Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast

Denise Liebetrau – Suck It Up, Buttercup!

Marie Gervais Season 2 Episode 10

Denise Liebetrau is the Founder and CEO of Prosper Consulting, a Career & Salary Negotiation Coach, an HR Consultant, a Compensation Expert, and a Speaker. 

Episode highlight

Denise Liebetrau was raised with strong values of sincerity and dedication, which she brings into her role as an HR consultant, as well as in her daily life. Listen in to learn how to make a big impact – at work, and at home! 





“You got to get comfortable with being uncomfortable if you’re going to grow and learn.”

“You sometimes have to… recognize that you are making assumptions because of cultural understandings and norms that you grew up with.”

“You’ve got to get used to working with people that you don’t like.”


Childhood incidents:

Denise grew up on her family’s farm in Kansas. She says she grew into a strong work ethic through the resilience and grit developed from doing her chores. 

Groups you were born into and belonged to: 

Denise was born into a Catholic family, developing a strong spiritual foundation. Many get togethers with the extended family reinforced the importance of giving in relationships. 

Temperament and personality influences

Denise claims that she is an introvert. 

While working for a large financial corporation in her early 20s, she felt underconfident and wouldn’t speak much in meetings. However, she learned to overcome her discomfort by acting the part. 

A time I became aware that my way of doing things was cultural and specific to my cultural experience

When Denise was 18, she moved away from home to go to Kansas State University, and then to Seattle for work, which opened her eyes to new ways of being. 

Advice to an employer to work with me

 “I’m a firm believer in setting the vision”, Denise states. She helps her clients do so with these questions:

  1. What does success look like?
  2. Where am I at today?
  3. What is the gap?
  4. What do I need to do to get there?
  5. What are the stories I’m telling myself? 

More great insights from our guest! 

Find Denise’s book recommendations and Know Your Worth t-shirts on her website! Email her at for a free list of sources to find your job worth. Also, reach out to her for a free 15-minute strategy call to set your career on the right path! 

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