The Real Ones Reserved Podcast


MDEE The Veteran Episode 10

On today's show, I share the importance of overcoming fear and ways that you can go about attacking fear. It's a special episode you don't wanna miss out!!

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On today's show of the real ones reserve podcast. We'll be talking about overcoming fear. You don't wanna miss this one? Check it. Whoa. Now it's your boy MDEE The veteran, and welcome to the real ones reserved podcast where we talk about real things that need to be talked about. Disclaimer, I am not a licensed psychologist, therapist, psychiatrist, counselor or any type of behavioral health expert. These are only my  thoughts, and ideas. With that being  said if you care to  listen, do so with an open mind, let's go.

Yo what's happening to everybody. It's your boy MD the veteran and welcome to the real ones reserve podcast, where we talk about self-awareness and inspiration. It's Tuesday, baby, episode 10. Is it taco Tuesday for you? What kind of Tuesday you going to have today, baby? So let's get into it every. We're gonna be talking about overcoming fear today.

Somebody say, Hmm, why are we talking about overcoming fear? Cause fear is a crippling stifling type of thing that's designed to keep you bound, to keep you in check, to keep you from reaching your greatest potential. So with that being. Overcoming fear is such an important thing because so many people I have known personally have settled in life because fear has robbed them.

People capable of being CEOs, owning their own businesses, being lead officers and engineers, they gave up their dreams, their hopes because they didn't want to deal. All the possibilities of the things that could have went wrong during those ventures. So I, I hear you fear. It feels so real when you're going through it.

When you're faced with all of these challenges and decisions, and I get it, I've been there. I'm still dealing with that, but I do my best to not let that keep me bound. So story time. Once was a kid, Malcolm Turner, his kid would shoot basketball like every day. I mean, every day, practicing. I mean, all the time, every day, you couldn't keep a ball out of this kid's hands.

And he was great. He was great at the sport, but he just couldn't overcome fear. That's why that young gentleman fell. He had hoop dreams. He was serious about being a pro. He took it seriously, but what he couldn't overcome was the fear of failure. The fear of not making it to the next level, fear will make you take the easy way out.

Fear will put so many thoughts in your head. To where it doesn't even make any sense. It's not a realistic thing. Fear is just all the possibilities. It's overinflated possibilities. That's all. It is some cases. Yeah. Some of those things may happen, but the likelihood of them happening isn't correct. And I don't know, but you all, but fear will have you with a lot of remorse, a lot.

Regrets. A lot of, I should have coulda, woulda and watch this it'll have you living or trying to live through other people. I've noticed so many people, whether you are a trainer, whether you're a musician, whether you're an artist, whether you're a plumber, these people who don't have the courage will try to coach you.

The ones that are overcome by fear. They will try to coach those that are in the limelight that are pursuing their dreams. People that don't have the courage, they're the ones who are on the sideline or excuse me, the sideline. A lot of times trying to coach people in the game, think about that. Why?

Because they can't overcome that fear. They don't know how to. For one, they can't admit that they're afraid. They can't admit that they have their doubts. Everyone has doubts. Like I'll give you guys another quick story. Uh, me and my flag football team, when we were down range, everybody know me before every game, I would just get quiet.

I would go through my warmups and I really wouldn't talk. It was. Combination of fear, excitement. And I don't think I ever told anybody that, but they probably would wonder, man, why is Malcolm so quiet? Why is he so, uh, reserved it's because I'm locking in, I'm trying to channel my fear and I'm just trying to ball the hell out, you know?

So , that was just my method of going about it. But sh I was afraid too. You. But I went out there and performed. So let's take a little deeper look at fear. So what is fear? What is it? Is it your deepest, uh, concerns?  what is it? What, what do you have to fear what's going to happen to you? Will you be ridiculed?

Will you killed? What is the fear? What, what is keeping you, what's keeping you bound. What's controlling you now. I don't know about you guys, but I don't like nothing controlling me. I really don't. So that's why I'm trying my hardest to be braver, you know, and step out and just handle my business. Like look at my podcast.

I opened myself up to so much scrutiny. Uh, so many opinions. Um, people, I would've did it like this. I would've did it like that. Now, those people who know me who love me, who want me to succeed, I greatly appreciate it, you know, but there are truly people that are out there and. Always trying to one up, you are saying so on and so forth, but bro, you don't even have a show.

So stop like honestly, dude, I hate public speaking. Now I would do it when I had to, but I really hate public speaking. It's a, I'm afraid of it, you know, but I would do it when I had to. What I want everyone to do is just as it relates to whatever you're afraid of is just think about the possibilities, what could go wrong.

And even if the worst outcome happened, what's the worst that's gonna happen to you. You're not gonna die. You might be a little embarrassed or disappointed in yourself, but what's the realistic thing that's going to happen. Nowadays. Somebody troll. Or, and a lot of these trolling folks are too, even scared to show their face.

So like, come on, man. What I'm asking you all to do is dig deep. Man, give yourself a chance to be successful. Give yourself a chance to live your life to the fullest. And you know, all these things I'm practicing. As I preach 'em to. I'm trying to overcome a lot of things. A lot of fear, a lot of trauma, but it's all part of the game, man.

So I want us all to get serious about overcoming these fears and just realizing what these. Fears are, it's just something that's designed to keep us less than, less than what we're supposed to be less than our fullest potential it's it's designed to keep us less than so wrapping up today is show good people.

I hope you all are inspired, motivated to attack the day. And, um, just to recap, we talked about overcoming fear today. Uh, how fear keeps us trapped, keep us from achieving our highest potential and what we could do to like counteract that, to fight back against those negative thoughts, you know? And, um, I hope you all learn something today and that's always, it's your boy, the veteran.

So who you think you're better than.