Cosmic Business Breakthrough | Astrology for Entrepreneurs

RECAST: The 12 Houses – What they mean for you and your business

May 02, 2023 Sophia Pallas Episode 40

Want to get a handle on the way you most enjoy working?

Or what types of client relationships you like to attract?

Or how you make and spend your money?

It’s time to understand the 12 Houses of your birth chart and what they mean for you and your business.

Just like we divide the sky into 12 zodiac signs, an astrology chart is made up of 12 houses that each represent a different part of our lives.

If you want to work with astrology in a deeper way, understanding how each of your ‘houses’ operates can really open up the power and possibilities in your life and business.

In this episode of Cosmic Business Breakthrough™, we explore the concept of the 12 Houses and what each house means for you and your business.

🎧 Listen Now 🎧

Once you understand how the houses in your birth chart work, you can watch the planets moving through those houses right now – and notice what’s being activated at this time in your life.

And, if you want to find out more about what’s being activated in your chart in 2023 so you can make the most of the cosmic timing in your business…

>> I invite you to check out my workshop – Your Cosmic Business Plan.

It’s a high-impact, 90-minute workshop to help you create your own personalised business plan and learn how to work with key cosmic events for more ease, flow, and ultimately success in 2023.

You’ll finish knowing how you can put the energy to work FOR you, instead of pushing up against it.

>> Access the workshop here. <<


Need some help working out how to calculate your birth chart?

Watch this step-by-step YouTube video where I walk you through the free online software I recommend you use and how to set up the chart to make it easy and simple for you to work with.


The information contained in this podcast and the resources available for download or purchase are for educational and informational purposes only. ​

This information is not a substitute for advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

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