Quiet Wealth

Finding Your Investment Niche With Kim Hopkins | Episode 59

Season 1 Episode 59

Investing in real estate and finance can be a lucrative venture, but it can also be overwhelming.

With so many different asset classes, investment strategies, and market opportunities it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, you can narrow down your search by finding your investment niche. With the right approach, you can focus your efforts on the area of the market that best suits your goals and resources.

 By honing in on a specific niche, you can maximize your chances of success.

Kim Hopkins is an American entrepreneur, businesswoman, and investor. She is a former Mathematician, National Science Foundation fellow, and corporate executive in complex tax credit consulting. Kim leads asset acquisitions including negotiations, oversight of financing, due diligence, closing as well as the development of asset management systems and processes, and financial performance for Iron Peak Properties.

In this episode of Quiet Wealth, we welcome Kim Hopkins as she shares how you can discover your investment niche and take advantage of the opportunities that build around it.
 Get ready to build & share the wealth, let's dive in!

[00:00 - 06:38]
• We welcome Kim Hopkins to the Quiet Wealth Podcast.
• Kim Hopkins' background and how she started investing in real estate.
• Kim and her "Golden Handcuffs."
• Wanting to design your life the way you want it.

[06:40 - 12:48]
• The reality of being a woman in the corporate world is tough.
• Why there is no work-life balance when you actually have everything you want? 
• How they were able to retire in five years from their day jobs.
 • Dealing with the worry of being needed.

[15:58 - 25:52]
• Why multi-tenant industrial and neighborhood retail?
• How they started with tertiary markets that are strong but not hip and cool yet.
• Kim and her current outlook on the current market status.
• Seller financing the benefits and what it takes.
 [27:36 -  38:32]
• Generational wealth and how Kim and her husband are building it for their kids.
• Kim's advice for taking the next steps in investing in real estate.
• See you on the next Episode.
 Build Wealth |  Create Impact | Leave A Legacy
 Connect with Kim Hopkins:
Episode Highlight:
" I really believe there is no work-life balance when you actually have everything you want." -Kim Hopkins

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