Design Your Home

11 Things That Make Your Home Look Dated

Sally Soricelli Season 1 Episode 20

Ep20:  Is your home dated?  Often we get so comfortable living in our homes that we don’t even realize they're in need of an update. 
But, living in spaces that look good make us feel better.  Which is exactly why keeping our homes updated and current is so important.  Some of these dated features are easy to update, while others might take a little more effort.
So, listen in to see if your home is dated and ready for a new look and what you can do to bring it up to date.

What to listen for in this episode:

  • The type of countertop that needs to go
  • Which doorknobs are dating your home
  • The light fixtures ready for an update
  • What pattern makes your home look dated

See the show notes for examples and images

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