Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie

Just Live Podcast 040 - How does PERSPECTIVE move your IDENTITY?

Dan & Suzie Potter . . . DUZIE Season 1 Episode 40

Just Live Podcast 040 - How does PERSPECTIVE move your IDENTITY?
by Dan & Suzie Potter

A few years ago we read the book “Life is in the Transitions” twice! The author spoke about major life transitions as Life Quakes. As we charted our life, as a couple, it seems we have experienced a Life Quake about every 4 years since we got married.

In every transition, whether small tremor or off the chart Life Quake, we always get to choose our perspective, either towards a positive or negative belief. 

Often there are inciting incidents that shake us up enough that we must engage our thoughts and feelings. This process forces us to make a choice towards a negative or positive mindset. These choices, consciously or unconsciously, establish our perspective.

Some of the negative (wounding) response could include:

  • Overwhelm
  • Busyness
  • Stress
  • Worry
  • Lack of skills
  • Unattainable or unrealistic expectations
  • Trauma
  • Shame
  • Brokenness
  • Lies
  • Rejection
  • Failure
  • Complacency
  • Unbelief
  • Response or lack or responses

Some of the positive (awakening) responses could be: 

  • Truth
  • Curiosity
  • Restoration
  • Success
  • Awe
  • Spark
  • Hope
  • Support
  • Belief
  • Faith
  • Love
  • Benefit to self or others
  • Beauty
  • Dignity
  • Meaning

Consider for yourself some of the wounding negative experiences that take you in a downward spiral for you in this season of your life.  Consider what you can do, think or feel to take the upward into a positive space?

Create a short plan/statement:

When _____________ (the negative situation) happens … I will choose to ___________________ (the positive thought / feeling / action).  Try this for each of the negative responses you identify.

Philippians 4:8Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthythink about such things.

It is important, if you desire to grow your identity you must learn how to choose to awaken a new story, even in the midst of what seems to be an old story. 

Here’s the thing, choosing the right perspective takes daily work, as you go from what you think and feel to the positive perspective you choose to believe. This moves your Identity forward . . . Try it!

Fully Alive!

Dan & Suzie Potter