you've got to be more intentional. There's just more sacrifice period. I talked to you all about that all the time. That's why maintenance mode is easier than a fat loss phase for some most people. Right, you got to be more intentional in a fat loss phase, more sacrifice. So, again, that gets easier the more you practice it.

Speaker 1:

But you've got to start baking the mindset shift of is this Really worth it? Is this really worth it? So, time and place, ask yourself Is this the time, is this the place? Okay, next mindset shift that I want you to make will eating this actually solve the problems of the feelings I'm feeling? And maybe I'll do a whole episode talking about Stress eating, emotional eating, boredom eating. I'm actually working on a training right now for elite coaching Specifically on this topic. That's going to go really in depth and teach them Some really good methods for how to stop stress eating and emotional eating and all of that. So maybe I'll do a quick episode on this topic, but I want to bring it up because it is one of the most important things. I'm going to bring it up because it is one of the most important mindset shifts.

Speaker 1:

So many women you know have just created this habit for themselves of Eating when they're sad, eating when they're anxious, eating when they're lonely, eating when they're happy, eating when they're, you know, celebrating eating. You know to get mindful about your food choices and start eating mindfully. One thing that I always just encourage ladies to do is stop in and ask themselves the question will eating this food, this dessert, this ice cream out of the freezer, this fried food, this pizza that again we're talking about like deviating from our plan here? Okay, will eating this actually solve the problems of the feelings I'm feeling?

Speaker 1:

If you are feeling stress at work, or stress in your personal life, or stress at home with your kids, or stress period, is eating a gigantic pizza and binging on a bunch of ice cream. Is that gonna fix your stress? I just want you to pause and ask yourself that question Is that gonna fix your stress? I'm gonna go ahead and guess that, maybe temporarily, for the 15 minutes you're eating it, you feel better. It's gonna be like a fake better, right, but like we could argue that. But how are you gonna feel at the end of that 15 minutes? How are you gonna feel when you wake up tomorrow? Okay, not great, and every day is a fresh slate, every day is an opportunity to begin again.

Speaker 1:

But we got to get real this year with ourselves. If we're constantly repeating the same toxic cycles, it's time to actually change something. So it's time to ask ourselves is stress, eating actually serving me? Is you know, eating this food and going off my plant? Is that actually gonna help me feel less stressed, less sad? And again, maybe I'll do an episode on going into this a little bit more and I'm certainly gonna touch, have touched on it in the guide, so check that out if you want to learn a little bit more about this topic.

Speaker 1:

But we just got to make the mindset shift that over eating to overcome feelings that we're feeling. Number one you're still gonna feel stressed, you're still gonna feel sad, you're still gonna feel anxious. Okay, food's not going to fix those feelings. So that's number one. Number two the only way to fix the feelings that we're feeling is to confront them. Okay, so we gotta, we gotta do that. And number three by over eating. If you're stressed and now you've overeaten, you're just gonna feel more stressed when you come to and realize, oh, like now I was already stressed, now I've gone off my food plan, now I just feel more stressed. So it's not actually solving the problem. So that is a big one. I know that's a huge one for a lot of you ladies. That's why I'm creating a whole training for my coaching clients on this. But that is an important shift for you to make. Okay, the next shift the scale is not everything. I'm gonna keep this point short and sweet. The scale is not everything. You gotta make this mindset shift.

Speaker 1:

I have been seeing this so like so much lately with my clients that you know they are losing inches. Their progress pictures are blowing our minds. The inches that they are losing is insane. Like they are transforming their body. They look so different. They look like different people and if you were to a trip or compare that to the pounds they've lost, it looks negligible. When you see the pounds they've lost, it doesn't feel like much quote unquote. But when you see the transformation, holy freaking cow guys, it's 2024.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about fat loss. I know I use the word weight loss, but it's interchangeable oftentimes for me to kind of go back and forth with these two words. But fat loss specifically, is what most women are looking for. Right, we are looking to shed body fat and so what you really want is to be losing inches. What you really want is for your clothing to be fitting better. So what you need to be doing is stop giving the scale so much power. Stop doing it. We got to.

Speaker 1:

The scale is not everything. It's a mindset shift you gotta make and to go with that, you've got to be actionable about this. Are you taking progress pictures, seriously? Are you using clothing to measure like your progress and how you're feeling and how they're fitting? Differently, are you using tape measurements? It's one of my favorite ways to measure progress. Are you keeping track of those things? The scale is not everything. When we're talking about fat loss and you know it just might not show up as fast as these other things and it's just not the be all, end all. So we got to make that mindset shift, because what's happening is when you put all the power in the scale, guess what? When it, you know, fluctuates around and it's not moving as fast as you want, then you throw in the towel and you quit, and that is so that just leave that in 2023. We're not doing that. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the next one. It is one of my favorite quotes. It is just an obstacle. It's not impossible. I know you all hear me say this one all the time. It made it into the top ten for a reason. My clients, I know, are going yep, heard this one before. Okay, we tend to be dramatic and we tend to catastravize. Oh my gosh, I'm going on this trip. Oh my gosh, I. You know this changed and my work schedule changed. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Okay, so it's just an obstacle. That's just an obstacle. You're not giving me anything that tells me you can, you can't lose weight. Sorry, you're not, it's just an obstacle.

Speaker 1:

I've coached for almost nine years now. I've worked with thousands of women. I've seen it all. Every obstacle has a solution. Every woman can lose weight. So, whatever your obstacle is, I know it feels like it's hard. I'm not downplaying that.

Speaker 1:

It's not lost on me that figuring out the solutions to the obstacles can be tough, because sometimes you've got to try some stuff out. You've got to. You know, most of the time women need help with that. You're trying to figure out your obstacles by yourself. Girl, get in coaching with us. Let us make this easier for you. Like, seriously, I will have women come into coaching in the back. I've been trying to do this for years and in literally one month I'm now like all these issues that I was having were solved.

Speaker 1:

You know, okay, it is just an obstacle, everything is figure out a bull and there is always a solution. Again, may have to try things out a couple of times, but there's always a solution. So you've got to stop catastrophizing. You've got to stop looking at your obstacles as dead ends and you've got to start realizing that they're not dead ends, they're speed bumps. You're going to hit the bump. You got to figure it out. You got to keep going. It's not a dead end, it's a detour. You got to figure out another way.

Speaker 1:

So we got to make the mindset shift as we're presented with obstacles. It's, it's. You knew it was going to be challenging. If it were easy, we'd all be walking around fit. If it were easy, you'd already be doing it Right. So you knew it was going to be challenging. So you know there's going to be obstacles. So prepare yourself to be solution focused and say every time an obstacle pops up, I'm going to go to work on figuring out what my solution is going to be. Make this mindset shift. It's, it's. It's crucial to make that mindset shift if you want to lose weight this year and keep it off, okay, okay, another mindset shift. This is speaking to my ladies who have a long way to go on your journey. Shout out to my ladies who've got, you know, a significant amount of weight that you're looking to lose. Okay, 10 at a time. 10 at a time, girlfriend. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Now in our program, we use the scale to measure data, to measure progress over time. But you just heard me say the scale is not everything, right, so you might be going. Well, why are we talking about pounds? Okay, we're still going to use the scale as data. We're still it's still important data to look at in our program.

Speaker 1:

So, for most women, you have a roundabout number of, like what you want to lose. Now, spoiler alert, you may get to that number and be like, oh, wow. Or you may get before that number and be like, oh wow, I'm good here. Okay, so that number that you're holding on to make it flexible, okay, we always talk about that with women that are applying for a coaching program, because it's for women who have at least 20 pounds to lose. But you know that 20 pounds, you may lose 15 and be like, dang, I feel good. So we're not married to these numbers, okay, but if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, I already know, because I have been in your shoes without 100 pounds on me, that I'm going.

Speaker 1:

I got to get this off and when I thought about the 100 pounds, holy cow, it felt like somebody was sitting on my chest. I couldn't breathe, I'd get anxious, I'd be like there's no way. How am I going to lose 100 pounds? I was just so focused on the 100 pounds, right, and I'll be honest, like I didn't know exactly how much weight I was going to lose, whatever, like I just, but I but I had that roundabout number, right, and I knew that I was a far away. Remember, I gained like almost 70 pounds in my first pregnancy and it did not fall off.

Speaker 1:

People are always like, oh, that's, that was your must have been your highest weight at your like in your pregnancy, like when you gave birth. No, this was after, okay, so I was even higher. I don't know, I guess my doctor did weigh me at the end of my pregnancy. I don't know, I did. I wouldn't look at the number, I would not look, but I got on the scale a few weeks postpartum and then I did not want to see that number again. And then I got on a few more weeks and my scale number was going up. So when I talk about losing 100 pounds, I know I've had people on social media be like oh, you must mean from your pregnancy and you know that you had a baby and you know I'm talking about postpartum. So I understand.

Speaker 1:

When you have a significant amount of weight to lose, it's a lot. It is a lot. Even 30 pounds guys can feel like a lot. If you've been trying at this for a long time, if you feel like you have failed over and over and over again, if you feel like nothing works and your body is broken and you just cannot get it figured out or you are sabotaging yourself and you cannot be consistent, it can be anxiety inducing and it can sabotage you even more. To be so stressed out about the end. We got to just pull it back and we got to focus on 10 at a time. Okay, 10 at a time if you're, if you've got less weight to lose, like 20 pounds, five at a time is fine, okay, our clients lose on average about five pounds a month, okay, so, so go go into that, think about that five at a time but 10 at a time is my, my saying over and over and over again.

Speaker 1:

For my ladies who need to have a mindset shift of oh my gosh, I've got a hundred pounds lose, I've got 80 pounds lose, I've got 60 pounds or 40 pounds. 10 at a time. You don't have 40 pounds lose. You got 10 at a time, right here in front of you. What is 10 pounds down? Think about that. Okay, that's what we're focused on. That's where we're gonna go first. So let's just do that. We can focus on the next 10 when we get there, but let's just take it 10 at a time.

Speaker 1:

Very important that you understand that you're gonna sabotage yourself if you are Looking at at the end. You got to just start here, 10 at a time. Then we'll reevaluate and we'll go to the next 10, okay, and we'll just keep going from there. 10 at a time. You don't have a hundred pounds lose, you have 10, just 10 pounds. Woohoo, I love that. How freeing is that? I don't have a hundred pounds lose. I have 10 pounds to lose. That's all you're worried about right now. You can focus on the next 10 when you get there. Make this mindset shift. Okay, I am a priority, so I'm just gonna go ahead and reference you back to the first podcast of the year. Go listen to that one. Okay, I think it's titled. Let's see.

Speaker 1:

The word selfish is in there. I know because I had guys on my social media. I'm like, how did y'all get here? I have a female audience and when men comment on my post, I'm always like I Mean, I love y'all, like cool, but can y'all not like y'all don't get, y'all don't know what we're talking about. Please do not pretend to understand the pressure that moms, wives, girlfriends, women put on themselves To do it all for everyone. Like y'all don't understand. Just get off my page anyways, I'm just kidding. Um, what I, what I don't. You know. What I said in the title of the podcast is get selfish.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, some people like, oh, the you're, it's not selfish to take care of yourself. And I'm like the irony of the fact that, like that's the whole point is that it's not. Like if you listen to the episode, you read my words. I'm saying it's not selfish to take care of yourself. Right, guys, you've got to Start prioritizing yourself. I'm gonna be talking about it a lot because I have really unlocked this. I see it, my clients, my Applicants to coaching I just you're not. You're not. You're not prioritizing yourself. You're not putting yourself first enough. No woman is putting herself first enough. You need to do more, you need to do better and You've got to start seeing yourself as a priority if you want to reach your goals and if you want to live a life that feels good for you. Okay. So let's make sure that we're prioritizing ourselves and to dig deeper into this, definitely check out the podcast episode about. You know, it's your year time to make yourself a priority.

Speaker 1:

Okay, wrapping up, we got two more. So these last two are really big and I'm gonna put a little bit more into talking about both of these this year. And Because we've really got to start thinking from the future version of ourselves. And so number nine is what would the future version of myself think or do? So many of us are just holding on to like the past version of ourselves. Right? Like you know, taylor can't come to the phone right now. She's dead. Okay, like you got it, you got to adopt the energy. Whether you're a swiftie or not, you got to adopt the energy like, let that go. I see so many women Clinging to. Well, I'm just, I just in my self-sabotage, sure, well, I'm just not consistent. Well, and oh my gosh, and our train your brain for a fat loss bonus and our bonus that's coming in the spring.

Speaker 1:

I Talk about this so much. We will die on these hills, that these negative things about ourselves and we'll attach to these identities and it's like stop, we got to stop. That version of yourself, it's dead. You cannot move forward and start creating and becoming the version of yourself you want to become when you're thinking from the place of like well, what do I do right now? What have I always done? Oh, my gosh, I've always quit logging my food and I've always like, gone over my calories on the weekends and I've always like stop, stop, that's not you anymore. We got to quit holding on to that identity, because that becomes a self-fulfilling Prophecy. And then you're just gonna, your behavior is gonna align with those thoughts and you're gonna act on them. So that's facts. So now we got to shift how we think about this and we got to think about what would the future version of myself think or do.

Speaker 1:

Okay, envision her. What does she look like? What does she think, what does she do? What would she do in this moment? What would she do? She is being presented with the option of, you know, blowing her calories, right? Well, let's just order pizza, you know? Oh, now I've got this like meal already planned. I've already pre logged it. It's gonna fit my macros like I'm gonna stay in my calories for the day. Like pizza is not gonna work. That's not gonna work. I know that. And Let me just pause, and and that future version of myself that I'm trying to become, that I am becoming rather Sorry, language is important the future version of myself that I am becoming. What would she do? Well, she knows that this is not the time or place. Okay, see, these all kind of tie together. It's not the time or place she's. She's gonna stick with it, she's gonna keep the promises she made to herself and she's gonna eat the food she already had planned the pizzas. A no, it's a no. It's not a heck. Yes, it's a no.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you got to start thinking from that version of yourself. Okay, I'm very important. We'll talk about this more this year, for sure. Okay, the last one, the last one, the last one, the last one, this one's big. One year from now, will I regret giving up, or will I be glad I kept going? I want you guys to take this one and I want you to put it in your heart and I want you to put it in your brain and I'm gonna get real with y'all about something really quick.

Speaker 1:

Okay, think about a time that you've dieted and let's just well, let's be real. If it was a fad diet that was unsustainable and you knew you weren't gonna continue to pay a thousand dollars a month for those bars and shakes and you knew you weren't gonna be able To do a diet that told you you can never have bread or cake, okay, like, just skip all that. But like, think about a time when you said to yourself like forget the diet itself that failed. You Think about a time when you said I want to do this, I want to lose weight, I'm finally gonna do it. I want to feel good in my body. I have these goals, I'm gonna commit to them and you didn't follow through. Okay, I'm gonna get. I'm gonna get a little touchy here, but I'm gonna hit a nerve because I want it to sink in and you'll know I'm not a sugarcoating coach. If you don't like it, I'm not the coach for you, that's okay. This is gonna hit for you. Okay, it's gonna hit a little bit of a nerve, but like, I'm not big on like Thinking backwards too much unless it's gonna be effective going forward.

Speaker 1:

So let's think back. If you think about like a time, let's say it was a year ago Perfect a year ago, when you said new year, new me, new goals. I'm actually gonna do this. I want you to envision where you would be right now, today, when you're later, if you'd stuck with it. Pause, think about it. How, what would your life look like if you'd actually stuck with it? That time you might like be feeling a little bit of like well, I'd be at my goal or I'd be close, and that might start to bring up regret, shame. Well, all those bad feelings, we're not doing those. So let's just go ahead and not like we're not doing that. So let's just go ahead and not do that.

Speaker 1:

But let's like have like the, the reality check of if you had stuck with Whatever you set forth for yourself a year ago. And again, if it is an unsustainable diet, we're not talking about the diet, we're just talking about the fact that you wanted to lose weight and feel better and you had this why and these goals and you did not follow through on that commitment to yourself. But what if you had? What if you had? How would you feel today? How would your life look today? How proud would you be of yourself? Okay, that you committed and you dedicated yourself and you stuck with it. A Bet you can envision and channel, channel, channel, channel the good feelings, the positive feelings of how that would feel. Okay, reality check, guess what? You have that opportunity right here, right now. Today, and every day, every day, you have the opportunity To say one year from now, if I stuck with it, my life could look a whole heck of a lot different.

Speaker 1:

Every day, you need to Channel that energy in and ask yourself when you're, when you're starting with that self sabotage, oh my gosh, the scale is just not moving fast enough for me. We're so ditching that one. I got to do a whole podcast episode on that one. That one's really bothering me right now. We got ditched out and we, okay, all the, all the reasons you want to start. Oh, this is just too hard. Oh, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if I quit right now, what would? What will I think of that a year from now, will I regret giving up on myself or will I be glad I kept going? Seriously, just ask yourself that question every single time. You can either set yourself back or you can keep going. Nothing you're doing. If you're on your goals and you're eating your foods and you're getting your workouts and nothing you're doing is hurting you, okay, nothing you're doing is pushing you back. Quitting will, sabotaging will, stopping will, throwing in the towel will. So which one are you gonna do, even if you feel like you're standing still? Isn't that better than going backwards?

Speaker 1:

One year from now, you could be full of regret, or you could be freaking proud of yourself that you actually did it, that you actually stayed consistent. And you can't just hear these words from me today. You need to hear these words every single day. Every single day. You need to put this one in your brain, in your heart, and go forward to the future version of yourself, who's either going to say thank you, thank you, thank you for finally sticking with it. We are a priority, we were worth it, I'm so glad we did it. I have no regrets, I'm so glad we did this or, one year from now, you could be saying here we go again. Here we are, another year, another you know diet attempt, another you know. And yeah, I'm normally pretty positive and I'll tell you guys, of course you can always start again, but the truth talk coach and me and that's why I say I'm not for everyone is I'm only going to be positive to a point before it becomes detrimental to your success.

Speaker 1:

In making you think like you can constantly be messy, I mean, it's always better to keep trying, because that 1000th time might be the time, but I want it to be now for you. I know, having lived it myself, how freaking glad I am that I just did it, and I see it in my clients. They're so glad they just did it and they just stuck with it. So you've got to keep this on your mind. You've got to make the mindset shift of one year from now. I could be sitting in two different places and I have the choice. It is up to me Now.

Speaker 1:

I want you to keep that on your heart and I want you to know that if you listen to these kinds of episodes and then suddenly, a week from now, it's gone, like you're motivated for the day and it's lost, you need to get yourself into accountability and coaching, that's going to hold your feet to the fire, because we got to be real with ourselves too. If what we're doing, trying to hold ourselves to it, isn't working or motivated for a day and then it's gone, it's time to get help. That's exactly why we have elite coaching, because, girl, you're spending your wheels wasting a whole year and we can get done in four months, six months, eight months, what you're trying to do for years and years. Let's just get in and let's get it taken care of. And I'm speaking to my ladies who just truly can't hold like, cannot hold themselves accountable. That's okay. We have coaching because we are there to help you Apply for coaching.

Speaker 1:

If you know, if you're listening to all these mindset shifts and you're like I need help with this, I can hear you, hillary, but I need the support. It's a game changer. A game changer when you go from hearing the words to now I'm being held to it, now I'm committed, now I've got the dedication to the goal I've invested in myself. I'm saying it's time and I'm ready. Let's do it together. I know I've been seeing a lot of this lately and getting a lot of questions. A lot of women have been burned with coaching and this is starting to come out a lot more.

Speaker 1:

I want you to know, in elite coaching, we are there A I do my coaching. Mom is my coach. She coaches you as well. We don't have anybody else in our elite coaching. You're not just going to have five minutes on a Zoom to ask me a question. We have one-on-one support inside of our elite coaching for a reason because we want you to have the proximity to us to get your questions answered, to get the support you need, the help you need. You're not going to join our program and be left to your own devices. We're here, we do progress check-ins, we do coaching calls. You have the one-on-one support and feedback.

Speaker 1:

I just wanted to bring that up because there's been a lot of questions lately around like do you do your coaching? Yes, I do. I pride myself on that. I've talked about that in past episodes and what you see is what you get with us. If you're worried about that, I just want you to feel safe in knowing and we can talk about it more, feel free to chat me about it that we're there to help you. In my level two, you have chat access to me and we become besties. You can text me in our text app and I'm going to let me tell you I go over the top. Sometimes I have these boundaries and literally I break them all the time because your goals are become mine. When you become my client, your goals become mine. I take them as seriously as you do and I like it's personal to me that you see these results, because I've been there and I want you to see that you can do this and I want you to know that you can. All this to be said, apply for coaching. If you know you need that support and we're here to help you. We're here to guide you through it and give you that accountability that you need.

Speaker 1:

All these mindset shifts might take some time. You may see that you need to focus on one or two. Pick them, get the guide. The guide helps you think through some of this. Pick the one or two that you really need to focus on and then you can move on to another. Don't try to fix your whole mindset at once. Oftentimes that can overwhelm you. Let's just focus on one thing at a time. Get that one down and you can, as you get more comfortable, add in the next thing.

Speaker 1:

I really hope that this provided some insight for you. I hope that it was a value and I hope that you see that shifting your mindset has to happen if you want to lose weight and you want to transform and achieve that dream body. It's so much more than the food you're putting in your mouth. It's so much more than your exercise and what kind of workouts you're doing. You've got to really change who you are at the core, and that begins with your mindset. That begins with how you're thinking and behaving and acting, and that is exactly what we are all about at Balance by Hillary. It's more than just your diet and exercise. I love being on this path with you and helping you learn these things, and I always love hearing from you If you did find value in this episode, or you download the guide and you read through it and you make one of our images your screensaver, screenshot it and send it to me and let me know that we're helping you and that you're on this journey, so that I can cheer for you and let you know that you've got my support, as always, you guys, I just love chatting with you.

Speaker 1:

That's Balance by Hillary, with 1L on Instagram, and that is it for today's show. I'll see you guys in the next one. Thanks for hanging out with me today. I hope you enjoyed this episode of it's All About Balance and if you did enjoy today's show, make sure that you're subscribed so that you never miss a new episode If you have not already. Please connect with me on social media. I absolutely love meeting you guys and getting to know you. I will drop the links to my social in the show notes, as well as our website. I will see you guys next time.

Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss
Making Empowered Food Choices
Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss Progress
Shifting Your Mindset for Future Success
Mindset and Accountability for Achieving Goals