Hill Country Institute Live: Exploring Christ and Culture

Bob Inglis Interviewed on Hill Country Institute Live, Part 2

Hill Country Institute

Bob Inglis represented the 4th Congressional District of South Carolina from 1993-1998 and again from 2005-2010. A member of the House Science Committee who served as Ranking Member of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee, Inglis initially opposed efforts to address climate change. But one of his key constituencies, his children and wife, told him he needed to clean up his act on climate change. Interactions with scientists in Antarctica, Australia and elsewhere moved him to change his views. In Washington and South Carolina, Inglis’s acknowledgment of the scientific reality of climate change drew intense criticism from within the Republican Party, and in June 2010, he was defeated for re-election in the primary. He went on to found and currently directs republicEN.org, to encourage conservatives to accept the reality of climate change and to promote market-based innovations to address the challenges it poses. He is a recipient of the John F. Kennedy Library Profiles in Courage Award. This is part 2 of a 2-part interview.