Extraordinary Strides

Behind the Scenes for Brunch+: Cultivating Community Connections

February 21, 2024 Christine Hetzel Season 2
🔒 Behind the Scenes for Brunch+: Cultivating Community Connections
Extraordinary Strides
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Extraordinary Strides
Behind the Scenes for Brunch+: Cultivating Community Connections
Feb 21, 2024 Season 2
Christine Hetzel

Subscriber-only episode

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Get ready to elevate your run game and join the magic with our latest episode, where we take you through the enchanting world of Run Disney events and beyond! Whether you're dusting off your sneakers for the Princess run or gearing up for the intensity of the Springtime Surprise Challenge Giveaway Details here.

Plus you still have time to join Wizard World adventure and use VIBEARLYOWL for your "express" ticket to wizarding school fun! 

Plus, we've got the scoop on the Space Coast marathon coming up in December. Excitement is building in the Time for Brunch community, and we're buzzing with plans for future meetups to turn every stride into a shared celebration. 

The expansion of our thriving Facebook community with the Mod Squad initiative, all while staying true to our mission to move, motivate, and connect.

This conversation isn't a monologue; it's a dynamic dialogue shaped by your feedback and stories. Reflecting on the wisdom shared by our diverse lineup of past guests, from serene meditation mentors to gritty ultra-marathoners, has been nothing short of inspiring. 

And now, we're eager to hear from you—what champions would you love to hear next on our show? Your input is reshaping our journey, including the possibility of making our new Thursday release schedule a mainstay. 

As we lace up for the miles ahead, remember that every step we take together weaves an extraordinary narrative into the tapestry of our running adventures.

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Subscriber-only episode

Have questions or want to chat? Send me a text!

Get ready to elevate your run game and join the magic with our latest episode, where we take you through the enchanting world of Run Disney events and beyond! Whether you're dusting off your sneakers for the Princess run or gearing up for the intensity of the Springtime Surprise Challenge Giveaway Details here.

Plus you still have time to join Wizard World adventure and use VIBEARLYOWL for your "express" ticket to wizarding school fun! 

Plus, we've got the scoop on the Space Coast marathon coming up in December. Excitement is building in the Time for Brunch community, and we're buzzing with plans for future meetups to turn every stride into a shared celebration. 

The expansion of our thriving Facebook community with the Mod Squad initiative, all while staying true to our mission to move, motivate, and connect.

This conversation isn't a monologue; it's a dynamic dialogue shaped by your feedback and stories. Reflecting on the wisdom shared by our diverse lineup of past guests, from serene meditation mentors to gritty ultra-marathoners, has been nothing short of inspiring. 

And now, we're eager to hear from you—what champions would you love to hear next on our show? Your input is reshaping our journey, including the possibility of making our new Thursday release schedule a mainstay. 

As we lace up for the miles ahead, remember that every step we take together weaves an extraordinary narrative into the tapestry of our running adventures.

Join the newsletter list for updates, special offers, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

Want to become a member of The Extra Mile Club to show your support of the show? Join here.

Join fellow pod and running enthusiasts join The Stride Collective community on Facebook or follow us on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

Hey there, brunch Plus family. It's Christine, and I'm coming to you with a cup of motivation, freshly brewed, and a plate full of exciting updates. This episode is a special blend brewed just for you as a member of the Brunch Plus crew. Today we've got a lot on our menu, so hopefully you have a nice little cozy spot and let's get to chatting, because, with Run Disney events on the horizon and our own magical challenges, we have a lot to discuss. So let's lace up and dive in First up on our running path. That we're talking about the upcoming Run Disney events. As you guys have likely seen, we've got Princess on the horizon and that means that we are looking forward to celebrating with our Royal Squad. Hopefully after that we're also going to be celebrating with Springtime Surprise. But if you guys are maybe not feeling those Run Disney vibes just yet, we also have the Space Coast marathon and half on the horizon in December, december 1st, and if you're so inclined to run a race that's out of this world, we'd love to have you join as a brunch meetup Now, friends, I know that it is hard sometimes to get us all together. We're all over the world, which is such a beautiful thing, but I'd love to hear from you If you have some races that are coming up and you'd like to extend a formal invitation for others in the brunch community to join you. Please do reach out info at timeforbrunchcom. Let's get to chatting and see what we could put on the calendar together.

Speaker 1:

Now back to Run Disney for just a moment, because I want you to know that our official 2024 Run Disney Springtime Surprise Challenge bib is underway. This giveaway is phenomenal and I really would love you to enter. The new deadline has been extended to February 25th. With Springtime Surprise Challenge, you're tackling the 5K, the 10K and the 10 miler and you get great gear from Flock Sportswear, our official partner for this giveaway. So with that grand prize and a just as awesome runner up of a 5K bib with, again, another Flock gift card, there is no reason that you don't spring a little bit of extra joy into your life and enter this giveaway Now.

Speaker 1:

Friends, if you're over on the Facebook community page and if you're not, where are you at? Come join us, let's chat about it. I went ahead and posted recently the Mod Squad application. We already have quite a few applications coming through and I am so thrilled. I'll be going through them and reaching out. But basically, I want you to be aware that we are growing the Facebook community in our family, our friends, and we're помesting those for their future.

Speaker 1:

Thanks all to you, our runners, walkers, movers and shakers. You guys are bringing in more folks and I cannot tell you with enough gratitude how much it means to me. I'm going to encourage you to keep that up. If you know somebody who's eyeing their first finish line, or maybe they are looking to take it up a notch, but they want a very welcoming group of people to encourage, support them and be their cheerleader, we are there at the Facebook group page to do that exactly. However, with that said, I want to make sure this group stays active and vibrant and continues to be supportive and welcoming. So the Mod Squad has been put into place. As we speak already on a little bit of conversations with folks, we're structuring it out so that it continues to be really vibrant and encouraging. I'd love to hear your thoughts. I would love to know if you're interested or if you have some feedback as to how you'd like to see this Facebook group Grow.

Speaker 1:

As we continue to look into the new 2024 sound, which does lead me to our mission Now. I know that there have been some changes. You're well aware of the changes as well, but one thing that hasn't really changed is our core mission. It's still very much the same, and I want us to take a moment to celebrate that core mission, because here, at Time for Brunch, every day is a chance to move, motivate and connect. We're a family that believes in the power of encouragement, camaraderie and chasing our extraordinary dreams. It's not just about the miles. It's also still about those smiles, the stories and the shared journey to greatness. So our core mission is here Again. If you have some folks that are maybe just starting out a little curious, or they've been running for decades, bring them on over to our Facebook group community page. Let us love on them.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to ask you something. It may sound like it's not appropriate for Sunday Brunch conversation, but are you done with OPP? Because, yeah, you know me, I definitely am. But I'm not necessarily talking about that naughty by nature lyrics though, of course, tongue in cheek reference. I'm talking about optimal performance pace and it's about finding that sweet spot in your training where 80% of the time of those runs is about enjoying it going out in conversation pace. It should be a social pace. You should be able to sing along to a fun playlist, but 20% of your training miles should be pushing your limits.

Speaker 1:

I know it's a hard time of year for a lot of folks. A lot of treadmill miles are coming into play, so I want to just encourage you. If you've been kind of having a little bit of those winter blues and you need to shake it up a little bit, this is your gentle reminder to do so. Make that treadmill your absolute best friends. You can get down with OPP. How do you do that, my friends? Well, you can change up those inclines, you can change up your pacing, you can make it more of an interval. You could play with some tempos. There are so many wonderful ways to add the 20% mix effort where it's harder and you continue to run smarter. If you want more details on how to get down with OPP, I'd love for you to head over to the blog and see for yourself all of my RadTastical 90s hip hop references, because I was kind of clever combining those two things. But okay, enough about how proud I am of this. I also want to remind you that if you're having difficulty with maybe figuring out how to get that good ratio 80 to 20% or maybe you're just having difficulty getting motivated to get those harder efforts.

Speaker 1:

The Harry Potter challenge is going to be taking off, leaving on the Hogwarts Express March 1st. It is a mileage challenge of 115 miles per person. You're going to be sorted into your team, you're going to work together, but it's more than just miles. It's a journey through the magical world designed to bring a little extra wonder to your workouts. And that's where those 20% efforts to come and play with inclines and tempos and track workouts oh my, we have tons of fun in store. Your code as a brunch plus member is still valid, so you're going to want to sign up soon before it vanishes into a porky. Now I need somebody who's a big Potter fan to let me know Did I get that reference correct? You know I'm still learning about the whole Potter universe but speaking of Potter references, if you're looking for a special activity workbook for the littles or yourself, shelby is taking pre-orders on her website, momlifeshmittcom, for just $9.34 for a magical wizarding workbook of fun.

Speaker 1:

Let's chat for a second, friends, because I'm excited that we are here together and sharing this time. Now, if you're wondering, what about my early owl or my early bird preview that I should be getting as a brunch plus member. I hope you enjoy these conversations. This is what to the behind the scenes that I want you to know about, and one of the things that I want you to know about is that I have, in the last few weeks, who I have put in some hours? My friends.

Speaker 1:

I've been interviewing some absolutely incredible guests, from meditation group to a body confidence coach, all the way to ultra stars and even a couple of ultra marathon coaches. There's also pacing, and you chatted with other coaches. I've chatted with a couple of people that have chased down their own unicorns at Boston some incredible feats. I promise you this, but I want to hear your input. Do you have a specific guess that you'd like to hear more from, and, if so, you want to go ahead and have them reach out to me? Please do share info at timeforbrunchcom. I'd love to reach out to them as well, if you want to share their contact information. And I'm telling you, friends, I'm here for it. I love chatting with these folks, but more than that, I love sharing the conversation with you.

Speaker 1:

So I think we're getting a lot out of it a lot of great information, a lot of motivation and inspiration, but I also want to know how are you liking the Friday releases? I dropped our episode from this past weekend a little early on Thursday and it looks like it actually was something that you guys enjoyed. I got a lot of great feedback about that. So do you want to see these episodes coming out on Thursdays? Do you want Fridays? Are you hoping to go back to Saturdays? Whatever it takes to be as love to hear from you.

Speaker 1:

My aim is to make sure that the long run episodes continue to be at least 60 minutes and, as you've seen so far this year, most of them are actually venturing into 75, 90, even two hour plus territory, so feel free to provide me with your feedback on that as well. With that said, I feel like I've caught us up on quite a few of the things that are in store. That's it for today's special brunch plus episode. Hopefully you're still enjoying your coffee, though, as you have a slow roll into your morning, but I want to thank you again for being the heart and soul of this community and the mission of this company. Remember, whether you're running through castles or you're chasing unicorns and sunrises, every step you take with us is a step towards something beautiful. Stay motivated, stay inspired and, most importantly, stay park-y. Thank you.

Run Disney Updates and Community Connection
Friday Releases and Listener Feedback