Capital Workspaces presents The HUB
Join us every week on Capital Workspaces presents The HUB podcast as we highlight local entrepreneurs, businesses, and the members of Capital Workspaces. Each week we speak to the owners, founder, and even the employee of businesses in the DMV to learn a little more about them, their business, and their journey to the DC, Maryland, and Virginia - DMV - metropolitan area. Already a member of Capital Workspaces? Take advantage of this platform. The first interview is free and will be featured in our weekly newsletter. Members, book your free interview today! Promote yourself and your business. Join us on The HUB presented by Capital Workspaces! ---- Capital Workspaces is a commercial real estate provider which offers co-working and luxury office spaces in two locations, Bethesda MD, and Spring Valley, DC. Visit our website for more information: https://capitalworkspaces.com ----
Capital Workspaces presents The HUB
Caroline Adams Miller, Best-Selling Author, American Executive Coach, Motivational Speaker
Caroline Miller is a leading expert on the science behind goal setting. She has written eight novels, including best-sellers:
Getting Grit: The Evidence-Based Approach to Cultivating Passion, Perseverance, and Purpose
Creating Your Best Life: The Ultimate Life List Guide
My Name is Caroline
Caroline graduated from Harvard magna cum laude and earned a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She was the co-founder and president of the Foundation for Education and Eating Disorders in Bethesda, Maryland in the early 1990s. Today, Caroline is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, executive coach, and a black belt in Hapkido.
In this episode, we talk to Caroline about her first novel My Name is Caroline, which chronicles her struggle with bulimia and how her novel served to shine a light on the silent epidemic of eating disorders. We also talk to Caroline about her novel Getting Grit and she explains to us the difference between "Good Grit" and "Faux Grit". Caroline also give us her thoughts and insights into how the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the workforce; how the careers of woman have suffered due to the pandemic. Lastly, Caroline reflects on her early life and gives an intimate and honest look back at her childhood and how it shaped the person she is today.
For more information on Caroline Adams Miller, see the links below:
carolinemiller.com - Website
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Send us an email: podcasts@capitalworkspaces.com