Hill Country Institute Live: Exploring Christ and Culture

Sandy Kress Interviewed on Hill Country Institute Live

Hill Country Institute

In both Austin and San Antonio, there have been recent outbreaks of anti-semitic acts including banners with anti-Semitic language hung by members of a hate group on overpasses in areas with large Jewish populations, a fire set at a local synagogue, hate speech painted on the parking lot of a local high school, and others. How is a Christian to respond to such heinous acts? Are all people of faith put at risk when any of us are threatened and subjected to violence? In this episode, Larry talks with Sandy Kress, a lifelong student of the scriptures and sacred writings of the Jewish and Christian traditions, about the scourge of anti-Semitism and our call to support and stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Sandy is devoting his life to building bridges between Christians and Jews, as well as assisting Christians by providing greater depth to their understanding of Jewish thought during the earthly life of Jesus and during the time the New Testament was written.