Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast

Special Announcement - Podcast Party!

September 28, 2020 Marie Gervais Season 3
Special Announcement - Podcast Party!
Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast
More Info
Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast
Special Announcement - Podcast Party!
Sep 28, 2020 Season 3
Marie Gervais

Culture and Leadership Connections is having a podcast party! 

The Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast has been alive and well for three years and we want to celebrate with you. 

On October 15th, both past and future guests will offer an entertaining one-minute pitch to state why you should listen to their episode. Each guest will have a surprise for participants so you could benefit from a windfall of expertise, great gifts, and amazing prizes.
Just to give you a taste of how great this is going to be, everyone who registers will receive our leadership Words of Wisdom SlideShare that features a few of the amazing guests we have lined up.

Sharing is caring – so why not tell a friend about it so that we can celebrate together? Not only will you have a great experience and win a ton of great prizes, but you will help us reach our goal of 10,000 downloads! 

I know this is going to be a spectacularly popular event, so make sure you go to and register ASAP to reserve your seat for the October 15th podcast party!

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Show Notes

Culture and Leadership Connections is having a podcast party! 

The Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast has been alive and well for three years and we want to celebrate with you. 

On October 15th, both past and future guests will offer an entertaining one-minute pitch to state why you should listen to their episode. Each guest will have a surprise for participants so you could benefit from a windfall of expertise, great gifts, and amazing prizes.
Just to give you a taste of how great this is going to be, everyone who registers will receive our leadership Words of Wisdom SlideShare that features a few of the amazing guests we have lined up.

Sharing is caring – so why not tell a friend about it so that we can celebrate together? Not only will you have a great experience and win a ton of great prizes, but you will help us reach our goal of 10,000 downloads! 

I know this is going to be a spectacularly popular event, so make sure you go to and register ASAP to reserve your seat for the October 15th podcast party!

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