Quiet Wealth

Active Vs Passive Investing - Which One Is Right For You? | Episode 56`

Camilla Season 1 Episode 56

There are many different types of active and passive investing. As an investor, it's important to understand the fundamental differences between the two approaches and which one may be the best fit for your investment goals and risk tolerance. 

Active investing in real estate is being engaged in the process from beginning to end or heavily in parts of the process such as acquisition or renovation. While passive investing aims as a strategy through which an investor can create earnings without having to be directly involved. In this episode we will explore the pros and cons of both active and passive investing, and factors to consider when deciding which strategy may be right for you.

Get ready to build & share the wealth, let's dive in.


Episode timeline:

[00:00 - 04:05] 

• Welcome to the Quiet Wealth Podcast.
• There's no such thing as 100% passive investing.
• Questions you need to be asking yourself to determine which one is right for you.
 [04:13 - 5:29] 
• Knowing if you want to control or not.
• Are you ok not being in charge of your money and trusting someone else with it?

[05:30 - 13:57] 
• 10 ways to help you decide which path is right for you.

  1. Think about tenants, termites, and toilets. 
  2. Time
  3. Involvement
  4. Profits
  5. Expensive
  6. Risk and liability
  7. Paperwork
  8. Team
  9. Diversification
  10. Taxes

•  Always factor in your unique situation
• See you on the next episode.


Build Wealth |  Create Impact | Leave A Legacy


Episode Highlight:


"There is no form of investing that is a hundred percent passive unless you literally just turn your money over to somebody else and say, "Hey, you do whatever you want with it.." -Camilla Jeffs

Are you ready to try passive investing in real estate? Get access to my FREE Passive Investing Masterclass! 


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 P.S. We at the Quiet Wealth Podcast are excited you’re here!


Are you ready to try passive investing in real estate? Get access to my FREE Passive Investing Masterclass!


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