Cosmic Business Breakthrough | Astrology for Entrepreneurs

Feeling scattered? Mars Retrograde energy is tricky – here’s why

November 06, 2022 Sophia Pallas Episode 18

Feeling scattered? Maybe a bit lethargic?

Got a lot going on but not making much ‘real’ progress? 

It could be because Mars is retrograde in Gemini… 

Let’s unpack this today. 📦📦📦

Mars moved into Gemini in August, and in this zodiac sign – Mars is quite curious. 

It’s got a lot of ideas on the go (sometimes a few too many…😳) 

Mars is also going to be moving backwards (or at least that’s what it will look like from our perspective here on Earth) for several months from now until mid-January 2023.

👉 This is likely to have a significant impact on what you can get done in your business.

Basically when a planet goes retrograde (particularly Mars) we can feel like we’re moving 3 steps forward, 2 steps back; or having to re-do things a few times…

In my opinion, this retrograde energy is something you can learn to embrace in your business to really refine what you want to be DOING. 

Mars is a DOING energy so we’re going to be reconsidering how we expend our energy in our businesses. 

Mars is related to our ability to focus, so when it’s retrograde (particularly in a sign like Gemini where it likes to do lots of things) you can have a lot of difficulty in focusing your energy and getting those ‘masculine’ type tasks underway.

You might also notice more frustration and even fatigue – especially if you have strong Mars energy or a Mars-ruled chart (which I’ll explain shortly). 

However, when Mars goes direct in mid-January, it’ll start moving forward quite quickly. 

This means you may notice you can get a flurry of things done all at once, so it could be good to plan for a more active January-February than usual in 2023.

This retrograde is going be most strongly felt by people with Mars-ruled charts – that’s Aries and Scorpio Rising, as well as those who have Gemini Rising (because it’s happening in your 1st house of identity). 

🎧 Listen now to find out what this means and what you can do to help yourself during this slightly trickier retrograde period.


To find out where Mars is going retrograde in your chart, use a free birth chart generator like this one from Cafe Astrology

You can also check out my recent masterclass: 3 Cosmic Events You Need to Know before the Close of 2022 for a sign-by-sign breakdown of the retrograde energy.

Or, if you'd like to dig even deeper into what Mars retrograde might mean for your business and brand moving into 2023, book a Cosmic Business Breakthrough 1:1 Session here


The information contained in this podcast and the resources available for download or purchase are for educational and informational purposes only. ​

This information is not a substitute for advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

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