Quiet Wealth

5 Things Every New Investor Should Do Before Investing | Episode 65

Camilla Episode 65

You've heard it a million times. Real estate investing is an excellent strategy to build and maintain wealth. However, you remain unsure. And with good cause! You didn't obtain that investment money overnight. 

This episode is for you if you're still on the fence about real estate investment. We go through five things a new investor should do to boost their confidence and overcome their fear of investing.

Episode Timeline

[1:28 – 4:15]
• Two different real estate investing strategies
• The first syndication is always the scariest
• What is the minimum amount to invest?

[4:16 – 6:05] 
• How to push past the fear of investing 
• Why taking the first step is important 
• You have to know your investing goal

[6:06 – 10:12]
• The best way to build your real estate investing confidence
• Four book recommendations to learn about real estate investing
• Best real estate investing podcasts you should listen to 

[10:13 – 11:14]
• Ask questions
• There are no dumb questions

[11:15 – 13:11]
• The importance of community and networking
• Connecting with seasoned investors
• Where to find a network of like-minded investors 

[13:14 – 14:40]
• Reviewing previous deals
• Familiarizing yourself with deal analysis
• The more you review investment summaries, the more you’ll understand the best investment strategies for you

[14:41 – 16:00]
•  Take your time and don’t panic
• There will always be an opportunity
• What separates the successful from those who give up? 

Episode Highlight:

"It's okay to be afraid. It's okay to be worried about losing your investment. We all should make sure that we're making intelligent decisions. But it's also okay to do it anyway. 


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