Quiet Wealth

Episode 72- Should I Invest During a Recession

Camilla Season 1 Episode 72

Looking to invest during a recession but not sure where to start? In this episode, we dive deep into the world of recession investing and explore whether it's a smart move to put your money in the market during tough economic times.

First, we break down what exactly a recession is and whether we should be fearful of it. Then, we share tips on how to prepare for a recession and ways to protect your finances during a downturn.

But the real question is should you invest during a recession? We discuss the pros and cons of investing in a volatile market and explore why real estate can be a great investment option during tough economic times.

 And don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. We also highlight some of the good things that can happen during a recession, including opportunities for innovation and growth.

Tune in to this episode to learn everything you need to know about investing during a recession and how to make the most of your money during tough economic times.

Episode Timeline:

[1:03 - 4:43]

• Why we're not in a recession right now
• Recessions are a normal part of an economic cycle and investing
• Forecasting a recession is like forecasting a hurricane

[4:44 - 8:30]

• What exactly is a recession
• Three reasons why real estate is a good investment during a recession
• Real estate vs the stock market

[8:31 - 13:44]

• How real estate performed during the great recession of '08
• Pros and cons of investing during a recession
• Camilla's two suggestions for making a good real estate investment

 [13:45 - 18:48]

• Industries that do well during a recession
• Good things that happen during a recession
• What will happen if the economy never slowed?

Episode Highlight

"Over the past 75 years, we have had 11 recessions. So, that's an average of one in about 7 years. We never truly know what direction the economy is heading, but we can figure out a little bit and hedge our bets for better or worse depending on the quality of our decsion-making." - Camilla Jeffs



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