Cosmic Business Breakthrough | Astrology for Entrepreneurs

RECAST: Your rising sign style and how it affects your business

Sophia Pallas Episode 42

It’s time to explore the ‘doorway’ to your astrological birth chart.

🌅 Your Rising Sign 🌅

Your Rising Sign is the zodiac sign that was rising over the Eastern horizon at the time you were born.

It represents how others see you, how you approach life, and the lens through which you see the world.

This is literally your persona – your personal brand.

The impression you make on others.

This means your Rising Sign is one of the most important things to consider when it comes to your business, particularly your marketing.

Because it’s something you can consciously work with and amplify for more alignment AND opportunities.

In this episode of Cosmic Business Breakthrough, we explore one key aspect of the Rising Sign – the modality or energy type.

You’ll find out whether your rising sign has Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable energy and what this means for how you show up in your business.

To find out your Rising Sign you’ll need to know your time of birth (as accurately as possible).

**If you need some help working out how to calculate your rising sign – watch my step-by-step YouTube video where I walk you through the free online software I recommend you use and how to set up your astrology chart to make it easy and simple for you to work with.**

🎧 Listen to this episode now.


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The information contained in this podcast and the resources available for download or purchase are for educational and informational purposes only. ​

This information is not a substitute for advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

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