Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast

Linda Kavelin-Popov – Practical Mysticism

Marie Gervais Season 3 Episode 4

Bio for Linda Kavelin-Popov 

Linda Kavelin-Popov is the co-founder of The Virtues Project which is in over 120 countries, and the bestselling author of seven books. She is also a columnist for Lana’i Today. 

Episode highlight

Linda Kavelin-Popov has crafted her life based on her beliefs and always followed divine guidance. Listen in on how she has received a lifetime of returns from a lifetime of service.







“As you act, you become a magnet attracting divine assistance.”

“Every adversity we go through can turn into a strength.” 


Childhood incidents:

When Linda was five, she prayed, “God, when I grow up, please let me help people.” She followed that calling into social work. At the age of 12, she gave a talk to her friends about oneness of humanity and the equality of men and women. 

Groups you were born into and belonged to: 

Linda was raised as a world citizen in the Baháʼí community, called to be of service to humanity. She also made the African American community her own, serving on the boards of their companies. She has always had a strong sense of sisterhood — with the Lana’i women’s circle she started, the women’s retreats she held and the British Columbia Sisters of St. Ann group she was welcomed into. 

Temperament and personality influences

Learning how to listen to her mother in her severe depression since the age of four inculcated empathy in Linda. Ten years ago, when her brother/best friend/colleague, John, was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, she found his pain unbearable because of empathy. 

A time I became aware that my way of doing things was cultural and specific to my cultural experience

Linda realized that her family was unique in that they would discuss the big questions of life even with children. When she visited her friends’ houses, their parents would be surprised by her answers to questions about God and world unity. 

Advice to an employer to work with me

Linda thrives on mutuality. She wants both people in a conversation to be listening and contributing. She appreciates questions because it shows interest in her beliefs and feelings. She dislikes feeling misunderstood, misquoted, or made assumptions about. 

More great insights from our guest! 

You can purchase Linda’s books and the virtues cards from and Look forward to her new book, The Freedom Season: Dreaming at the Crossroads, coming soon!

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