Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie

Just Live Podcast - 018 How to reALIGN your VALUES (9 ALIGN Tool - Part 6)

Season 1 Episode 18

How to reALIGN your VALUES with GOODNESS
By Dan & Suzie Potter

What do you VALUE?

There are people, places, and things, beliefs, behaviors, and belongings, time, memories, and dreams that you VALUE . . . actually you VALUE far more than you think you do.

VALUES change like gas prices and they remain the same like the date of your birth. 

  • VALUES guide us like road signs on an unknown journey
  • VALUES remind and refocus us
  • VALUES help us do the hard things
  • VALUES give us the boldness to say yes, no and go
  • VALUES make us choose
  • VALUES need to be realigned as we grow

When we moved from Georgia to the Seattle area, the one thing that stood out more than all the repeating questions was our VALUE for family. It was stronger than a house we loved, the weather we loved, the people we were locally connected to, and the many treasures and collected junk we loved but had to release. Our VALUE of family realigned our VALUE of location.

We live in a world where VALUES are confusing. Some people challenge your VALUES. Grief and loss shake your VALUES. And faith questions cause you to deconstruct or reconstruct your VALUES.

So what realigns your VALUES? 


Doing GOOD. Acting out of GOODNESS always realigns your true VALUES, for GOOD is more than just “not bad”. Good is excellent, virtuous, honorable, beneficial, and “towb”. “Towb” is the Hebrew word used when God said all he created was good . . . it means beautiful.

Everyday you make choices not simply between right & wrong, but between the GOOD you will do and the GOOD you will not do.

Right & wrong is a judgement of a VALUE, where GOOD is a high VALUE that when acted upon, realigns other VALUES.

When you are faced with VALUES out of alignment, remember the words from Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s handiwork, created (“towb”) in Christ Jesus TO DO GOOD (beautiful) WORKS, which God prepared us in advance for us to do.”

So when the VALUE questions come, step fearlessly into what is GOOD! For that is right!

GOODNESS is part of the 9 ALIGN Series. We can help you to create your own ALIGNMENT tool kit. It will cover your relationships, thoughts, emotions, time, significance, values, connectedness, power and choices. Just imagine having the right tool at the right time.

Each week you can read about it here or listen to our Just Live Podcast. Both are being created to help you put LIVING back into your LIFE.

Choose to LIVE FULLY ALIVE, everyday!