Quiet Wealth

How To Save On Taxes With Real Estate | Episode 57

Camilla Season 1 Episode 57

Real estate can be a great investment for many reasons!  

  • It can provide steady rental income
  • Appreciate in value over time
  • Offer tax benefits that can help reduce your overall tax burden

 Investing in real estate can be one of the most effective ways to save on taxes. 

Whether you're a seasoned real estate investor or just getting started understanding the tax benefits of real estate can help you maximize your returns and keep more money in your pocket.

 In this episode, we'll explore some of the top ways that real estate can help you save on taxes, and provide tips for maximizing your tax savings through strategic real estate investments.

 Get ready to build & share the wealth, let's dive in.

Episode timeline:

[00:00 - 02:43]
• Welcome to the Quiet Wealth Podcast.
• It's Tax season. Why does the government give incentives to real estate investors?
[02:44 - 07:48 ]
• Ways that real estate can help you save in taxes.
• Becoming a passive investor, and depreciation breaks.
• Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2018. How does it help?
[07:58 - 10:23 ]
• Long-term capital gains.
• Opportunity zones.
• Capital gains tax and how it can be very beneficial.  
• See you on the next episode.

Build Wealth |  Create Impact | Leave A Legacy

Episode Highlight:  

"Ultimately, investing in real estate is the strategy for saving on taxes. Combine that with owning your own business and suddenly you have a pretty solid way to keep more of your money. ." -Camilla Jeffs


Are you ready to try passive investing in real estate? Get access to my FREE Passive Investing Masterclass! 


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 P.S. We at the Quiet Wealth Podcast are excited you’re here!


Are you ready to try passive investing in real estate? Get access to my FREE Passive Investing Masterclass!


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