Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast

Benedict Beaumont: Connection and Community

January 19, 2021 Marie Gervais Season 4 Episode 2
Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast
Benedict Beaumont: Connection and Community
Show Notes

Bio for Benedict Beaumont 

Benedict Beaumont is a Breathwork Facilitator, Yoga Teacher and founder of the Breathing Space School of Breathwork. 

Episode highlight

Benedict Beaumont grew up in a backwater town in England, but caught the travel bug at an early age. Follow him as he recounts his travels across the world and the lessons he learned about finding his way home to his true self.







“If we just concentrated on ourselves and didn’t worry about what everyone else was doing, the world would probably take care of itself.” 

“Kids can go from... completely calm to screaming banshees within a second and then they can calm completely down in a breath or two later and it really is linked to their breath.”

“It’s never about the money, it's about the experience.”

“It’s not just what we're born with, it’s what we learn from our parents and those who are close to us.”


Childhood Incidents

Benedict grew up in the 1970s in Brighton on the south coast of England. He would take road trips with his parents and sister through France, which developed into a lifelong love for travel.

At university, Benedict met a senior with whom he went busking around Europe and had many adventures that enriched Benedict’s university experience. 

Influential Groups 

Benedict was raised as a Quaker by his mother, and he would accompany her to silent gatherings. He now recognizes that it taught him stillness, respect and understanding.

He finds the breathwork community very supportive and open. Living in France made him a foodie, and a self-proclaimed “cheesehead.” Travelling through Nepal developed in him a love for hiking through the mountains and awe for the natural environment. 

Temperament and Personality Influences

Benedict has always loved being around people and in communities. Even though he was afraid to take risks when he was younger, he grew to renounce the fear and reclaim his strength. 

Cultural Epiphanies

Benedict learned his father’s way of showing affection, which was teasing. As Benedict grew up, however, he realized that others perceive such teasing as being hurtful. 

Advice to an Employer 

To work with Benedict, you must be honest, and willing to change and be vulnerable! 

More Great Insights! 

Benedict says that breathwork can be an easy and accessible way for exponential spiritual development using just your breath.

Sign up for his courses and workshops to experience this transformation firsthand!

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